Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Did we really need a switch release of the escapists? I get they need to make all the money but why a port of a game that has been out for a couple years and has a sequel? When was the last time they just took a breather for a week and didnt release something? I know you guys show them endless support and I get that but seriously why dont they just go for quality over quantity? Out of all these companies dropping all the limited releases. LRG puts out more games in one month than the rest of these companies in one month put together. Sorry for the rant guys, these endless releases are just burining me out. Its no wonder half their releases end up being worthless now. The idea was for them to retain or gain value over time. There are so many older releases on ebay that are less than LRG sold them for.
Skip like 90% of them like I do. I don't care for many releases and just skip them if I wont buy them. Also investing in video games and many physical goods period is a bad idea. It's usually a crap shoot to see what even retains value. Just buy the things you like and ignore the rest is good advice for life period.

Did we really need a switch release of the escapists? I get they need to make all the money but why a port of a game that has been out for a couple years and has a sequel? When was the last time they just took a breather for a week and didnt release something? I know you guys show them endless support and I get that but seriously why dont they just go for quality over quantity? Out of all these companies dropping all the limited releases. LRG puts out more games in one month than the rest of these companies in one month put together. Sorry for the rant guys, these endless releases are just burining me out. Its no wonder half their releases end up being worthless now. The idea was for them to retain or gain value over time. There are so many older releases on ebay that are less than LRG sold them for.
Try buying things because you want them instead of because they might be valuable. I'll never understand the "LRG should stop releasing so many games" argument. They are bigger than ever and getting higher profile releases all the time. You basically want them to stop being successful for petty collector reasons
Try buying things because you want them instead of because they might be valuable. I'll never understand the "LRG should stop releasing so many games" argument. They are bigger than ever and getting higher profile releases all the time. You basically want them to stop being successful for petty collector reasons
On one hand you're correct and I see where you're coming from, but on the other it's hard to discount, based on LRG's history, that they're a predatory company that preys on the collector mindset. I think of them as like the EA of the boutique indie market. I honestly feel bad for the Switch people just getting into them who obviously didn't get the memo from us PS4 people who learned the hard way. If you're chasing a Switch set it may seem like the hot cool commodity now but give it a couple years and 200 releases. Actions speak way louder than words and LRG is a classic case of say one thing and do another.

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I think of LRG just like any other publisher now, and both praise and criticize them as such.  There are no sour grapes.  But if you want to be one of the big dogs then you're going to be treated like one.  They're just an independent publisher operating under a different model. 

You can imagine the gripes and concerns that people have under that kind of consideration.  My main ones are quality and value, especially concerning the CEs.  Without consciously thinking about it, I've noticed I don't really order standard editions anymore unless I'm buying at least a pair of games.  The ESRB inflation, standard inflation, tax, and shipping has all started to add up. That, and the games aren't really limited editions anymore;  most noteworthy games are timed editions.   The "Limited" part of their moniker isn't appropriate any longer.  Timed editions are made to meet demand; they don't typically become collectable or go up in value over time.  It's a paid to pre-order service now, where the customers front all of the cash and then endure the long wait times. 

There are enough people still buying into the "limited" aspect of everything though, that all of the CEs keep selling out.  I'm surprised that the top layer of this house of cards hasn't come tumbling down yet.  You can see that most of the other physical publisher startups are having trouble with sell-through in many instances. 

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On one hand you're correct and I see where you're coming from, but on the other it's hard to discount, based on LRG's history, that they're a predatory company that preys on the collector mindset. I think of them as like the EA of the boutique indie market. I honestly feel bad for the Switch people just getting into them who obviously didn't get the memo from us PS4 people who learned the hard way. If you're chasing a Switch set it may seem like the hot cool commodity now but give it a couple years and 200 releases. Actions speak way louder than words and LRG is a classic case of say one thing and do another.
I don't think they're any more "predatory" than any other business. They offer items that cater to their audience and buyers are free to buy them or not. Businesses evolve and LRG has too. Nothing wrong with that.

I think of LRG just like any other publisher now, and both praise and criticize them as such. There are no sour grapes. But if you want to be one of the big dogs then you're going to be treated like one. They're just an independent publisher operating under a different model.

You can imagine the gripes and concerns that people have under that kind of consideration. My main ones are quality and value, especially concerning the CEs. Without consciously thinking about it, I've noticed I don't really order standard editions anymore unless I'm buying at least a pair of games. The ESRB inflation, standard inflation, tax, and shipping has all started to add up. That, and the games aren't really limited editions anymore; most noteworthy games are timed editions. The "Limited" part of their moniker isn't appropriate any longer. Timed editions are made to meet demand; they don't typically become collectable or go up in value over time. It's a paid to pre-order service now, where the customers front all of the cash and then endure the long wait times.

There are enough people still buying into the "limited" aspect of everything though, that all of the CEs keep selling out. I'm surprised that the top layer of this house of cards hasn't come tumbling down yet. You can see that most of the other physical publisher startups are having trouble with sell-through in many instances.
Timed editions are still "limited". Just because you have a certain definition in your head about what constitutes limited doesn't mean that the rest of the world should share it. LRG hasn't collapsed (despite the claims of many in this thread over the past three years that they would) because they have continued to evolve as a business. They can move 30K units of a Switch title while still offering 2,300 copies of a Vita or PS4 title. That's pretty cool from my perspective and as long as they keep offering products I am interested in, I am happy to keep buying.

the questions becomes do they want to keep dealing with 2,000 copies of a PS4 or vita game when they take up so much of their manpower with hold and combine order.  Now that they are having trouble shipping out orders it is something they need to think about.

the questions becomes do they want to keep dealing with 2,000 copies of a PS4 or vita game when they take up so much of their manpower with hold and combine order. Now that they are having trouble shipping out orders it is something they need to think about.
While anything is possible, I see no indication that they are going to abandon niche titles in favor of bigger titles. For one, there just aren't an unlimited supply of games on any platform that are going to move 10K or 20K or 30K units as those kinds of titles are more likely to get a retail release through a major publisher. For another thing, they have already ordered and will receive very shortly another 30 vita titles that they plan to spread out over 2019. Finally, the two founders of LRG are collectors as well as gamers and business owners, so I can't see them walking away from the chance to release as many small print run titles as possible. I really would suggest listening to the Fireside chat from today and the last one if you have the time. Hold orders and developers not being upfront about the status of their games seem to be far more challenging to the shipping process than the physical logistics of actually getting stuff boxed up and out the door.

the questions becomes do they want to keep dealing with 2,000 copies of a PS4 or vita game when they take up so much of their manpower with hold and combine order. Now that they are having trouble shipping out orders it is something they need to think about.
There's also a brand management aspect to it. In the stream yesterday, they straight-up said they didn't know if they'd do the Switch Senran Kagura titles if given the chance because it's niche compared to the rest of their Switch line-up.

The idea was for them to retain or gain value over time. There are so many older releases on ebay that are less than LRG sold them for.
That's an error on the buyers part. Buying games expecting the value to go up is a gamble. Look at all the morons with collections of Benie Babbies. There are stories of how those morons got caught up in collecting that crap. Look at all the idiots collecting Pop Vinyl figures today ... just idiots. Ok, it's probably not fair to call them idiots and morons as it's more of an addiction than that... but it's still weak minded people getting caught up in buying garbage because it's RARE OMG. The sooner you get out of this mindset that what you buy is worth money the less you'll care about this stuff and can just buy what you legit want to own and keep. I bought 1 game last year from LRG... in some respects I even regret that as I'm giving some of these smaller indie games way too much cash versus what I think they are worth to me as a gamer when I play them. I'm now mostly buying indie games digitally.

why dont they just go for quality over quantity?
Quality is subjective. Many of their releases they tout fairly high Metacritic scores or other random things and in the end enough people agree to buy the games. Even games I thought were garbage sold out and to some degree it was because of that first thing I pointed out... people thought this shit was going to go up in price so they bought as an investment in something "rare".

It doesn't affect me one bit if they release 1000 games a month. Well... unless I buy one and then have to wait an extra few months for shipping :wall:. Still, I don't mind as much waiting for something I truly want to own and prefer the preorder option as it makes the game easier to get and I actually hope it helps burn out those that are hopelessly addicted to buying shit because it's rare.

I got notification that Yooka-Laylee CE shipped out along with Dust:  An Elysian Tale.  I'm pretty Dust is what held that up.

On the subject of the whole LRG, as someone that likes to collect games I'm starting to realize I just need to do what I've done for years. I know with the shutdown of the Wii Eshop I started worrying about being able to play games since it really hasn't been that long to me since the Wii generation to me. So I've pulled back a bit on buying games from them (though I never got crazy with it) and will focus on games that I know I will want to replay at some point in the future.  I've only picked up Golf Story, Yooka Laylee, Dust, Mutantd Mudds (Super Rare Games), Broken Age, Saturday Morning RPG, and Night Trap so far.   Buy the games I'm interested in and if they are worth something, they are worth something is what I used to always do and I need to get back to that.

Otherwise I also need to slow down my pace of buying games because every generation I start off good on keeping up with completion versus by buying speed.  After about a year or two when the developers really start cranking I get buried with games and have more games than time.  Then I see things like Starlink 60% less than what I paid for it and I haven't even touched it and that's an eye opener.  Of course that also goes against the entire CAG philosophy which I've strayed from since as I've gotten older I've had more disposable income.

Otherwise I also need to slow down my pace of buying games because every generation I start off good on keeping up with completion versus by buying speed. After about a year or two when the developers really start cranking I get buried with games and have more games than time. Then I see things like Starlink 60% less than what I paid for it and I haven't even touched it and that's an eye opener. Of course that also goes against the entire CAG philosophy which I've strayed from since as I've gotten older I've had more disposable income.
Yeah, I stopped buying standard new releases ages ago for the reason you state, as by the time I got around to playing said titles, they could be 50% off or more at retail. CAG was a key tool for me to find that helped in this process, so for most games, I only buy once half off has been reached, or maybe even more for way over produced titles.

I only buy "new" now when it's a limited release, or when I see certain titles becoming hard to find at retail, otherwise it's "cheap" or bust. I have tons of PS3/360 games in my backlog, but all had a price of $20 and under, so even if some are $10 now, I'm cool with that. So long as I don't have a game I paid $60 for and now can be had for $10, it's all good.

Now I'm finally breaking away from even buying limited, rare, or low production, as that has become a HUGE area all it's own, and can get out of control just as easy.

While anything is possible, I see no indication that they are going to abandon niche titles in favor of bigger titles. For one, there just aren't an unlimited supply of games on any platform that are going to move 10K or 20K or 30K units as those kinds of titles are more likely to get a retail release through a major publisher. For another thing, they have already ordered and will receive very shortly another 30 vita titles that they plan to spread out over 2019. Finally, the two founders of LRG are collectors as well as gamers and business owners, so I can't see them walking away from the chance to release as many small print run titles as possible. I really would suggest listening to the Fireside chat from today and the last one if you have the time. Hold orders and developers not being upfront about the status of their games seem to be far more challenging to the shipping process than the physical logistics of actually getting stuff boxed up and out the door.
The Vita still are probably fine since they already ordered, but would they still sign something like Dust An Elysian Tail on PS4? The chat mentioned 500 hold/combine order every new game that they have to do it manually. Either they get rid of hold and piss off their oversea buyers or they have to cut out some stuff.

The Vita still are probably fine since they already ordered, but would they still sign something like Dust An Elysian Tail on PS4? The chat mentioned 500 hold/combine order every new game that they have to do it manually. Either they get rid of hold and piss off their oversea buyers or they have to cut out some stuff.
Well, they changed the hold/combine system recently which should help and they also have added additional shipping staff, so unless the costs of dealing with PS4 stuff becomes totally prohibitive, I can't see them cutting it out, especially since there seem to be people that continue to support all or at least a couple of the platforms every sale.

I think the most logical move is to do all their release once a month instead of having release every week.  That alone could eliminate hundreds of hold order.  Probably after they are done with Vita.

Also, it doesn't make sense to stop PS4 games. PS4 is a massive platform, with a huge install base. And being an optical media format, it is easily the lowest-cost platform in terms of production. Developers can remain more competitive in their pricing for the PS4 versions. On top of all that, it is LRG's best interests to maintain a healthy relationship with Sony. Cutting out PS4 releases to focus solely on the Switch copies would probably sour that relationship considerably. No, PS4 as a platform for LRG titles will likely continue for quite some time. The platform itself will be viable for another four to five years at least. LRG could continue to release titles for it several years after the industry has shifted away from it as well. The only way things would change in that respect is if Sony straight-up stopped pressing discs. That scenario would be largely dependent on whether or not the PS5 has discs.

Bottom line, I wouldn't expect PS4 releases to dry up anytime soon. Vita may be on a countdown, but PS4 is still a fertile platform for limited releases.

I don't see anything wrong with PS4 releases and get them likely the most often now, since the Vita releases dried up and are not games I want. PS4 stuff still sells decently and deserves the releases. I am happily awaiting waifu fighting game at the least.

Try buying things because you want them instead of because they might be valuable. I'll never understand the "LRG should stop releasing so many games" argument. They are bigger than ever and getting higher profile releases all the time. You basically want them to stop being successful for petty collector reasons
Why would I want them to stop being successful? I purchase a lot of their games. If they were not successful then I wouldn’t be able to get releases like golf story and dust, etc. You dont understand the “argument” but you feel like you need to put your two cents in. If its something you dont understand why not just not say anything at all? But since you felt the need let me explain it to you so you can defend them some more.

Do you need to tell me how to spend my money? Did my original post tell you or anyone for that matter how to spend theirs? Its not like I said you guys shouldnt buy their releases. I think you were missing the whole point of my so called “argument”. Maybe if they didnt owe me releases from SEPTEMBER of LAST YEAR it wouldnt bother me but they drop all these releases low quality or high quality and they take the rest of my life to ship titles I ordered last year. Technically they owe me pixeljunk since May but i guess since they are finally shipping them after almost a year I will give them a pass on that one. When I order a game from SRG for instance, it comes within two weeks and they are in the same business as LRG so why is it so hard for LRG to be able to do the same? The answer is because they saturate their page with endless releases each week. When was the last time they didn’t have multiple releases in a week? The last time I remember was early 2018.

If they get higher profile releases, great. I would love to see them come out with the ace attorney games that are only digital or maybe hollow knight. Ar nosurge for the switch. The list can go on and on. Im sure some people here wouldnt mind seeing some of those get released. My point is some of these games are just put out there for the simple reason to make money. Did we really need the outlast trilogy again? Shantae for the 500th time? The escapists that already has a sequel? Why do you have to drop 1000 titles in order to make money? I bet they could easily release less titles and focus on getting more notable releases and stand to make the same amount if not more than chugging out every indie title that comes their way. They put out so many releases they cant seem to keep up with themselves.

If its a release I dont want I dont buy it. I didnt want late shift, tacoma, strangers wrath, future unfolding, etc. Its not about hoping they are going to be worth tons over time but I do hope they dont drop to the floor like some of them have. There are a bunch of their releases that your better off just buying from ebay. Splasher, runner 2, drive drive drive, neurovoider, kero blaster and so on. I bought some of these, why did I need to buy it from LRG for more money and wait a couple months to get them when I order it off ebay and get it two days later for a cheaper price. They are called LIMITED RUN for a reason. Why call yourself SUPER RARE GAMES? SPECIAL RESERVE? Why post the production numbers?

On a side note chrislaustin liked your post which i figured would happen since he literally defends everything LRG does. Ive been reading these posts long before I started commenting and you, chris, always seem to be the first to kiss LRG butt. They should hire you as their customer service rep, im sure you would do a great job.
I think of LRG just like any other publisher now, and both praise and criticize them as such. There are no sour grapes. But if you want to be one of the big dogs then you're going to be treated like one. They're just an independent publisher operating under a different model.

You can imagine the gripes and concerns that people have under that kind of consideration. My main ones are quality and value, especially concerning the CEs. Without consciously thinking about it, I've noticed I don't really order standard editions anymore unless I'm buying at least a pair of games. The ESRB inflation, standard inflation, tax, and shipping has all started to add up. That, and the games aren't really limited editions anymore; most noteworthy games are timed editions. The "Limited" part of their moniker isn't appropriate any longer. Timed editions are made to meet demand; they don't typically become collectable or go up in value over time. It's a paid to pre-order service now, where the customers front all of the cash and then endure the long wait times.

There are enough people still buying into the "limited" aspect of everything though, that all of the CEs keep selling out. I'm surprised that the top layer of this house of cards hasn't come tumbling down yet. You can see that most of the other physical publisher startups are having trouble with sell-through in many instances.
I understand what your saying and I 100% agree. Every triple aaa publisher gets flak for dropping CEs for everything so why should LRG be any different? Now I dont mind them dropping them because like Ive said before with the CEs no steelbook, not for me but it seems to be more about the money and less about the fanbase. Most CEs sell out quick but the spelunky and KOF Ps4 CEs disagree with you lol. Those took forever to sell out.
Why would I want them to stop being successful? I purchase a lot of their games. If they were not successful then I wouldn’t be able to get releases like golf story and dust, etc. You dont understand the “argument” but you feel like you need to put your two cents in. If its something you dont understand why not just not say anything at all? But since you felt the need let me explain it to you so you can defend them some more.

Do you need to tell me how to spend my money? Did my original post tell you or anyone for that matter how to spend theirs? Its not like I said you guys shouldnt buy their releases. I think you were missing the whole point of my so called “argument”. Maybe if they didnt owe me releases from SEPTEMBER of LAST YEAR it wouldnt bother me but they drop all these releases low quality or high quality and they take the rest of my life to ship titles I ordered last year. Technically they owe me pixeljunk since May but i guess since they are finally shipping them after almost a year I will give them a pass on that one. When I order a game from SRG for instance, it comes within two weeks and they are in the same business as LRG so why is it so hard for LRG to be able to do the same? The answer is because they saturate their page with endless releases each week. When was the last time they didn’t have multiple releases in a week? The last time I remember was early 2018.

If they get higher profile releases, great. I would love to see them come out with the ace attorney games that are only digital or maybe hollow knight. Ar nosurge for the switch. The list can go on and on. Im sure some people here wouldnt mind seeing some of those get released. My point is some of these games are just put out there for the simple reason to make money. Did we really need the outlast trilogy again? Shantae for the 500th time? The escapists that already has a sequel? Why do you have to drop 1000 titles in order to make money? I bet they could easily release less titles and focus on getting more notable releases and stand to make the same amount if not more than chugging out every indie title that comes their way. They put out so many releases they cant seem to keep up with themselves.
I think you're the one that has missed the point. LRG never set out to sell things that would definitely increase in value. Their goal has always been to build a successful business selling games that would not otherwise receive a physical release. The ultimate realization of that goal would be to somehow license and release every single digital game that doesn't have a physical release on the platforms they support (currently PS4, Vita, Switch, PS3 and PC). Releasing fewer games or arbitrarily deciding that only the most popular or critically acclaimed games are worthy of physical release would defeat the purpose of what they are doing. You're free to decide to buy and/or sell whatever you want, but you're badly mistaken if you think that cutting back on the number of releases somehow better serves the goal they set for themselves when they started the business or their own personal goals as collectors and gamers.

Found out officially today that LRG ships single orders first and bulk orders last. Essentially, the higher volume customer you are the worse customer service you receive. What laughably bass ackwards logic.
Found out officially today that LRG ships single orders first and bulk orders last. Essentially, the higher volume customer you are the worse customer service you receive. What laughably bass ackwards logic.
A lot of mail order companies handle things that way including the big retailers. The more items, the more complex the picking and packing process and the higher the chance of errors that could cost the company money in returned product and shipping costs.

I think you're the one that has missed the point. LRG never set out to sell things that would definitely increase in value. Their goal has always been to build a successful business selling games that would not otherwise receive a physical release. The ultimate realization of that goal would be to somehow license and release every single digital game that doesn't have a physical release on the platforms they support (currently PS4, Vita, Switch, PS3 and PC). Releasing fewer games or arbitrarily deciding that only the most popular or critically acclaimed games are worthy of physical release would defeat the purpose of what they are doing. You're free to decide to buy and/or sell whatever you want, but you're badly mistaken if you think that cutting back on the number of releases somehow better serves the goal they set for themselves when they started the business or their own personal goals as collectors and gamers.
I am sure that was their original intention. But their their email is using how much something sell on ebay as a selling point and selling Celeste without full game, they are just like every other business out there trying to make as much money as possible.


A lot of mail order companies handle things that way including the big retailers. The more items, the more complex the picking and packing process and the higher the chance of errors that could cost the company money in returned product and shipping costs.
How about the money lost in sales when higher volume customers get tired of those shipping practices and buy fewer or no items?
I understand what your saying and I 100% agree. Every triple aaa publisher gets flak for dropping CEs for everything so why should LRG be any different? Now I dont mind them dropping them because like Ive said before with the CEs no steelbook, not for me but it seems to be more about the money and less about the fanbase. Most CEs sell out quick but the spelunky and KOF Ps4 CEs disagree with you lol. Those took forever to sell out.
Also the Spelunky CE for PS4 magically dropped from 79% to 28% overnight. LRG tends to do that when stuff isn't selling. Look at the fighting games from last week. I've seen it with a lot of other games as well. You know people aren't buying these in bulk as most LRG games don't go for shit anymore. They should just leave stuff until it sells out. Even now they want to create an artificial demand that doesn't exist for a lot of games.

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I've defended the Kemco RPGs in the past. But even I passed on Friday on Chronus Arc. The critical response was a little too tepid for my tastes, and most of the reviews kept using the term "grind-a-thon." I like JRPGs, but I don't need that many of them. And since The Escapists is a pre-order, I'll just wait for next week and get a little combined shipping.

Has anyone used their points for the Mystery Box reward? With the extension I cross the threshold but without knowing what to expect I'm not sure if I should got with a Vita game and soundtrack instead of be safe.

I think you're the one that has missed the point. LRG never set out to sell things that would definitely increase in value. Their goal has always been to build a successful business selling games that would not otherwise receive a physical release. The ultimate realization of that goal would be to somehow license and release every single digital game that doesn't have a physical release on the platforms they support (currently PS4, Vita, Switch, PS3 and PC). Releasing fewer games or arbitrarily deciding that only the most popular or critically acclaimed games are worthy of physical release would defeat the purpose of what they are doing. You're free to decide to buy and/or sell whatever you want, but you're badly mistaken if you think that cutting back on the number of releases somehow better serves the goal they set for themselves when they started the business or their own personal goals as collectors and gamers.
I have a video that disagrees with you. Where Doug literally says that the sweet spot for releases is 3-4 per month. Check it out for yourself:
I am sure that was their original intention. But their their email is using how much something sell on ebay as a selling point and selling Celeste without full game, they are just like every other business out there trying to make as much money as possible.
Thank you.
How about the money lost in sales when higher volume customers get tired of those shipping practices and buy fewer or no items?

Save your breath bruh. The Loose Rattling Games apologist will keep defending them
Correct again.

Also the Spelunky CE for PS4 magically dropped from 79% to 28% overnight. LRG tends to do that when stuff isn't selling. Look at the fighting games from last week. I've seen it with a lot of other games as well. You know people aren't buying these in bulk as most LRG games don't go for shit anymore. They should just leave stuff until it sells out. Even now they want to create an artificial demand that doesn't exist for a lot of games.
Correct again.
Also the Spelunky CE for PS4 magically dropped from 79% to 28% overnight. LRG tends to do that when stuff isn't selling. Look at the fighting games from last week. I've seen it with a lot of other games as well. You know people aren't buying these in bulk as most LRG games don't go for shit anymore. They should just leave stuff until it sells out. Even now they want to create an artificial demand that doesn't exist for a lot of games.
The conspiracy theorist in me is now wondering what happens to the extras. Do they hold it back as essentially dead stock to sell during special sales? Or do they misrepresent how many they're making by just producing enough to fulfill orders while still letting people think the quantity is 1500, 2000, etc.? Because the second option would mean some of those collector's editions would end up being more scarce than we think.

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The conspiracy theorist in me is now wondering what happens to the extras. Do they hold it back as essentially dead stock to sell during special sales? Or do they misrepresent how many they're making by just producing enough to fulfill orders while still letting people think the quantity is 1500, 2000, etc.? Because the second option would mean some of those collector's editions would end up being more scarce than we think.
They have said they can and have reduced orders on certain items if the demand just isn't there. I will say that some of the stock depletion I have seen happens when the next weekly sale happens and people combine purchases that they might not have bought alone or something like a regular payday (i.e. the 1st or 15th) of a month happens. They definitely remove things from sale and store them only to clear them out in annual sales and blind boxes, but I don't think they have ever denied that that's the case.

Has anyone used their points for the Mystery Box reward? With the extension I cross the threshold but without knowing what to expect I'm not sure if I should got with a Vita game and soundtrack instead of be safe.
I mentioned this earlier in the thread but it's probably hidden by all of Jiles' troll posts. Someone on one of the Facbook groups I am part of got one and it contained one not very in demand game, some stickers, a hat, several trading cards and a couple other small things. Personally, I think just getting a Vita or Switch game is a better use of the digital points.

bread's done