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I agree that choice is better for the consumer. But from a business perspective, the developer is undermining their own LRG releases by having the Switch version be a retail release. That could hurt LRG sales and potentially sour future working relationships with LRG.

Just seems like a poor choice IMO.
Nah, LRG games sell out 100% right. So 0% chance they'll hurt their own LRG release. The only thing hurt will be LRG's bottom line by not getting the Switch version... but then a new company gets to venture into the market and that may mean more options for the future. Not all retail is a great idea, that's why the entire indie side was born as a digital alternative. Still, for the right games it can work. S&S is borderline the right game for this. We'll see.

I agree that choice is better for the consumer. But from a business perspective, the developer is undermining their own LRG releases by having the Switch version be a retail release. That could hurt LRG sales and potentially sour future working relationships with LRG.

Just seems like a poor choice IMO.
What LRG does, and what retail is are two very different things. A game like S&S at retail, we may see $20 and under copies by Holiday season, where there is zero chance the LRG versions will have the same fate. I am the LRG audience for this title, as I don't have an NS, but I do have a Vita. While the NS version may be better, with some freebies for probably a similar price to LRG, I have no problem getting the lesser version so to speak.

Many of the games I already own for the Vita are being offered now on the NS, and unless there is some major changes(none I've seen so far), I'm happy with the copies I already have. I'm not going to bitch to LRG for a title like this, when it's very apparent, they would have released this ages ago if they could, so the delay, and now the NS version all falls on the developer. If they wanted to wait, and now want to offer a slightly better standard game, than the LRG version, that's on them. LRG will sell all their qty, get paid and be on to the next title. While the NS game will more than likely be sitting on shelves and heavily discounted down the road.

I've seen shit tons of LRG being offered on Steam for pennies on the dollar, at the same time they go live on Fridays. The first time I saw that(or happened to notice), there was no effect at all. As you want physical(at a premium), or our want cheap digital titles. Which if the latter is your thing, you shouldn't be a buyer at LRG anyways. For those of us who are buying physical at LRG, there is always a better value to be had, but physical isn't always a choice, and that's why this business exist and while it's still doing well.

For consumers, obviously a major retail release is best. It means larger print runs (usually), a potentially lower initial price, and the obvious possibility of lower-priced used copies and clearances. At the end of the day, that translates into more buying options, and that is always better for consumers.

The issue is far different when approached from a developer/publisher perspective. If you look at it from that direction, you start to see why certain decisions get made. For Salt and Sanctuary, the logic behind their decisions is clear. They're going with LRG for the PS4 and Vita releases, because those markets are already fairly full and competitive. Both are well-established platforms with tons of content. One of them is an older/retro platform on its way out the door. Catering to the smaller niche collectors market is the way to go there. The Switch is still a very new platform, but one with a growing user base and not nearly as much content, especially for physical copies of games. A title like Salt and Sanctuary can actually manage to stand out on the Switch, rather than just get swallowed up by a sea of other releases. Of course, a year from now that might not be true, but for the moment the demand for fresh Switch content is reasonably high, with a limited supply.

I'm still mystified by the people popping up to point out that one release might cannibalize the sales of another release. It's like they don't have any grasp of how collecting works. If all I wanted was legal access to a game, I would just buy the digital version. It's usually cheaper, and modern digital storefront sales insure eventual affordability. And the digital version is essentially the most convenient means of playing. I buy physical copies to collect. And collecting does not care about multiple releases on different systems. Collecting will occasionally double, and even triple up if the game is right. I own copies of Resident Evil 4 on just about every platform it's been released on. I own Final Fantasy X on three different platforms. S&S on the Switch just gives me another platform to eventually target. Determined collectors don't look at this in binary terms.

Yeah, you probably wouldn't. I don't own an NS, and I'm happy to get the LRG Vita version, as that's my current area of collecting. If I was collecting for the NS, this would be an instant purchase, but no big deal either way at this point.
Same here. I dont own a NS, so its the Vita version for me as well

Why do you even bother to check this thread if all you ever do is post to bash on them?

I feel sorry for you if this is what you do with your free time.
First off I rarely post. What I said was in response to what someone posted.

The point of my post today was to just say that retail is better for consumers. Availability, price and eventual sales. The LRG tax is a running joke here, but it's true. Facts aren't bashing. I could give a much bigger explanation.

Now where are my damn Cosmic Star Heroine, SMRPG and Slim-san CE's at???

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This is the first release by Leadman Games and I believe they are the company established by that former Nintendo employee responsible for their Nindies releases initially. I believe their focus will be on bringing indie releases to retail and because of that will likely have to be big titles. Not sure if they will be Switch only releases or multi platform.

They seem to be the ideal candidate to release Celeste and Hollow Knight physically, among other bigger titles.

Someone poke their ears and tell to release Master Blaster or other eshop exclusives. Get some of those Wii Konami eshop games too!

I saw that before the Twitter confirmation. This seems ridiculous. I'd like to know the reason behind it, because otherwise there isn't much point to getting 'Spyro' physically. I understood it on the Vita with games like 'Sly Cooper Collection' and 'Final Fantasy X-2,' given the Vita's card limitations, but why with a Bluray?

I saw that before the Twitter confirmation. This seems ridiculous. I'd like to know the reason behind it, because otherwise there isn't much point to getting 'Spyro' physically. I understood it on the Vita with games like 'Sly Cooper Collection' and 'Final Fantasy X-2,' given the Vita's card limitations, but why with a Bluray?
Didn't the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy have all the games on disc? No reason that this should not be able to as well. Will not be ordering now.

The spyro thing is supposedly due to the other two games not being done in time for the anniversary date release.

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The spyro thing is supposedly due to the other two games not being done in time for the anniversary date release.
Why not delay the game then? I was already not going to buy it since it is coming out in September, as that month is loaded. Bad decision here and it is dumb not to have all the games on the Bluray.

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The spyro thing is supposedly due to the other two games not being done in time for the anniversary date release.
Well they should release it digitally on the anniversary date then when all 3 games are ready put it out physically. Hope they lose a lot of sales over this.

August 10th releases Late Shift for PS4. Amazingly fun fmv game. Played with some friends a while back and had a blast. Absolutely picking it up on physical for a replay
Did anyone else hear about the Spyro Trilogy on PS4 only having the 1st game on disc? Apparently from this article you have to download 2 and 3. If this is true it’s so disappointing and just straight up lazy.

Thought I’d post this here since a lot of people in the thread care about physical games.
Meh, cancelling my preorder then. I love Spyro too, so this is really disappointing. There is a ton coming out in Sept that I want, but I was going to make sure to get it day one - even though there was no way I would pop it in till after DQ XI.

Meh, cancelling my preorder then. I love Spyro too, so this is really disappointing. There is a ton coming out in Sept that I want, but I was going to make sure to get it day one - even though there was no way I would pop it in till after DQ XI.
Totally agree.. I won't be buying now either. I won't support something like this in hopes that their sales will be bad enough to learn a lesson.

Totally agree.. I won't be buying now either. I won't support something like this in hopes that their sales will be bad enough to learn a lesson.
In my experience, developers almost NEVER learn in these situations, and will more than likely blame poor sales on lack of public interest Vs. anything they may or may not have done. If a place like this had any "clue", this wouldn't have happened in the first place. So to expect some form of logic after the fact, sadly, it's not likely.

Totally agree.. I won't be buying now either. I won't support something like this in hopes that their sales will be bad enough to learn a lesson.
There sales wont slump is the sad part, it will be a huge hit like Crash and they will just continue on counting their money and do it all over again.

August 10th releases Late Shift for PS4. Amazingly fun fmv game. Played with some friends a while back and had a blast. Absolutely picking it up on physical for a replay
Definitely an interesting concept, kind of like Choose Your Own Adventure in movie form. Can’t say I had as much fun with it as you had, but it’s definiteky a good title for achievements/trophies.
There sales wont slump is the sad part, it will be a huge hit like Crash and they will just continue on counting their money and do it all over again.
Exactly. As much as I despise the day 1 patch releases... this stuff is just going to continue as it has already done for years.

On a slightly positive note, what I read over on reddit was that this will indeed be a day 1 patch and not a code like all the switch games that do this stuff. Still, it sucks not to get all the content on the disc... but at least the disc can be sold off and the buyer get the full experience.

So it's a step up from what seems to be happening with the switch Banner Saga Trilogy physical release.

On a slightly positive note, what I read over on reddit was that this will indeed be a day 1 patch and not a code like all the switch games that do this stuff. Still, it sucks not to get all the content on the disc... but at least the disc can be sold off and the buyer get the full experience.
As long as they have a good internet connection, anyway.

Exactly. As much as I despise the day 1 patch releases... this stuff is just going to continue as it has already done for years.

On a slightly positive note, what I read over on reddit was that this will indeed be a day 1 patch and not a code like all the switch games that do this stuff. Still, it sucks not to get all the content on the disc... but at least the disc can be sold off and the buyer get the full experience.

So it's a step up from what seems to be happening with the switch Banner Saga Trilogy physical release.
It's so funny that a day 1 "patch" includes full games. I would not rule out one day seeing a disc with nothing on it.

Patch 1.01 Release Notes

  • Added the game
I see that Oxenfree for Switch is $34.99, just like Thumper. Have they said this will be the new price on Switch games going forward?

Between their likely high sales numbers and the high secondary market prices for Switch releases I can’t say I blame them if this is a permanent price increase.
I see that Oxenfree for Switch is $34.99, just like Thumper. Have they said this will be the new price on Switch games going forward?

Between their likely high sales numbers and the high secondary market prices for Switch releases I can’t say I blame them if this is a permanent price increase.
I was always under the impression that NS carts where more expensive(or the dreaded "N" Tax). I thought at one point Josh said NS games wouldn't be anymore than what the going rate was for the PS4/Vita at the time, but I may be wrong(or things changed).

Lucky for me, most of these NS offerings are double dips for me, so an easy pass on most. And for anything else, I'm just getting more selective on my purchases. At $24 and $5 on shipping, $30 wasn't so bad for PS4/Vita, epically when getting more than one item saves on shipping. Now the same 3 Vita titles that may have cost me $80 shipped, is now maybe $100 for 3 NS titles.

Now at $35, that's almost what standard portable games retail for at $40. So while I'm not blaming anyone person(s) in this equation, as it is what it is. I for sure will be passing on way more games than I have in the past due to the higher prices, as I personally feel most NS games in general are overpriced, and now that applies to the "limited" side of things as well.

I see that Oxenfree for Switch is $34.99, just like Thumper. Have they said this will be the new price on Switch games going forward?

Between their likely high sales numbers and the high secondary market prices for Switch releases I can’t say I blame them if this is a permanent price increase.
It seems like their old model of (digital price) +$10 on PS4/Vita with a $25 minimum has become (digital price) +$15 on Switch with a $30 minimum to account for the more expensive carts and new ESRB fees. Oxenfree was $30 when they released it on PS4, so it follows that it would be $35 now on Switch. I guess we'll see going forward, though. FWIW, Play Asia is the only outlet I've seen that sells new Switch games for less than $30, and they've only offered two of them at $25 so far.
I was always under the impression that NS carts where more expensive(or the dreaded "N" Tax). I thought at one point Josh said NS games wouldn't be anymore than what the going rate was for the PS4/Vita at the time, but I may be wrong(or things changed).

Lucky for me, most of these NS offerings are double dips for me, so an easy pass on most. And for anything else, I'm just getting more selective on my purchases. At $24 and $5 on shipping, $30 wasn't so bad for PS4/Vita, epically when getting more than one item saves on shipping. Now the same 3 Vita titles that may have cost me $80 shipped, is now maybe $100 for 3 NS titles.

Now at $35, that's almost what standard portable games retail for at $40. So while I'm not blaming anyone person(s) in this equation, as it is what it is. I for sure will be passing on way more games than I have in the past due to the higher prices, as I personally feel most NS games in general are overpriced, and now that applies to the "limited" side of things as well.
N = Nintendo for those that don't know. He can write 5 paragraphs but can't type NINTENDO.

N = Nintendo for those that don't know. He can write 5 paragraphs but can't type NINTENDO.


Damn, finally and art book, I may have to consider this one as a show of support. A Vita version is coming as well for those who may not have guessed that.

The PS4 version is the Complete Edition (includes DLC)  for those unaware. 29.99 standard

The VIta version will NOT have the DLC included. 24.99 standard

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The Vita version won't have the DLC? Have they explained why?
You have to rebuild the game and get it through certification again. It's a bit much to ask a Japanese developer to do all that. Some are down with it but others not so much. Also, with the whole Vita drama going on it's a race against the clock.

You have to rebuild the game and get it through certification again. It's a bit much to ask a Japanese developer to do all that. Some are down with it but others not so much. Also, with the whole Vita drama going on it's a race against the clock.
Yeah, at this point, I'm just happy to still be getting these last few Vita titles. So if there are certain issues associated with more work and or cost, we will all have to live with it, or pass on certain titles. That's each buyers own choice to make, and I'm still more than happy to support any of these titles that may fall short in regards to certain features.

I see that Oxenfree for Switch is $34.99, just like Thumper. Have they said this will be the new price on Switch games going forward?

Between their likely high sales numbers and the high secondary market prices for Switch releases I can’t say I blame them if this is a permanent price increase.
They've mentioned this multiple times before, but people still don't seem to listen. LRG themselves do not set the prices for each individual release. There is no "standard" price for LRG games. The developers have the ultimate say for how much gets charged for each release, and we've seen this occur multiple times with prices that vary and fluctuate on a per-title basis. LRG can and does provide advice and suggestions to developers on pricing, but they don't dictate the pricing, so there is likely never going to be any "base" prices, no matter what platform we're talking about. Some developers will charge more for some titles, and some will charge less. There may even be a few developers who subsidize their own releases, allowing them to charge even less. (not likely, but it could happen)

Bottom line, there are no real fixed prices for LRG games. Get used to it.

Yeah not buying the Vita one without the DLC. I'll go ahead and save my money for Senran Kagura Bon Appetit. It will still sell out in 5 seconds without me anyway.

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You have to rebuild the game and get it through certification again. It's a bit much to ask a Japanese developer to do all that. Some are down with it but others not so much. Also, with the whole Vita drama going on it's a race against the clock.
Gotcha. Thanks for the response. It makes sense, though still sucks.

That CE for PS4 is actually nice, so will more than likely double dip on both platforms, albeit the Vita version got screwed, but still, VITA!

bread's done