Level 5 announces localization of Professor Layton sequels

This justifies my purchase of my own DSi, since when these come out, my wife will never let me touch the DS lite ever again.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']The real question should be, what took them so long?[/QUOTE]

Indeed, I would support the mob rushing Level 5, except that it might further delay the release...
If I had to guess at the reason for the delay in localization, I'd point at NoA/NoE. In Japan, Nintendo published the first title, but Level 5 handled it afterward. If you look at Layton's manual and the extras section, you see hints that the sequel was always supposed to head here.

I'm guessing Level 5 was asking NoA if they'd handle it, and they kept saying they would, and then nothing would be done. That probably continued for a while.

Now Level 5 has every reason to do it themselves - the sales of the thing are incredible.

This is all just a guess though.
It's about time. I couldn't put the first one down, and was at the end of the game within a weekend(not with all the puzzles completed then of course).
About fucking time.

I had feared the worst.

Think there's still hope for Mario vs. Wario, Wrecking Crew 98, and Mario's Super Picross (all games I already own, grumble).
Nice. This news has been a long time coming.

That Lisa Kudrow commercial annoys the hell out of me for some reason. If it means that we get the sequel and beyond, then I'll tolerate it... I guess.
I've always had a thing for Lisa Kudrow, although that commercial (do they seriously have a 1 minute commercial for broadcast TV) is kind of goofy.
It's about time.
I was getting worried that Nintendo forgot about it...

Of course, when I saw the ad with Lisa Kudrow on TV a while back I was left with confusion, annoyance and hope.
[quote name='Zeranium']
I was getting worried that Nintendo forgot about it...

Well, they did, since Level 5 is doing it themselves rather than Nintendo handling it.
Well, they did, since Level 5 is doing it themselves rather than Nintendo handling it.
Ah, I see.

I'm guessing that's why Nintendo finally ran an ad for the game so long after it was released.
When news of the sequel localization was finally announced, I was so excited I started playing the first game again. I quit last summer after disappointment of not hearing anything about a sequel...and thought I would have to make the rest of Layton 1 last for a very long time!

I just finished it the other night. :) Yay, no hints used!
It's going to take even longer for the sequels to reach the UK, but it's still good to hear that they are getting an English release! :D
EB Games (Canada) has taken one more step to securring a prime location in Hell as apparently they are just making up games now.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village has apparently gone multiplatform and can now be purchased for the PS3 and Xbox 360 -- all for the low, low price of $70.


Not too sure if/when they'll fix it, but as of this writing that's what the link says.
Yes, I would imagine that Layton wouldn't look too good in HD, probably something like this:

[quote name='Cao Cao']Yes, I would imagine that Layton wouldn't look too good in HD, probably something like this:


:rofl: I have no idea what that means, but YES!

And I literally beat the game last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I can't wait for the next one.
bread's done