Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Holiday 2022 LRG Releases at Best Buy

Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I'll be picking up Curse of the Moon but I'm not sure if I'm getting Limited Run's version or get it from Best Buy. With Best Buy I can at least get 20% off still. The Cover art is the only bummer. I wish they would put their cover art up on their site to buy like they do with the Best Buy variant but I understand why they don't since it's an incentive to get it through them. I guess the games I really care about a lot I'll get through their site and others through Best Buy.
Best Buy is getting Curse of the Moon? You know that this isn't the game that releases in September (Ritual of the Night), right?

The one LRG just announced:

The one getting a full retail release in September:

EDIT: Good news for fellow trophy hunters:

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Not sure if this really fits here, but since there is an option for a physical release that's technically a limited run there's a Souls-like game coming out next year for PC and getting console ports called Tower Princess on kickstarter. It has about half an hour to go and is funded for anyone looking to jump on. Quirky little game that I've backed for a PS4 copy.

Best Buy is getting Curse of the Moon? You know that this isn't the game that releases in September (Ritual of the Night), right?

The one LRG just announced:

The one getting a full retail release in September:

EDIT: Good news for fellow trophy hunters:
New Trophy list means I'm definitely in for the vita release.

People got Dust 'already'?  I wonder if this is another one of my orders that fell through the shipping department's cracks.

Just checked my week will be half a year since the order was placed.

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Best Buy is getting Curse of the Moon? You know that this isn't the game that releases in September (Ritual of the Night), right?
If you look through the comments on their Twitter announcement someone asked if it would be available at Best Buy and they said yes.
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If you look through the comments on their Twitter announcement someone asked if it would be available at Best Buy and they said yes.
Got it, thanks for clarifying. Based on how inferior Best Buy's box art has been for Golf Story and Battle Chef Brigade compared to LRG's art, I'm fine paying the small premium to LRG.

Nice NES Konami style box. Unfortunately won't have this in hand until probably August.

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Got it, thanks for clarifying. Based on how inferior Best Buy's box art has been for Golf Story and Battle Chef Brigade compared to LRG's art, I'm fine paying the small premium to LRG.
Pretty sure you can pick up the boxart slip for the Switch from LRG once it has been manufactured and shipped out.

I'm trying to imagine telling my 80s kid self that one day in the distant future they would be selling those annoying, stupid black plastic NES cartridge cases as parts of video game collectors editions. 

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Great game just wish i didn't have it digital. That'll teach me! So far this and Sonic Mania are the only NA digital games i own that have NA physical copies now. Sucks it's $30
I still have 4 orders that I got tracking for and shipping emails on 2/20 that haven't moved. I even asked customer service about them and they responded back that it was normal for them to actually be sent well after they have been packaged and the label created.

Doesn't seem normal to me...guess I will give them some more time though. I can understand a few days delayed after packaging, but over two weeks and counting just to mail the damn boxes? Come on.
They seriously need to stop that shit. Reasons like that are why LRG have fallen out of favor with me while SRG, SLG, and Play-Asia can pack and ship everything in a relatively good amount of time,

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I'll 100% be getting Curse of the Moon on the Vita. I loved this game when I got it for the PS4 even though I still haven't gotten around to finishing it, but I will get another game for the Vita while I still can. I'm still extremely disappointed that the kickstarter game was cancelled on the Vita so out of spite I cancelled my order and will just buy the digital on PS4 when it's super cheap. 

They seriously need to stop that shit. Reasons like that are why LRG have fallen out of favor with me while SRG, SLG, and Play-Asia can pack and ship everything in a relatively good amount of time,
They allegedly were going to stop doing that crap, but I see they haven’t. Meanwhile, I haven’t gotten the first notice for my outstanding orders of Shantae, Outlast and a combined Dust/West Of Loathing although many people have already received all four of those.
Pretty sure you can pick up the boxart slip for the Switch from LRG once it has been manufactured and shipped out.
As far as I know they allow you to buy the Best Buy variant but not LRG's coverart. I know I pre-ordered Golf Story and Yooka-Laylee through LRG and later on purchased the Best Buy variants.

They allegedly were going to stop doing that crap, but I see they haven’t. Meanwhile, I haven’t gotten the first notice for my outstanding orders of Shantae, Outlast and a combined Dust/West Of Loathing although many people have already received all four of those.
I got shipping notifications for two orders on the same day last week. Dust/WoL arrived earlier this week, while Pixeljunk/SMRPG has been sitting in shipping limbo ever since. Nobody knows what's going on over there!
Finally got around to playing Bloodstained CotM last night and while it has a lot of CV3 vibes to it, I didn't find the experience very fun.  It felt like overly generic amateur project Castlevania.  Maybe it gets better after the second boss... I don't know.. I just ended up quitting the game.   My hype is in check.  I'm glad I just went digital when it was on sale.

It makes me kind of worried that I'm not going to enjoy Bloodstained RotN or worse that maybe I'm not as interested in playing CV games as I am in the nostalgia of playing them.  That's something I'll have to figure out.

Finally got around to playing Bloodstained CotM last night and while it has a lot of CV3 vibes to it, I didn't find the experience very fun. It felt like overly generic amateur project Castlevania. Maybe it gets better after the second boss... I don't know.. I just ended up quitting the game. My hype is in check. I'm glad I just went digital when it was on sale.

It makes me kind of worried that I'm not going to enjoy Bloodstained RotN or worse that maybe I'm not as interested in playing CV games as I am in the nostalgia of playing them. That's something I'll have to figure out.
That sounds like an excellent excuse for a Castlevania marathon to me. If you don't like CV3, Rondo of Blood, and Order of Ecclesia anymore, then maybe you just don't like the series as much as you used which case Bloodstained probably isn't going to do it for you either.

On the other hand I'm very biased and always looking for an excuse for a Castlevania marathon.
You only played to the first boss and gave up? lol
No, played to the second boss where I finally died for the first time. So the end of the second level. The overall levels and enemy layout was kind of boring.

Typically if a game isn't at all fun ... it's probably not worth my time & attention. I don't like pushing my way through a game just so I can say I played it... or that I got my $$ worth. This has helped me weed out the fluff and focus more on games that truly bring me joy.

That sounds like an excellent excuse for a Castlevania marathon to me. If you don't like CV3, Rondo of Blood, and Order of Ecclesia anymore, then maybe you just don't like the series as much as you used which case Bloodstained probably isn't going to do it for you either.

On the other hand I'm very biased and always looking for an excuse for a Castlevania marathon.
I have the NES CV games on my N3DS and then the DS games as well (boxed/complete). I'll be giving them some time this weekend. I loved OoE and played it near launch. The various environments outside the Castle... good stuff. I still have most of the other CV games in one form or another on other systems.

I have noticed that a lot of the indie/generic CV inspired games and much of the metroidvania stuff I end up never finishing. I wanted to love Axiom Verge (for instance) but gave that up about half way through the game because I wasn't that interested in what I was actually doing in the game. So it may be that it's the generic imitation stuff that just rarely satisfies my love for these games. I really hope I'm not just done with CV.

As far as I know they allow you to buy the Best Buy variant but not LRG's coverart. I know I pre-ordered Golf Story and Yooka-Laylee through LRG and later on purchased the Best Buy variants.
ooh you right you right. I completely misread that other post

I got shipping notifications for two orders on the same day last week. Dust/WoL arrived earlier this week, while Pixeljunk/SMRPG has been sitting in shipping limbo ever since. Nobody knows what's going on over there!
I actually got shipping notifications on 5 orders that day and one of them arrived within 3 days. The other 4 haven't moved since the first notice. Its quite annoying actually, its like half a grand of merchandise. Its almost like a whole bunch of boxes got lost in a corner or something (since clearly it is not only me that received notice on that day but no movement).

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Finally got around to playing Bloodstained CotM last night and while it has a lot of CV3 vibes to it, I didn't find the experience very fun. It felt like overly generic amateur project Castlevania. Maybe it gets better after the second boss... I don't know.. I just ended up quitting the game. My hype is in check. I'm glad I just went digital when it was on sale.

It makes me kind of worried that I'm not going to enjoy Bloodstained RotN or worse that maybe I'm not as interested in playing CV games as I am in the nostalgia of playing them. That's something I'll have to figure out.
For me the only 8 bit wannabe game that truly feels like a good NES game is Shovel Knight. I haven't play Curse of the Moon yet, but that damn Konami style box is calling to me haha.

When people are excited for another Indie game I'm always like "why are people getting excited for games that wouldn't even have been considered good in the NES, PS1, PC,Arcade heyday?" Of course I don't mean every game, but that's how I look at most of what LRG sells.

On a side note I'm getting my Sundered Kickstarter physical CE today. Another Metroidvania that can't even get the gameplay or design in general right. That's the problem with most Indie wannabees.

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The Rabi-Ribi stuff I ordered finally came in. It was nicely packaged. The book and cards probably are not worth $40, but they are pretty nice quality so all is good.

I was in Best Buy today, they had 7 copies of yooka laylee, 8 of super meat boy, and 6 battle chef. Anyone else see copy numbers this high? Would BB ever put these on sale? Can LRG restrict sales on their games? 

I was in Best Buy today, they had 7 copies of yooka laylee, 8 of super meat boy, and 6 battle chef. Anyone else see copy numbers this high? Would BB ever put these on sale? Can LRG restrict sales on their games?
Yeah, I saw fat stacks of each at a Best Buy in the SF Bay Area.

I was in Best Buy today, they had 7 copies of yooka laylee, 8 of super meat boy, and 6 battle chef. Anyone else see copy numbers this high? Would BB ever put these on sale? Can LRG restrict sales on their games?
My BestBuy barely has games and they have 10+ Yooka-Laylee and Golf Story and a handful of Meat Boy and Battle Chef.

I looked on their site at the other stores near me and it seems to be similar everywhere within a 200 mile radius. Meat Boy and Battle Chef have the "Only x left!" on some stores, so maybe BB realized they bought too many of Golf Story and Yooka.

So I seem to have hit a rough patch with receiving damaged items from LRG.  I have been ordering regularly from them for the past 2+ years with no problems.  However, the last 3 orders that I received in the past month or 2 have had some form of damage (the shipping boxes have been fine, just the product inside).  They are currently taking care of sending me replacements for 2 of the items but I am hesitant to start another ticket for the 3rd item and have them label me as "one of those customers" and possibly flag my account.  This third item is for the Night Trap Vita CE with the shrink wrap having been torn and the box getting scratched up in the same area.  I do realize that I am kind of a stickler for condition but then again I don't think I am the only one ordering from LRG that wants to receive their items in the best condition possible.  They should definitely realize that they have a lot of customers that are collectors that care about condition.  Have you guys experienced any problems or backlash from LRG in trying to get replacements for numerous items, especially over a short period of time?  I am just unsure if I should go for this 3rd replacement.

I've been noticing the same thing. I just assumed it had something to do with the shipping backlog, and how they are storing items waiting to be shipped. For better or for worse, I find myself lowering my expectations to deal with this new reality.
they wanna brag and boast about shipping costs being what they are so they can pay their shipping teams liveable wages, and thats admirable.  But with that, also comes  acertain duty to your customers for better communications, more reliable shipping and shipping notices.  The fact is, LRG got too big for their own ability to handle, and it will not improve as switch volume continues to grow.  I am just trying to hang on thru the end of the vita life with them, and ill be done with the company as a whole.  The entire experience in the last year - 18 months has COMPLETELY soured me on everything about them, and i was once a vocal supporter.

they wanna brag and boast about shipping costs being what they are so they can pay their shipping teams liveable wages, and thats admirable. But with that, also comes acertain duty to your customers for better communications, more reliable shipping and shipping notices. The fact is, LRG got too big for their own ability to handle, and it will not improve as switch volume continues to grow. I am just trying to hang on thru the end of the vita life with them, and ill be done with the company as a whole. The entire experience in the last year - 18 months has COMPLETELY soured me on everything about them, and i was once a vocal supporter.

I've never trusted this company from day one. I've always wanted to start with them since the first Vita title came out. And after all this time, I hear more horror stories than positives. Plus I just don't trust them and the reseller market. To me they appear to be the same as ticketmaster and stubhub, in that they make the product and collude with the reseller market too.

Now I read about horrendous shipping times and products damaged before shipment. This is completely unacceptable for the brand image they are advertising.

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My only damages from them have been a post card for the Bunker, which was replaced with no problems. But my mental giant of a postman crammed the replacement mailer in my box and damaged that one as well. I didn't bother to ask for a 3rd, as LRG filled their end of the situation, and it wasn't that important when it was all said and done.

The other damages have been my CSH art books, and I'm still waiting on that replacement to arrive after a month of waiting. That's been OK to deal with, but nothing great by any means, as it's coming the slow "boat from China" with that mail innovations crap. Depending on the condition of this order once it arrives will dictate overall how well it went, but beyond slow if nothing else.

Yeah, the NS game issues seem to be an on going trend at this point, and one I'm happy to not have to deal with. As LRG CS is slow enough, but having to wait on replacements for orders that have already been beyond slow to arrive, is just wrong. The least they could do is up replacements to first class or priority mail for a faster turn around, but I'm sure that ain't gonna be happening.

In all fairness... Their customer service has been extremely helpful and supportive when necessary. Otherwise, I agree with some of the other sentiments, and will likely be cutting back significantly after the end of Vita releases.
In all fairness... Their customer service has been extremely helpful and supportive when necessary. Otherwise, I agree with some of the other sentiments, and will likely be cutting back significantly after the end of Vita releases.

As an 'outsider' to LRG, and also a collector for over 20 years, LRG just seems to be a.... joke to me. They tout the rarity of games yet sell 'old stock' a year or two later. Many of their 'collectors editions' today look like cardboard junk and trinkets, things people don't even really want. And then this whole Jar & Daxter issue, selling the games individually for crazy high amounts. It's an obvious cash grab.

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As an 'outsider' to LRG, and also a collector for over 20 years, LRG just seems to be a.... joke to me. They tout the rarity of games yet sell 'old stock' a year or two later. Many of their 'collectors editions' today look like cardboard junk and trinkets, things people don't even really want. And then this whole Jar & Daxter issue, selling the games individually for crazy high amounts. It's an obvious cash grab.
As a fellow collector who's been in the game for the same amount of time, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.

On one hand, I totally agree about the Jak & Daxter scenario, and have passed up on most of the collectors editions because of this. On the other hand, it's very tempting as a collector to have another avenue for officially released games. The current repro market is the real joke in my opinion.

As I've stated before, the physical Vita games were a real solution to the absurd memory issues plaguing the system. Even with the recent Vita hacks, I'd say I've had more fun collecting Vita games than almost any other system.

But yes, to your point, there are definitely examples of overpriced junk being released by LRG. Even sought after releases like DariusBurst LE had a cheap model ship, which I had ironically purchased for a few bucks on eBay within the year prior to LRG's release. For that reason, it was an easy pass for me.
As an 'outsider' to LRG, and also a collector for over 20 years, LRG just seems to be a.... joke to me. They tout the rarity of games yet sell 'old stock' a year or two later. Many of their 'collectors editions' today look like cardboard junk and trinkets, things people don't even really want. And then this whole Jar & Daxter issue, selling the games individually for crazy high amounts. It's an obvious cash grab.
I used to buy a ton of LRG games but cut back a few years ago for these reasons, not to mention almost everything they sell now being just pre-orders which won't ship for a few months. I still buy a few every now and then, but only for games I want.

I'd say a lot of the LRG games I bought with the mentality that, I want physical games around and also 'if I don't want it later down the road, it'll prob be worth more so I can re-coup my money' but most of those games sell for around the same as what I paid for them (or less) in the aftermarket so it's not the end of the world for me.

I still support the physical games concept but not gonna support it blindly anymore because, let's face it: physical is dying. And barring some major revolution in physical media that offers some kind of benefit over digital, it'll probably be dead after the PS/Xbox/NintendoWhatever (and maybe before then because some rumors suggest the next Xbox might be purely streaming/digital). All these companies touting "save physical media", whether or not they genuinely believe it, are just using it as a selling point right now.

With all that said, bring on Bloodstained.:lol:

they wanna brag and boast about shipping costs being what they are so they can pay their shipping teams liveable wages, and thats admirable. But with that, also comes acertain duty to your customers for better communications, more reliable shipping and shipping notices. The fact is, LRG got too big for their own ability to handle, and it will not improve as switch volume continues to grow. I am just trying to hang on thru the end of the vita life with them, and ill be done with the company as a whole. The entire experience in the last year - 18 months has COMPLETELY soured me on everything about them, and i was once a vocal supporter.
For all we know the living wage thing is BS. Pretty much everything that comes out of the LRG guys' mouth is BS at this point. They are a cost cutting company trying to make max dollar off of mostly cheap Indie games. So no I don't really believe that. Yes they may have started with good intentions but now act like any other company that got too big. Using UPS Innovations is a joke. Every time something is supposed to be out for delivery it's usually 4 or 5 days away. My Sundered CE which LRG was apart of was supposed to be here Friday, but it's out of state somewhere.

I pick and choose what I buy so I only have a few open orders at this point. Probably gonna go with Curse of the Moon CE Friday though.

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Gamestop might be wise to partner up with LRG or another company to help publish physical games exclusive to their stores. It would certainly help the company a lot more than those rumors about them selling comic books.

Help bring elusive or old games back to print, or go after complete editions of good games.

On that note, whatever happened with Gametrust? Did it publish anything after Song of the Deep?

I think GS would be better off not venturing too deep into the limited print side of things and instead secure more exclusives like Katamari Damacy Reroll.  I don't think most of what LRG publishes would do well at retail.


Side note, Castevania crisis averted.  I played a bunch of CV games this weekend.  Portrait of Ruin (DS), Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate (3DS), and some Castlevania 3 (3DS port)... and enjoyed them all.  PoR isn't even one of my favorites which is why I thought it would be a good barometer.   Lords of Shadow MoF... the fairly well disliked game in the franchise, I had a good time playing it.  in many ways it's quite a beautiful game.   So I still love CV... just couldn't find much to enjoy in Bloodstaind CotM.  I gave it one more try and beyond the level layouts and boring enemies... the music isn't up to par.  The way the story is presented is also a step (or more) below the NES games.  The scrolling text is janky.  I get people are starving for new 2D CV type stuff... but this just doesn't do it for me.  I'm thinking of cancelling my Bloodstained RotN preorder and just waiting for it to get reviews and then eventually get a price reduction if it turns out good.  Glad to get my hype in check.

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Gamestop doesn't need LRG to get a cut, they can handle their own publishing or get their exclusive with publishers.  They need another Secret of Mana

Gamestop doesn't need LRG to get a cut, they can handle their own publishing or get their exclusive with publishers. They need another Secret of Mana
Given the critical response to Secret of Mana, I would think not. And lets be honest, Gamestop wouldn't be smart enough to start stocking LRG titles. Not without exclusive access to them. (which they won't get, as long as Bestbuy is dipping into it) LRG's business model isn't really compatible with Gamestop's. And Gamestop's business model is what is sinking it. They've been leeching off the game industry for the better part of two decades, while contributing little to nothing. If they hadn't been such aggressive jerks with their approach to selling games, they wouldn't be in the position they are in now. (with publishers and developers alike eager for them to collapse and vanish)

Gamestop is a sinking ship. Its days are numbered, and it only has itself to blame for its own demise. Other, smaller used game chains will spring up to pick up the used gaming business that Gamestop abandons in its death throws. And no one will really mourn the behemoth that Gamestop became.

On a slightly more positive note, the Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon release coming up this Friday for the Vita is compatible with the Vita as well as the PSTV, and apparently the performance on it is quite solid. So for any fans who want a copy, but don't want to double-dip, the Vita version will likely be the one to go for. The Switch version will likely be solid as well, but won't have any trophies, and will be a pre-order, as is usual with the Switch releases.

Will you sit by my bed and tell me this every night in a soft voice until I fall asleep?
The reason why so many used game stores went away was because Gamestop bought them all out or muscled them out of the marketplace. If Gamestop collapses, other people will step up to take advantage of the used gaming vacuum that will be created. There's little to no opportunity in that space because of the stranglehold that Gamestop maintains. But used games won't go away just because Gamestop does. Gamestop's business model ignores legacy systems in favor of aggressively grinding recent releases. Gamestop couldn't care less about game collectors, and that's the way things have been for a long while.

With Gamestop out of the picture, the used game market will naturally re-focus on the collector market, with any stores that spring up carrying older games for older systems. (as this is far more viable financially than trying to compete directly with digital sales) The scarcity and age of older titles won't support the same business model that Gamestop perpetuated. (so there will never be as many stores) But it is sustainable for smaller chains and individual stores, as the cycle of people collecting and selling is essentially perpetual.

If Gamestop tanks, the used game retail space will shrink considerably. But the stores that rise up to pick up Gamestop's business won't just be Gamestop clones. They can't be, or they will simply suffer the same fate.

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Gamestop just has poor ownership and corporate structure.  They have twice as many stores as they need.   I live about 10miles from downtown Minneapolis and I'm within 15 minutes driving distance of no less than six gamestops.   You could expend that to 12-15 stores if you wanted to say 30minute drive. 

They overextended.  They got greedy.  Gamestop just had to dominate every mall and retail outlet center, become a pseudo-monopoly, and now they have a fleet of 20 year old sinking ships.

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bread's done