Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I kind of wished in the morning it would be one and later in the day it would be two. I am only saying this from a logical point of view. The morning one is going to only people who work late, retirees and bums who most likely mooch off their parents. While the batch in afternoon will be everybody. People who are at school or work all day and anybody else who was busy throughout their day. Which is why there needs to be more copies in the afternoon batch.

I kind of wished in the morning it would be one and later in the day it would be two. I am only saying this from a logical point of view. The morning one is going to only people who work late, retirees and bums who most likely mooch off their parents. While the batch in afternoon will be everybody. People who are at school or work all day and anybody else who was busy throughout their day. Which is why there needs to be more copies in the afternoon batch.
Not everybody is in the same time zone for me morning works better since I am West Coast because I can make my purchase before heading to work.
These ultra fast sellouts and angry consumers are probably an indication that the "limited" aspect of these games could be stretched a bit, more money could be made, and the game would still sell out. Wonderboy could have had an additional 3 or 4K copies produced and it still would have sold out in under a day, and I don't think that's really even a "hindsight 20-20" thing, it was a sure thing that this game was going to sell.

I guess I'm not sure what their goal is, beyond selling out of games. If you sell out of a game because you printed 5K copies but you could have sold out had you printed 10K, then you lost money. If money isn't the main driving factor, and you prefer to keep the "super-hard to get, gone in 2 minutes" level of scarcity intact, then sure, only print 5K copies.
I know what you're saying but I don't think so. It's a delicate balance. The demand is due to LRG having created a name brand for themselves with "Limited Run Games" which is instantly recognizable and understood. Lots of companies have listed a few thousand copies of some random Vita or PS4 game on Play-Asia or Amazon and they don't sell.

You can still go buy a copy of Wonder Boy over at Play-asia. But people don't care about that. The demand exists solely because the product is perceived as limited and because it's part of a numbered series.

With regard to the sellout issue and how it could be solved if they "just printed more copies," people seem to forgetting that the total print number is ultimately decided by whoever owns the game's rights as opposed to LRG themselves.

So while LRG can anticipate a sellout, they can only do so much when it comes to the total number of copies, and as Josh and others said already, they can't afford to have inventory leftover over a long period since it is a small company.

Some folks might be new and that's fine if you didn't know, but this point has been brought up multiples times in past in this thread. LRG can only recommend higher print runs, but they don't have the final say.
As soon as they start making 8-10k for new releases then half the regular customers would stop buying because the games would just be available later.  There is no push to spend that money immediately.  And LRG would then be out a lot of money and have dead stock issues.  That coupled with customers' buyer's remorse would hurt future sales.  Things could cascade very quickly and Josh is well-aware of these issues. 

The model is near-perfect as-is.  No reason to reinvent the wheel.  The business model is based upon instant sellouts.  A couple of wrong moves with quantities and customers can lose interest fast.

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Some folks might be new and that's fine if you didn't know, but this point has been brought up multiples times in past in this thread. LRG can only recommend higher print runs, but they don't have the final say.
Actually, we have had this specific discussion a few times, and while I remember we jumped around a lot.

If I recall correctly, the final number of copies to be sold is still decided by LRG in the end, and it's the publishers who would be doing the "recommended" minimum print runs during the negotiation stages to acquire the title.

I think some of the higher print run issues they've ran into were with the big publishers, such as Nintendo, and that they wouldn't even negotiate with LRG because their "recommended" print run was going to be ridiculously high for something that LRG could feasibly think about doing. I remember recently Josh even mentioned that they even offered to do a 20,000 print run of a title to a publisher (I think it was Nintendo) for a game, and even that was scratched because the other party wanted more.

I mean, even if LRG has the final say in the print run, it would still be hard pressed on them to accurately predict when to overprint, and when not to on titles. Even some of the more recent releases in recent months haven't had the quick sellouts they usually desire. While the ones in these past weeks have been a frenzy, there have been several instances in the past when they weren't, and those are the ones that they want to avoid. It's great to keep saying they should print more, but until every release they do is a quick sellout, it's just going to be better to err on the side of caution.

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To be honest, it's quite surprising that several of these sub-par titles have been selling as fast as they have.  That's testament to just how strong the LRG brand has become.

I kind of wished in the morning it would be one and later in the day it would be two. I am only saying this from a logical point of view. The morning one is going to only people who work late, retirees and bums who most likely mooch off their parents. While the batch in afternoon will be everybody. People who are at school or work all day and anybody else who was busy throughout their day. Which is why there needs to be more copies in the afternoon batch.
Excuse me, I work hard for a living, paying bills, driving kids to work. It works prefect for me in the West Coast, when I wake up early buy it quick and then my whole day is free and not worrying about waiting for the second batch. The old saying the early bird catches the worm applies here. You want that game, go outside for a break and buy it.
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As soon as they start making 8-10k for new releases then half the regular customers would stop buying because the games would just be available later. There is no push to spend that money immediately. And LRG would then be out a lot of money and have dead stock issues. That coupled with customers' buyer's remorse would hurt future sales. Things could cascade very quickly and Josh is well-aware of these issues.

The model is near-perfect as-is. No reason to reinvent the wheel. The business model is based upon instant sellouts. A couple of wrong moves with quantities and customers can lose interest fast.
Agreed, but I don't understand how shadow complex got a run of 7.5k and firewatch got a run of 7.3k whereas SW/Shantae/WB got a run of 5.5k/6k/5k.
I know what you're saying but I don't think so. It's a delicate balance. The demand is due to LRG having created a name brand for themselves with "Limited Run Games" which is instantly recognizable and understood.
I understand what you are saying and the points you are making. I used to think more along these lines as well but after seeing how many butthurt people there were on Facebook after Wonderboy sold out so fast it made me consider other ideas. Alot of them were saying they would never give their business to LRG again, etc etc. I know alot of that may be empty threats but I was thinking about it in terms of longevity and maintaining a growing customer base over time. I guess my theory was that, with "good" games like Wonderboy, you can gauge your customer base a bit better and forecast your sales based on your growing popularity. In other words, stock would grow as your consumer base does, but would still remain limited enough to sell out fast. My degree is not in business or economics though, so I'm admittedly no expert on gauging trends of that nature. Just an observation on my part.

As long as LRG puts out games that people want it means nothing when people say they won't ever buy again. I'm not advocating bad customer service or poor planning but if it's in demand people will bitch then buy again and again.

I know what you're saying but I don't think so. It's a delicate balance. The demand is due to LRG having created a name brand for themselves with "Limited Run Games" which is instantly recognizable and understood. Lots of companies have listed a few thousand copies of some random Vita or PS4 game on Play-Asia or Amazon and they don't sell.

You can still go buy a copy of Wonder Boy over at Play-asia. But people don't care about that. The demand exists solely because the product is perceived as limited and because it's part of a numbered series.
It also has more to do with most people going for full sets are USA sets. USA releases have always been 10x more demand for collectors than EU or Asia releases.

missed out on wonderboy both times because of paypal loading slowly or acting up.
my first time missing something i wanted.

so this is how those other people feel. :(
To be honest, it's quite surprising that several of these sub-par titles have been selling as fast as they have. That's testament to just how strong the LRG brand has become.
Has nothing to do with brand. Awareness sure. Anyone who was going for full US set since that console launched basically has no choice. They are forced to buy anything LRG puts out or give up something they started years ago before LRG existed.

How many people have or almost had a full Vita set before people like LRG started spamming Vita games for example?

I guarantee you LRG wouldn't be half as successful or would be doing even smaller print runs if they were considered EU or Asia releases.

LRG being USA based makes them USA releases and everything they put out is mandatory for complete USA sets. That's the primary reason LRG is selling out and the others aren't. More USA set collectors than EU or Asia by far. It's why everyone wants the LRG version even if it's been on PA or SEG for months and in lower quantities.

This is also why people who keep saying "oh get the PA version" are met with hostility because they just don't get it.

That's not to say LRG doesn't have some good releases, just that there is more to the unreal demand than just name recognition and the reason even sub par titles sell out fast. It's USA sets. Follow the Twitter links of people who frequently comment on LRGs Twitter, see how many them have giant pics of their collections or are trying for full USA PS4 and Vita sets. It's alot. USA sets is the biggest difference between LRG and their competitors who are nearly all non USA regions.

Special Reserve was to be the only USA region competition which is why LRG moved fast to partner with them and essentially absorb them so far. This tells me LRG is KEENLY aware that their position and success hinges on their being a USA region publisher vs everyone else.

Look at amiibo it's the same thing. Everyone wants US releases, nobody collecting NIB cares about EU or JPN boxes. That's why a NIB US amiibo can be $50+ while the JPN one is readily available for $9.

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Has nothing to do with brand. Anyone who was going for full US set since that consoles launched basically has no choice. They are forced to buy anything LRG puts out or give up something they started years ago before LRG existed.

I guarantee you LRG wouldn't be half as successful or would be doing even smaller print runs if they were considered EU or Asia releases.

LRG being USA based makes them USA releases and everything they make is mandatory for complete USA sets. That's the primary reason LRG is selling out and the others aren't. More USA set collectors than EU or Asia by far.
No one here cares about "Full US set" except you. There aren't thousands of you.

If this forum is anything close to representative of the whole, then most completionists stopped trying to collect full LRG sets within the last year. Many people stopped buying everything and many more new people have become new customers.

This is also why people who keep saying "oh get the PA version" are met with hostility because they just don't get it.
nope. OCD people like you are the ones that "just don't get it".

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I'm the minority here but I'm going for a full USA set as well and if I wasn't able to wonder boy, then I would've just preordered the PA version and moved on.
No one here cares about "Full US set" except you. There aren't thousands of you.

If this forum is anything close to representative of the whole, then most completionists stopped trying to collect full LRG sets within the last year. Many people stopped buying everything and many more new people have become new customers.

nope. OCD people like you are the ones that "just don't get it".
Keep telling yourself that when PA can sit on a Asia English version of a game with 1000 copies for months before and after LRG's 4000 copy USA version sells out in seconds.

People waiting for the LRG release even know about PA and other versions and still want and wait for the LRG because it's an official USA release. If people just wanted to play the game they would get the PA one. They wouldn't piss and moan about missing the LRG release when it's still available on PA. They want the USA region not the Asia region even if it's the same exact content on the disc.

Even if it's not full sets, official USA region is orders of magnitude more desirable than EU or Asia releases. Hard Fact.

And that alone is a huge contributor to LRG's success no question.

People want to compare LRG with their competition, but they have no competition. They are the only ones playing the limited run game with official USA releases. It's not that hard to figure out.

Even on PA's own site it's the USA region releases that are always sold out on all platforms. A "Hello Kitty" type game on Wii U for example will be available in EU and Asia but not USA as everyone picks the bone clean on those releases all over as they start to dry up. It's universally always the USA releases that everyone wants.

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Only attempting to get all of Vita (did not buy Breach and Clear and SMRPG due to unsure budget concerns) and any PS4 game that catches my fancy. At some point, I have to stop and be selective.

On Friday I bought Lawbreakers at 10AM (after having the Wonderboy Collector's sell out in my cart), and then a couple of minutes later after checking out, I saw them mention a bundle that didn't appear on the store right away. So I was ready at 6PM for the bundle to be relisted and was lucky enough to grab it. But now I want to cancel my standard edition of Lawbreakers and just keep the collector's bundle, but got a response from support saying they can't cancel games... 

I would expect that answer and understand if I received my PSN code already, but why is this an issue? Don't really want two copies of Lawbreakers haha.

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On Friday I bought Lawbreakers at 10AM (after having the Wonderboy Collector's sell out in my cart), and then a couple of minutes later after checking out, I saw them mention a bundle that didn't appear on the store right away. So I was ready at 6PM for the bundle to be relisted and was lucky enough to grab it. But now I want to cancel my standard edition of Lawbreakers and just keep the collector's bundle, but got a response from support saying they can't cancel games...

I would expect that answer and understand if I received my PSN code already, but why is this an issue? Don't really want two copies of Lawbreakers haha.
Over on the LRG forums they are saying that they will cancel orders made before the bundle was available, so you may wanna go post over there.

Over on the LRG forums they are saying that they will cancel orders made before the bundle was available, so you may wanna go post over there.
Yeah, that seems to be a solid reason to want to cancel, especially considering how that bundle was promoted. So hopefully LRG makes good on any one wanting or needing to cancel in this specific situation.

I hope in the future, and and all bundles are shown and promoted on their site before "live" time, otherwise this will be an ongoing issue.

Over on the LRG forums they are saying that they will cancel orders made before the bundle was available, so you may wanna go post over there.
Thank you for the heads up on this! I sent one of the admins a PM, so hopefully I'll get a response before the code gets emailed out to me!

Yeah, that seems to be a solid reason to want to cancel, especially considering how that bundle was promoted. So hopefully LRG makes good on any one wanting or needing to cancel in this specific situation.

I hope in the future, and and all bundles are shown and promoted on their site before "live" time, otherwise this will be an ongoing issue.
I'm happy the bundle existed (since I wanted both games to begin with), but like you said, wish I knew about it before placing my original order. Fingers crossed I'll be able to save $45 dollars, which will probably go towards Night Trap ha!

I got Oceanhorn today, but no Plague Road. I backed via Kickstarter and was under the impression that PR would ship at the same time as Oceanhorn, is that incorrect?

Only attempting to get all of Vita (did not buy Breach and Clear and SMRPG due to unsure budget concerns) and any PS4 game that catches my fancy. At some point, I have to stop and be selective.
I missed Breach and Clear and started the vicious circle with SMRPG. Decided to stop buying every released around Aqua Kitty DX. Now I just get the games I actually want be it PS4 or Vita. WonderBoy was the first release since Dariusburst. Hoping I can get my hands on a Night Trap this Friday, really want the CE, but may have to settle for the regular edition due to budget concerns.

I got Oceanhorn today, but no Plague Road. I backed via Kickstarter and was under the impression that PR would ship at the same time as Oceanhorn, is that incorrect?
PR won't be available until mid-August. If you only ordered Oceanhorn last week, then they sent out Oceanhorn and will send PR when it arrives.
Hey remember that time everyone stopped buying Nintendo products because they released them in limited quantities (IE The Pokemon Box)?  Yeah... me neither.

Csbakers post are pretty creepy. Collecting things are supposed to be fun, not some stressful obsession where you have to make as many posts as possible about what an official US set is.

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Csbakers post are pretty creepy. Collecting things are supposed to be fun, not some stressful obsession where you have to make as many posts as possible about what an official US set is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't open any Twitter comments on LRG's Twitter feed then. Every other post is someone talking about how they are only 20 or 30 games away from a full set of this or that.

Having to pay someone $100+ on douchebay for a game that isn't even an hour old.... for people who miss any of LRGs prints I doubt that is what they had in mind when they started years ago and thought collecting would be "fun".

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Hey remember that time everyone stopped buying Nintendo products because they released them in limited quantities (IE The Pokemon Box)? Yeah... me neither.
Douchebay prices have a way of making people quickly forget the last time and get them eager to hop in line again.

Or being constantly bombarded by YouTube and Twitter by all the spastic people who got one, and getting hopeful and hyped again for the next Nintendo clusterfuck.

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I hope LRG gets some random no-name crap title no one cares about and only gets like 5 total copies. It'll drive OCD collectors nuts. And then I hope the people who get the 5 list them on ebay for 10 million dollars apiece(one of them being Chriszx)

Honestly, it would probably be for the best. Once everyone realizes they can no longer get a full set, it would ease the burden of having to buy every single release and save customers a lot of money going forward, leaving more copies for people who actually want to play the games to the rest of the customers.

And also, it would create some interesting drama to see who is OCD enough to sell off their home, car, and maybe rub out a family member for insurance money to be able to afford the 10 million dollar copies on ebay.

The more I say this, the more genius it sounds. Make it happen, LRG!

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So as a newbie that's going to try for one of these for the first time on Friday, any tips?
Be signed in before including Paypal if you use that. Be there right at 10 AM EST (can correct me for time if wrong). Hope you get lucky and likely get the inventory that will be gone within 5 minutes.

I am not sure what to think about Night Trap.  I had a Turbografx 16 so I would imagine if this were Sherlock Holmes or JB Harold Murder Club it would have peaked my interest more, but I never had a Sega Genesis or the CD system. 

For those that have played the game is this something that would be enjoyable in the absence of rose colored glasses/ a blast of nostalgia?

I am tempted to get one to experience the game since I trust most of the forums judgement and it is hard not to get wrapped up in all the excitement, but I think at this point my expectations might be too high to actually enjoy the game.  (Please don't kill me csbaker I am sure I will not take your copy away).

Night Trap look like a pure trash b-graded FMV game. It isn't well thought of, but it has a cheese factor and is somewhat infamous since it along with Mortal Kombat helped create the ESRB. If you miss it though, don't be too sad. It's not a good game by any measure and looks to be quite short.

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Night Trap is still a very fun game and many of the changes Screaming Villains made for the remaster make the game infinitely more playable. I think Double Switch really perfected the gameplay Night Trap attempted, but Night Trap is still very fun in my opinion.
bread's done