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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Something weird happened with Teslagrad and I'm sure that was a factor. The ESRB version was leaked years ago and it's just now actually coming out.

Anyway, was able to get my copy without issue. Now I just wish Nicalis would announce when their games are going up.

ESRB going fast!!! Down to ~600 left within minutes. The PEGI version has over 1,300 available.

Edit: Wth makes this a "value pack" as advertised on the box!?
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Something weird happened with Teslagrad and I'm sure that was a factor. The ESRB version was leaked years ago and it's just now actually coming out.

Anyway, was able to get my copy without issue. Now I just wish Nicalis would announce when their games are going up.
what games is Nicalis going to announce to put up?

Got my ESRB copy easy. Also got a weird pop up that said "ADD ONs"---first time I'm seeing it on the site---but I clicked through the checkout so fast I didn't pay attention to it. Are they not going to ship it in a box? Don't all Collectors Editions usually ship in a box or have they changed that?

Got my ESRB copy easy. Also got a weird pop up that said "ADD ONs"---first time I'm seeing it on the site---but I clicked through the checkout so fast I didn't pay attention to it. Are they not going to ship it in a box? Don't all Collectors Editions usually ship in a box or have they changed that?
They said on Twitter yesterday that it will ship in a box, even for one copy.

Figured the PAL version would go a lot slower given that there was already a physical release of the vanilla version. Also, I assume the vast majority of people who want the PAL version reside in Europe, so shipping costs for them are quite a bit more. Kind of odd to have LRG handle the PAL version when it costs so much to ship from the US to Europe. Seems like it would have made more sense to manufacture more ESRB copies rather than do the 1500/1500 split.

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Surprised I was able to get Telsegrad ESRB version at 1:40 pm EST. Saw it went on sale while I was at work but had to wait to get home to order it. Thought it would be sold out in minutes like most Vita games. Outer box and tin cover is bland imo.
Wonder if Teslagrad was part of the negotiation to get other companies to give LRG carts to finish off their production. (give us blank carts and we will distribute the game for you)
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Surprised I was able to get Telsegrad ESRB version at 1:40 pm EST. Saw it went on sale while I was at work but had to wait to get home to order it. Thought it would be sold out in minutes like most Vita games. Outer box and tin cover is bland imo.
Probably a combination of being an off-cycle Tuesday release and them forcing you to buy crap you dont need by only offering a CE. With that said, at 1500 copies it will probably end up being one of the more expensive Vita games.
Shocked that there is still inventory for Teslagrad. It looks like a cool game. The animation looks terrific.

Shocked that there is still inventory for Teslagrad. It looks like a cool game. The animation looks terrific.
I was shocked that the Spelunky CE listed so long as well. Their loss.

Anyone notice that the Super Mutant Alien Assault game is priced $20 higher than the PSN version??
i worked up a list of what i think LRG will do for the final releases based on PSN prices, the now failed notion of a $10 premium price for physical (seems like the new way of things will be 15-20 over psn)

Game psn price my est LRG price
  • Super Mutant Alien Assault - July 5th                      9.99 24.99 (29.99 actually)
  • Metal Slug 3 - July 12th                                           14.99 29.99
  • Atari Flashback Classics - July 2019                       19.99 34.99
  • Deadbolt - Q3 2019                                                   9.99 24.99
  • Damascus Gear Operation Osaka - TBA 2019        19.99 34.99
  • Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo - TBA 2019         14.99 29.99
  • Revenant Dogma - TBA 2019                                  14.99 29.99
  • Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken - TBA 2019            6.99 19.99
  • Rocketbirds 2: Evolution - TBA 2019                         9.99 24.99
  • Super Meat Boy - TBA 2019                                    14.99 29.99
  • Papers Please - TBA 2020                                         9.99 24.99
so i am expecting at least $15 over psn prices on every release going forward.  Its uncool, but ce la vie
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Then buy the digital versions and stop complaining. You still get to play the game, you aren't missing out on anything. It isn't like they are ripping you off or over charging you because you can still play it digitally for much less money and it's the exact same game. You want a premium version of a game then you pay the premium price. Dont want pay to pay the premium price? Then dont.

I mean these guys have to pay themselves, their lawyers, the shipping dept, website hosting fees, electricity, taxes, pay to have the games made and shipped to them, marketing dept, buy food, pay for insurance on everything and a hundred other things. It's a business selling small amounts of things, they aren't making an endless supply being sold at a thousand retailers for years to come. And what they do sell is already available to you elsewhere for less, and they are also not essential things they sell. You dont need to buy games from them in any way, shape or form.

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Did LRG ever confirm you had to buy all the Vita games directly from them to get the “free bonus game”? Or was it just that you had to prove you had all the LRG Vita games even if you bought them elsewhere?
Did LRG ever confirm you had to buy all the Vita games directly from them to get the “free bonus game”? Or was it just that you had to prove you had all the LRG Vita games even if you bought them elsewhere?
They flip-flopped back and forth, but they've just refused to talk about it recently (on their most recent Fireside Chat they straight-up said they didn't want to go into detail about it). I don't think they fully thought through it before announcing it and now it's just a headache either way.

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Shocked that there is still inventory for Teslagrad. It looks like a cool game. The animation looks terrific.
It’s an ok game with good graphics. It starts off decent but the physics is inconsistent so you can do the same thing over and over and get different results. It made it hard to tell at times if something was purely impossible or if the physics engine was making it near impossible. For the $1 (or free on PS+?) that I paid I had some fun. I. power my way through more than half of the game before giving up and determining it was no longer worth my time.

I’m more surprised it’s sold so well, but it’s a low print Vita game and people are looking to make profits.
It’s an ok game with good graphics. It starts off decent but the physics is inconsistent so you can do the same thing over and over and get different results. It made it hard to tell at times if something was purely impossible or if the physics engine was making it near impossible. For the $1 (or free on PS+?) that I paid I had some fun. I. power my way through more than half of the game before giving up and determining it was no longer worth my time.

I’m more surprised it’s sold so well, but it’s a low print Vita game and people are looking to make profits.
Your review was spot on, as I felt the same way, except I actually finished it(or at least reached the last boss). I did look up videos back when I was playing, and some guys where able to do things pretty consistently, or at least that's how it appeared. So that made me try a few situations longer than I should have(as that shit can get frustrating), as I tried to get better with the games mechanics. I was much better by the end, but it was still a chore, and why I didn't have much interest in this release.

I did want the art book, but the overall price didn't seem worth it to me. If anyone wants to sell their's to try to recoup a few bucks, as they may have only wanted the standard, hit me up with a PM. As I would gladly pay someone $20 for it, plus shipping of course. LOL

It’s an ok game with good graphics. It starts off decent but the physics is inconsistent so you can do the same thing over and over and get different results. It made it hard to tell at times if something was purely impossible or if the physics engine was making it near impossible. For the $1 (or free on PS+?) that I paid I had some fun. I. power my way through more than half of the game before giving up and determining it was no longer worth my time.

I’m more surprised it’s sold so well, but it’s a low print Vita game and people are looking to make profits.
I'll agree with this, especially the inconsistent physics, and the controls are often unresponsive as well which doesn't make a great combo. I wanted to like it, but I was experiencing a lot more frustration than fun as I made my way through it, and felt more of a sense of relief than satisfaction not only only after getting past puzzles and onto the next checkpoint, but getting past bosses and finishing the game as well. The bosses are one of the weakest points and definitely not fun to fight, just trial and error repetition and having to replay the initial phases of each fight numerous times, as everything in the game kills you instantly and there's attacks that you can't really predict. And even though it asks you to backtrack through the game to find hidden items, Metroid-style, normally the extra abilities you've acquired would make revisiting old areas and traversing terrain feel seamless and empowering, but Teslagrad is much more of a puzzle-platformer, so having to re-do puzzles you've already solved just to navigate the various rooms feels like a chore. The art, music, and presentation of the game are indeed nice, but the story didn't really feel like anything special, no real connection to any of the characters or what was going on, and not much payoff for piecing the plot and backstory together.

This probably sounds like I hated it, but I must've had at least some fun with it, or I wouldn't have finished it to 100% completion. I don't feel compelled to go back to it or replay it at all though, or the need to own a physical copy. It's not terrible or anything, but it feels like its flaws keep it from being so much better.

I guess now we know why they were in such a hurry to sell the Vita version (1 week from announcement to sale).

Usually I'll try to give LRG some credit or try to understand it from their perspective, but no matter how I look at it this seems like a slimy cashgrab.
To be fair, with the vita storage restrictions, you really need to get physical copies.

I wouldn't have any interest in this in the switch in anything other than digital.

I guess now we know why they were in such a hurry to sell the Vita version (1 week from announcement to sale).

Usually I'll try to give LRG some credit or try to understand it from their perspective, but no matter how I look at it this seems like a slimy cashgrab.
Would anyone buying a Vita copy care about a Switch version, though? I'm not sure it makes much difference either way, but that makes the crappy announcement timing look dumb to me. If it doesn't matter then why not just be up front about it?

Also, my thanks to the people sharing their opinions on Teslagrad. Saved me a little time looking it up for myself!
Would anyone buying a Vita copy care about a Switch version, though? I'm not sure it makes much difference either way, but that makes the crappy announcement timing look dumb to me. If it doesn't matter then why not just be up front about it?

Also, my thanks to the people sharing their opinions on Teslagrad. Saved me a little time looking it up for myself!
I would say so. Since the Vita doesn't have a proper successor, a lot of people have moved to the Switch as their go-to. With the announcement of the Switch-Lite today I'm sure that will increase as well. While the collector's market is certainly a large portion of the people buying Vita games at this point, there's also a large chunk who would've preferred the Switch version and now either have to double-dip or play it on a console they don't prefer.

I guess now we know why they were in such a hurry to sell the Vita version (1 week from announcement to sale).

Usually I'll try to give LRG some credit or try to understand it from their perspective, but no matter how I look at it this seems like a slimy cashgrab.
I agree, the timing of the annoucement after the Vita ESRB version sold out is a douchebag move.

It's fine either way, I haven't picked up any Switch releases direct from LRG since BBY started getting copies.

I don't like the price hike that has been happening on LRG releases the last few months, but I understand from a business standpoint why it happens. If you have a market that will buy just buy everything you put out and it sells out, even with the higher price than the $10 premium when LRG first started, why not do it? Shipping is more these days compared to when LRG originated, they have more employees, and there are far more orders to complete at once.  Prices go up in every business industry from groceries to electronics, its a given.

Like what was stated, if you don't like the price or the game itself, don't buy it. LRG has always been for the collector that wants physical games. All others can just buy the cheaper digital versions. I have stopped buying every single release for over a year now, and just buy what I am interested in. The thing I have the most dislike for is the overly long shipping time and delays on some games that happen. I know almost all games are pre-orders, but on some games I have waited 6 months for. But I agree to that when I buy the games.

I would say so. Since the Vita doesn't have a proper successor, a lot of people have moved to the Switch as their go-to. With the announcement of the Switch-Lite today I'm sure that will increase as well. While the collector's market is certainly a large portion of the people buying Vita games at this point, there's also a large chunk who would've preferred the Switch version and now either have to double-dip or play it on a console they don't prefer.
I agree that they could have been more transparent, but the Switch version of Teslagrad wasn't exactly a secret and while a number of Vita collectors have moved to Switch as their primary platform, those same collectors still seem eager to buy every remaining Vita release. Teslagrad for Switch has been up on Amazon for a couple of weeks now and on Gamefly for over a month. Soedesco also had mentioned it on social media a few times before the announcement today. It also looks like LRG may not be the only store carrying the "value edition" and they certainly aren't the exclusive store for the standard.

Any word on when LRG is going to put up orders for River City Girls? That's the next game I'm most interested in.

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Meh, obviously LRG were intentional with the timing of the announcement for Teslagrad Switch, but it would have made zero difference for the ESRB version selling out or not. 1500 copies of any ESRB Vita game is going to sell out at this point. As someone mentioned, the Swtich version has not been a secret at all. The main groups of people buying Vita games right now are collectors, scalpers, and super diehard Vita fans. Those groups generally stay on top of what's going on. I doubt too many casuals who don't follow goings on were going to shell out $60+ after shipping and tax for freaking Teslagrad to begin with.

Any word on when LRG is going to put up orders for River City Girls? That's the next game I'm most interested in.
I mean, game isn't out until September 5. So not until then at the very least... they might wait a bit to get the inevitable day one patches on disc...

I was shocked that the Spelunky CE listed so long as well. Their loss.

Anyone notice that the Super Mutant Alien Assault game is priced $20 higher than the PSN version??
Looks like they've now lowered the price of this and Super Combo Man to $24.99 each. Not sure if it was the result of consumer backlash or if the original listing price was a mistake to begin with.

Meh, obviously LRG were intentional with the timing of the announcement for Teslagrad Switch, but it would have made zero difference for the ESRB version selling out or not. 1500 copies of any ESRB Vita game is going to sell out at this point. As someone mentioned, the Swtich version has not been a secret at all. The main groups of people buying Vita games right now are collectors, scalpers, and super diehard Vita fans. Those groups generally stay on top of what's going on. I doubt too many casuals who don't follow goings on were going to shell out $60+ after shipping and tax for freaking Teslagrad to begin with.
I'll be picking up Teslagrad for Switch at another retailer that offers free shipping. Since LRG doesn't really have a reward program anymore I don't really have incentive to buy certain titles from them directly anymore.

I haven’t heard anything but wasn’t Metal Slug 3 supposed to be releasing tomorrow on the Vita? I thought I saw that on their calender?
It got pushed back because the Shockboxes for their LE weren't going to be ready for a while. Super Mutant Alien Assault is coming out instead, and it was originally slated for last week.

It got pushed back because the Shockboxes for their LE weren't going to be ready for a while. Super Mutant Alien Assault is coming out instead, and it was originally slated for last week.
I wish they would offer all these last few Vita titles as doubles on release days, as paying shipping for these single titles is pissing me the fuck OFF! LOL

Thanks. I'll probably put down $5 on an in-store preorder, but I'll keep an eye on Special Reserve in case they do something fancy for their release.
They will probably do at least something like a set of buttons or some other small item to go with it. I'm holding out for them regardless as I don't like giving gamestop money. They will be my last resort.

Don't understand why these LRG vita titles sell out in less than a couple minutes when a title like Teslagrad took all day.

Scalpers must be targeting LRG vita titles in particular. But they really shouldn't, as the resale values aren't really worth it compared to the cost and time investment. Either that or there are people out there who are going for a full LRG vita set BUT NOT a full Region 1 vita set. But they really should, as the rest of the vita set is only like a hundred more games!

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Thought my order total looked a little odd compared to some past releases of the same price. LRG are charging sales tax on shipping. Real cute. Never had that happen before with any other seller.

Thought my order total looked a little odd compared to some past releases of the same price. LRG are charging sales tax on shipping. Real cute. Never had that happen before with any other seller.
I believe this depends on what your state wants. I thought it was absurd that I had been charged tax on shipping but then I did some research and my state (PA) actually requires retailers to charge sales tax on the cost of goods plus shipping. That is why I try to use free shipping whenever possible.

Although LRG could be screwed up as well. I would do some research into what your state requires online retailers to charge tax on.

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bread's done