Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Touch... tied with online and the ability to nerf anything on a whim with patches as the worst thing to happen to any video game.

Only touch game that has ever felt like a real game and not Punch the Monkey are the DS Zelda games.
DJMAX Technika Tune (Vita) / VOEZ (mobile / Switch) are great touch only games. Rhythm games can certainly pull it off. Technika Tune is probably the platinum trophy I'm most happy I was able to achieve (since I kinda suck at a lot of video games :p ), but it was a lot of fun to get as well.

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Well, if they wanted to they could nail him with the Darius Burst LE if they kept track of numbers. See which numbered one gets sold by him and wherever that one (or more) got sent to his addresses BAN!
That would have been a lot of work and a good idea....

Glad to see srviver104 has no idea what they are talking about if they are being serious...

We've been trying to catch this guy for almost a year now, even bought items from his eBay account. None of those addresses are in our system. Trust me, this kind of stuff really gets to me and I spent a ton of time researching it.

Not real fast. I think you'll be able to take your time at 6 if you missed it.
I got in this morning with no issues, but I like to keep a mental note of the types of games(puzzle, RPG, Action, Mobile, etc), so I have an idea in the future where to be more alert, for certain titles. So I know now that shooters are pretty popular, and at the qty's that have been offered, I needed to be at the ready each and every time, as to not miss out. I did loose out on the Darius Vinyl, but that was more of a bonus I tried to get to go with the CE, but loosing out wasn't that big of a deal.

That would have been a lot of work and a good idea....

Glad to see srviver104 has no idea what they are talking about if they are being serious...

We've been trying to catch this guy for almost a year now, even bought items from his eBay account. None of those addresses are in our system. Trust me, this kind of stuff really gets to me and I spent a ton of time researching it.
Has anyone ever determined that this guy has even broken any rules? He has the exact amount each time, so I always assumed he had friends or family who bought copies, and then he's selling them. While slightly underhanded, still not against the rules right? Unless this guy is selling 20+ copies at any given time, it honestly doesn't seem worth the effort, especially when he may not be guilty of any crime.

The situations where copies are put up early, and there is no idea how those sellers got copies through the system that is in place seems like a more worthwhile use of time, but that's just my 2 cents on this ever constant discussion of the "Chris" situation.

I agree numbered copies would be nice, but to guess he could always just black that out. Did you guys have any luck with Sony on those pre sale copies that showed up
I got in this morning with no issues, but I like to keep a mental note of the types of games(puzzle, RPG, Action, Mobile, etc), so I have an idea in the future where to be more alert, for certain titles. So I know now that shooters are pretty popular, and at the qty's that have been offered, I needed to be at the ready each and every time, as to not miss out. I did loose out on the Darius Vinyl, but that was more of a bonus I tried to get to go with the CE, but loosing out wasn't that big of a deal.

Has anyone ever determined that this guy has even broken any rules? He has the exact amount each time, so I always assumed he had friends or family who bought copies, and then he's selling them. While slightly underhanded, still not against the rules right? Unless this guy is selling 20+ copies at any given time, it honestly doesn't seem worth the effort, especially when he may not be guilty of any crime.

The situations where copies are put up early, and there is no idea how those sellers got copies through the system that is in place seems like a more worthwhile use of time, but that's just my 2 cents on this ever constant discussion of the "Chris" situation.
Circumventing our limits for resale is against our policy.

Chrislaustin, Chris on eBay, checkmate!!
I wish. LOL That would mean I wasn't sweating bullets every sale Friday, as I would get at least 4 copies somehow each time.

Most of that guys efforts don't even seem worth the time, for the little profits being made. I wouldn't do it for the risk of not being able to get future titles, but that "Chris" seems to welcome the challenge.

My Ebay & LRG accounts and addresses match perfectly, so if LRG wan't to run some Scooby-Doo sleuth work my way, have at it. I've been dying to say "I would have gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling kids and your dog"! LOL

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The best part about the ongoing Chris saga is that you know he's probably reading this thread having hearty laughs at everyone's butthurt.
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I agree numbered copies would be nice, but to guess he could always just black that out. Did you guys have any luck with Sony on those pre sale copies that showed up
Turns out that ended up being Game Realms in Burbank. They sold some of the games we sent them early - our fault because we forgot to brief them on the street date. They've banned the guy who bought those from the store (they actually take IDs for Limited Run items to make sure they don't get resold).

This whole chrisz300zx situation eventually needs resolution. Clearly he has a 300zx and if it's a twin turbo model then even less are on the road today. I would take a guess and maybe in the dozens that are actually registered and road worthy. I would start there and cross reference with avid video game collectors. Then it would be only a matter of going house to house asking questions. Will LRG put up money for some undercover detective work? lol
This whole chrisz300zx situation eventually needs resolution. Clearly he has a 300zx and if it's a twin turbo model then even less are on the road today. I would take a guess and maybe in the dozens that are actually registered and road worthy. I would start there and cross reference with avid video game collectors. Then it would be only a matter of going house to house asking questions. Will LRG put up money for some undercover detective work? lol
Best post for the day

Got a couple things today and I'd like to point out that I got loose discs. My Nova-111 was loose, as was a copy of Shadow of the Beast AND Summer Lesson English (Both of which were imports). I opened everything and they were all perfectly fine (obviously, BR Discs are stout AF).

Not trying to kick a dead horse here, more trying to reinforce that nothing can be done about it currently.

EDIT: Shout out to Josh and Doug. Been a fan for a long time and I love that you were in Game Informer, Doug. Was super stoked when I saw them feature you!!
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I think the loose discs are just a fault of the Sony cases, if they don't change the mechanism that holds then it's not gonna stop
I was saying on the other forums, but I like how smoothly the sale went this time around. It looks like stuff won't be hanging around forever, but it also seems like everyone was able to get what they wanted without scrambling and dog piling and freaking out.

Good call on numbers this time! This is how I'd ideally like them to go (as a consumer and person who can't always be at my pc at 10 am. Haven't missed the morning drop yet but I know it's coming someday. This chill 6pm stuff makes me feel better about that.)
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So if a mother, father, brother, and sister who all live at different addresses all buy 2 copies of a game with a 2 copy limit and sell them on their combined ebay store that's breaking the rules?
I forget who's company this is?!?!? Pretty sure it's not yours, everything on the internet doesn't need to get argued.
That would have been a lot of work and a good idea....

Glad to see srviver104 has no idea what they are talking about if they are being serious...

We've been trying to catch this guy for almost a year now, even bought items from his eBay account. None of those addresses are in our system. Trust me, this kind of stuff really gets to me and I spent a ton of time researching it.
While I commend you guys for trying to control inventory and limit resellers, someone with four copies of a game for sale when most releases have a two copy limit is probably following the rules (albeit bending them slightly). You guys allow multiple orders to the same address so long as it is a different name on the credit card. All this would take is a couple buying two games each and then reselling them which is allowed under the current rules. If you really want to shut that down you could move to a limit per household, but I think you would piss off more people operating legitimately (parent/ child/ siblings placing multiple orders) than you would prevent resellers bending the rules.
Oceanhorn and Cosmic Star Heroine are the top of my Limited Run Games wish list. I typically restrict myself to just the Vita when something is on both platforms, but I could see myself buying two copies for Vita and two for PS4 because I would want to have one sealed and one to play. Hopefully there are separate trophy lists.

On that note has there been any word about compressing the audio for Cosmic Star Heroine so it will fit on a Vita cart.

While I commend you guys for trying to control inventory and limit resellers, someone with four copies of a game for sale when most releases have a two copy limit is probably following the rules (albeit bending them slightly). You guys allow multiple orders to the same address so long as it is a different name on the credit card. All this would take is a couple buying two games each and then reselling them which is allowed under the current rules. If you really want to shut that down you could move to a limit per household, but I think you would piss off more people operating legitimately (parent/ child/ siblings placing multiple orders) than you would prevent resellers bending the rules.
What purpose would a family of 4 do with 8 copies of octodad?
My Dariusburst showed up with NO loose disc and shrinkwrap looked perfect. I'm gonna pop the disc out to join the loose disc club. I love the sound of discs rattling around the PS4 cases.
Has anyone played Oceanhorn? I looked up some reviews and videos, and it looks pretty cool.
I've completed it on Xbox One. It's a pretty good game. It's not going to win any GOTY awards, but I enjoyed it. It's very DS/ALBW Zelda-like. Gameplay is where it shines, story is nothing to write home about, length is decent (~15 hours to complete IIRC). Overall a fun little romp, I'd recommend playing it. If you have any more detailed questions I'd be happy to answer, just not sure what you want to know.

I forget who's company this is?!?!? Pretty sure it's not yours, everything on the internet doesn't need to get argued.
Don't think it matters when you're talking about something as ridiculous as someone's right to buy an item. Stupid all around.
I'm a bit confused by the reviews... it's got really good reviews on mobile, ok reviews on PC and somewhat low reviews on PS4.
Sometimes mobile games get lesser scores due to the mobile nature of a title in general(lesser graphics, controls, ect.). So when a game is put on the PS4/ONE, sometimes the graphics don't really see an improvement, and that is were the issues come from in the reviews.

Not always, but sometimes. Since the title started as mobile, I'm sure it will be right at home on the Vita, so maybe the reviews will reflect that more than on the consoles.

I've completed it on Xbox One. It's a pretty good game. It's not going to win any GOTY awards, but I enjoyed it. It's very DS/ALBW Zelda-like. Gameplay is where it shines, story is nothing to write home about, length is decent (~15 hours to complete IIRC). Overall a fun little romp, I'd recommend playing it. If you have any more detailed questions I'd be happy to answer, just not sure what you want to know.
I never really heard of it until today, but the videos I saw made it look pretty good, and it appears to be one of the better LRG Vita titles for sure. I'm looking forward to it, thanks for the thoughts.

So if a mother, father, brother, and sister who all live at different addresses all buy 2 copies of a game with a 2 copy limit and sell them on their combined ebay store that's breaking the rules?
if i could find you out and was owner of LRG I would ban your and entire family and future family members from LRG system.

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if i ordered:

Mutant Mudds Deluxe PS4 & Vita

Mutant Mudds Super Challenge PS4 & Vita

(total of 4 games in one order). So I get 1 postcard and 1 sticker for each different title.

So if i ordered 2x Oceanhorn PS4, 2x Oceanhorn Vita (total of 4 games in one order), i get only 1 postcard and 1 sticker?

if i ordered:
Mutant Mudds Deluxe PS4 & Vita
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge PS4 & Vita
(total of 4 games in one order). So I get 1 postcard and 1 sticker for each different title.

So if i ordered 2x Oceanhorn PS4, 2x Oceanhorn Vita (total of 4 games in one order), i get only 1 postcard and 1 sticker?
As some you probably already know, my most wanted game from LRG is Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds.

Whenever that gets confirmed.

Don't think it matters when you're talking about something as ridiculous as someone's right to buy an item. Stupid all around.
You do know that they reserve the right to refuse anyone? I guess not by reading your post. I suppose you're one of those people that make a scene and demand to speak to the CEO or else you're going to call the BBB that is preset on your quick auto-dial.

I guess you know how doomstink's company can be run and how he feels on what things should be.
You do know that they reserve the right to refuse anyone? I guess not by reading your post. I suppose you're one of those people that make a scene and demand to speak to the CEO or else you're going to call the BBB that is preset on your quick auto-dial.

I guess you know how doomstink's company can be run and how he feels on what things should be.
Doomstink has previously stated that as long as you don't break the rules you can do WHATEVER you want with the product you purchased...
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Doomstink has previously stated that as long as you don't break the rules you can do WHATEVER you want with the product you purchased...
I think the question here is if the rules are being broken or not? Some people seem to be assuming that this seller is somehow buying games over the allowable limit per person using multiple accounts- which is obviously breaking the rules. But what if someone is using family/friends to buy more than the allowable limit, then are they really breaking the rules? Technically said family/friend could buy the game and sell it to Chris-whatever at cost and they're not breaking the rules.

bread's done