Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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One of the selling points LRG made in a response on Twitter is that their release will include the latest patch. Um...thank you LRG?

Tetris Effect is currently $20 new at BestBuy and Gamestop.  Not too bad a deal if it's your thing.   I can't remember what I saw on GS but BB had the option to buy it online.   it's nothing I want or need, but it's an option for those that maybe want a copy but don't care about the other stuff.

I think it's past time to let go of what LRG was planned to be back before Breach and Clear released on vita.  They've broken pretty much all of those plans and adjusted as a company and is currently something different.  Now they are just another publisher at this point except much slower in bringing things to market.  Maybe we can talk about the company without it seeming like some personal attack.  They are a business.  They have a large staff to support.  So they will continue to sell a lot of stuff to try and meet those demands.  We have a first with the second run of Night Trap.  We've had other stores selling games on LRG since the SRG partnership.   And digital games stopped being preserved around the time of Rainbow Moon when they shipped too close to launch and so didn't have patches and stuff.   They are a mass producer of limited print games now.   Really it was inevitable they'd lose that indie grass roots thing they had with Breach and Clear if they grew beyond the two man team... and of course that happened.  So we have reprints of common cheap classic console games and now a reprint of a regular retail release game.   Times change.  Your view of what the company is needs to adjust to see them as they are now not as how you wish they were.

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Tetris Effect is currently $20 new at BestBuy and Gamestop. Not too bad a deal if it's your thing. I can't remember what I saw on GS but BB had the option to buy it online. it's nothing I want or need, but it's an option for those that maybe want a copy but don't care about the other stuff.

I think it's past time to let go of what LRG was planned to be back before Breach and Clear released on vita. They've broken pretty much all of those plans and adjusted as a company and is currently something different. Now they are just another publisher at this point except much slower in bringing things to market. Maybe we can talk about the company without it seeming like some personal attack. They are a business. They have a large staff to support. So they will continue to sell a lot of stuff to try and meet those demands. We have a first with the second run of Night Trap. We've had other stores selling games on LRG since the SRG partnership. And digital games stopped being preserved around the time of Rainbow Moon when they shipped too close to launch and so didn't have patches and stuff. They are a mass producer of limited print games now. Really it was inevitable they'd lose that indie grass roots thing they had with Breach and Clear if they grew beyond the two man team... and of course that happened. So we have reprints of common cheap classic console games and now a reprint of a regular retail release game. Times change. Your view of what the company is needs to adjust to see them as they are now not as how you wish they were.
It's not that a company, any company, needs to change some to stay solvent, it's the cash grabs and their straight up ideology change. They said they are gamers and collectors too (which I believe) and they don't like aspects of how those communities are treated at times but big publishers, and now they're doing the exact same thing they hated.

They can be a smaller publisher. That's fine. In my honest opinion, that had to happen sooner or later for their company to survive because the business model set forth with the Vita releases was not sustainable. And they are still providing a great avenue for smaller devs to get their game out there, because pretty much any LRG release gets mainstream coverage. That is not in dispute.

But what I laid out above isn't entirely what they are doing, and they have been getting away even from that more and more. I think something like this, with 'Tetris Effect,' is a prime example. It's a year old game, originally published by Sony with a big print run. A print run that is still available readily and has seen a price drop by 50% earlier this year (to the current $20). A price we all know is lower than whatever LRG will charge for their reversible foil cover version with lovely patches.

There's a difference in adjusting your business to survive and feeling slimy, and, unfortunately, LRG feels more slimy nowadays than anything else.

Reprinting  "Tetris Effect" and it isn't even out of print?!  Why not out of print titles like  "Job Simulator," "What Remains of Edith Finch," "Rez," and/or imports.

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There's a difference in adjusting your business to survive and feeling slimy, and, unfortunately, LRG feels more slimy nowadays than anything else.
How are they slimy? They saw an opportunity to make money, and as a business your job is to do exactly that. They had a chance to release like tetris which is a high profile name just as big as say minecraft and they took it. They are in existence to make money by selling games.

Do you think they sit around saying "well we could sell this game but let's first evaluate if we should or not and we need to consider every customer's perception of us selling this down to each individual"? Or do you realize actually what they do is "hey we can sell this game. Ok let's do it"?

I never understood all the disdain for lrg. They sell games. If you dont want the game then simply dont buy it, it really is that easy. Dont want to pay for a game and then wait to get it when it is a pre order? Then dont buy it. All of the complaints about them can simply be solved with, dont buy it. I mean they haven't done anything illegal, unethical, immoral ever and certainly have never done anything to anyone personally that effected their lives. So if you dont like them then dont buy their games but complaining they dont cater to you personally or to a small group is pointless.

Everyone here chooses to do business with them, no one has to and if you chose to do business with them then it's because you're willing to do it.

I've bought like over 75 games from them since I got their first release and never had an issue. I've had to wait sometimes longer than other times but aside from that everything has gone exactly as was expected and they did exactly what I agreed to with the transaction. Sometimes the wait is a pain but I am pre ordering something and I know that so I can accept it, if time truly was a major factor then I should have gotten the digital version to begin with.

There's a difference in adjusting your business to survive and feeling slimy, and, unfortunately, LRG feels more slimy nowadays than anything else.
For me, doing business with any company has to do with knowing the companies weaknesses and determining if the overall deal is worth navigating those weaknesses. For LRG right now that's a massively long shipping time and sometimes questionable packaging. They seem to handle returns fairly well, so ultimately for me it's just... "is it worth the wait". Additionally is "will the game be playable without updates".

As far as LRG feeling slimy... I kind of got that feeling early on when I suggested trying other shipping package options with suggestions for envelopes with larger bubbles and ended up getting chewed out and followed around the forum by one of the founders with them acting like I kicked their puppy. Clearly they are a sensitive couple of dudes and they kind of creep me out a bit even still. But in the end that isn't a factor in me doing business if they have a product I want. So far 2019 has been no purchases thus far... 2018 was maybe two. I did feel a bit burned by the Golf Story situation. Lying to say they were ready to ship. Shipping the game without a critical patch from a full year earlier. It just made them lower on my list if there are other sources for the same game physically.

I don't care if LRG releases 100 games a week and half of them are reprints of retail games. It doesn't affect what I buy nor change my somewhat low opinion of them. What it would do is make me think the wait for shipping will be even longer and could keep me from buying something I legit want. But that's my issue as a consumer. Don't like the company being a sell out to the industry... don't do business with them. But outside of them doing something that is an actual social issue or something else that crosses a line... them selling too much stuff that violates their set business plan from day one isn't going to phase me.

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How are they slimy? They saw an opportunity to make money, and as a business your job is to do exactly that. They had a chance to release like tetris which is a high profile name just as big as say minecraft and they took it. They are in existence to make money by selling games.

Do you think they sit around saying "well we could sell this game but let's first evaluate if we should or not and we need to consider every customer's perception of us selling this down to each individual"? Or do you realize actually what they do is "hey we can sell this game. Ok let's do it"?

I never understood all the disdain for lrg. They sell games. If you dont want the game then simply dont buy it, it really is that easy. Dont want to pay for a game and then wait to get it when it is a pre order? Then dont buy it. All of the complaints about them can simply be solved with, dont buy it. I mean they haven't done anything illegal, unethical, immoral ever and certainly have never done anything to anyone personally that effected their lives. So if you dont like them then dont buy their games but complaining they dont cater to you personally or to a small group is pointless.

Everyone here chooses to do business with them, no one has to and if you chose to do business with them then it's because you're willing to do it.

I've bought like over 75 games from them since I got their first release and never had an issue. I've had to wait sometimes longer than other times but aside from that everything has gone exactly as was expected and they did exactly what I agreed to with the transaction. Sometimes the wait is a pain but I am pre ordering something and I know that so I can accept it, if time truly was a major factor then I should have gotten the digital version to begin with.
Sad Loose Rattling Games apologist are sad.
How are they slimy? They saw an opportunity to make money, and as a business your job is to do exactly that. They had a chance to release like tetris which is a high profile name just as big as say minecraft and they took it. They are in existence to make money by selling games.

Do you think they sit around saying "well we could sell this game but let's first evaluate if we should or not and we need to consider every customer's perception of us selling this down to each individual"? Or do you realize actually what they do is "hey we can sell this game. Ok let's do it"?

I never understood all the disdain for lrg. They sell games. If you dont want the game then simply dont buy it, it really is that easy. Dont want to pay for a game and then wait to get it when it is a pre order? Then dont buy it. All of the complaints about them can simply be solved with, dont buy it. I mean they haven't done anything illegal, unethical, immoral ever and certainly have never done anything to anyone personally that effected their lives. So if you dont like them then dont buy their games but complaining they dont cater to you personally or to a small group is pointless.

Everyone here chooses to do business with them, no one has to and if you chose to do business with them then it's because you're willing to do it.

I've bought like over 75 games from them since I got their first release and never had an issue. I've had to wait sometimes longer than other times but aside from that everything has gone exactly as was expected and they did exactly what I agreed to with the transaction. Sometimes the wait is a pain but I am pre ordering something and I know that so I can accept it, if time truly was a major factor then I should have gotten the digital version to begin with.
I'm not sure you understand much about niche businesses like this. Sure, everyone is free to choose whether or not to do business with them, but the continuing growth and success of their business and therefore your ability to continue to buy product from them does rely to some degree on the perception of their customer base as to whether or not they are operating in a good faith and ethical manner. I don't think tweeting out this morning that their version of the game would have a newer version on the disc than the one at retail before they even confirmed it (correct me if I'm wrong, but I still don't think they have confirmed it) was appropriate. Similarly, I don't think their continuing refusal to take any responsibility for a handful of their games that were released broken like Night Trap on the Vita is a particularly ethical or defensible position given that they are the publisher of the physical version and the retailer. Regardless, I agree with you that there have been a lot of unreasonable complaints and attacks hurled their way over the past four years.

At the end of the day, it's pretty clear that Josh and Douglas are gamers and collectors who maybe aren't that great at business. I don't think they operate from malice or even a profit motive, but I do think that Josh in particular is afraid to say "no" to virtually any company with any kind of opportunity for them, even if it clearly isn't good for LRG or their customer base. Similarly, I think Josh might have some kind of compulsiveness disorder as he seems to have a massive game collection and a self-professed desire to release as much "cool stuff" as possible which seems to be very unhealthy for both his business and the customers who frequent it, many of which probably have similar compulsiveness and FOMO. I think people place too much personal stock in companies like this and get too emotionally involved, both on the love and hate side. When you can come to terms with the fact that they are a company and companies don't have feelings and ultimately exist only to serve their owners/founders or shareholders, whether that's to generate profit or to just serve as a conduit to release endless plastic shelf trophies, you'll find yourself being a lot happier and spending a lot less time in this thread.

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How are they slimy? They saw an opportunity to make money, and as a business your job is to do exactly that. They had a chance to release like tetris which is a high profile name just as big as say minecraft and they took it. They are in existence to make money by selling games.

Do you think they sit around saying "well we could sell this game but let's first evaluate if we should or not and we need to consider every customer's perception of us selling this down to each individual"? Or do you realize actually what they do is "hey we can sell this game. Ok let's do it"?

I never understood all the disdain for lrg. They sell games. If you dont want the game then simply dont buy it, it really is that easy. Dont want to pay for a game and then wait to get it when it is a pre order? Then dont buy it. All of the complaints about them can simply be solved with, dont buy it. I mean they haven't done anything illegal, unethical, immoral ever and certainly have never done anything to anyone personally that effected their lives. So if you dont like them then dont buy their games but complaining they dont cater to you personally or to a small group is pointless.

Everyone here chooses to do business with them, no one has to and if you chose to do business with them then it's because you're willing to do it.

I've bought like over 75 games from them since I got their first release and never had an issue. I've had to wait sometimes longer than other times but aside from that everything has gone exactly as was expected and they did exactly what I agreed to with the transaction. Sometimes the wait is a pain but I am pre ordering something and I know that so I can accept it, if time truly was a major factor then I should have gotten the digital version to begin with.
I never understood the disdain for Microtransactions and DLC practices from Activision, EA, and Ubisoft. If you don't like it, don't buy from them. There is nothing illegal or immoral about it. Everyone chooses to buy their games; you don't need to buy anything from them.

I can't really legitimize this first hand, but the story I've been told is that Josh is driving the money money money drive of the company and Doug is sad to be on board as they continually disregard their original goals, but idk
I can't really legitimize this first hand, but the story I've been told is that Josh is driving the money money money drive of the company and Doug is sad to be on board as they continually disregard their original goals, but idk
To be honest, I'd be perfectly okay with it if whoever is the driving factor behind this to just come out and admit that's the direction they're going.

It's the fake sincerity that I don't appreciate.

I have a feeling 11/22 will be a "break week" considering the Pop Up shop is that weekend. Actually, I don't think they've announced anything past this Friday.

FYI looks like Best Buy will be getting copies of Blasphemous. Still makes no sense to me that they didn't order copies of Blazing Chrome and Stranger Things 3.
looks like best buy is getting both switch and ps4 copies of Stranger Things 3

In case anyone needed an example of something that may be considered "slimy". I have no problem with that if they want to allow people who ordered prior to adding the Best Buy blurb to the page to cancel, but somehow I don't think that is going to happen.

And trying to sell Tetris Effect by pretending like it might vanish off of retail shelves before they put it up for order.... that is pretty lame. I don't think Josh or Doug could possibly write that without feeling like it was a bit much. It was like a huge reach to try to make it fit some semblance of their "purpose".

But, really, just OWN the whole Tetris Effect thing. Don't try to scare people into buying it by creating this false scenario where the current release may be completely sold through at retail.

Really excited about the Tetris Effect release. Even more excited about the inevitable LRG release next year of Madden 19, complete with a foil accented cover of Antonio Brown holding his helmet in the right hand instead of the left hand. All about preservation.

What galls me the most is that LRG still have not fixed the Vita Night Trap situation. Certainly nothing is preserved when the game is broken. People paid LRG for a broken game and got screwed. Then there is the Cruisin Mix bullcrap that still has not been remedied. Another case of false advertising and a mistake on LRG's end that was not remedied for paying customers. Then there is the butchering of the Atari Flashbacks Classic Edition, after customers had ordered and paid, with no option to remedy the situation. LRG are a damn joke at this point with their anti-consumer garbage. A litany of excuses and crappy condescending remarks are what customers get in return for calling LRG out on their shenanigans. They explain away everything and in the end the customers are the ones who suffer when a mistake is made. It seems to me that rather than release games that are widely available for a cash grab, maybe LRG should spend some resources on fixing their mistakes. The whole "we've got your money, so F you if we don't send what was promised" wears thin very quickly. I cannot wait until the last Vita game is released so that I can finish off my complete collection and end my relationship with LRG after spending thousands of dollars.

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I never understood the disdain for Microtransactions and DLC practices from Activision, EA, and Ubisoft. If you don't like it, don't buy from them. There is nothing illegal or immoral about it. Everyone chooses to buy their games; you don't need to buy anything from them.
Lol that depends on what country you're in! It's already illegal in some places, and potentially will be illegal in a few more soon. That's a discussion for a different forum though, so I'll leave it at that.
I don't care if LRG releases 100 games a week and half of them are reprints of retail games. It doesn't affect what I buy nor change my somewhat low opinion of them. What it would do is make me think the wait for shipping will be even longer and could keep me from buying something I legit want. But that's my issue as a consumer. Don't like the company being a sell out to the industry... don't do business with them. But outside of them doing something that is an actual social issue or something else that crosses a line... them selling too much stuff that violates their set business plan from day one isn't going to phase me.
Yeah, I'm not too fired up about all the extra junk they've been throwing out there yet, either. They're still drip-feeding us the occasional indie gem in between all the other pointless stuff, so as long as they keep that corner of the business alive I'll probably keep buying from them. Ah well, back to waiting for Timespinner I suppose.
What was their reasoning for Tetris Effect?? It's $20 on Best Buy, and has been several times. Can't imagine they're going to sell this for $50, but this is LRG..... 

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What was their reasoning for Tetris Effect?? It's $20 on Best Buy, and has been several times. Can't imagine they're going to sell this for $50, but this is LRG.....
Looks like LRG will be selling their version for $29.99 as the listing is now up.

To be honest, I'd be perfectly okay with it if whoever is the driving factor behind this to just come out and admit that's the direction they're going.

It's the fake sincerity that I don't appreciate.
This is what it's all about. For those who are confused about lrg criticism, I don't think you were there to experience the early stages of the company.

They were this darling little company that tried extra hard to be responsive and interact with their customers. They had a presence not only on their own forums but also here and many other places. As stupid as it sounds, it felt personal, and it felt like we were doing gaming as a whole a favor by continuing to show support for physical copies. It was a new concept, they laid on the guilt pretty thick at times, and many of us (myself included) bought into it. It was a voice we felt we needed.

And like any other successful enterprise, they totally outgrew that small and intimate original company, but seem to have trouble admitting to themselves and their customers that they're not who they used to be.

It's fine, really, all things considered. It's not our business, it's not our money and it's not our decisions. If I were in charge I'd be milking it as hard as I could too. Their growing size and other companies emerging have all but ensured this will probably get too big to sustain as is. Get while the getting is good.
The Classic Edition was supposed to come in a plastic box resembling a 2600 cart. Instead it came in a cardboard box.
We got hosed big time

When I received it I was like[emoji24][emoji24]

Did they ever give an explanation as to why

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
For anyone that cares, the Best Buy cover for River City Girls says it's in production again. Not sure if something was wrong, but it definitely said in hand last I looked. Still holding up my copy. Not sure when Best Buy is supposed to have it.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
The Classic Edition was supposed to come in a plastic box resembling a 2600 cart. Instead it came in a cardboard box.
Was that said anywhere? I remember considering it at the time but reasoning that (even if plastic) the box couldn’t be the size of an Atari cart and fit the Vita case as the image suggested. I suppose the word “replica” implies a more faithful copy.

What was the issue with Cruisin’ Mix?

I definitely felt burned by the Gigan Wrecker Alt. CE box for switch. I also didn’t receive any cards for Bloodstained: CotM despite ordering the mega bundle. They’re supposedly making more, but how could that have even happened?

the issue for crusin mix was that the developers have multiple versions of the game on hand. one version being the base vanilla game and other versions with some or all dlc included on disc. Lrg advertised their standard game including some (3?) dlc contents on disc. While the CE versions would have ALL dlc on disc. Well there was a mixup in which game code the developer submitted to LRG/Sony(?) and the standard edition that was sold only contained 2(?) dlc contents on disc and was missing the promised 3rd dlc on disc. The CE version to my knowledge was correct and came with all dlc on disc.

Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong about anything. Thanks.
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It's about games and nothing personal.  If you got burned with bait and switch stuff... which it seems like we all have to some degree... then it should just add a little pause before ordering something else.   At least with BB carrying most Switch games it makes it less risky to just wait and see what the final game ends up like before ordering.    Right now the main indie game I'm after is Cat Quest 2... but I'm hoping that gets a retail version like the first game.

Atari Classic was never supposed to come in a plastic box, it was always cardboard.

Cruisin max is missing dlc it should have had, we're waiting to receive new discs via Sony, there was some kind of hangup between the devs+Sony in getting those repressed. Once they've come in, we're shipping those out to everyone automatically.

RCG Best Buy cover sheet got mistakenly set to "in-hand" when standard copies of the games came in because we received loose regular covers for replacements and support thought we had received both the regular and the variant.

Bloodstained cards got misordered (haven't been able to identify if that was on our end, or with our manufacturer, but we got substantially less than we should have for that batch) we didn't find out until shipping realized they didn't have more boxes to pull from. Those should be coming in with our next batch of trading cards, so we'll be able to get those out to folks missing them. If you were missing them and haven't already opened a ticket, just send one in and we'll keep it open until we can send out card replacements.

Ay some presence here again! Nice to hear from you Giz. I think they have you handling reddit too don't they? I know it's a lot to keep up with but we do see and notice the effort. Thank you.
Atari Classic was never supposed to come in a plastic box, it was always cardboard.

Cruisin max is missing dlc it should have had, we're waiting to receive new discs via Sony, there was some kind of hangup between the devs+Sony in getting those repressed. Once they've come in, we're shipping those out to everyone automatically.

RCG Best Buy cover sheet got mistakenly set to "in-hand" when standard copies of the games came in because we received loose regular covers for replacements and support thought we had received both the regular and the variant.

Bloodstained cards got misordered (haven't been able to identify if that was on our end, or with our manufacturer, but we got substantially less than we should have for that batch) we didn't find out until shipping realized they didn't have more boxes to pull from. Those should be coming in with our next batch of trading cards, so we'll be able to get those out to folks missing them. If you were missing them and haven't already opened a ticket, just send one in and we'll keep it open until we can send out card replacements.
When are you going to fix Night Trap on Vita. Limited Run sold us a broken game and should be working with the developer to get a patch sorted and available for the people who bought this release on vita. How about on update to this issue. I haven't heard anything in months.

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Bloodstained cards got misordered (haven't been able to identify if that was on our end, or with our manufacturer, but we got substantially less than we should have for that batch) we didn't find out until shipping realized they didn't have more boxes to pull from. Those should be coming in with our next batch of trading cards, so we'll be able to get those out to folks missing them. If you were missing them and haven't already opened a ticket, just send one in and we'll keep it open until we can send out card replacements.

Thanks. I assumed I was the only person missing theirs and figured it wasn’t worth the hassle. Will definitely open a ticket.
When are you going to fix Night Trap on Vita. Limited Run sold us a broken game and should be working with the developer to get a patch sorted and available for the people who bought this release on vita. How about on update to this issue. I haven't heard anything in months.
I don't think the dev has even finished the patch yet. Plus I'd be surprised if they allocated their final vita cart allotment to printing fixed copies
I don't think the dev has even finished the patch yet. Plus I'd be surprised if they allocated their final vita cart allotment to printing fixed copies
I don't expect them to print fixed copies. I just want them to patch the game. They talked about a patch months ago and have been radio silent since the initial talk. Both the developer and Limited Run said a patch was being worked on. Since then we haven't heard a thing.

I don't understand how this version of the game even passed certification.

Its ridiculous at this point and only a few vocal people even talk about it and its always just ignored.

I would just like an update on the situation. Its frustrating.

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I don't expect them to print fixed copies. I just want them to patch the game. They talked about a patch months ago and have been radio silent since the initial talk. Both the developer and Limited Run said a patch was being worked on. Since then we haven't heard a thing.

I don't understand how this version of the game even passed certification.

Its ridiculous at this point and only a few vocal people even talk about it and its always just ignored.

I would just like an update on the situation. Its frustrating.
It's actually worse than that. Everytime someone brings it up on the Fireside Chat or elsewhere, Josh basically says it's on the developer to fix it and they have reached out, but he's not responsive. Frankly, at this point, they should be offering to refund anyone who wants to return their defective copy and setting a firm schedule for the patch under penalty of not releasing anymore of the developer's games physically in the future.

It's actually worse than that. Everytime someone brings it up on the Fireside Chat or elsewhere, Josh basically says it's on the developer to fix it and they have reached out, but he's not responsive. Frankly, at this point, they should be offering to refund anyone who wants to return their defective copy and setting a firm schedule for the patch under penalty of not releasing anymore of the developer's games physically in the future.
I mean, it is on the dev ultimately, but I do agree that it's shitty everyone's stuck with a broken cart that's always gonna be broken
bread's done