Life-long gamer burnt-out: does this happen to anyone else?


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Like many of you reading this, I've been gaming my whole life. I've had a controller in my hands since before I could talk, and a portable system in my pocket since - well - I had pockets. The point is, gaming has always been a passion of mine. It was something to get excited about.

But now I just don't feel motivated to touch my games anymore. I'm on a 5-week break from uni right now, and I made it a point to take my ps3 home so I can start chewing away at my embarassingly large backlog, but I just don't have the will. I think I've played maybe 3 hours of games since being home. I turn it on and my mind drifts, usually to the book I'm reading, and after 15 to 20 minutes the game is off and I'm reading.

It's upsetting because I am still very passionate about games, and follow gaming news to the tee. But it's hard to feel like a gamer when you can't even play games.

Does this ever happen to anyone else?
I ebb and flow with gaming. For instance, I played a good bit from Dec to March this year, then barely touched games. After that I played a good bit in May and June, then barely touched games until playing a good bit in September through Mid November.

Now I'm burnt out again and not feeling like doing any gaming. Just not feeling the games I have around, and not much out I'm interest in picking up. So I've been spending more time on other hobbies like TV, Movies, Sports and books.
Totally. I was like that for a while this last year. Now I'm getting back into it.

Sometimes it's good to just take a break from gaming, do other things, and come back when you're ready.
The number one problem here is that you have something called a "backlog" -- aka, a bunch of games you have little interest in other than to "chew" through in your free time. That's not gaming.

It shouldn't feel like a task, and if it does, take a break or sell all those games. I'm a fan of every single genre and I can only bring myself to buy 3-5 new games a year. This way I'm always excited for the next game, and I have time for other hobbies that I find more enjoyable than grinding through games that are just okay.
I agree with Panzerfaust on that. I was about ready to quit gaming last gen as it was feeling like a chore with a backlog (though a small one compared to most on here) making gaming gaming feel more like work than fun.

I've enjoyed it more this gen with only owning one console and only buying games when I plan on playing them right away. I still get burnt out and need breaks, but at least it's never felt like a chore this generation as I have no pressure to finish games and move on to another in the backlog.
Yeah totally with the backlog idea. When you feel like you have to play games to get through them you aren't going to enjoy it and it's going to feel like a job. I don't game as much as I used to, but I have what many here would consider a backlog dozens of games long. But, I changed my thinking. I consider myself more collector now. If I never get to those games I'm fine with it. I buy what I want and I play what I want. You could definately make an argument that I lose too much money if I'm not playing those games, but I have more disposable income now and in a way I'm making up for many of the games I missed in my youth. Probably still stupid, but my wife says it's better than drugs so she's on my side :)
I have to agree on the backlog. I enjoyed my games a lot more when I knew I had to make do with what I had. Games I wouldn't even touch today I used to play endlessly.
Happened to me...! It really sucks getting older cuz I'm not so into gaming as much as I was last year or the year before or the year before... A break from gaming is a good idea and I should probably do that to keep things fresh.

I can't play a game that requires alot of time and attention so I play quick games like these:
buzz quiz
worms 2
super street fighter 4 or any other fighting game
cod zombies
dj hero 2 (favorite game right now)

I can't get myself to finish these long games like valcyria chronicles and so on.

I don't want to condone drinking or smoking but yeah, they will make gaming as fun as if you were 10 years old but I think we all know this.
I couldn't agree more with the backlog issue. It's the reason why I quit console gaming for about two years and only touched portables on occasion. It wasn't until I bought a 360 and retired my PS2 for good that I got back into the swing of things. Unfortunately I can tell it's only a matter of time before I quit again because most of my favorite genres are heading in directions I don't agree with for the casual crowd and a lot of franchises are lacking the same depth /entertainment value necessary for me to play them. If single player titles continue down this path I'll probably return to the Fighting genre and focus on becoming a tournament quality player this time around or just take another long break.
I have been playing games since the days of Atari and NES. I did not ever own one but I always had friends that did. The first system I owned was Sega Genesis and I played it religiously. It did not matter which game, genre, whether it was good or bad, whether I was good at it or not, I would play. My next system was an N64 and by that time I was really into the wrestling games for WCW or WWF. If they put out a wrestling game on a system I would buy the system just so I could play it; Playstation, Dreamcast, PS2, etc. I bought a Wii because of the hype, had fun with it but it has run its course. I bought a PS3 for Blu Ray and gaming and have been happy with it. Kinda moved toward just watching BluRays on it though. Nowadays I dont get as excited when a new WWE game comes out and am not desperate to buy any game as soon as its released. However, I keep buying games just because I can get a deal on them. I think out of the 40+ games I own on PS3 and Wii
I've played alot of hours or beaten maybe 10. When I did play I would play a few levels of one title and quit then move on to the next title before stopping completely. It happens.
I've had burnout, but due to the opposite problem: the lack of a backlog. RPGs this gen have been terrible so I don't buy that many new games (I've also gotten pickier about quality than in my youth). Problem is I've already replayed all my old games I care to replay in the past couple years already. So I took a short break and read some library books or watched things on Hulu while I waited for new releases or the urge to play my old games.
It might only last a few weeks but I also get burnt out. Usually it just takes the right game to pull me out of my funk.

Usually around the holidays I get bombarded with too many games, more than I care to play. I think I'm getting to that point again.
This tends to happen when you play lots of the same games, or when companies release Generic space marine/america's army FPS #228 with a new coat of paint every 3 months.

Back off for awhile, or play some different games.
[quote name='2DMention']This tends to happen when you play lots of the same games, or when companies release Generic space marine/america's army FPS #228 with a new coat of paint every 3 months.

Back off for awhile, or play some different games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, playing some different games is the best advice I can give. There are plenty of wholly original games out there if you are willing to look past the most hyped/popular games. Even if you think you know what you like, sometimes it's best to try something new.
It takes a very special game for me to be interested in it for more than a weekend. I stick around gaming for those special occasions, though, because they're worth it. Like Ys: Oath in Felghana for PSP. That's one special game.

I got Gran Turismo 5 the first day it was out. I had five days to myself to play it, and I did. A lot. Then I didn't play it nearly as much. I haven't touched it for three or four weeks. It's a bit of a bummer.

Dirt 2 was great fun while it lasted. I only stopped playing it because I ran out of stuff to do.

Time Crisis: Razing Storm is one of the weakest light gun games I've played, I'm afraid. That one is already packed away with the GunCon 3 and the (much better) Time Crisis 4.

Guitar Hero and Rock Band games actually held my interest for quite a long time. When I got my free Van Halen, though, I was beginning to lose my desire to play them. I'm not quite sure if I want to get the pro guitar for Rock Band 3, but I'm sure that's the only way I'd get back into playing those games. I wasn't some party gamer, either. I played Guitar Hero and Rock Band for the top score in expert mode. I guess part of the longevity I got out of those games was learning how to play expert mode.

I recently got some new NES cartridges, and I'll see how they hold up.
Just take a break, a real break and find something else to do. Gaming isn't a job and when you start treating it like you have to do it that is when it stops being fun. If you come back to it cool if not oh well gotta let some things go.
Yeah, breaks are key with any hobby.

I've never been one that can focus too much on any one hobby. I just go back and forth between which I'm spending the most time on.
Well, I used to game like crazy, six hours straight... Level up to the max, beat the games inside out, pulling impossible combos etc... Then comes college and dating, off the gaming radar for five years (totally skipped the PS2 and Xbox era).

After gaming on the PS3 and Xbox 360, the interest is still there, but not the passion. I can't bring myself to play the games inside out anymore. Of course, then out of no where, I'm addicted to trophies... Now, I game like crazy again, just for trophies.

Seriously, without trophies, I don't think I want to game at all. Achievements are fine too, but there's no platinum points :whistle2:(

It's different for everybody... In the past, you got time and energy (no money :lol:). Now, you got money to buy all of the games and accessories, but alas, no time :lol:

Moderation is not really the key for those of us have to work, because we CAN only play certain hours a day :lol: We are forced to play moderately, especially there are other things too, like TV/Movies/Reading books or articles... Life is full of other stuff, so yeah, things come and go. I don't know when I'll get bored of the trophies, but I know it's just a phase of gaming life at the moment.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, breaks are key with any hobby.

I've never been one that can focus too much on any one hobby. I just go back and forth between which I'm spending the most time on.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm kind of the same way. I tend to always be playing at least some game a little bit, but generally, I'll have times where I pretty much spend all my time watching movies or TV show seasons while doing very little gaming, or vice versa.
Backlogs do hinder your enjoyment in gaming I've noticed. I have a MASSIVE backlog right now and I find that I buy more than I actually play. It isn't too often I get a game that totally has me hooked until finish anymore. That is why I try to rent more games and buy only the big ones. I find that I want to play a game badly, so I buy it and play it a couple of times and never touch it again. All of this will hurt your gaming libido.

Rent more, buy only the ones you are most excited for, and trade in all of that crap you don't think you will ever touch again.
This happens to me on occasion. Sometimes I'll take a week-long break from doing anything online, period, and not just while going on vacation. It's funny when people on my list will message me with "hey, good to see you back!" when I haven't gone anywhere.

It's healthy to take an extended break every now and then, too -- it's possible your brain is hungry for some different stimuli. Whenever I feel "game burnout," I'll grab a book to read, put the baroque music on my stereo and relax. A bike ride or workout on my elliptical accomplishes the same thing.
Same here,

Like alot of people mentioned the backlog makes gaming feel like a chore, but it's more than just that. It's now that I'm older I feel like I'm wasting to much time playing games. Being the person I am I want to play every great game and I own almost every console and portable gaming system so that means alot of games are at my disposal.

All the time I spent gaming I could be reading books /comics, watching movies, playing an instrument, drawing, writing, singing, etc.

I spent more time researching and talking about games than I actually do playing them

I still feel passionate about games I just don't fell as immersed as before, I've played so many games that frame rate chugs, glitches, ugly texture, improperly lip-synced dialogue, and repetition bother too much, where before I could look past these issues now I'm abit cynical, like alot of other gamers out there I've played so many games that if you ask me about a game I can compare it to other games I've played that are like it and I'll name any technical issues like a video game reviewer
The only game I play anymore is the occasional Bioshock 2 multiplayer. No idea why I love that game so much.

Do enjoy playing games with my relatives and friends, but that's usually a semi-annual occasion.
I kind of got burned out on retail releases "epic" type games. I prefer now to just download stuff off the xbox live marketplace. I seem to be able to get in to those games more knowing I won't have to sit through tons of cinematics. The in game movies have really ruined playing games for me.
I like cinematics as long as they're not too long/frequent. A game with a good story will keep me playing. Games that are just gameplay, going for high score etc. like arcade games have never been able to hold my interest.
[quote name='KornKid91']Same here,

Like alot of people mentioned the backlog makes gaming feel like a chore, but it's more than just that. It's now that I'm older I feel like I'm wasting to much time playing games. Being the person I am I want to play every great game and I own almost every console and portable gaming system so that means alot of games are at my disposal.

All the time I spent gaming I could be reading books /comics, watching movies, playing an instrument, drawing, writing, singing, etc.

I spent more time researching and talking about games than I actually do playing them

I still feel passionate about games I just don't fell as immersed as before, I've played so many games that frame rate chugs, glitches, ugly texture, improperly lip-synced dialogue, and repetition bother too much, where before I could look past these issues now I'm abit cynical, like alot of other gamers out there I've played so many games that if you ask me about a game I can compare it to other games I've played that are like it and I'll name any technical issues like a video game reviewer[/QUOTE]

This is how I've been feeling and I just made some changes I hope help.

Stop following so much game news. I'm cutting back on sites I visit. No more NeoGaf, check Joystiq twice a day, etc.

Next, get out of the gotta play them all mentality. I never used to be like that, and it's what I feel makes gaming a chore. It's not feasible to spend the time on everything in any hobby.

I dumped a huge part of my collection. Try to have one single player game you're focusing on, with some multiplayer games to balance it out. Dump older versions when newer ones comes out. Example, I won't play gears 2 when gears 3 is out.

I think what "woke" me up to realize this, was my friends reaction to Assassins creed brotherhood. He's been loving it so much, and has a gaming passion I used to have.

For work all I do is alter behavior so I should be able to alter my own, right? :)
[quote name='dmaul1114']I like cinematics as long as they're not too long/frequent. A game with a good story will keep me playing. Games that are just gameplay, going for high score etc. like arcade games have never been able to hold my interest.[/QUOTE]

Im the same way i guess. I should have been clearer. I can deal with cinematics, but if they are to frequent and long I just shut the game off. To me it seems like a lot of games have gone that way though. Especially RPG games which I actually do like I just can't stand sitting and watching stuff.
[quote name='seanr1221']This is how I've been feeling and I just made some changes I hope help.

Stop following so much game news. I'm cutting back on sites I visit. No more NeoGaf, check Joystiq twice a day, etc.

Next, get out of the gotta play them all mentality. I never used to be like that, and it's what I feel makes gaming a chore. It's not feasible to spend the time on everything in any hobby.

I dumped a huge part of my collection. Try to have one single player game you're focusing on, with some multiplayer games to balance it out. Dump older versions when newer ones comes out. Example, I won't play gears 2 when gears 3 is out.

I think what "woke" me up to realize this, was my friends reaction to Assassins creed brotherhood. He's been loving it so much, and has a gaming passion I used to have.

For work all I do is alter behavior so I should be able to alter my own, right? :)[/QUOTE]

It should be a huge help. I was the same way and now just pick up 5-7 or so games a year that I really want to play and focus on enjoying those.

No backlogs making games feel like work. No "gotta play them all" stress making want to rush through games etc.

I also stopped keeping up on gaming news other than coming to CAG. I don't visit any other sites, get any gaming magazines etc. any more. No need if I'm just playing a handful of AAA games in genres I love each year.

[quote name='schuerm26']Im the same way i guess. I should have been clearer. I can deal with cinematics, but if they are to frequent and long I just shut the game off. To me it seems like a lot of games have gone that way though. Especially RPG games which I actually do like I just can't stand sitting and watching stuff.[/QUOTE]

Same. I don't play JRPGs anymore partly for that, and partly for just not being able to stomach those type of stories and game design any more.

I love WRPGs like Mass Effect or Dragon Age or Oblivion though. Still a decent amount of story, and instead of long cinematics you get dialogue sections that are much more interesting since you can choose what to say etc.
[quote name='dmaul1114']

Same. I don't play JRPGs anymore partly for that, and partly for just not being able to stomach those type of stories and game design any more.

I love WRPGs like Mass Effect or Dragon Age or Oblivion though. Still a decent amount of story, and instead of long cinematics you get dialogue sections that are much more interesting since you can choose what to say etc.[/QUOTE]

I haven't played Dragon Age but Mass Effect, Oblivion and Fallout 3 I absolutely loved. Took me bit on Mass Effect but I couldn't stop playing once I got into it.
Dragon Age is great with story, characters, dialogue etc. I don't dig the combat much (it's not action based like ME or Oblivion--more like Star Wars KOTOR or the old Baldur's Gate games etc.--hit buttons to give commands etc.). But I just put it on easy so I don't have to worry much with the nuances of the combat or all the stat micromanaging etc.
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