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This. It's weird how when a game that had the hype of crickets on the PS4/XB1 comes out on Switch, it's suddenly a big deal. I know the portability factor is part of it, but I think bad games get a free pass on the Switch sometimes. Ive been pretty cautious about blind buys of 3rd party titles on the Switch for that reason, even though I should be researching the games anyway.
Switch people make a big deal out of their games imo.
The same way so many amazing M rated games have done poorly on "N" console/handhelds of the past, is the same reason a game like Yooka-Laylee does well. GTA Chinatown Wars was an amazing game on the DS, and should have sold well enough for Rockstar to continue in some capacity, but it sold poorly(and had amazing reviews). Consumers just don't look to "N" for that type of game, and of course, no one looks at the PS4/ONE, for a tailor made "N" style game like YL.

Of course there are some exceptions to those rules, but those are the minority for sure, and if I was going to buy a game like YL, the NS would be my place of purchase. But of course, as it's been stated here many times, no way in hell I'm paying $50 for it, but I do understand the market being more rabid, than it has been on other consoles.

I think with the Switch it's the same thing that happens every console cycle.  People play whatever is available because they are hungry for new games.  So while the system is still fresh and new they give a lot of breaks to games that normally might not get a lot of hype and games that might just be ok.  It happened to every console for Sony, Microsoft, Sega, Atari... everyone.

But take a look in the mirror too, people buy fairly garbage games like Exiles End on the Vita and the games sell out.  There's a rabid fanbase on every system buying some garbage stuff.  Heck people buy garbage CE's just because they are addicted to buying CE's for some reason I can't fathom.

The hard thing is resisting the hype and sticking to your gut.  But don't throw stones at Switch fanatics when in the LRG thread when you know people were high on the LRG train buying every good, mediocre and just awful game for the Vita and PS4 and being excited about it because... yeah, I don't know why either.  Hype I guess.

Yooka Laylee is the first Switch release I've skipped. Just couldn't see spending $50 on a normal edition for something that's not even that great a game (apologies to any who love YL). Would have purchased at $30, maybe $35, but it's probably good to break my Switch buying streak for LRG - will likely save me money in the long run.
yeah was a hot mess when it released, glad i rented it but just terrible in so many aspects, i know they did patch some things later on but over all still had issues that they werent going to fix so getting a switch version that runs games worse than bigger consoles makes no sense

There's never a shortage of Nintendo lunatics.
and sony fan boys also

Overall the Switch is a fantastic system. Considering my vita and 64gb memory card ended up about the same price as my Switch, I don't quite understand your complaint about the cost for the tech. It's easily a much better package than the Vita was (especially in controls, raw power, graphics, resolution, screen size, and memory card prices)
OMG, consumer technology of today is faster than something from 6 years ago, and the memory is also cheaper! What a revelation!

Yet, when I flew halfway across the country with a layover to charge the Switch in between, it didn't last the entire flight. Such a great system.

So now you have to add in a power pack that's usable for the Switch, which is a good $50. And the fact you can't use the joycons disconnected in airplane mode.

Perfect my ass.

While the Vita has a few things going for it over the Switch (mainly just Sony's better online systems), the Switch does outclass it in the majority of ways. It's newer; it's where the games are going; and portable gaming fans should be happy that we ended up with such a nice successor to the little Vita that could. I love my Vita, but I sure appreciate the improvements that the Switch has brought.

My main gripe with the Switch is just the battery life.

Back in 2012, when 64GB Vita were $100, 64GB microSD cards were also about $80-90. I know I bought one in late 2013, on sale, for $55ish. The problem was that Vita memory card prices didn't come down, not that they were too expensive.

It's like saying a Galaxy Note 8 is so much faster than a Galaxy S3. No duh.

(P.S. Those phones came out the same years as the Vita and Switch.)

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The switch is OK for portability if you are somewhere you can charge it, like in a car, friends house, hotel room, but it sucks for all other places.
I remember my psp being awesome to help me kill time during college. I played in waiting for the train, on the train, waiting for the bus, on the bus, while eating a meal, between classes. It just fit in my pocket or bookbag and lasted all day without having to recharge till i got home.

50 bucks for both Platforms 


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Wow, only 1000 S&S Vita CEs but it's still gonna start at 2 per customer?
You know that's how they do, don't act surprised. LOL

As for the qty's on the CEs, I'm happy to grab the stand for $25, as all I really want from those items is the map, and no way I'm paying an extra $25 for that. But it is cool to finally see a more bargain price CE, as those $75 ones just seemed like a milking of epic proportions.

You know that's how they do, don't act surprised. LOL

As for the qty's on the CEs, I'm happy to grab the stand for $25, as all I really want from those items is the map, and no way I'm paying an extra $25 for that. But it is cool to finally see a more bargain price CE, as those $75 ones just seemed like a milking of epic proportions.
I don't follow LRG as close as I used to a while back but I don't think I've ever seen a CE print run that low.

Also, I want the poster too but I'm assuming it's a folded poster...


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The delays coupled with the retail Switch port kind of took the wind out of their sails.
Totally agree. People have been waiting for this for a long time and now that it’s been announced its coming to the Switch why not wait a little longer and get it for the more “popular” system.
LRG announced today that they are branching out into licensed retro re-releases. No specific platforms were mentioned, but I'm thinking it could be NES, SNES or Genesis. Perhaps even Sega CD or Saturn since they manufactured replacement cases for those systems. The first two titles will be released in January 2019.

I don't follow LRG as close as I used to a while back but I don't think I've ever seen a CE print run that low.
Yeah, I actually can't say what their lowest qty's has ever been, and still offered two. But I do know they have had tons of beyond popular titles that we have been shocked by the low qty's offered, only to see they make said games a limited of 2(to the tune of tons of pissed off forum/twitter post). Some have changed to 1 before release, but the majority have not(or 1 in the pm, but still 2 in the am).

LRG announced today that they are branching out into licensed retro re-releases. No specific platforms were mentioned, but I'm thinking it could be NES, SNES or Genesis. Perhaps even Sega CD or Saturn since they manufactured replacement cases for those systems. The first two titles will be released in January 2019.
Nice, so they are dropping the limited thing and doing re-releases of existing games. I have nothing against this as great games should be a little more common and less limited.

There is only a limited amount of carts available now was their reason.
I wonder if the vita cart production will even survive till the end date at this rate? Have they said anything about maybe having to cancel titles? Will they even be able to get that final bonus vita game made for those that bought them all?

but they will be limited re-releases of existing games
Unless they opt for preorders. Granted even with a preorder, every game ever produced in physical form is limited to some fixed number but at least a preorder would open the floodgates on more limited existing games getting reprints. I'm all for this. It'll be interesting to see what systems and games they get. Thankfully I don't collect much retro stuff anymore but I might be tempted by a Panzer Dragoon Saga or something along those lines if it's not overpriced. It's good they are getting away from their mandate to not release games that already have a physical production and helping make rare games more attainable.

LRG lowered the amount for Salt and Sanctuary because they don't think it will sell enough and believe the Switch version will sell much much more.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

LRG lowered the amount for Salt and Sanctuary because they don't think it will sell enough and believe the Switch version will sell much much more.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah I can see that considering almost everything they release anymore is followed by the question "is it going to be released on the Switch?"

They consulted with the developer initially on the amount, so there is nothing to stop them from agreeing with the developer to publish a smaller amount.
Interesting. So did they drop the production number because of the Switch version, the carts being limited for the vita, or ... both?

yeah S&S was actually the one LRG I was looking forward to, but now, haha no thanks
Yeah, sadly this is the result of them taking their sweet fuck ing time. LOL

While I always knew I would get this game, I was in no rush either way. If it had arrive 2 years ago, it would still be in my unplayed pile, so what difference would it make? So getting it now changes nothing except for how high it get's placed on my to do pile is all. LOL

It sucks they may have lost sells from the delay, but shit happens!

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I wonder if the cart limit is just an outright lie since they did have Senren Kagura (7800 copies) at one of the highest production sizes in ages.   It would be nice to know from other publishers if they too are having to limit production or if indeed it's just the Switch getting a retail version of S&S that caused them to lower production numbers and cart supply is an easy thing to blame.   Either way... if I were to get the game... yeah, I'd go Switch for couch co-op over the vita version.  IF there are cart issues then maybe that helps explain why Bloodstained vita was just outright cancelled.

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Wow so gonna release Sega Genesis/SNES games and Sega Saturn? Crazy! Now they really got me!
I don't think it's going to be Genesis, SNES or Saturn. They did mention that these would be licensed re-releases. I doubt Sega or Nintendo are licensing games for those consoles these days. Probably will be PS1 or PS2 since those are considered retro now and they have an existing relationship with Sony for licensing purposes.

I don't think it's going to be Genesis, SNES or Saturn. They did mention that these would be licensed re-releases. I doubt Sega or Nintendo are licensing games for those consoles these days. Probably will be PS1 or PS2 since those are considered retro now and they have an existing relationship with Sony for licensing purposes.
They have talked about re-releasing PS1 games in the past so I am fairly certain that is one of the options.

Also, whatever happened to that WiiU game they were supposed to release? I think the consensus in the rumor mill was that it was Axiom Verge. Haven't heard anything about either in a while.

They have talked about re-releasing PS1 games in the past so I am fairly certain that is one of the options.

Also, whatever happened to that WiiU game they were supposed to release? I think the consensus in the rumor mill was that it was Axiom Verge. Haven't heard anything about either in a while.
Yeah, AV was coming from Badlands I believe, and the last report I saw, they still planned to offer the Wii U, they just had some hurdle to clear. That was not to long ago, and it was easily at a place where no one would have faulted them for jumping ship, as there's no way for them to offer AV on the Wii U and have it make money at this point. Unless "N" is offering some deal on the physical production cost, which we all know ain't happening, EVER! LOL

as there's no way for them to offer AV on the Wii U and have it make money at this point. Unless "N" is offering some deal on the physical production cost, which we all know ain't happening, EVER! LOL
Nintendo doesn't do physical disc publishing, they have to contract the work out. Not sure why you think they have any room to wiggle on physical production? Their only leverage is the licensing fee which is comparable to every other company and serves to pay the employees that would be needed to manage relations with the manufacturer including delivery of the disc master for production. It's the same thing Microsoft has to deal with except MS is still publishing content on discs so they likely have better relationships with manufacturers than Nintendo does and they already have employees dedicated for these tasks.

At this point I think it's too late for WiiU game production anyway.

I don't think it's going to be Genesis, SNES or Saturn. They did mention that these would be licensed re-releases. I doubt Sega or Nintendo are licensing games for those consoles these days. Probably will be PS1 or PS2 since those are considered retro now and they have an existing relationship with Sony for licensing purposes.
PS1 & 2 makes sense. Plus Sony has the manufacturing facilities for it. But, we've seen some SNES stuff come out and LRG went through the trouble of getting Saturn cases made. So, maybe it's not too far out of left field. It's also possible what will happen is similar to the Street Fighter 2 re-release where it's not officially licensed through the console manufacturer. It'll be interesting to see how this goes though as that SF2 game still has yet to sell out and it's not clear yet how much of a market there is for re-releases.

Woo, got my S&S order in but something funky was going on with the website. I was logged in before, used the email links but the S&S CE didn't go up until 30 seconds after the countdown hit zero... and then I was logged out of LRG but was able to re-log back in and check out. 

Salt & Sanctuary on the Vita, both standard and CE, sold out within 2 minutes.  Kind of expected considering the low print run they had and the 2 game limit.

Hopefully everyone got their S&S for Vita

Woo, got my S&S order in but something funky was going on with the website. I was logged in before, used the email links but the S&S CE didn't go up until 30 seconds after the countdown hit zero... and then I was logged out of LRG but was able to re-log back in and check out.
Loved it same thing happened to me thankfully I just calmly logged back in and went through the process sold out instantly after... Preparing popcorn for the rage on social media!

Woo, got my S&S order in but something funky was going on with the website. I was logged in before, used the email links but the S&S CE didn't go up until 30 seconds after the countdown hit zero... and then I was logged out of LRG but was able to re-log back in and check out.
Yeah, I had the same issue. Finally got Furi CE and Salt and Sanctuary Vita CE to load to cart about 30 seconds after 10. Also sat in the checkout queue for what seemed like an eternity (was actually about 20 seconds I think). A little surprised my order went through considering all the delays.

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Got in an order for S&S on the Vita. Kind of surprised about how quickly it sold out, but it's still better than the era of Oceanhorn, Night Trap, and Wonder Boy.

Also, not sure why they gave Salt and Sanctuary (PS4) the same print run as Narcosis (PS4).  S&S was clearly the more wanted title.  Not to mention the Vita print run was kind of crazy low.  I get that the upcoming Switch version is throwing a wrench in their planning, but it seems they aimed a tad bit low on everything.

Ehh, they got a quick sellout again (for the Vita) so I'm sure they are happy about it.

bread's done