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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Agreed. One of my favorite games of any genre. It would be awesome if LRG could somehow release the physical Vita version at some point.
I think DrinkBox will offer it over at Vblank at some point soon. As I can't see them leaving those funds on the table and only offer a PS4 option.

The creator of RCR has offered so many different physical versions of that game, I've lost track. So for DrinkBox to be dealing with him and selling through his site, I can't imagine this ends at one release.

Has the Plague Road Kickstarter copies been sent out? Also, should I have received an email by now detailing the shipment?
Yeah nothing for me either. What annoys me most about this (and this is more the developer's/Kickstarter's fault and not LRG's fault) is the developer has not sent any updates on when backer copies are expected to ship. In fact, I haven't got any backer updates on this Kickstarter in months. A lot of other Kickstarter's I have backed have been on point and timely in their updates and keeping their backers appraised of what's going on.

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Yeah nothing for me either. What annoys me most about this (and this is more the developer's/Kickstarter's fault and not LRG's fault) is the developer has not sent any updates on when backer coipies are expected to ship. In fact, I haven't got any backer updates on this Kickstarter in months. A lot of other Kickstarter's I have backed have been on point and timely in their updates and keeping their backers appraised of what's going on.
I agree. They gave pretty good updates for most of the development time(as the game was pretty far along to begin with). And then once they got done or close to it, NOTHING. I guess since LRG is handling the distro across the board, the developer must have said fuck it, we'll let LRG handle all that, we're out! LOL

As for KS in general, this is typical of most, even some of the bigger companies like Wayforward go from great updates, to almost none after the game launches. Shantae had a lot of physical reward tiers, and I think since the game launched back in December, I've seen one mention of those items(still no launch date for the extra's), and mostly we only get add on/DLC information any more. Extras for the game is cool and all, but what about stuff that should have been ready when the game was?

So for sure, a lot of these guys are lacking in the communication department for sure when it comes to KS.

I feel like Mighty No. 9 really taught people the perils of Kickstarter. I didn't pay into that one but I watched the drama unfold and sat back thinking that as bad as this thing went, no other developer is going to make this same mistake. Yet it looks like we may be seeing it again with Bloodstained. Every time an update is released for that game, it's basically "This is taking longer than we expected and we are only 20% done with the game" followed by additional delays. 

I feel like Mighty No. 9 really taught people the perils of Kickstarter. I didn't pay into that one but I watched the drama unfold and sat back thinking that as bad as this thing went, no other developer is going to make this same mistake. Yet it looks like we may be seeing it again with Bloodstained. Every time an update is released for that game, it's basically "This is taking longer than we expected and we are only 20% done with the game" followed by additional delays.
This is what's wrong with most of the KS projects, as they take the creative types from these companies, and then give them funds, that they have no idea how to use properly. When your working for a publishing house, you have people who's job it is to watch the money, know where it's going, and have 100% accountability. When deadlines aren't met, someone has to answer for it, at some place in the chain.

Now with KS, you get guys who should probably never have that responsibility in the positions of power, and it rarely if ever works. Creative types rarely if ever understand finances, and the bean counters rarely if ever under stand the creative process, but together they make things happen. Apart from one another, it's a huge cluster fuck 95% of the time, sadly.

Every KS I've backed from a gaming standpoint, which has only been a few, have always not delivered 100%. And as I stated above with Shantae, I'm still waiting on other items. When I've backed gaming book items, they have delivered every time, with everything promised, with little to no delays. So KS is a great tool, when used properly, but as I stated, creative people rarely if ever understand things on the finance side of things, and the KS game campaigns are 100% proof of that.

I have 4 outstanding orders with LRG currently(5 if you count the Plague Road KS variant). My Wonder Boy is due to arrive today, but nothing else has even shipped yet.

I think I have 4 unshipped orders at this point.  My Wonder Boy order should ship soon hopefully since they gave me tracking.

I'm bummed that I always get my stuff weeks after other folks.

I shouldn't have done the Muv-Luv physical vita kickstarter. I regret that simply because the dev pushes the Vita version at every turn over the PC version. I wonder if we'll even see it this year at the rate things are going. I'm betting on No.

The only other Kickstarter I've done is Shenmue 3. I don't regret it. I waited 16 years for that news. Shenmue is one of my all time favorite game experiences and I am happy to have thrown money at that knowing it means Shenmue 3 is getting made. I hold Yu Suzuki above most other developers and this is the culmination of his life's work in gaming. I'm glad I got to be part of that kickstarter.

What I didn't do with Shenmue or even with Muv-Luv is go after any of the tiers that had random do-dads with it. All that extra manufacturing of stupid crap always delays stuff further. As far as future Kickstarter campaings go, I'm likely not doing any of them. It would take another Shenmue sized miracle to change my mind on that.

Yet it looks like we may be seeing it again with Bloodstained. Every time an update is released for that game, it's basically "This is taking longer than we expected and we are only 20% done with the game" followed by additional delays.
As much as I love the Iga CV games, I passed on Bloodstained and am glad I did. I don't even think they really have a full idea what they are developing. If they had just gone with making a CV'like game with sprites like the last few DS games I think they'd have finished and already be deep into making a sequel. It'll be interesting to see if they can even deliver this in 2018.

As much as I love the Iga CV games, I passed on Bloodstained and am glad I did. I don't even think they really have a full idea what they are developing. If they had just gone with making a CV'like game with sprites like the last few DS games I think they'd have finished and already be deep into making a sequel. It'll be interesting to see if they can even deliver this in 2018.
I had no idea people were so down on Bloodstained! I feel like that project has gone exactly as I expected it would, and the latest build they released around E3 played really well. The way I see it, the game was still in preproduction when they Kickstarted it, so a 2018 release would make for a 3-year development cycle. That sounds perfectly reasonable for a game of its scope from a company starting from nothing. Of course, a lot could go wrong between now and then, but I haven't seen any reason to worry yet.

It could just be my attitude about games, too. Delays don't bother me, but rushed games that could have been good REALLY bother me!
I had no idea people were so down on Bloodstained! I feel like that project has gone exactly as I expected it would, and the latest build they released around E3 played really well. The way I see it, the game was still in preproduction when they Kickstarted it, so a 2018 release would make for a 3-year development cycle. That sounds perfectly reasonable for a game of its scope from a company starting from nothing. Of course, a lot could go wrong between now and then, but I haven't seen any reason to worry yet.

It could just be my attitude about games, too. Delays don't bother me, but rushed games that could have been good REALLY bother me!
I feel the same exact way. For a game that hadn't started production yet, 3 years for something decent is the norm. I think a lot of people pledge, and then they think they are part of the process, but really only a small part of their funds is on the line.

Bloodstatined has has regular updates, as well as demo's etc, I think it's going fine as well. Now if they end up cancelling the Vita version, I will be pissed, but if I look at this campaign realistically, I know that is a real possibility. So if it does happen, I may move my order to another system, or just get a refund. Either way, I'm good with it.

Kickstarter is fine for some things like localization of games (Japanese translations...though Sekai Project.....enough!) and already pretty completed games with demos which need funding to finish.

I really don't like funding unknown IPs and such and have gotten burned on quite a few now. This has included pretty meh board games and some indie games that went super cheap after releasing on Steam as they were half baked. My best Kickstarters were Glory to Rome Black Box (was a gorgeous version of an already established game which sadly bankrupted the owner) and for games likely Root Double (though I could have easily waited for the Steam release as the prices were similar).

I just don't do it anymore unless a japanese localization really needs my money to get the complete package, or if a board game I like is getting a really nice version that may not come to normal stores (still waiting for Innovation deluxe to fix it's issues....i'm ready to buy that!).

I have 4 outstanding orders with LRG currently(5 if you count the Plague Road KS variant). My Wonder Boy is due to arrive today, but nothing else has even shipped yet.

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I finally got my OceanHorn Plague Road shipping info today, so hopeful it arrives by this weekend, as I actually wanted to try out OH.

I guess this question is for LRG, how will the KS variants happen in regards to shipping notices? Will we get tracking based on our KS order emails/info? Or will it just be shipped with no notice at all? And the KS variants where supposed to get LRG rewards tickets as well, that's still happening I hope?


So there is a standard PS4 and Vita Ys Origin and soon to be detailed Collectors edition.

the other game was also announced...

Asdivine Hearts

Friday I got my Shipping Confirmation on Night Trap (regular edition).  This morning I got an email saying my order is on the way though tracking still says it's not moved.  I'm guessing it'll show up before the weekend (in the South East) which will be fine by me.

I had no idea people were so down on Bloodstained!
I think it could easily end up disappointing (to me) as my love for Castlevania is massive. Sort of like Mega Man fans with MN9. I'm glad I didn't put money into Bloodstained also because of the delay to first half 2018. I'm also not too keen on the development being split so there's a certain amount of game content coming out at launch and they will add the rest over time. It makes me wonder if there will be a complete edition released maybe another year or so later. In the end, I'm just glad I'm not tied to the project financially. I do hope it turns out fantastic, but at least I won't be disappointed if it can't live up to it's heritage.

I think it could easily end up disappointing (to me) as my love for Castlevania is massive. Sort of like Mega Man fans with MN9. I'm glad I didn't put money into Bloodstained also because of the delay to first half 2018. I'm also not too keen on the development being split so there's a certain amount of game content coming out at launch and they will add the rest over time. It makes me wonder if there will be a complete edition released maybe another year or so later. In the end, I'm just glad I'm not tied to the project financially. I do hope it turns out fantastic, but at least I won't be disappointed if it can't live up to it's heritage.
The difference here is that when they finally showed MN9 gameplay, it looked like crap and everyone was upset. They have shown Bloodstained several times, and the overall perception is that they nailed it.

I'm actually very lucky that my local small store has a deal with LRG to carry some of their stock and I was able to grab some titles yesterday I missed out on.  Nice surprise and it's also cool that they aren't marked up and its only 1 per customer.

Still waiting for LRGs update.  Not like this isn't their most anticipated update ever and it's 1:00 PM already.

Must be too busy answering everyone why their orders didn't get shipped within .001 ms of being placed.

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The difference here is that when they finally showed MN9 gameplay, it looked like crap and everyone was upset. They have shown Bloodstained several times, and the overall perception is that they nailed it.
Not to be difficult here, but I thought it looked like a generic indie game crap when they first showed Bloodstained. It made me appreciate Mirror of Fate.


Still waiting on Ys info and my tracking to update on Night Trap. At least I got to see the eclipse. Pretty awesome even at 96% or whatever it was here.

Not to be difficult here, but I thought it looked like a generic indie game crap when they first showed Bloodstained. It made me appreciate Mirror of Fate.


Still waiting on Ys info and my tracking to update on Night Trap. At least I got to see the eclipse. Pretty awesome even at 96% or whatever it was here.
Lol, you don't have to explain yourself. Waiting on Kickstarted games is the smart move about 99% of the time. It's okay if you're not super jazzed about a pre-alpha demo!

Getting back on topic, is the Ys update today meant to be about the contents of the CE, or about the potential pre-order system (or both?) Did they ever say?
Does anyone have an extra copy of Night Trap they would be willing to part with at about retail price? Regular or collector's doesn't matter...but if I had a preference it'd be collector's. Trying to secure a copy for a friend.
Just got the email with the details on Ys. All regular copies are being manufactured to demand. So what I suggested. Interesting. I will be preordering this and I'm fine with the tower art and am glad it's reversable.
The Y's announcement fails to mention anything about cover variants?

Are there 2+1 still? Or just two?  If you order two in the 24 hour order window do you still get one of each? etc.

Just got the email with the details on Ys. All regular copies are being manufactured to demand. So what I suggested. Interesting. I will be preordering this and I'm fine with the tower art and am glad it's reversable.
I hope they don't get too much backlash over this, because I'm pretty pleased with this model. CE would be nice if I can get it, but I'm just glad I won't have to fight the bots and ravenous collectors for a normal copy of the game.

I'm glad that there won't be another variant for pre-ordering. Just the normal one and the Pax one (since the CE has the same copy in it as a normal one). Are the CE contents announced yet, though?

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I'm glad that there won't be another variant for pre-ordering. Just the normal one and the Pax one (since the CE has the same copy in it is a normal one). Are the CE contents announced yet, though?

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Ys Origin Collector's Edition for the PlayStation Vita. Includes the following:

  • Standard edition physical Ys Origin game with reversible cover art. Region free.
  • 18 x 24-inch fold-out poster
  • 72-page full-color English artbook featuring character profiles and illustrations, opening movie art, and an illustration gallery.
  • A beautiful shrinkwrapped 7.75" x 9.5" x 1.75" big box featuring spot UV and embossing.
I am going for the CE, but it's nice to know that if I can't get a CE that I can get a regular copy. I'm hoping for the Vita CE, but would be cool with a PS4 CE too. Not familiar with Asdivine Hearts though, probably going to pass on that one.

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Kickstarter is fine for some things like localization of games (Japanese translations...though Sekai Project.....enough!) and already pretty completed games with demos which need funding to finish.

I really don't like funding unknown IPs and such and have gotten burned on quite a few now. This has included pretty meh board games and some indie games that went super cheap after releasing on Steam as they were half baked. My best Kickstarters were Glory to Rome Black Box (was a gorgeous version of an already established game which sadly bankrupted the owner) and for games likely Root Double (though I could have easily waited for the Steam release as the prices were similar).

I just don't do it anymore unless a japanese localization really needs my money to get the complete package, or if a board game I like is getting a really nice version that may not come to normal stores (still waiting for Innovation deluxe to fix it's issues....i'm ready to buy that!).
Yeah I don't like backing Sekai Project Kickstarters due to how unprofessional they are with them, but I have bought their games on steam (and Root Double on release). I have no problem paying for a finished product, but I'd rather avoid Kickstarters if they're sloppily done. Apparently I ended up unknowingly backing a Sekai game years ago though (Exogenesis), they only announced their partnership with Sekai YEARS later lol.

As for Bloodstained, I don't mind the delays as long as it means they're not rushing development, however it does annoy me when devs that go the Kickstarter route end up choosing shitty publishers later on.. and this appears to be the case with Bloodstained (originally went with Deep Silver and then switched to 505 games which I consider to be worse). If I'm backing your game, please don't fuck up your publisher choice.. especially when your game is HUGE and you have tons of choices for who to go with if you're not gonna self-publish.

The Y's announcement fails to mention anything about cover variants?

Are there 2+1 still? Or just two? If you order two in the 24 hour order window do you still get one of each? etc.
From the game page:
Please note that which cover faces outward under the seal has been randomized during manufacturing. We can not take requests for specific covers. We will do our best to give customers an even split of each cover if they purchase multiple copies.

So no other cover variants from the way things sound. I really hope this works out for them. The 24 hour window is probably much my ideal situation.
Just got the email with the details on Ys. All regular copies are being manufactured to demand. So what I suggested. Interesting. I will be preordering this and I'm fine with the tower art and am glad it's reversable.
The CE is not being manufactured to demand and is limited to 3,000 per platform. You are correct that the standard is being manufactured to demand.

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The Ys plan is solid, no issues from me, except for maybe if I try and get the CE alone, or try for Asdivine Hearts in the same order(to save on shipping)?

With 2 separate systems being offered in regards to the CE, I should be OK, as most of the recent issues where from the CE being offered on only the PS4, and everyone trying to get it. Now at least the mad mob will have two options for running amok. LOL

bread's done