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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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We were awaiting final approval from Sony so we didn't lose any money. It's just disappointing because that was going to be a pretty awesome exclusive for our rewards program.
Would you be able to offer just the cover insert without esrb approval if offered without the actual game? I'd be willing to bite on that
Would you be able to offer just the cover insert without esrb approval if offered without the actual game? I'd be willing to bite on that
Unfortunately no - Sony won't approve new artwork without a rating. Since it includes their branding, it needs their approval. :(
That game sucks, but I guess that hasn't stopped LRG before.
I actually think it's fine. It's old school Double Dragon, for better or for worse. It was made by the original game's development team, Technos, and yeah it probably sticks a little too close to the old games for it's own good but it's still fun for those who loved the NES Double Dragon games.
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I actually think it's fine. It's old school Double Dragon, for better or for worse. It was made by the original game's development team, Technos, and yeah it probably sticks a little too close to the old games for it's own good but it's still fun for those who loved the NES Double Dragon games.
49 on Metacritic. Wasn't that the measuring stick when you were touting how you haven't released any "objectively bad" games?

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We'll evaluate it as we near the sale date. Things are kind of moving slow right now thanks to the holiday season so I'm not totally sure its necessary. If today's stuff floats through the weekend again, we probably won't bother with any kind of bundles.
Please don't stop offering the bundles. I really appreciated being able to buy the 2064: ROM bundle yesterday. It solved my issue of getting duplicate games.

49 on Metacritic. Wasn't that the measuring stick when you were touting how you haven't released any "objectively bad" games?
Lol, sure. Because an arbitrary number means no one could possibly like it, right? Or maybe (*gasp!*) a number isn't a great reflection of a game to begin with.

The Metacritic fetish needs to die. I'm sorry to single you out, especially if you weren't the first one to bring it up like you say, but this is a huge pet peeve of mine. I think Metacritic has done more harm than good to the games industry. Critics have always been important for people deciding what to buy, but Metacritic foregoes all the detail and nuance in game reviews in favor of the scores--as though a number could replace an entire article's worth of information. And somehow way too many people have bought into this monomaniacal focus on scores. It's gotten to the point that a game's perceived quality is magically tied to its Metacritic number, and that's just dumb.

Look at Double Dragon IV: most of the reviews seem to agree that fans of the series will like the game, even if the reviewer didn't. That one sentence is more meaningful than any number could be. But becuase the Metacritic score is low, people robotically say the game is "objectively bad," even when most of the critics, who are actually scoring the game, don't. That's not helpful to anyone.

Again, I'm sorry to pick on you, but quoting a Metacritic score like that gives the score power it doesn't deserve. Like any other review score, it's meaningless without any context to back it up.

/end rant
Look at Double Dragon IV: most of the reviews seem to agree that fans of the series will like the game, even if the reviewer didn't. That one sentence is more meaningful than any number could be. But becuase the Metacritic score is low, people robotically say the game is "objectively bad," even when most of the critics, who are actually scoring the game, don't. That's not helpful to anyone.

Again, I'm sorry to pick on you, but quoting a Metacritic score like that gives the score power it doesn't deserve. Like any other review score, it's meaningless without any context to back it up.
So very true^

I often look to reviews for "opinions", but that's about it. If someone is not a fan of a genre, why would I expect that to change when reviewing a game that is clearly not what they like personally? I'm a HUGE fan of FMV games, and for those who don't like those types of games, why would I think they would give Dragon's Lair or Night Trap a great review, it's not gonna happen.

Aqua Kitty caught all kinds of hate when that was announced by LRG, and it's been one of my personal favorite offerings be them so far. I could care less what the Meta score may be, as it's just a guide that can be used, like any other "opinions". While I don't mind the site, I do agree that many should do their own thinking, instead of taking a score there as the gospel.

Double Dragon IV got bad reviews because it is slavishly like the original NES games and it didn't innovate like Neon did. The original NES games sold thousands of copies and have plenty of fans to this day (myself included). Unless you're going to say the original Double Dragon is "objectively bad", this one isn't either. A handful of critics don't speak for everyone. I love Alpha Protocol, it's one of my favorite games actually, and critics took a huge shit all over it. Make up your own mind about a game before just blindly throwing around numbers - read some reviews and get context for why a game might have reviewed as it did. A game with nearly nothing to like or offer is objectively bad. This is a game that is getting poor review scores for being too much like the old ones, which is the whole point!
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Any chance of a LRG release of Shenmue 3? It’s my understanding the game is planned to be digital only except for Kickstarter backers..
When a company makes a claim of that nature, I would assume it's out of LRG hands. If they offered it thru LRG after the fact, that would piss off anyone who supported KS to get it physical. So unless the developers want to piss off those who supported their project, don't expect a physical from any place else but there.

Any chance of a LRG release of Shenmue 3? It’s my understanding the game is planned to be digital only except for Kickstarter backers..
Did you hear something new about this? My Kickstarter copy description says this:

"A physical copy of Shenmue 3 in an exclusive, backer-only case"

By saying an "exclusive, backer-only case" they leave themselves open to publish it physically elsewhere as the only things backers are guaranteed is a unique case. I was actually under the impression this would likely get a wide physical release because of this description.

Did you hear something new about this? My Kickstarter copy description says this:

"A physical copy of Shenmue 3 in an exclusive, backer-only case"

By saying an "exclusive, backer-only case" they leave themselves open to publish it physically elsewhere as the only things backers are guaranteed is a unique case. I was actually under the impression this would likely get a wide physical release because of this description.
No I haven’t heard anything in a while. I missed out on KS but I really want to play it so I hope you’re right. I refuse to buy digital so I’m going to miss out if there isn’t a wide physical release.
Did you hear something new about this? My Kickstarter copy description says this:

"A physical copy of Shenmue 3 in an exclusive, backer-only case"

By saying an "exclusive, backer-only case" they leave themselves open to publish it physically elsewhere as the only things backers are guaranteed is a unique case. I was actually under the impression this would likely get a wide physical release because of this description.
Based on that info, I would agree. There is nothing there really saying it is exclusive except the case. So if and when it ever gets done, I would say a physical wide release is more than likely.

It'd be nice but not only is it only on PS3, it's published by a totally defunct company that I can't get a conversation started with (Majesco).
This is actually a pretty huge problem with a lot of older games, and game preservation in general. When some games fall through the cracks, who actually owns the rights to them can either be difficult to establish. Sometimes the rights to an individual title lie with one company, while the rights to the IP the game is based on go to a different company. Resurrecting some older titles for re-release can be a very daunting proposition. The fine folks at Nightdive studios have been trying to get the rights to re-make the "No One Lives Forever" series for quite some time, and success still eludes them.

So while it is easy to throw out the name of a game you want, the realities of making some of these things work can be quite daunting. Usually on a case-by-case basis.

Did you hear something new about this? My Kickstarter copy description says this:

"A physical copy of Shenmue 3 in an exclusive, backer-only case"

By saying an "exclusive, backer-only case" they leave themselves open to publish it physically elsewhere as the only things backers are guaranteed is a unique case. I was actually under the impression this would likely get a wide physical release because of this description.
I can't see Shenmue 3 not getting a physical release to non KS backers.

Deep Silver is publishing Shenmue III, I think - I'd wager a physical release is almost certainly happening. They've not shied away from physical releases in the past.
Deep Silver is publishing Shenmue III, I think - I'd wager a physical release is almost certainly happening. They've not shied away from physical releases in the past.
Not gonna lie, if they do I'm laughing at all the kick starter backers
Not gonna lie, if they do I'm laughing at all the kick starter backers
Lots of Kickstarters end up getting console physical releases at retail. There will still be exclusive backer perks non-backers will never be able to get. I backed the game and I don't think there was much doubt at the time that someone would do a retail release. Heck, Sony even revealed the Kickstarter campaign during their E3 presentation.

Yeah, pretty sure you won't get a Shenmue III if the kickstarter was an epic failure. I am a backer and I think it will be good for the series to get a wider physical release.

yeah sorry but resetera is another liberal cesspool based around moderator censorship and pandering to the politically correct hivemind.  They are really grooming their own echo chamber over there once again. 

Not gonna lie, if they do I'm laughing at all the kick starter backers
I've backed several KS projects in my time, and it's always been to help out with funds, so I could see an end product I wanted. It's never been about some exclusive club where I get something and others don't. Most if not all have always offered "exclusive" items as a "thank you" to backers. But most things have been offered at retail after the fact, as the end goal is to get as much, to as many, as possible.

I've only been a part of one so far, where the physical version is most likely KS only, but even that one isn't a 100% exclusive. It's just unlikely the developer will have time, or the want to produce physical past the initial backers. Maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't, but they where up front from the get go.

Then you have games that get started on one system, and due to audience shrinkage, those options are cancelled, or moved elsewhere. Once again, nothing to really laugh at, as it is a real situation that happens in crowd funding, and in real world investing. As nothing is a guarantee until it ships.

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yeah sorry but resetera is another liberal cesspool based around moderator censorship and pandering to the politically correct hivemind. They are really grooming their own echo chamber over there once again.
This shit. Reading things like this tells me more than I ever want to know about a person on a board about video games.
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Has anybody's PAX variant of Ys Origin shipped yet?  Got the tracking info on Oct 31, no movement since then.

Also waiting for Skullgirls PS4 to ship!

Any hints at what Switch releases LRG would be publishing, or when they would begin publishing?
The first release(or at least near first), was hinted to be Golf Story I believe. After that, it's anyone's guess. They are supposed to start in early 2018, and that's all we know for now.

The first release(or at least near first), was hinted to be Golf Story I believe. After that, it's anyone's guess. They are supposed to start in early 2018, and that's all we know for now.
I hope you're right! That's a perfect game for a physical release. I will hold off on buying that game until we hear more.

I hope you're right! That's a perfect game for a physical release. I will hold off on buying that game until we hear more.

Yeah, I thought it was perfect to, as the game looks really cool. Here's some info from the interview where it was hinted at.

So unless there's another golf game worth a damn on the NS, or it doesn't work out behind the scenes, it should be happening at some point.

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As shocking as this may be, it's okay for someone to feel that way.
I don't think that's really the issue.

People can feel however they want to about that topic, but it doesn't need to be in this thread, nor does it belong.

There's already enough derailing on a consistent basis here, it's better to just not add fuel to the fire when it's not necessary.

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So was nex mechina or however it's spelled a preorder thing again? I only bought 1 copy of it, I figured maybe mine would ship quick since I just did 1 vanilla game...
So was nex mechina or however it's spelled a preorder thing again? I only bought 1 copy of it, I figured maybe mine would ship quick since I just did 1 vanilla game...
Yes, it's noted on the product listing that we'll ship out by mid-December. Should be much sooner for standard copies as we expect to receive them next Monday (alongside La-Mulana).
Doomstink, when are you guys going to announce what LRG has planned for BF?  I assume you still have something planned, though it hasn't been mentioned in a while.  Only thing I remember for sure is that Blind Boxes won't be happening again until January 1st of the new year.

Doomstink, when are you guys going to announce what LRG has planned for BF? I assume you still have something planned, though it hasn't been mentioned in a while. Only thing I remember for sure is that Blind Boxes won't be happening again until January 1st of the new year.
We'll send out an email today. It's nothing that exciting - I actually think people are going to complain about it quite a bit but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Thanks for the update! I actually look forward to nothing that exciting as it gives my wallet a break.
According to what LRG has posted on their forums, there will actually be a single game release this Friday. It will be interesting to see how it sells given that everyone will be rushing around for BF deals and might be tapped out financially.

bread's done