Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Please move all off-topic and non-game related discussion (such as reselling, or he who shall not be named) to the other thread below,

LRG Off-Topic Discussion Thread


LRG is on Amazon now!

LRG Trading Thread - Miss a release? Trade with someone who might need a release you have.

Limited Run Games Store Front

Limited Run Games at Best Buy

Holiday 2022 LRG Releases at Best Buy

Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I haven't read this thread in a long time (right around the time I realized CSH was in no rush to release), but I just wanted to stop by and add this:

Or better yet, just gtfo. We're talking about video games, not your great portfolio.

BTW, is tonight at 8pm pst, the preorders for Tachyon Project over at Play-Asia?

The time difference always throws me off, but I believe that should be correct, just need confirmation from someone else who may know more than me.

Is it possible for someone to start a thread with all the exclusive physical small print run releases like we have with LRG? I've been up to date with the LRG releases. However the playasia, fan gamer, and other stuff becomes a little overwhelming to follow on my own. With the LRG the thread has made it extremely accessible also Doomstink constantly sharing info first hand has been great. Outside of still waiting for Skullgirls, which I know is not the fault of LRG, this has really helped to upgrade my collection. Anyway just throwing that out there.
There already is one,

I have no problem with people who keep games sealed. Why would I, it doesn't affect my life. When those same people get on their high horse about scalpers though, I do take issue with that, because it's pure hypocrisy.

When you buy a game and don't open it and keep it on a shelf, you're unintentionally depriving another gamer out there of a limited title who would want to open it, play it, and use it for its intended purposes. Hell, one could even make a case that at least with scalpers, the game ultimately ends up in the hands of the people who want them. No one forces a buyer to pay that price, they do so of their own desires and free will.

I see a lot of people get on scalpers for greed, but sealed game collecting could technically be considered a form of gluttony.

I personally don't have a problem with either. If you legally purchase a game, you should be able to do whatever the hell you want with it. Let it sit on a shelf for 20 years, open it and play it, or sell it to make a profit. It should apply universally, not to just some random criteria that was arbitrarily decided to be "morally acceptable" in comparison.

It's a major pet peeve. In discussions about limited collector's editions I see people freak out when they don't get their hands on a copy of something that sells out and the first thing people bring up is "omg scalpers gonna sell their copies on ebay!" and it's like dude, you were gonna buy a game and not even open it that could have gone to someone out there who would open and play it, so you have no room to talk. It's pure jealousy fronted with a holier than thou moral high ground. Do whatever you want with your games, and let people do whatever they want with theirs as long is isn't some insane extreme.
Not sure why you think sealed collectors are any different than anyone else who buys a game and keeps it. Plenty of people have massive collections of opened games that they play and never resell. Those copies of the games are just as out of reach for people who may want to play them as sealed games are. Neither sealed nor regular game collectors are the same as scalpers IMHO as scalpers insert themselves between the retailer and the gamer or collector and contribute nothing to the process. They make it harder for people who want the games for whatever reason and they deprive the retailers and publishers of potential revenue by increasing the price of particular games thus depriving those gamers and collectors of additional funds that could be spent on other games or items from those retailers or publishers. People are free to do whatever they want, but I believe scalpers are scummy and they are not in any way equivalent to collectors or people who don't resell their games for whatever reason.

Still not sure on Oceanhorn (critic reviews aren't great but user reviews seem favorable). Also did not realize there was going to be a CE for Night Trap. 

I'm curious to see how Plague Road sells. The game's gotten so little coverage it seems. It's been out two months and there's almost no reviews- 2 for the PC and that's it on MC. 

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Still not sure on Oceanhorn (critic reviews aren't great but user reviews seem favorable). Also did not realize there was going to be a CE for Night Trap.

I'm curious to see how Plague Road sells. The game's gotten so little coverage it seems. It's been out two months and there's almost no reviews- 2 for the PC and that's it on MC.
Completionist collectors will buy stuff even if the games are average or maybe in this case below average.

Not sure why you think sealed collectors are any different than anyone else who buys a game and keeps it. Plenty of people have massive collections of opened games that they play and never resell. Those copies of the games are just as out of reach for people who may want to play them as sealed games are. Neither sealed nor regular game collectors are the same as scalpers IMHO as scalpers insert themselves between the retailer and the gamer or collector and contribute nothing to the process. They make it harder for people who want the games for whatever reason and they deprive the retailers and publishers of potential revenue by increasing the price of particular games thus depriving those gamers and collectors of additional funds that could be spent on other games or items from those retailers or publishers. People are free to do whatever they want, but I believe scalpers are scummy and they are not in any way equivalent to collectors or people who don't resell their games for whatever reason.
So do collectors. When LRG puts their games up for sale for example, and they are limited to 2 per person, and someone buys two - one to open and one to keep sealed, that is making it harder for someone out there to get their hands on a copy of the game.

I'm not saying it's wrong. They are letting anyone buy 2 copies, so you can buy 2 copies, but for every disappointed person when they miss out on a game and see copies on ebay and are like "Damn, I missed out and now I gotta pay $X.XX on ebay!", there is also a disappointed person who is like "Damn, I couldn't get a copy in time, and there are a ton of people out there who have copies of these games on their shelves and they aren't even gonna use em, they are just gonna sit there on a shelf!"

I think society has conditioned us to think one is better morally than the other, but I really don't think there is anything wrong with either, and while the road to get there is different, the "destination" of both scenarios is gamers who want to buy games and play them are not going to be able to because someone bought them for purposes other than opening them and using them.

I personally collect games, and I have some sealed games, although not a ton of them. My only sealed games are ones I really have an affinity for. But I must admit there have been times where I bought rare games on ebay for a markup and I was thankful that those resellers put them on ebay because without them, and if they had gone to collectors instead, I would have not been able to get my hands on them at all. So I can speak personally to where both methods are something that ended up being a positive for me.

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Completionist collectors will buy stuff even if the games are average or maybe in this case below average.
Yes, but only the completionists. I'm probably in for Oceanhorn. The reviews for that game seem to be on the positive side, and it's been out long enough on various platforms to have gotten a proper appraisal. It may not be the best-game-evar, but it seems to be above-average, and I like the style of it.

Plague Road I'm a little iffy on. The visual flair is nice, but the Steam reviews in particular paint it as a fairly shallow title. I'm not sure I'm on-board for that one.

I always look up all of the LRG releases, and check the general community response before buying any of them. My wallet is beleaguered enough as it is, and sub-quality titles are a good excuse to give it a break.

Wild Guns MSRP was $49.95 when it came out in 1994. Adjusting for inflation that's about $85. $2,500 minus $85 divided by 23 years means you made a WHOPPING $105 a year (roughly the amount one of my passive investments makes in 8 hours). Speculating on games is a joke and wont fund your retirement unless you have millions of games or live to be millions of years old...
Wow, you have a $50 passive investment account that triples every 8 hours? You should have more money than Bill Gates by now. What are you doing here?

Wow, you have a $50 passive investment account that triples every 8 hours? You should have more money than Bill Gates by now. What are you doing here?
Actually, up front cost was about $12 and 80 hours of my time, its not 100% passive since I work 1 hour a week responding to emails, And I'm not Bill Gates by any stretch but $100k a year for 1 hour of "work" I can do by the pool or on vacation... who would complain?

Bottom line, if you plan on selling things in the future, then I get where you're coming from. If not, you're definitely depriving yourself of 90% of the possible enjoyment that the item can give you. I obviously don't care at all with what people do with their own things, but I do typically struggle with mindsets that partake in (and defend) a practice without really being able to explain it or make sense of it.
My mindset: I don't buy it with the intention to sell it. But if I do plan on selling stuff (or downsizing in general, like I'm starting to), I have a better chance of getting my money back if they're sealed. I don't collect with the idea that I'll retire off it and each sealed copy will be Action Comics #1. I have a retirement account. I also don't need to put every cent in it so I can live poor til I'm too old to live.

Some stuff I bought because they were super cheap. You tell me it's a mistake to buy a huge lot of PS2 RPGs for $100 that included 6 of the .hack games. I'd rather do that than pay $200 for .hack now.

And some I have because they're like trophies. I bought Etrian Odyssey 1 & 2, Infinite Space new and sealed, after I played and beat them. I'm not selling them, because they were my favorite DS games and I just wanted to have them to collect.

tl;dr: There's many mindsets even for a single collector.

Edit: Oh, and the supporting part. I try to support smaller artists/studios/etc that I believe in. I was one of the first people on CAG to be a LRG cheerleader, and bought all their early releases. I don't need the 4 different releases of Snatch over the years, but it's pretty much my favorite movie, so that's how I show support.

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Actually, up front cost was about $12 and 80 hours of my time, its not 100% passive since I work 1 hour a week responding to emails, And I'm not Bill Gates by any stretch but $100k a year for 1 hour of "work" I can do by the pool or on vacation... who would complain?
Sounds like a scam.

So do collectors. When LRG puts their games up for sale for example, and they are limited to 2 per person, and someone buys two - one to open and one to keep sealed, that is making it harder for someone out there to get their hands on a copy of the game.

I'm not saying it's wrong. They are letting anyone buy 2 copies, so you can buy 2 copies, but for every disappointed person when they miss out on a game and see copies on ebay and are like "Damn, I missed out and now I gotta pay $X.XX on ebay!", there is also a disappointed person who is like "Damn, I couldn't get a copy in time, and there are a ton of people out there who have copies of these games on their shelves and they aren't even gonna use em, they are just gonna sit there on a shelf!"

I think society has conditioned us to think one is better morally than the other, but I really don't think there is anything wrong with either, and while the road to get there is different, the "destination" of both scenarios is gamers who want to buy games and play them are not going to be able to because someone bought them for purposes other than opening them and using them.

I personally collect games, and I have some sealed games, although not a ton of them. My only sealed games are ones I really have an affinity for. But I must admit there have been times where I bought rare games on ebay for a markup and I was thankful that those resellers put them on ebay because without them, and if they had gone to collectors instead, I would have not been able to get my hands on them at all. So I can speak personally to where both methods are something that ended up being a positive for me.
I guess I just have a different perspective on the relative morality of the two approaches. I believe that collectors come at it from a preservationist perspective and most collectors I know are very generous with sharing their collection with others whether that's friends, family, guests, etc...I also know plenty of collectors who give away or sell at a loss to other collectors and/or engage in trading rather than cash transactions to build their collections while helping others build theirs.

Scalpers on the other hand couldn't care less about the product they are reselling as long as the profit margin is healthy. I mean I literally spent last weekend in lines at San Diego Comic Con behind countless scalpers who had lists of limited items and were instantly putting them on Ebay at several times what they paid. I understand that you may believe that scalpers are the only alternative if you can't attend an event or obtain something otherwise, but if scalpers magically went away, I suspect companies that create all that merchandise would find a way to get it to collectors directly (and in fact, many companies do that now after Comic Con ends). As such, I don't think scalping is worthy of defending while collecting certainly is.

Man, this conversation has rerailed pretty bad!

I personally don't care what someone does with their money or stuff they buy. If you want to lock it up to make $5 or $1,000 in profit, that's your right. If you want to open and play it that is your right too.

I typically just buy 1 of an item to open and play. Only very rarely do I buy 2 of something hoping it will be a good investment later. So far that has always back fired on me and why I don't do it often. 

I personally don't care what someone does with their money or stuff they buy. If you want to lock it up to make $5 or $1,000 in profit, that's your right. If you want to open and play it that is your right too.
I don't think anyone is arguing that people don't have the right to open/not open their games. We are just discussing the ramifications of that choice.

You have the right to marry Courtney Love too, its just probably a bad idea...

I typically just buy 1 of an item to open and play. Only very rarely do I buy 2 of something hoping it will be a good investment later.

I'm with you, buddy. Speculation on video games is lame, and it's always a crap-shoot. Even if you know plenty about games, and can make some fairly reasonable guesses, all it takes is an unexpected reprint to derail your speculation plans. This is why so many of the game scalpers are going for those short-term profits on launch-window flips.

There are occasions when I end up with duplicates. But this usually only occurs on ultra-clearance games. When I see a title that I know to be good that's been marked down to less than $10, it is difficult for me to control my bargain instincts. At those kinds of prices I will sometimes just pick up the duplicate. Usually, these duplicates end up being gifts. Occasionally, they end up as white-elephant party fodder. I've got an unopened copy of Dragon Quest IX that I'm planning on giving to my nephew, as soon as he's old enough to handle a DS.

I don't think anyone is arguing that people don't have the right to open/not open their games. We are just discussing the ramifications of that choice.

You have the right to marry Courtney Love too, its just probably a bad idea...
Yeah but she has a HOLE lot of money!

And some I have because they're like trophies. I bought Etrian Odyssey 1 & 2, Infinite Space new and sealed, after I played and beat them. I'm not selling them, because they were my favorite DS games and I just wanted to have them to collect.
Infinite Space was awesome! I actually bought a second, sealed copy of Radiant Historia for the same reason. I doubt it'll ever be worth anything, but I suppose it's another reason why someone wouldn't open a game.
Lol. It couldn't be farther from a scam. Its actually super boring. I just sell a digital product that bored house wives want.

but this isn't really the venue to be discussing all this...
so then it's not an investment (passive or active) that's making you income but rather a product?

Probably because you can make 100k off of barely working one year out of your life and you're broke the remaining years.
Imagining - we don't have any three game weekends on the slate. Got a lot of flack for that when we did it for Pang/Astebreed/Mitsurugi.
Were the three games ever bundled together? As a single product on the site? A major concern was having to go to each item page and add to cart separately while hoping thry dont sell out.
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Is it possible for someone to start a thread with all the exclusive physical small print run releases like we have with LRG? I've been up to date with the LRG releases. However the playasia, fan gamer, and other stuff becomes a little overwhelming to follow on my own. With the LRG the thread has made it extremely accessible also Doomstink constantly sharing info first hand has been great. Outside of still waiting for Skullgirls, which I know is not the fault of LRG, this has really helped to upgrade my collection. Anyway just throwing that out there.
Over on the unofficial r/vita discord... is a section devoted to just this idea since you suggested it. Come join the conversation and share any games you have and links as well

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Man, this conversation has rerailed pretty bad!
I personally don't care what someone does with their money or stuff they buy. If you want to lock it up to make $5 or $1,000 in profit, that's your right. If you want to open and play it that is your right too.
I typically just buy 1 of an item to open and play. Only very rarely do I buy 2 of something hoping it will be a good investment later. So far that has always back fired on me and why I don't do it often.
Like people have a right to wish LRG goes out of business.
I don't understand why you're requesting for access to Blackbeards flipping sheets in the GS thread. The two don't add up.
Because I spent a large part of my formative years living out of a Jeep Grand Cherokee, so I don't spend a dime I don't have to. Plus its just thrilling to get something you enjoy for cheap or free. I made my first million when I was 27 and celebrated by going dumpster diving with my buddy like we used to in the college years. I guess I'm just weird.

Probably because you can make 100k off of barely working one year out of your life and you're broke the remaining years.
Going on year 5 ;) and that's just one of my 4 current sources of cash flow.

I seriously feel bad about hijacking this thread with my stupid shit so if you guys have questions PM me. I'm a relatively open book.

Like people have a right to wish LRG goes out of business.
LRG might not be for you but they're not going out of business anytime soon. They've released some great games that would never be preserved since they're digital only games. If it wasn't for LRG we'd never have physical copies of Dariusburst CS PS4/Vita and Deemo for our collections. I usually buy the Vita games I'm interested in that haven't been on PS+. LRG has signed a good amount of games so the business shall continue.
LRG might not be for you but they're not going out of business anytime soon. They've released some great games that would never be preserved since they're digital only games. If it wasn't for LRG we'd never have physical copies of Dariusburst CS PS4/Vita and Deemo for our collections. I usually buy the Vita games I'm interested in that haven't been on PS+. LRG has signed a good amount of games so the business shall continue.
While I agree with you, the examples that also have Asian English copies might not be the most convincing lol.

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Those amount of copies are extremely limited. Not anyone can just have a copy when the intention is not to. LRG stands for limited run games. It's not to by supply a physical option as everyone says.

They are worse then Nintendo when manlupilating the stock.

If you want to make it for people to have a physical option don't make 3,000 copies that then get scalped on ebay for $200. Mass print the games if you want people to have physical copies.

That is not their intention to provide you with a option to physical.

It's called limited run games, they sell scarcity that collectors play a game of hot potato with intrinsic value.

If they wanted you to have physical copies they'd keep reprinting at the loss of their collecter fanbase.
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Because I spent a large part of my formative years living out of a Jeep Grand Cherokee, so I don't spend a dime I don't have to. Plus its just thrilling to get something you enjoy for cheap or free. I made my first million when I was 27 and celebrated by going dumpster diving with my buddy like we used to in the college years. I guess I'm just weird.

Going on year 5 ;) and that's just one of my 4 current sources of cash flow.

I seriously feel bad about hijacking this thread with my stupid shit so if you guys have questions PM me. I'm a relatively open book.
I don't what it is about this thread that attracts these people.

Those amount of copies are extremely limited. Not anyone can just have a copy when the intention is not to. LRG stands for limited run games. It's not to by supply a physical option as everyone says.

They are worse then Nintendo when manlupilating the stock.

If you want to make it for people to have a physical option don't make 3,000 copies that then get scalped on ebay for $200. Mass print the games if you want people to have physical copies.

That is not their intention to provide you with a option to physical.

It's called limited run games, they sell scarcity that collectors play a game of hot potato with intrinsic value.

If they wanted you to have physical copies they'd keep reprinting at the loss of their collecter fanbase.
Nobody cares. Take your crap elsewhere.

Those amount of copies are extremely limited. Not anyone can just have a copy when the intention is not to. LRG stands for limited run games. It's not to by supply a physical option as everyone says.

They are worse then Nintendo when manlupilating the stock.

If you want to make it for people to have a physical option don't make 3,000 copies that then get scalped on ebay for $200. Mass print the games if you want people to have physical copies.

That is not their intention to provide you with a option to physical.

It's called limited run games, they sell scarcity that collectors play a game of hot potato with intrinsic value.

If they wanted you to have physical copies they'd keep reprinting at the loss of their collecter fanbase.
You don't understand anything about marketing, the market conditions surrounding limited video game releases, nor profitability required of a company in order to stay in business.

Those amount of copies are extremely limited. Not anyone can just have a copy when the intention is not to. LRG stands for limited run games. It's not to by supply a physical option as everyone says.

They are worse then Nintendo when manlupilating the stock.
I had to stop reading right here, as nothing can be taken seriously after someone writes something like this, and believes it to be the truth.

LRG is 10x the company that "N" is for no other reason then you know the exact amount of each release, before it is offered, and they clearly have two separate opportunities on each release day for said qty's. In the best case, games last for days, and in the worst case, a few minutes.

If anyone here had two opportunities to buy a SNES classic on any given day, at a specific time and had the chance for at least a few minutes each time, there would be very few people here who couldn't get one if they wanted. To this day, there are still tons of people who post on CAG daily who still want, and can't find the NES Mini. So yeah, I wouldn't compare LRG to "N", EVER! As one company clearly cares more for their fan base than the other.

Don't feed him. He also posted years ago that he wanted Rose Colored Gaming to go out of business and they've done everything but that.
I had to stop reading right here, as nothing can be taken seriously after someone writes something like this, and believes it to be the truth.

LRG is 10x the company that "N" is for no other reason then you know the exact amount of each release, before it is offered, and they clearly have two separate opportunities on each release day for said qty's. In the best case, games last for days, and in the worst case, a few minutes.

If anyone here had two opportunities to buy a SNES classic on any given day, at a specific time and had the chance for at least a few minutes each time, there would be very few people here who couldn't get one if they wanted. To this day, there are still tons of people who post on CAG daily who still want, and can't find the NES Mini. So yeah, I wouldn't compare LRG to "N", EVER! As one company clearly cares more for their fan base than the other.
i had to stop reading to that part also when he said "THEN" instead of "THAN". everyday on the internet i see ppl use THEN on everything.

why does this thread always seem so toxic?

I don't understand it...
It's really only three consistent topics, and they alternate between the three on average weekly. So depending on when you step in, it's a let's find "Chris" on Ebay derailment, or my personal favorite, the loose disc situation, but that hasn't had much traction lately, so that may finally be over(although I'm sure there's more complaining to be had).

And of course there is the to many games produced, or not enough, or LRG are morons who don't know business etc topics. Then of course, we get the random issues like today, with grammar correction.

So yeah, if you frequent this thread, be prepared for tons of fun, as it is rather toxic, rather often. But as to an understanding of why? Don't waste your time, as no sooner than one trouble maker leaves, 2-3 more come in and take his place. It's just the nature of the game sadly.

bread's done