Like Reviewing Games? Like $$?

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If you've checked out my site from my previous reviews, you may not need to read this. If not and you like writing/gaming/reviewing...give me a few seconds and you'll see whats up.

I've started a new game review site (not another one!!) called I have previously ran a sucessful book review site but that was BORING and decided to give this a whirl. In the world of reviews there is way too much shilling going on. This is a pet peeve of mine and it affects everything from books to videogames. Because of this, I do believe there is a place for quality reviews written by real gamers/readers/users. This is what that site is for.

Show me the money! Well, basically, I'm implementing adsense sharing. I'm sure you all know what adsense is so I won't bore you. Basically, with adsense sharing, any content you create will have ads from your account attached to it a certain percentage of the time. (I'm leaning 50-50). This means, your stuff could generate income to your adsense account (youll need one!). The more reviews/articles/blogs you have, the more chances you have of someone clicking. That is the basic of it all.

It doesn't matter if you have 1 review or 50. You are eligible for the sharing on any amount of content. You do need an active adsense account though (which tends to mean you need another website/blog of your own). Any user can do this...

But I do need some good "staff" reviewers. What's the difference? Well, you could be more involved in the is literally only like 8 days old (not bad for a youngin) and I am still developing the game review module and everything else. I'd love to have some people helping to decide what direction it goes. "Staff" would also have some other perks like space for a gaming blog and email address and shiat like that. You could write an article ranting about why MGS fanboys suck if you want. I I said, who knows where this goes.

Whats the catch? Only try this if you like writing (and are good at it preferably) and realize that it isn't like cash in the bank. Adsense only pays out if you reach $100. I don't believe they ever stop counting though, cause it could take a while :). The good thing is: the more, the merrier. More users == more content == more rank == more hits == more clicks. It is a circle of life so to speak. If you are at all interested, or what to know more, PM me. I've already contacted some people in private as well.

As an aside, I'm also looking into compensating those who don't/can't/won't use adsense on a flat per review basis. I dunno yet though.
Sorry zebbers, but stuff like this needs to go by Cheapy to get his approval. This is a little too much like spam. Closing it up.
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