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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I'm gonna pull the hipster card back on you and tell you I've been there since the beginning as well. Alot of their games in the past did not actually sell out completely and were marked as sold out in an act of "mercy" if they didn't move through the games within a few days. I believe Josh even admitted this once, or something similar. Games like Thomas Was Alone, One Way Heroics, and Dragon Fantasy didn't really sell all that well and last Black Friday people ended up getting alot of those particular titles in LRG's blind box specials. It was a way to move the games out in a more empathetic manner, so they didn't have to "clearance" them out. They simply mixed them in with a couple of copies of the more desired titles like SMRPG and Breach and Clear, and gave people an entertaining "lottery" style chance to get the heavier hitters.

Lili had a low run, yes, but the uninspired collector's edition probably raised some scalper eyebrows after they licked their chops from their Night Trap profits, which was probably the quickest and highest profit flip an LRG game has yielded thus far. Brach and Clear Vita is worth alot now, but that took a much longer time to get that valuable and wasn't an overnight guaranteed sale for these assholes.
I believe this is absolutely true. Massive exposure from the last 2 releases and the controversy surrounding them, coupled with the fact they are going for so much on ebay, has opened the flood gates for new scalpers. Better get used to it from now on. There were more listings of Lili Limited Edition on ebay immediately after release than both Night Trap and Wonder Boy immediately after those sold out. That says a lot.

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Games like Thomas Was Alone, One Way Heroics, and Dragon Fantasy didn't really sell all that well
To my recollection, Dragon Fantasy sold just fine like everything else had.

The only ones that were known duds were Thomas Was Alone and One Way Heroics.

There were some other middling ones that could be arguable, but those two were the only ones I can confidently say performed poorly.

That particular release day for those two just had so many issues as well leading up to that point, so no surprise it did not meet expectations, or even close to it.

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Remember when people freaked out when  game doesn't sell out in a day and saying the end is near when it reaches Monday? :lol: These releases were supposed to last a week o so to begin with. 

Remember when people freaked out when game doesn't sell out in a day and saying the end is near when it reaches Monday? :lol: These releases were supposed to last a week o so to begin with.

To my recollection, Dragon Fantasy sold just fine like everything else had.
My apologies if I unfairly shit on that one. I just thought I remembered several people posting they had gotten that game in a blind box though. There was a third title that sold relatively slowly though and needed some help to move units. Maybe it was Octodad.

The vita version of Dragon Fantasy TBTOI sold out fairly quick.  That was one I bought and the first where I used my phone for it.


I got notification that my copy of Night Trap is preparing to ship.  Nice to see some movement on that considering the shifty way of getting it.  :beer:

So it seems like UPS Innovations is working out much better than it was before. I've gotten my Oceanhorn and Jotun very quickly... 

There were more listings of Lili Limited Edition on ebay immediately after release than both Night Trap and Wonder Boy immediately after those sold out.
Those scalpers are going to get burned. While Lili sold out quickly on LRG (largely thanks to scalpers) the game is not well known. Even with the very small stock, the demand for it second-hand isn't going to be anywhere near as high as Night Trap. The eBay flippers are not going to turn a very good profit from it.

You have to evaluate these things. It's not enough to just point at a recent release and expect similar results from every LRG game. Savvy flippers would have held off on a release like Lili. The ones who go in hard on a release like this are the ones who are just blindly following trends, and not putting any actual thought into individual releases. Even N++ is a better flipping opportunity, despite selling slower than Lili. It is actually from an established franchise with a decent amount of exposure and credibility.

I ordered a copy of Lili, but I'm a collector, not a flipper. I care more about the critical appraisal of the game as opposed to any resale value. I've never sold a game from my collection, and all of my acquired LRG titles will enjoy a permanent place on my shelf.

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The other game they're releasing Friday is Asdivine Hearts
This one is very disappointing.
I was hoping for a surprise announcement of a Bard's Tale Remastered. That would have been cool.

Just makes things easier. I will get Y's Origin Standard for Vita and call it a day next Friday.

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This one is very disappointing.
I was hoping for a surprise announcement of a Bard's Tale Remastered. That would have been cool.

Just makes things easier. I will get Y's Origin Standard for Vita and call it a day next Friday.
I was hoping for a Bard's Tale announcement too. I was also hoping the Ys release would be pushed a week. I should stop hoping for things lol

Those scalpers are going to get burned.
I think it's pretty hard to predict the secondary market. Lili, on paper, is a bad investment for a reseller. That said it's fairly low print and it seems the very low print games are the ones that tend to have the most value. Sort of like Breach & Clear. With so many collecting for Vita it really limits how many possible complete collections there can be so the price goes up while there is demand. Similarly Retro City Rampage. Only the Vita version gained alot of value and that's partly due to being super low print. The PS4 version and the reprint haven't gained much at all.

The other game they're releasing Friday is Asdivine Hearts
Reviews on the steam version are pretty mixed. The PS4 version has a couple reviews and both of them pretty much tear it apart. RPGamer gave it a 5/10. I own a bunch of these Kemco RPG's thanks to $0.99 sales on iOS when I was big into iOS gaming. I tried playing some of them and just couldn't force myself very deep into any of these rpgmaker games. They are just too generic and bland.

I'm down for Y's Origin.

I was hoping for a surprise announcement of a Bard's Tale Remastered. That would have been cool.
I'd buy that for Vita.

I think it's pretty hard to predict the secondary market. Lili, on paper, is a bad investment for a reseller. That said it's fairly low print and it seems the very low print games are the ones that tend to have the most value. Sort of like Breach & Clear. With so many collecting for Vita it really limits how many possible complete collections there can be so the price goes up while there is demand. Similarly Retro City Rampage. Only the Vita version gained alot of value and that's partly due to being super low print. The PS4 version and the reprint haven't gained much at all.
To be fair, the PS4 RCR was well over $150 for quite some time. It was only after the reprint that it dropped in 'value'

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Lili, on paper, is a bad investment for a reseller. That said it's fairly low print and it seems the very low print games are the ones that tend to have the most value. Sort of like Breach & Clear.
Breach and Clear didn't have much re-sale value at all initially. Its second-hand price didn't start going up until later, after LRG had made a name for itself and some collectors started gunning for a complete collection. It was also a little-known game from an unknown developer. Lili is in a similar situation. As such, its value for short-term flippers is very poor. It might get a little bit of a boost from the reputation of LRG, and the interest of hard-core completionist collectors, but that's it. Flippers should avoid it if they know what's good for them.

Speculators are a different matter. As with Breach and Clear, its entirely possible that the long-term second-hand price of Lili will go up. A year from now, it could be worth a lot more. If the game is able to get more exposure, or gets a sequel, or the developer release another game that gets more attention, the circumstances will change. And these changes could drastically alter the long-term demand for a game with an extremely finite physical supply.

Again, all of this is moot to me, little more than an analytical exercise. I don't sell, I collect.

Those scalpers are going to get burned. While Lili sold out quickly on LRG (largely thanks to scalpers) the game is not well known. Even with the very small stock, the demand for it second-hand isn't going to be anywhere near as high as Night Trap. The eBay flippers are not going to turn a very good profit from it.

You have to evaluate these things. It's not enough to just point at a recent release and expect similar results from every LRG game. Savvy flippers would have held off on a release like Lili. The ones who go in hard on a release like this are the ones who are just blindly following trends, and not putting any actual thought into individual releases. Even N++ is a better flipping opportunity, despite selling slower than Lili. It is actually from an established franchise with a decent amount of exposure and credibility.

I ordered a copy of Lili, but I'm a collector, not a flipper. I care more about the critical appraisal of the game as opposed to any resale value. I've never sold a game from my collection, and all of my acquired LRG titles will enjoy a permanent place on my shelf.
I agree 100%. My point was in response to "How the hell did the Lili Limited Edition sell out in 1 minute?"

Again, all of this is moot to me, little more than an analytical exercise. I don't sell, I collect.
I'm pretty similar in that I'm not here to really speculate or resell. It's kind of fun to think about this stuff.

I will sell stuff off when I feel like I'm done with it but it's been about three years since I've sold anything. I've intended all year to start working through my vita collection and get rid of what I don't need (because I went digital) or don't want (because I didn't find it fun/memorable).
That Shadow Warrior 2 LRG variant is freaking dope. I skipped the Special Reserve release, but will definitely pick up the LRG one

Will we get a notification for that? I missed strafe because I never saw a notification for it anywhere or a release date announcement. I was pretty annoying at that lol.

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Will we get a notification for that? I missed strafe because I never saw a notification for it anywhere or a release date announcement. I was pretty annoying at that lol.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
It was mentioned on Twitter and in the mailing list.

I got my Wonderboy CE today and am very pleased with the shipping time and protection LRG used in shipping it. Thank you LRG. Look forward to getting my Night Trap CE soon.
That Shadow Warrior 2 LRG variant is freaking dope. I skipped the Special Reserve release, but will definitely pick up the LRG one
It's gonna be tough. The Strafe variant sold out in like three minutes and that was poorly promoted and before this latest massive wave of interest.

It's gonna be tough. The Strafe variant sold out in like three minutes and that was poorly promoted and before this latest massive wave of interest.
Yep, and SW2 is a much much bigger title than Strafe. Is the run only going to be 1000 units again?

Hopefully they will have some at PAX...

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That Shadow Warrior 2 LRG variant is freaking dope. I skipped the Special Reserve release, but will definitely pick up the LRG one
I agree this is awesome. I skipped the Special Reserve as well and hoped LRG would do a release for this so I am all in, if I can get it in time.....

Just got my copy of WonderBoy in the mail today, I am very happy with this release. Trying to decide if I want to open this copy or just download the digital copy on my Switch and play it there.

Looking at sold copies of Lili on ebay and the only two that have sold were the LE's for $79.99 and $85.00 before shipping costs each. It'll be interesting to see how this ends up.

I'm glad Ys is next week. I have enough stuff coming in September already including Ys VIII, Metroid RoS.. and also the 29th this month Yakzua Kiwami.

Just got my copy of WonderBoy in the mail today, I am very happy with this release. Trying to decide if I want to open this copy or just download the digital copy on my Switch and play it there.
I want it on Switch. I'm waiting to see if there ends up a physical Switch release as I'm not big on digital purchases on nintendo systems.

Looking at sold copies of Lili on ebay and the only two that have sold were the LE's for $79.99 and $85.00 before shipping costs each. It'll be interesting to see how this ends up.

I'm glad Ys is next week. I have enough stuff coming in September already including Ys VIII, Metroid RoS.. and also the 29th this month Yakzua Kiwami.

I want it on Switch. I'm waiting to see if there ends up a physical Switch release as I'm not big on digital purchases on nintendo systems.
Same, I'll probably end up opening the LRG copy I just got though and play it. Only way I think we will see a physical Switch release for it is if LRG can get something set up with Nintendo to do Switch stuff.

I also am picking up every game you mentioned here as well along with a few others.

Breach and Clear didn't have much re-sale value at all initially. Its second-hand price didn't start going up until later, after LRG had made a name for itself and some collectors started gunning for a complete collection. It was also a little-known game from an unknown developer. Lili is in a similar situation. As such, its value for short-term flippers is very poor. It might get a little bit of a boost from the reputation of LRG, and the interest of hard-core completionist collectors, but that's it. Flippers should avoid it if they know what's good for them.

Speculators are a different matter. As with Breach and Clear, its entirely possible that the long-term second-hand price of Lili will go up. A year from now, it could be worth a lot more. If the game is able to get more exposure, or gets a sequel, or the developer release another game that gets more attention, the circumstances will change. And these changes could drastically alter the long-term demand for a game with an extremely finite physical supply.

Again, all of this is moot to me, little more than an analytical exercise. I don't sell, I collect.

To be fair, the PS4 RCR was well over $150 for quite some time. It was only after the reprint that it dropped in 'value'
Ya secondary market especially when its such a limited number like the CE at 1900 can be tough to judge, why I dont care to get much into if scalping is right or wrong; 40 dollars isnt that bad of a risk for scalpers at worse they turn around drop it to just above MSRP and break even after fees; now if the invest were say 100 or more and theres a chance the secondary even rejects the MSRP price then scalpers have a big issue and thats when real risk for them becomes involved but at 40 they could give a damn.

I haven't really followed this thread much. I assume shipping is super delayed at this point? Just got confirmation for night trap but still have yet to receive anything regarding oceanhorn or plague road. My order for bards gold also still reads unfulfilled despite receiving it weeks ago.

Have most people received games in a similar manor recently?
This does not bode well for Y's....

Edit: It is oddly strange that we havent had a single person complaining about not getting a copy of the CE even though it sold out in a minute again.

No one here wanted one but didnt get it due to it selling out almost immediately?

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Lili just doesn't look too great as a game....pass. Also passing on Kemco RPG #23....that's reserved for bundle hell or mobile phones.

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I agree this is awesome. I skipped the Special Reserve as well and hoped LRG would do a release for this so I am all in, if I can get it in time.....

Just got my copy of WonderBoy in the mail today, I am very happy with this release. Trying to decide if I want to open this copy or just download the digital copy on my Switch and play it there.
Just a reference - I pre-ordered the set for SRG way back in May. They haven't said shit about it being shipped so far, other than they've had production issues that's out of their hands and don't have an ETA yet. So this may be your best shot to get this with LRG.

EDIT - Scratch that, I don't have Facebook...but SRG's page shows they're just now shipping those sets out.

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This does not bode well for Y's....

Edit: It is oddly strange that we havent had a single person complaining about not getting a copy of the CE even though it sold out in a minute again.

No one here wanted one but didnt get it due to it selling out almost immediately?
I would have complained if I didn't get one ;) Luckily I snagged one at 10am. Didn't realize it would sell out so fast though. Figured it would last 5 to 10 minutes each round.

This does not bode well for Y's....

Edit: It is oddly strange that we havent had a single person complaining about not getting a copy of the CE even though it sold out in a minute again.

No one here wanted one but didnt get it due to it selling out almost immediately?
Yes, I am starting to get nervous about Ys, especially with both Vita and PS4 versions and a CE. I hope the quantity is greater than NT or WB, but somehow I doubt it. I hope the preorder cuts demand a bit on the sale day, but I suspect many collectors will just buy every version and that scalpers will still go for the CE.

This does not bode well for Y's....

Edit: It is oddly strange that we havent had a single person complaining about not getting a copy of the CE even though it sold out in a minute again.

No one here wanted one but didnt get it due to it selling out almost immediately?
I just wanted the standard. Even tho I love slipcovers, it just didn't seem worth it. I have to admit, I began to second guess myself before I ordered during the evening batch, and relooked at it to make sure I wasn't missing anything about it lol.

Now the Ys CE. That I want. I'm super worried tho if this only lasted 30 seconds :(

Yes, I am starting to get nervous about Ys, especially with both Vita and PS4 versions and a CE. I hope the quantity is greater than NT or WB, but somehow I doubt it. I hope the preorder cuts demand a bit on the sale day, but I suspect many collectors will just buy every version and that scalpers will still go for the CE.
YS is a highly anticipated game so best believe print runs will be low, PayPal orders will freeze up for many like the past 2 releases of highly anticipated games (WB and Night Trap) and Chris from eBay will have 4 copies of every game up for resell within minutes of release. This is starting to be the trend with LRG releases.
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Lili just doesn't look too great as a game....pass. Also passing on Kemco RPG #23....that's reserved for bundle hell or mobile phones.
Lili is a shit mobile port game, anything that is on mobile that comes to consoles are shit IMO. I think this applies to Oceanhorn too but I could be wrong and it got ported to mobile after.

This does not bode well for Y's....

Edit: It is oddly strange that we havent had a single person complaining about not getting a copy of the CE even though it sold out in a minute again.

No one here wanted one but didnt get it due to it selling out almost immediately?
Yeah Y's scares me a little bit. My most anticipated release so far and probably a lot of other peoples!

Since I found out that N++ wasn't the ultimate edition, I sent a ticket to ask if I can cancel it and they said that all sales are final. When was that a thing?

Also, anyone wants N++ for $27.61 shipped?
im trying to figure out if i want Ys' regular and CE, or just the regular.  I cant see me having much use for the Ce and sept is game-apalooza on releases for both LRG and normal stuff.  

Since I found out that N++ wasn't the ultimate edition, I sent a ticket to ask if I can cancel it and they said that all sales are final. When was that a thing?

Also, anyone wants N++ for $27.61 shipped?
Not sure when it went into effect, but Doug or Josh mentioned it in this thread a few weeks ago.
bread's done