Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Gamestop doesn't need LRG to get a cut, they can handle their own publishing or get their exclusive with publishers.  They need another Secret of Mana

Gamestop doesn't need LRG to get a cut, they can handle their own publishing or get their exclusive with publishers. They need another Secret of Mana
Given the critical response to Secret of Mana, I would think not. And lets be honest, Gamestop wouldn't be smart enough to start stocking LRG titles. Not without exclusive access to them. (which they won't get, as long as Bestbuy is dipping into it) LRG's business model isn't really compatible with Gamestop's. And Gamestop's business model is what is sinking it. They've been leeching off the game industry for the better part of two decades, while contributing little to nothing. If they hadn't been such aggressive jerks with their approach to selling games, they wouldn't be in the position they are in now. (with publishers and developers alike eager for them to collapse and vanish)

Gamestop is a sinking ship. Its days are numbered, and it only has itself to blame for its own demise. Other, smaller used game chains will spring up to pick up the used gaming business that Gamestop abandons in its death throws. And no one will really mourn the behemoth that Gamestop became.

On a slightly more positive note, the Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon release coming up this Friday for the Vita is compatible with the Vita as well as the PSTV, and apparently the performance on it is quite solid. So for any fans who want a copy, but don't want to double-dip, the Vita version will likely be the one to go for. The Switch version will likely be solid as well, but won't have any trophies, and will be a pre-order, as is usual with the Switch releases.

Will you sit by my bed and tell me this every night in a soft voice until I fall asleep?
The reason why so many used game stores went away was because Gamestop bought them all out or muscled them out of the marketplace. If Gamestop collapses, other people will step up to take advantage of the used gaming vacuum that will be created. There's little to no opportunity in that space because of the stranglehold that Gamestop maintains. But used games won't go away just because Gamestop does. Gamestop's business model ignores legacy systems in favor of aggressively grinding recent releases. Gamestop couldn't care less about game collectors, and that's the way things have been for a long while.

With Gamestop out of the picture, the used game market will naturally re-focus on the collector market, with any stores that spring up carrying older games for older systems. (as this is far more viable financially than trying to compete directly with digital sales) The scarcity and age of older titles won't support the same business model that Gamestop perpetuated. (so there will never be as many stores) But it is sustainable for smaller chains and individual stores, as the cycle of people collecting and selling is essentially perpetual.

If Gamestop tanks, the used game retail space will shrink considerably. But the stores that rise up to pick up Gamestop's business won't just be Gamestop clones. They can't be, or they will simply suffer the same fate.

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Gamestop just has poor ownership and corporate structure.  They have twice as many stores as they need.   I live about 10miles from downtown Minneapolis and I'm within 15 minutes driving distance of no less than six gamestops.   You could expend that to 12-15 stores if you wanted to say 30minute drive. 

They overextended.  They got greedy.  Gamestop just had to dominate every mall and retail outlet center, become a pseudo-monopoly, and now they have a fleet of 20 year old sinking ships.

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Gamestop just has poor ownership and corporate structure. They have twice as many stores as they need. I live about 10miles from downtown Minneapolis and I'm within 15 minutes driving distance of no less than six gamestops. You could expend that to 12-15 stores if you wanted to say 30minute drive.

They overextended. They got greedy. Gamestop just had to dominate every mall and retail outlet center, become a pseudo-monopoly, and now they have a fleet of 20 year old sinking ships.

Agreed. There's no reason for a gamestop every two miles. There's nearly as many as there are mcdonalds. I know of many towns where there are multiple gamestops within one mile of each other. Even a mall with two gamestops inside it.

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Gamestop had a great opportunity when Best Buy and Amazon ended their discount programs. They didn't even have to offer a discount program. All they had to do was focus on giving customers a great experience. Instead, they still insist on selling opened games with fingerprints on the discs and sticker residue on an opened case as "new." They take 2-3 months to respond to customer emails (If it's going to take that long then don't even offer it). They've depopulated many of their stores of actual games and filled the space with useless junk. They don't offer good free shipping options like they used to. Online ordering is always an adventure because they send wrong items, send items in deplorable condition, and even send stuff that doesn't work and clearly was never tested. I could go on, but you get the point. I'd easily shop at Gamestop regularly, both physical stores and online, if they merely offered a decent customer experience. Instead it's a complete hassle to deal with their crap, so I've learned that paying more somewhere else is less headache in the long run. Gamestop has to be one of the more poorly run businesses I've ever encountered.

LRG, while not in the same stratosphere as Gamestop due to different business models, is also guilty of not understanding the end customer experience. Bull crap peddling and being anti-consumer may work for a while, but eventually it will burn you and put you out of business. I will say this though, I'd put money on LRG being in business longer than Gamestop. I agree with those who say Gamestop's days are numbered. It seems as if they cannot see beyond their own incompetence at the corporate level. That's fine with me at this point since I no longer buy stuff from them, plus there will be something to come in and fill any vacuum that opens up. There are several mom and pop shops that have already opened in the town near me that do used games/systems far better then Gamestop. Those stores stay pretty busy because they sell quality goods in good condition, offer an awesome variety of games from all eras of systems, and actually understand gamers and collectors.

I ordered a mystery switch game with my reward points about a month ago and they still havent shipped it yet. Should I contact customer service? I dont see why it should take that long to send it considering they can just pick any switch title and just send it to me.
I ordered a mystery switch game with my reward points about a month ago and they still havent shipped it yet. Should I contact customer service? I dont see why it should take that long to send it considering they can just pick any switch title and just send it to me.
They are just that incredibly far behind. I ordered one months ago, I got a shipping notification on Feb. 27 and as of today it’s still sitting at LRG. This company has absolutely gone into the toilet.
I'll be picking up Curse of the Moon but I'm not sure if I'm getting Limited Run's version or get it from Best Buy. With Best Buy I can at least get 20% off still. The Cover art is the only bummer. I wish they would put their cover art up on their site to buy like they do with the Best Buy variant but I understand why they don't since it's an incentive to get it through them. I guess the games I really care about a lot I'll get through their site and others through Best Buy.
Did they say which platforms? I’m assuming Switch but I’m after PS4/Vita. Hoping to get the Vita CE from LRG and the standard PS4 from Best Buy.

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I ordered a mystery switch game with my reward points about a month ago and they still havent shipped it yet. Should I contact customer service? I dont see why it should take that long to send it considering they can just pick any switch title and just send it to me.
They sent me an email on Feb 27 with tracking saying they shipped some games. Today is March 12 and tracking says that UPS is still waiting for one of the pkgs to get to their facility. As everyone else has said, they are slow.

Edit: 2 of the 3 pkgs they said they shipped that day I did receive on March 7.
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They sent me an email on Feb 27 with tracking saying they shipped some games. Today is March 12 and tracking says that UPS is still waiting for one of the pkgs to get to their facility. As everyone else has said, they are slow.

Edit: 2 of the 3 pkgs they said they shipped that day I did receive on March 7.
My process started back on 6th of February, and today my replacement order for my damaged CSH art books is finally due to arrive. I first got tracking for this replacement on the 8th, so action was taken pretty quickly, but that's where the positive ends.

The order was supposed to ship within 1-2 weeks, or so I was told, and I got the official "order" email about two weeks later, with the same tracking number I got at the start. And tracking didn't finally happen until the 4th of March, which was about 2 weeks after the official update and almost a month after being told these would ship within 1-2 weeks.

So yeah, slow is an understatement, but I guess the old adage still holds true............You'll eventually get your shit!

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Did they say which platforms? I’m assuming Switch but I’m after PS4/Vita. Hoping to get the Vita CE from LRG and the standard PS4 from Best Buy.

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As with some of their previous Switch releases, Best Buy will only be getting a set of standard Switch copies with different cover art.

FYI it looks like Fangamer got the Hollow Knight physical.

Up now at Fangamer AND Best Buy.

If you missed out, BB had it listed for $30 but took it down and changed it to $35 before listing it again.
They can't even distribute their own games in a timely fashion, but apparently they're going to help distribute for Special Reserve Games now.

They can't even distribute their own games in a timely fashion, but apparently they're going to help distribute for Special Reserve Games now.

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Chill Brotato, seriously you’ll get your shit eventually
Chill Brotato, seriously you’ll get your shit eventually

I'm not worried. I don't have many orders with them right now, and don't collect much beyond Vita.

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Speaking of "you'll get your shit eventually," I just checked the production page:

Celeste (Switch) - Manufacturing Delayed till April to attempt to get "Thank You" DLC on the physical release.

Same thing shows up for all the various versions of Celeste, btw. So they're trying to get the complete game on the cart/disc after all. I'm glad they're making the right call on this one, even if they'll catch hell for the extra wait time.
FYI it looks like Fangamer got the Hollow Knight physical.

Up now at Fangamer AND Best Buy.

If you missed out, BB had it listed for $30 but took it down and changed it to $35 before listing it again.
I wish I would have seen this sooner as I have GCU :(. Oh well I'm still getting the Wayward's Journal so it's not a complete loss.

Edit: Also with The Messenger also getting announced today I'm glad I just went with the standard edition of Hollow Knight. Crap this week just got really expensive since I'm wanting to pick up Bloodstained and I was going to get Toe Jam & Earl but I might holdoff now.

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Just an FYI, SRG is doing free shipping on all orders for the messenger, and confirmed on twitter that this includes international orders. LRG said on twitter that will be charging shipping for the release.

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Just an FYI, SRG is doing free shipping on all orders for the messenger, and confirmed on twitter that this includes international orders. LRG said on twitter that will be charging shipping for the release.
Well I hate to ask the obvious question, but then what's the point (if any) of ordering this from LRG?
Well I hate to ask the obvious question, but then what's the point (if any) of ordering this from LRG?
That digital rewards system at LRG...oh, wait....

I'm guessing Special Reserve also doesn't charge tax yet so even better to order from them. Free shipping, no tax (hopefully), my decision has been made. The only question is whether their site can handle the traffic on sale day (unlike that time several months ago where they couldn't even put an item up for sale on its scheduled date).

Just to report back, my CSH art book replacement finally arrived to me yesterday, and top marks for the packaging this go around, as it was almost as good as my own packaging standards(Almost). LOL

They used the same oversize box as before, but this time there was no movement inside at all, as they used durable bubble sheets in-between each book. Then brown paper was used to fill in the empty spaces around the books. This is what should have been provided the first time around, especially with the premium shipping rates charged.

In the end, they made good without to much effort on my end, but it did take almost 45 days to be one and done, so they for sure need to work on speed.

Just to report back, my CSH art book replacement finally arrived to me yesterday, and top marks for the packaging this go around, as it was almost as good as my own packaging standards(Almost). LOL

They used the same oversize box as before, but this time there was no movement inside at all, as they used durable bubble sheets in-between each book. Then brown paper was used to fill in the empty spaces around the books. This is what should have been provided the first time around, especially with the premium shipping rates charged.

In the end, they made good without to much effort on my end, but it did take almost 45 days to be one and done, so they for sure need to work on speed.
Any chance you can share some pics?

Being a NinjaVania is great by itself, but it's also Made In Quebec and has a soundtrack by Lord Rainbowdragoneyes, so it's a must-have in my eyes. However I was waiting for the inevitable physical release so I have no idea if it's a good game or not in the end. But I want to say critical reception is fairly high.

Here's hoping the physrel (TM) has the latest patches built-in.

PS Rainbowdragoneyes is really, really fucking awesome.

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Being a NinjaVania is great by itself, but it's also Made In Quebec and has a soundtrack by Lord Rainbowdragoneyes, so it's a must-have in my eyes. However I was waiting for the inevitable physical release so I have no idea if it's a good game or not in the end. But I want to say critical reception is fairly high.

Here's hoping the physrel (TM) has the latest patches built-in.

PS Rainbowdragoneyes is really, really fucking awesome.
Rainbowdragoneyes... ha... that stuff was pretty cool. Thanks for posting all of that.

I was waiting for a physical release as well... but now I'm thinking I'll just go digital if I buy it. Nice to know the music is pretty rockin'.

And worse
I haven't thought any of the LRG variants were "worse", except for "Enter the Gungeon". I much preferred the LRG variant cover for "Shadow Warrior 2" over the SRG cover. The "Ruiner" cover art was a push for me either way. I liked the LRG "Absolver" variant better.

Has anyone else noticed that the Production Updates and Shipping Room pages are pretty much meaningless?

The Shipping Room page can go a week or more without changing, the Production Updates page says "shipping in process" or "shipping has begun" for weeks on end for the same titles. Some games will say "shipping starts on some particular date" then that date comes and goes and nothing ships.

My theory is the pages give the support department links to reply to all the helpdesk tickets in an attempt to pacify all of us suckers, er I mean customers.

Really incredible how abysmally bad the shipping has gotten - instead of getting better with time, it just gets worse.

tldr version: Dear Limited Run, please stop selling games before you have them in hand (other than open preorders).

bread's done