It's pretty obvious to me now that LRG needs to have a place on their website where they can provide customers an update to all unshipped games, when they are expected on hand, and when they are expected to ship, that can be updated as each happens. Otherwise, you have messes like now where apparently there are certain games holding up orders and people may not know which ones are doing it. For example I have one order with Ys Origin PS4 standard, Asdivine Hearts PS4 and Asdivine Hearts Vita and I have no idea which is holding up my order and when that one is expected in. Meanwhile I'm seeing reports of people having received Ys Origin PS4 standard, and Asdivine Hearts (though not sure which one, or both) so I've almost written a help desk request to inquire on status.
Either that or just go back to only selling games they have on hand so they can be shipped out within a week of when they are bought.
Sadly, this has been discussed at great lengths, with many good ideas in regards to posting updated information, and LRG(or at least Josh), doesn't think it will help. I completely disagree, as it's been stated before that a great portion of emails they receive are in regards to "where's my shipment"?
Me and a few others have recommended an updated status at the ticket producing step, so before you can open a ticket, you see maybe the last 6-10 releases, and where they are in the mailing process(shipping, waiting on stock, TC delayed, production hold up, etc). If it could be implemented properly(which I don't know how their online system functions), before a customer could even open a ticket, they see the items there waiting on isn't due to ship for days or weeks, and then the ticket is no longer needed. You also state, that if the item your looking for hasn't shipped yet, allow 2 weeks past "shipping started" message before you send a message of where's my order?
So as long as that info is up to date, a buyer would only need to open a ticket if his/her statues shows "all shipped", and it's been 2 weeks or more with no news. Then of course something is amiss, and that person should open a ticket. Of course there will still be those who don't read that perhaps, but a great number of people would, and cutting down on answering emails, puts another body on shipping, or other matters that need attention.