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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Just got around to watching a couple vids of The Swapper, I had never heard or seen of the game until I saw LRG was releasing it. My first impressions are that it looks like Limbo with a Dead Space skin, lol. Not a bad thing by any means.
It was free on PS+ January 2015. If you have the digital version go download it and give it a play and decide from there. Limbo is a very well crafted linear platform puzzling experience with a steady ramp up in difficutly. The variety of environments in Limbo and types of puzzles keeps the game constantly fresh and I loved that experience. I know I'll want to play Limbo again in the future. The Swapper is more open world /metroidvania but with a fairly nonsense story, inconsistent puzzle complexity, repetitive graphics (the freshness wears off fairly quick which makes it start to feel overly generic) and of course backtracking. It's rather short... but overall I found it decently fun as despite the puzzles being inconsistent in difficutly, there are some good ones. I wouldn't buy it physical, or at full price digital, but I'd recommend it when on sale digitally. I can't imagine I'll ever want to play the Swapper a second time.

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The Swapper is an excellent puzzle game that I really enjoyed playing but I have no reason to own the game physically. If you never played the game I would highly recommend it, but is is also a one and done kind of game. I've played it once, got all the trophies, I don't feel the need to play it again. This is a similar situation that I had with Thomas Was Alone. A great game that I really enjoyed playing but I don't need to own physically.

Aqua Kitty DX is an excellent and fun clone of Defender.
The fact that the developer is adding content to the physical release is the reason I am going to purchase it. 

This below is taken from the developers web site.

This physical release from LIMITED RUN GAMES includes some small improvements over the digital version:
  • INFINITE MODE - now with many more weapons and adjusted enemy waves, this mode is even MORE fun and also easier to achieve its rather tricky trophies.
  • GRAPHICAL CHANGES - a small number of changes and tweaks have been made to areas such as the HUD, to help readability when busy on chaotic levels.
  • LEVEL REBALANCING - a number of levels have been adjusted to improve game progression.
Still debating on Curses and Chaos. I really like the game and that cover art is amazing.

So, just to verify, the "add all to cart" button is going to live for this week's batches of games? 

Not sure I wanna try it or do it the manual route...

So, just to verify, the "add all to cart" button is going to live for this week's batches of games?

Not sure I wanna try it or do it the manual route...
The last I heard that was the case. I only want AK this week, so no issues for me, at least not yet.

I do wonder how qty's will work, when one game has a limit of 1, and then another game has a limit of 2. Will you have to still add an additional single copy to the "all" bundle?

I was going to pass on all the titles released but that Aqua Kitty update may be enough to get me to buy it.
Reading what is actually in the update... it sounds like a game patch rather than any kind of meaningful content update. I gotta wonder why they wouldn't update the digital version as well since some of these things are to fix bugs. I don't think this kind of stuff should be exclusive. Maybe they have plans to patch it afterwards... I think I'll contact the dev.

Reading what is actually in the update... it sounds like a game patch rather than any kind of meaningful content update. I gotta wonder why they wouldn't update the digital version as well since some of these things are to fix bugs. I don't think this kind of stuff should be exclusive. Maybe they have plans to patch it afterwards... I think I'll contact the dev.
Due to the limited nature of this release, and how LRG likes to include all updates and DLC on the carts when possible, I'll assume this update will happen for the digital release as well at some point, but it's cool they announced it for the LRG release first.

Due to the limited nature of this release, and how LRG likes to include all updates and DLC on the carts when possible, I'll assume this update will happen for the digital release as well at some point, but it's cool they announced it for the LRG release first.
That's probably what is happening. I still went ahead and emailed the dev. If they get back to me I'll share the info.

It already kind of stings that the X1 version is getting extra actual content that the PSN version isn't.

The people from Tikipod got back to me (pretty remarkable considering they are a 2 person team) and they said that after they get through with their current work load they are planning to do the update to the digital version on PSN (especially since sony doesn't charge to publish updates).  I'd imagine their current work is just finishing Aqua Kitty UDX for X1... but they may have other irons in the fire.  Either way they are planning to update it but they want to give people an incentive for spending so much on the physical versions.

Ultimately the physical version will completely sell out regardless of bug fixes so I think it's kind of silly, but whatever.  As long as they get the fixes out to everyone eventually... I'm cool with waiting.  It's not like the game is completely broken... the fixes just make some of the game easier and cleans up the UI a little bit.

Did anyone buy the Asia version of Soldner X2? Got it a few days ago, and the cover artwork is fantastic! Here are a few comparison pics, Asia on left, U.S. on right:


Did anyone buy the Asia version of Soldner X2? Got it a few days ago, and the cover artwork is fantastic! Here are a few comparison pics, Asia on left, U.S. on right:


Yeah I got my copy yesterday and I'll agree the artwork is awesome. Did you get the card with artwork on both sides?
Yeah I got my copy yesterday and I'll agree the artwork is awesome. Did you get the card with artwork on both sides?
Yep got the big postcard too, very cool! I just ordered a second copy from Play Asia, shmups like this are very rare on the Vita, and getting one of this quality is unheard of. Here's the link at PA if anyone is interested, the game is only about $30 shipped, fantastic deal:

EDIT: The game also comes with a full color manual and reversible cover.
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Did anyone buy the Asia version of Soldner X2? Got it a few days ago, and the cover artwork is fantastic! Here are a few comparison pics, Asia on left, U.S. on right:
Actually like the LRG cover more, only b/c there's fewer obstructions on the cover... although overall, the Asian version has a better cover.

Actually like the LRG cover more, only b/c there's fewer obstructions on the cover... although overall, the Asian version has a better cover.
I think both of the front covers look fantastic, though I agree that the LRG cover looks cleaner without the rating logo. But I prefer the Asia back cover, love the background, three screenshots, and the robot thing.
I remember there was a vote on the cover art.
Yeah, it's nice to see the reversible cover option won.

As for which is better... both look fine to me. I'd give the LRG one props for the two ships on a game with 2 in the name... I'd give the Asia props for the better screen shots on the back and looking more like a legitimate release (ratings code and being a real region 3 game where as the LRG one is Region All which to me just doesn't look as good as if it were Region 1).

In any event, I'm glad there was a second option for getting this game. For fans wanting a physical copy... this is a win win.

Combined shipping details released.

Not sure how I feel about this, and it doesn't seem to be saving a whole lot on shipping.  I guess even a little bit is better than nothing, but still seems a little bit more convoluted than I thought it would be.

The cost of adding the item to the cart is $2.50.

"Add this item to your cart if you would like your shipment held. We will only hold shipments for a maximum of four weeks from purchase. We will not ship any orders containing this item until the four weeks are up or you request the shipment be released.

How this works:

  • Buy this item to have your initial order held
  • When you make new purchases open a support ticket within 24 hours at requesting to combine the order with your older held order. Make sure to include both the new and older order numbers! We will refund the shipping cost for the newest order, minus the consolidation fee*.
  • When you are ready to have your order shipped, open a support ticket at
  • If you don't contact us to have your order shipped, it will automatically be shipped after four weeks have passed.
Because this will need to manually tracked and the overhead and expense associated is very high, there is a fee attached to holding an order. This is to prevent abuse of holding orders as it will disrupt our shipping process if too many orders are held.

*Each order combined with your original will be subject to a $3.00 consolidation fee.

Orders can only be combined from the same account the original purchase was made.

We can not add this service to orders that do not contain this item. Please make sure it is present in any order you wish to be held.

We can not retroactively combine orders with past preorders."
So some number crunching, so correct me if I'm wrong since maff is hard.

Start off with the $5 shipping for the base order, plus the $2.50 for adding the hold item to your cart.

Three weeks of orders being held that will be combined with the original order, plus the three weeks of consolidation fees ($3 per week) of $9.

Total with the hold, and combined shipping discounts comes out to $5.50+$2.50+$9 = $17

Regular shipping costs over four weeks is $22.

Total savings over four weeks is $22-$17 = $5.

And the way it's worded, it's done by weeks, and not orders, so basically if there is a week that doesn't have a dual platform, or a release you want, you won't be able to reap the full benefits of this.

2 weeks worth of holds discounts $5.50+$2.50+$3 = $11

2 weeks of normal shipping costs $11

3 weeks worth of hold discounts $5.50+$2.50+$6 = $14

3 weeks worth of hold discounts $16.50

Doesn't really seem all that beneficial in the end, or at least, not the way they made it sound when it was first introduced.

So some number crunching, so correct me if I'm wrong since maff is hard.

Start off with the $5 shipping for the base order, plus the $2.50 for adding the hold item to your cart.

Three weeks of orders being held that will be combined with the original order, plus the three weeks of consolidation fees ($3 per week) of $9.

Total with the hold, and combined shipping discounts comes out to $5.50+$2.50+$9 = $17

Regular shipping costs over four weeks is $22.

Total savings over four weeks is $22-$17 = $5.

And the way it's worded, it's done by weeks, and not orders, so basically if there is a week that doesn't have a dual platform, or a release you want, you won't be able to reap the full benefits of this.

2 weeks worth of holds discounts $5.50+$2.50+$3 = $11

2 weeks of normal shipping costs $11

3 weeks worth of hold discounts $5.50+$2.50+$6 = $14

3 weeks worth of hold discounts $16.50

Doesn't really seem all that beneficial in the end, or at least, not the way they made it sound when it was first introduced.
In fairness, didn't they really do this for international customers who were routinely paying significant amounts to ship one or two games multiple times per month? I don't really see a reason why most US consumers would even need this given that shipping is just $5.25 per order.

That's true, international buyers will benefit a lot from this.

Personally, I was just hoping the US customer base could also benefit from it a bit more, but I guess even a little benefit will still be better than nothing for many.

I'm probably not even going to bother since as you've mentioned, shipping was pretty cheap to begin with anyways, and I'm impatient, and want things sooner rather than later. :D

Yeah... that doesn't sound as seamless as I thought it was but I'm guessing they have their reasons. 

Speaking of shipping, I think either LRG or their local USPS has problem with shipment pick-ups. I had a support ticket for a missing item address and support mailed it out over a week ago and the package is still waiting to be picked up by USPS. I understood the problem during the holidays but I would think the USPS' congestion would be cleared up by now and it shouldn't take this long for something to be picked up. 

Yeah... that doesn't sound as seamless as I thought it was but I'm guessing they have their reasons.

Speaking of shipping, I think either LRG or their local USPS has problem with shipment pick-ups. I had a support ticket for a missing item address and support mailed it out over a week ago and the package is still waiting to be picked up by USPS. I understood the problem during the holidays but I would think the USPS' congestion would be cleared up by now and it shouldn't take this long for something to be picked up.
Sounds like a nightmare. :*(

Yeah, not really seeing much benefit here.  To me it would be better to just ship as I buy.  Too much of a chance for things to go wrong under all these manual exception processes.

In fairness, didn't they really do this for international customers who were routinely paying significant amounts to ship one or two games multiple times per month? I don't really see a reason why most US consumers would even need this given that shipping is just $5.25 per order.
I believe shipping in the last order was raised up to $5.50 per order. Hopefully they have stopped with the little raises considering it was $3.99 to ship just over a year ago.

Yeah... that doesn't sound as seamless as I thought it was but I'm guessing they have their reasons.

Speaking of shipping, I think either LRG or their local USPS has problem with shipment pick-ups. I had a support ticket for a missing item address and support mailed it out over a week ago and the package is still waiting to be picked up by USPS. I understood the problem during the holidays but I would think the USPS' congestion would be cleared up by now and it shouldn't take this long for something to be picked up.
I can't believe they are still having issues with sending out orders because that is something they were supposed to be improving on in the new year. I definitely noticed some improvements on my end since I got the latest order in about a week (instead of 2 to 3 weeks).

It seems the combined shipping is probably a lot better deal for International buyers. Not so much for us.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the main reason they initiated the combined shipping was based on complaints from International customers. Domestic US customers will be better off shipping as they order.

Yeah, I never planned to do this, as it just seemed like more work for these guys(and they have to much as it is), and while I'm as cheap as the next man, I don't mind paying a few bucks every other week for my orders.

After reading this is more for international buyers, then it seems like a very good option, as I know what international shipping cost, and it is rather expensive, even for small things at this point.

They shouldn't even offer this to US buyers, as I don't see the point. I'm happy to the pay shipping each time just to keep the process simple, as this seems complicated as  fuck ! LOL

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Sounds like a nightmare. :*(
I mean, it's not a huge deal and I don't mind waiting, but I feel like there's more to this than the USPS simply taking forever.

I've used the USPS pick up option a few times and they always pick up my stuff next day. I'm guessing that since, the rules are different and the local USPS might not be prepared for how LRG operations as they sell items in batches rather than continuously. But still, this is a replacement item during a slow period for USPS and with LRG not having anything for sale was end of Dec and those have likely been fulfilled.

The issue with Vinny's item is that it's a replacement and USPS is not currently making daily pickups at our office. We haven't had much for them to pick up with no releases in the last three weeks. When CS packs and labels a replacement it gets put in our warehouse to await pickup. With no pickups scheduled, neither Douglas nor I knew mail was sitting back there. AFAIK, everything is out now.

For reference, we had no issues fulfilling Lone Survivor and drastically improved shipping times for both domestic and international customers. Keep in mind we also introduced the new boxes which added tons of work to fulfillment.

The shipping cost increases were necessary to expand our shipping staff, switch to boxes on many orders, and grow our customer service team. USPS recently raised shipping rates this month and we've been forced to add a slightly higher rate for heavier shipments (>1.25 lbs). 98% of orders will still fall into the $5.50 category so no reason to panic. We have no intention to raise that shipping cost further so expect $5.50 to be the going rate for 2017 unless unforeseen circumstances force our hand.
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Hope we get some game announcements soon. Specifically the Feb and March titles
Press releases are coming soon for the two big Japanese releases. The March PS4 game and the ex-February Vita release (unfortunately we couldn't get it into manufacturing fast enough for our desired date).
I'll just do combine shipping cause im a cheap ass. Wait a minute... arent we all cheap asses? hehe
The second I got hooked into buying LRG releases, I stopped being a cheap ass. I'm no longer getting the PS4 releases though, so maybe I'm slowly returning to cheap ass status.

The second I got hooked into buying LRG releases, I stopped being a cheap ass. I'm no longer getting the PS4 releases though, so maybe I'm slowly returning to cheap ass status.
I gotta admit this kind of contributed to my push to get more games at launch for fear of not getting a copy. I'm typically super cheap about stuff since I can wait for a sale or whatever.

In order to break the cycle, I am only buying physical games when I'm either already a MASSIVE fan of the game, franchise, or I have done enough research to be genuinely excited to own it (to play). I started this last January, though I still kind of failed because cheap digital caught my bargain bin loving eyes a bit too much. This year I'm pushing more to stay away from cheap and focus even more on games that are VERY VERY meaningful to me. So in a way it's helped push me to do more preordering (DQ8, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0) but also to be more picky about what I'm buying and why.

TLDR: I'm focusing more on quality of game than resell value.

Nothing wrong with that. If you bought every LRG release....well it adds up to quite a bit esp now with quite a few releases a month. I will always buy the ones I want (any RPGs usually and other interesting games). I also am picky about pre-orders/buying games on release. I am in a weird work situation though, so I'm limiting a lot of stuff and only buying the ones most likely to be played. I also got Yakuza 0 cause of that free $10 from BestBuy to go along with another certificate I believe. I also love the Yakuza games. Only LRG games I really want are Waifu Bartending, Cosmic Star Heroine and I believe Narcissu. In a way this job situation is really getting me to really enjoy what I get and smack away the debt quicker.

Has there been any update on Skullgirls? I don't remember if it got pushed back at all?
It got delayed cuz the Japanese Company hasn't written up a contract in regards to the JPN VO.

I asked Ravi about it after they released the Lobby Patch and he said this

The initial plan was to release the lobbies at the same time as the Japanese VO, but we still don't have a signed contract there.

Since Japan is slow and we have no idea when, we decided to split it into two patches - lobbies and JP VO.

Now that the lobby patch is out, we need to test the JP VO patch. Once that passes, then we can make the ISO for the physical release, get that tested, and manufacture it.
The money thing is a bit of a concern for me too and I've been trying to cut back. Skipped Lone Survivor and I'm only going to buy 3 games from this next batch of 4 being released, but I'm officially stumped, lol. I've decided Oxenfree and Curses N Chaos are happening for sure, and I was going to go with Swapper, but after hearing a bit more and thinking about it I may go with Aqua Kitty on the Vita instead because it's got more replayability and is a quick, accessible game you can grab and play in short sessions, which for me, makes a good Vita game. Maybe I'll just download Swapper. 

Only LRG games I really want are Waifu Bartending, Cosmic Star Heroine and I believe Narcissu. In a way this job situation is really getting me to really enjoy what I get and smack away the debt quicker.
I find in stressful situations it almost makes me not want to game anymore and sell everything off. Ha! But yeah, I'm hyped for Cosmic Star Heroine. That, and of course announcements of new games is what I keep coming back for. I hope the dev finally gets it done this year and it holds up to the hype.

Maybe I'll just download Swapper.
Just out of a recommendation, if you like Defender style games, Resogun is quite amazing. It's sad the Vita version doesn't have all the expansions but it's still one heck of a game (and free on PS+ back in November 2013).

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I thought LRG was going to add options to buy multiple games with one button? I'm looking to buy Aqua Kitty for both PS4 and Vita, without having to do it separately.
bread's done