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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Has anyone else had their Rainbow Moon order not ship?
Still waiting on mine along with Shadow Complex. I figure the delay steams from their fulfillment center woes. I'm in no real hurry though. Would I like to play Shadow Complex? Sure, but I've been playing the hell out of Borderlands so that has kept me preoccupied in the meantime.

For some reason I thought today was a LRG release day and had myself all pumped up. Just realized that it's next Friday now, which  is good for me since that is also payday!

For some reason I thought today was a LRG release day and had myself all pumped up. Just realized that it's next Friday now, which is good for me since that is also payday!
It actually was supposed to be today until they delayed it one or two days ago.

Arrived at Origin Facility.

I shouldve received it on Tuesday. >.>
They might've lost it at the facility, and is still sitting there somewhere, so you may want to open up a case file, or call the facility directly yourself, which you'll probably need to call customer service to get that facility's number anyways.

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Arrived at Origin Facility.

I shouldve received it on Tuesday. >.>
More than likely if it wasn't scanned again, it went on a truck instead of a plane, and it's coming the slow way VS. the fast way.

Or as SquareHard stated, it may be lost at that facility, but in my experiences that is rare. More than likely it was routed wrong, or the label came off, but that's not to likely either, but it has happened.

I'm sure you'll get a scanned by weeks end, but until 7-10 days is reached, there isn't much the postal service will do for you except waste your time sitting on hold waiting to talk to someone, who will pretty much tell you what I just did.

asking for advice from the two I see coming which should I get? I am leaning toward the dragon book ....which one would you guys think I should get?

No im leaning towards one i wont say which
If I had to pick one, I'd go with Dragon Fantasy. I like it's old school JRPG look/feel but reviews for the game aren't too great... Mystery Chronicle looks too much like a dungeon crawler, something I'm not super fond of.

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The same thing that makes you so special.
so the game will shit on my living room floor and blame the dog

so this is only part 1 we dont get the other parts

hopefully with how bad Rainbow moon is selling on ebay i will scare the scalpers away

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Did anyone else order all 4 games with box protectors last time?  I did, and I only got a box protector on the Vita game.  The other 3 games were unprotected and arrived looking less "new" than some other brand new games in my collection.  The package as I received it was 1lb Priority Mail, weighing over 15.5oz.  I'm pretty sure it would have been over a pound with the extra box protectors, costing LRG $2 more.  I would hope they would just pay the extra in such a case, considering I paid $8 for $0.40 worth of plastic as added protection.  Anyone else order all 4 copies?

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To be fair, a return address doesn't necessarily mean the item was shipped from that location.

They may have even been provided the fulfillment center with the printing template that has their own address on them, so not sure if looking at the return address on a label will really tell you anything concrete.

I'm also trying to figure out if you purchased a box too, or are you just referring to the outer sleeve protectors for the games?  There's a difference between a shipping box, and the outer sleeve protectors.  The outer sleeve protectors (protective case) are meant to protect the games in storage, or on your shelf once you receive the games, but they're not meant to protect your items during shipping.  If you want that then you'd have to purchase the shipping box which is meant to protect the games during shipping.

It sort of seems like there's two different discussions that's to be had here, and I'm not quite sure which one you're trying to make because there seems to be a disconnect between the two.

In regards to not receiving all of the protective cases though, that's totally something that's on them, and can still be on the fulfillment center since they have all the cases there, so they are responsible for the shipping, but still doesn't make it right, so you're totally justified in contacting them to fix that for you, even if it was the fulfillment center's fault, they still have part of that responsibility since they chose the fulfillment center.

In regards to the signing, they've stopped offering that awhile ago ever since they moved to the fulfillment center, and it's been removed from their info as well as their FAQ, so that's certainly hasn't been an option for awhile.


Looks like you swooped out the previous post from under me.  How could you, I spent forever on this response. T___T

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Dragon Fantasy The Black Tome of Ice anyone know what makes it special ed
The game is tweaked a little to make it more standalone than the digital title. Maybe an explanatory intro or added or removed dialog etc. Since its the second game in the series they changed a little so you don't need to play the first.

From what I remember reading anyway. My brain is pretty stupid so maybe I made that up. I don't think so though.

We're partnering with to release's Thomas Was Alone on physical media later this month!

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I really liked that game! I wish it'd have a new trophy set (especially since I think most people already played it) but I'll buy it regardless. I really liked it.
Finally got my copies of Shadow Complex & Rainbow Moon late yesterday.  Going to start playing Shadow Complex later today.  Neither had a loose disc btw.

Tomas was alone, was a nice little game.  I finished it 100% in one evening.  A good super short and pretty easy experience for a PS+ free game.  I have no interest in buying it in physical form... but no doubt you can put anything on a vita cart and it'll sell.

Tomas was alone, was a nice little game. I finished it 100% in one evening. A good super short and pretty easy experience for a PS+ free game. I have no interest in buying it in physical form... but no doubt you can put anything on a vita cart and it'll sell.
Xeodrifter is similarly quick to 100%, and didn't that sell out fairly quickly?

I have edited this previous post to tone it down a bit.  I do not want to be on bad terms with LRG.

That said, I am displeased with this company's service thus far.  I have been in communication with them and I feel like they take very little if any responsibility for ensuring the condition on arrival of the games they sell.  I purchased the only option that would offer protection during shipping and they failed to include it.  When I complain the official response seems to be that box protectors are not meant to protect the game during shipping (even though they DO come on the games and are the ONLY option offered that would protect the games during shipping), and that therefore LRG isn't at fault for any damage that occurred from them failing to include the box protectors.

Supposedly, I should have paid $5 for a hard cardboard box with hard sides for the games to bang around in during shipping, because LRG feels this is better than a flexible padded envelope.  If I had paid the $5 for the box it might have increased the damage to the games, and it's certainly not better than a padded mailer with box protectors, but either way LRG does not accept responsibility for any subsequent flaws from improper handling/packaging, as near as I can tell.  I don't understand how a company can offer only 1 protection option for shipping (a $5 cardboard box) that won't protect the items properly, but have another protection option (box protectors) that would protect the items during shipping, and claim it's not for during shipping (even though they DO put it on the games for shipping) and that therefore any damage from forgetting to include it is not their fault.  I fee that a company which markets almost exclusively to dealers and collectors could work a bit harder to make sure the 100% of their customers who expect minty games will actually receive their games in nice condition.  I don't think most people would mind spending the unbelievable $2 per box protector if LRG would accept some responsiblity for making sure it was applied to the game, and acknowledge that there is a minimal level of packaging/handling that should be required for a game like this.  At the very least, there should be a reasonable option that someone could trust to have a reasonable percentage chance of getting the game to them without it rubbing and bumping against of other games in transit.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter and I hope LRG is big enough to accept some very sincere and metered criticism about their business.

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ANYTHING on Vita will sell out quickly. They could publish Proteus and it would sell out quick on Vita.
I made a thread about how much I like proteus and how I wish it would get a physical but know it won't haha.

I almost wish they'd do it to prove your point. Then I could have my game and everyone could feel smug knowing they're right.
I made a thread about how much I like proteus and how I wish it would get a physical but know it won't haha.

I almost wish they'd do it to prove your point. Then I could have my game and everyone could feel smug knowing they're right.
I don't think it's far fetched to think they would publish Proteus considering we now have a known relationship between LRG and Curve Digital thanks to Thomas Was Alone. Plus LRG seems to have a history publishing games that have been free on PS+. So I wouldn't give up hope to the possibility.

I actually enjoyed proteus as well. Not to your level but I enjoyed the causal walking relaxing experience for what it was. I played it again (or did it play me?) a couple nights ago.

To be honest, I'm still not understanding how you're not understanding the purpose of the protector cases when you just described exactly what I've said already, and apparently they've told you the exact same thing.

I'm still a bit unclear as to your explanations of trying to justify the difference between a shipping box, and a protective case.

First off, so what if they put the protective cases on for you? That doesn't mean that they were meant to be for protecting the game during shipment. It would probably be more likely that the game would get damaged if they shipped it with the protective case stacked on top of the game in the package, so they put the protective case on as a courtesy, not as a necessity for shipping.

Secondly, the boxes that they ship the games in are actually padded now, as reported by several LRGs who have ordered using boxes. In the past they have certainly sucked about using boxes to ship items, and just tossed a bunch of stuff in a box and sent it out that way. I really didn't understand how they could have thought that was a good idea in the past at any point, but at least it seems they have rectify that for several releases already. So in this case, a box would have certainly been much more secure, and safe if you decided to go that route.

Lastly, stop calling them box protectors, or protective boxes, because you're tripping yourself way up now, and just starting to get overly flustered because in your mind you keep thinking that: box=shipping. This isn't the point of the protective cases they sell. It's for collecting purposes, not for shipping purposes.

Look, LRG has a lot of rough edges that can certainly be smoothed out, but this issue you're having with them (if we can even call it that) is certainly not one of those issues. They do need to do quite a bit of work still in regards to making sure you get all of the items you ordered, which as you mentioned in your previous post, you didn't get, so you can certainly rail on them for that. This right now though, this isn't really productive as you're arguing about something that isn't really an issue in regards to shipping, but more about semantics of their product names.

bread's done