Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Then again it's ebay. Career resellers often list more than they have and fake buy them to generate hype and inflate prices, desire, and demand.
There are fees due to eBay and PayPal for every sale to the tune of about $10 for a $70 game. No one would do that, not even "career resellers." My "career" (minuscule side job at best) reselling games has paid for 1128 North American PS3 games, leaving me about 40 short of the entire collection. What kind of expert are you?


Keeping current though, I think DariusBurst should have its own day because of the expected demand for these schmups, namely DB. We'll probably get them sooner too.

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Ah ebay, always the video gamers boogeyman. It's convenient since people can just say whatever they want that sounds good to them with no actual insight or factual knowledge at all and point at eBay and say "that's the bad man right there!" Things like empirical evidence or proof aren't even needed to mindlessly just spew pure bullshit out their ass and vomit out of their mouths anything they want because they are pissed off. Not sure which is worse, those people or the ones that see it and take it as fact and then regurgitate it out again to others. Those kinds of gamers are as bad as hardcore religious folks because they are the same mindset.

But they only care when they can't get a game themselves, never care when it's someone else. They only care when they see other people get something and they dont. But what they don't realize is life isn't fair, never has been, never will be....ever.

Missing out a game physically that you can still play digitally and getting upset about it means you should be happy because you have no real problems at all if that's the kind of petty shit that upsets you.
cmon guys. WITH Dariusburst to save on shipping.
I can't vote since I'm not a Twitter user. Dariusburst is going to be insane and sell out in seconds. It just adds more complications to try and checkout with both games, especially where your order is not reserved anymore. I'd like to save money on shipping too, but Nova-111 really needs to be sold by itself.

If anyone can help - I have to add my CC info anew each time I check out from LRG. Is there a way to add that permanently so I can check out faster?

If anyone can help - I have to add my CC info anew each time I check out from LRG. Is there a way to add that permanently so I can check out faster?
I don't think there's a way to save it, probably for added security. You can save it to PayPal / Amazon instead and use that, or type up your card number in notepad and copy + paste, so you only have to enter the other stuff. A browser's auto-fill option might also work.

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I just hope it gets released on the 21. I would rather waste $6 on shipping then missing out on a game because I was adding it to cart.

I just hope it gets released on the 21. I would rather waste $6 on shipping then missing out on a game because I was adding it to cart.
Yeah, that's my thinking on the subject. I would pay almost any place $6-10 in shipping cost strictly to get an item that isn't damaged. Paying it here to not deal with not getting an item is a given, and nothing I need to think twice about.

I almost want them to offer them both on the same day, so I can see all the butt hurt here when shit goes left from those voting for both to save on shipping. If they do offer both same day, I'll still just get one in the am, and the other in the PM, and still pay the extra shipping, so either way I'll make it work.

If anyone can help - I have to add my CC info anew each time I check out from LRG. Is there a way to add that permanently so I can check out faster?
Try using Chrome and saving your card on the browser. If you do that you can just double click the credit card number field to auto-fill the data.
Is the sticker for Runner2 going to be offered on I bought my copy at pax and it came with the card but no sticker. I looked up the color on eBay but did not see it as an available option on
Is the sticker for Runner2 going to be offered on I bought my copy at pax and it came with the card but no sticker. I looked up the color on eBay but did not see it as an available option on
We'll have it up there soon, yeah. Sorry about not having it at PAX - they have a strict rule against stickers.
Try using Chrome and saving your card on the browser. If you do that you can just double click the credit card number field to auto-fill the data.
I have to use my phone since these always go up during business hours and my work system blocks LRG. I don't like to use autofill on mobile devices, and when I do they tend to work inconsistently. Sigh. Would be awesome to save card info and be able to do a verify with the CVV code.
Cosmic Star Heroine's developer is still debugging kind of serious issues, one of which I helped to fix. (in a oh so minor way ;)) So a delay on the Vita will mean that the best bug free version of the game will be what comes to the system. And even with the delay between the digital and L.R.G physical release, there is a greater chance for the perfect no update needed version to be preserved for all time*.

*preserved for all time, is more likely to be about 100-200 years, or at least as long as you have left to live.
Yeah that's true. I think we all agree that we would rather have a less buggy version physical printed on a cart/disc.

Just want to say the solution LRG came up with for Nova-111 is perfect. I'm really glad they'll be available on the same day with 1 shipping charge:

Due to our poll on Twitter ending in a 50/50 tie, we decided to compromise!

Nova-111 will be on sale April 28th along with Dariusburst CS, however, Nova-111 will go live a few minutes before Dariusburst! The reason for that is so you can add Nova-111 to your cart before the Dariusburst frenzy starts.

Just want to say the solution LRG came up with for Nova-111 is perfect. I'm really glad they'll be available on the same day with 1 shipping charge:
Yeah, that solution is objectively worse. How long does it take to add one of the games to cart, a few seconds? The real bottleneck is making it through the rest of the checkout process, which takes around a minute. If you're trying to get both games on one ship, this method does nothing because you still need to make it through checkout after adding Dariusburst, the same bottleneck.

The most you will save is like a second or two on adding Nova-111 to cart, which is completely negated because you will have to sit there doing nothing for several minutes waiting for Dariusburst to come online, during which time all the scalpers are already completing checkout for Nova-111 only. At only 2800 copies, there is a real possibility Nova-111 will sell out before Dariusburst even comes online.

Either have both games come up simultaneously like normal, or instead put like 5-10 seconds between them (not several minutes). 5 seconds accomplishes the same thing of giving you extra time to add both to cart, without the disadvantage of risking Nova-111 selling out while you wait.

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As long as they put Nova up 30 seconds to a minute early it should be fine to get all in one order.  Anything longer than a minute is playing with fire.

If you don't want to risk Nova-111 selling out, checkout early and pay the extra shipping charge.
That was already my plan, as I stated yesterday. I'll get one game in the am, and the other in the afternoon, as I just don't see this going well, and even if it does, I don't mind paying a few extra dollars for ease of use.

Not taking chances.  Ordering Nova-111 and checking out within seconds, then refreshing for Dariusburst.

Which is fine, I wanted separate dates anyway.  People whining about an extra $5 shipping need to get a life.  Bet they will be the first complaining when they miss something as it aborts their checkout from Nova-111 going out of stock, then Dariusburst goes out of stock too as they fumble with and try to recover from the checkout error.

As long as it's not botched and it really is a "few" minutes early, and not some error or delay that causes Dariusburst to go live at the same time or something.

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This is CAG.  There is no such thing as "whining about an extra $5".  Saving money is what we do here.

It's legitimately a bad idea to force people to pay extra when they could easily be shipped together.

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This is CAG. There is no such thing as "whining about an extra $5". Saving money is what we do here.

It's legitimately a bad idea to force people to pay extra when they could easily be shipped together.
Saved for when someone wishes they could have paid $5 extra for shipping instead of $300 on ebay.

Saving money is fine for normal production stuff, but for LRG type releases, the primary focus should be making sure to maximize the chances that you even get one, period.

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Not taking chances. Ordering Nova-111 and checking out within seconds, then refreshing for Dariusburst.

Which is fine, I wanted separate dates anyway. People whining about an extra $5 shipping need to get a life. Bet they will be the first complaining when they miss something as it aborts their checkout from Nova-111 going out of stock, then Dariusburst goes out of stock too as they fumble with and try to recover from the checkout error.

As long as it's not botched and it really is a "few" minutes early, and not some error or delay that causes Dariusburst to go live at the same time or something.
So the people who don't want to pay an extra $5 need to get a life? But you, who just constantly whines about resellers, Xbox users, and having to own every game printed, are cool? Ok.
So the people who don't want to pay an extra $5 need to get a life? But you, who just constantly whines about resellers, Xbox users, and having to own every game printed, are cool? Ok.
$5 is minuscule compared to the prospect of potentially not getting something at all, forever.

Watch when people bitch that the Dariusburst LE isn't the usual $5 for shipping, think about ordering it and then it'll be SOLD OUT! I've seen people on CAG bitch about $10-20 shipping costs and then pay double for the item in the long run. Sometimes you'll be shit outta luck for being too cheap.
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Watch when people bitch that the Dariusburst LE isn't the usual $5 for shipping, think about ordering it and then it'll be SOLD OUT! I've seen people on CAG bitch about $10-20 shipping costs and then pay double for the item in the long run. Sometimes you'll be shit outta luck for being too cheap.
Yup. You don't fuck around with limited items.

Watch when people bitch that the Dariusburst LE isn't the usual $5 for shipping, think about ordering it and then it'll be SOLD OUT! I've seen people on CAG bitch about $10-20 shipping costs and then pay double for the item in the long run. Sometimes you'll be shit outta luck for being too cheap.
Nier Black Box lol.

$189 is too expensive screw that!

Oh crap its $700 on ebay where can I get it for $189.

Every time man.

Because instead of it being forced, here everyone has the option to do separate checkouts or wait and do everything at once.
Except that it's not really a viable option if you want both games. If you want both, the only viable option is to add Nova-111 and then wait for Dariusburst to come online before attempting to check out with both. Because if you want Dariusburst, there is no way you're going to be putzing around trying to complete a separate checkout on Nova-111 within the gap, frantically filling out all the shipping fields and credit card and phone number and so on, knowing full well that Dariusburst is going to drop at any moment in the background. That would be pure idiocy.

Again, I reiterate my strictly superior alternative. Space out the two games with a 5-10 second gap (not several minutes), more than enough time to let you add Nova-111 to cart and then leisurely browse your way back to the Dariusburst page before it drops. This gives all the advantages of allowing you maximum potential for combined checkout while eliminating all the downside of the current plan.

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Think I might buy two copies of Darisburst just to listen to the cries of those who can't get a copy. Mostly just to be a bastard.

Not really but it's tempting with all the bitching and compalining

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I may be wrong, but I don't think Dariusburst will go as fast as Soldner did.  Yes it has the crazy SHMUP following, but it's expensive, has almost 5,000 copies, and a couple import-friendly Japanese releases.

Except that it's not really a viable option if you want both games. If you want both, the only viable option is to add Nova-111 and then wait for Dariusburst to come online before attempting to check out with both. Because if you want Dariusburst, there is no way you're going to be putzing around trying to complete a separate checkout on Nova-111 within the gap, frantically filling out all the shipping fields and credit card and phone number and so on, knowing full well that Dariusburst is going to drop at any moment in the background. That would be pure idiocy.

Again, I reiterate my strictly superior alternative. Space out the two games with a 5-10 second gap (not several minutes), more than enough time to let you add Nova-111 to cart and then leisurely browse your way back to the Dariusburst page before it drops. This gives all the advantages of allowing you maximum potential for combined checkout while eliminating all the downside of the current plan.
It's supposedly early by "a few minutes". If it takes you more than 30 seconds to add to cart and hit checkout > complete order, you're going to miss out on a ton of LRG releases as is.

F5 F5 F5 AddtoCart Checkout CompleteOrder ContinueShopping DariusBurst F5 F5 F5 F5 F5

Even better:

F5 F5 F5 AddtoCart Checkout CompleteOrder, change tabs, F5, F5, F5, F5

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I may be wrong, but I don't think Dariusburst will go as fast as Soldner did. Yes it has the crazy SHMUP following, but it's expensive, has almost 5,000 copies, and a couple import-friendly Japanese releases.
this, LRG is not the only supplier, and you can easily import the JP release, which actually comes with more than the LRG release, and you can buy it right now if you wanted

and the regular is even cheaper than the LRG release from PA

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Been lurking for a few months (hi) and love CAG and LRG. I completely understand that the majority of the people on here are from the US, but shipping expenses makes up a lot of costs for those of us located outside. Isn't in an option to put up a bundle, or is it possible to combine shipping if you send them an email after making two separate orders? Probably still going to pull the trigger on both but just wanted to point out that shipping makes up a big part of the costs of single releases for ROW customers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's supposedly early by "a few minutes". If it takes you more than 30 seconds to add to cart and hit checkout > complete order, you're going to miss out on a ton of LRG releases as is.

F5 F5 F5 AddtoCart Checkout CompleteOrder ContinueShopping DariusBurst F5 F5 F5 F5 F5

Even better:

F5 F5 F5 AddtoCart Checkout CompleteOrder, change tabs, F5, F5, F5, F5
That's an ideal situation, in reality there are all sorts of issues that can pop up to slow you down. I've never gotten out of checkout before 1 minute. For instance, there is a bug in Shopify where I have to manually fill in some of the fields even though it should already have all my information. Adds extra time. Or those times I got stuck waiting in the checkout "queue". Adds more time. Or like last week with Flinthook, if you were dumb enough to rely on the F5/separate tabs method, you were at a disadvantage because the page wouldn't refresh properly with the "add to cart" button unless you went back to the LRG homepage and manually renavigated to the Flinthook page. Adds additional time.

All of which is besides the point because you completely ignored my strictly superior alternative to their plan that completely bypasses this issue.

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bread's done