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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Well that's good... sucks it wasn't a clean release and physical copies will need the patch.

It is a shame, but kind of what I expected given the developer/publisher on it, the multi-platform release, and neither Suda51 or James Gunn being involved (not that I expected they would be). It would have been nice if it would have been perfect right out of the gate (or dang near perfect) but I'd imagine this was another case of deadlines coming and funding for it starting to dry up. Thankfully, they at least patched it. There are quite a few games that go this route in porting and then end up with bugs that never get fixed because the pub doesn't want to spend more on it. To them, it's purely a business decision rather than art.

There aren't a lot of developers/pubs that I'd do a day one purchase of. Usually it's only those with a great track record.
Annoyed I missed LOK, I thought it was open pre orders smh. I'm sure another retailer will get it eventually. I'll make sure to grab HiFi rush soon as it goes up, whenever that is........ and Gex!

Also shipping on Castlevania DS collection delayed, email just came in.
Annoyed I missed LOK, I thought it was open pre orders smh. I'm sure another retailer will get it eventually. I'll make sure to grab HiFi rush soon as it goes up, whenever that is........ and Gex!

Also shipping on Castlevania DS collection delayed, email just came in.
The LoK tweets were not clear at all. Some said open pre-order and others said limited copies of the slipcover. I'm wondering if they will put up one with no slip soon. I hope so for those that missed out.


Also shipping on Castlevania DS collection delayed, email just came in.
I received this email today as well for the Xbox version. Hopefully the delay is only a month as stated and not longer.
I wonder how this effects the Konami shop exclusive version since I also ordered the Switch variant.
Something else to consider here, if import tariffs happen that will affect a lot of these preorders and future limited print games. I made my last major import purchases in early December so they'd have time to arrive and thankfully everything has. But a lot of these physical items LRG uses are not made in america.

Before anyone says "they don't do any manufacturing in China"...

You can't see the fine details but they list enough details about each foreign company they've used for production some of which are in china. Also if you dig into those not in China you'll see their shipments included products labeled as made in china. Like the Sega stuff. Just be aware of it all as a shopper. Hopefully none of that comes to pass, but this could put quite the pinch on LRG and their fulfillment backlog of doom.
I got like 4 update emails, all for delayed orders. LOL

Honestly wouldn't care if they actually delivered a solid end product but I doubt that'll happen for anything outside of Shantae Advance GBA since that can't simply be patched post release.
I’m betting a good portion of their imports from China are the action figures and trinkets in the special editions.

I only got one for Castlevania Dominus, but that’s also the only preorder I currently have with them.

I also see they got NA distribution for Front Mission 2. I was really hoping SquareEnix would maybe do a release themselves on that one.
At least one of those tweets had to do with those Sega CD cases that Josh sunk a couple hundred thousand into. Are they still even selling those? IIRC, they had issues with the mold still not being correct and shipping damage.
Only have the Castlevania Dominus collection as well since those and the GBA games were most of my fave Castlevania games. I'll be a sucker whenever they put Tomba 2 up as well since I have a good amount of nostalgia for the Tomba games. Really trying to keep whatever physical games coming to my collection the be likely games I really want to keep for the long term or niche games (I can usually sell/trade these pretty easily after beating if I don't want to keep them).
At least one of those tweets had to do with those Sega CD cases that Josh sunk a couple hundred thousand into. Are they still even selling those? IIRC, they had issues with the mold still not being correct and shipping damage.
Wait, are you serious. They dropped 6 figures on those dumb repro cases?!?!
Tooling is expensive, so probably.

Edit: So one example I know about is the Massdrop/Drop MT3 keycap molds being 7 figures.
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Wait, are you serious. They dropped 6 figures on those dumb repro cases?!?!
He put in a lot of money. Fairhurst says it cost Limited Run $150,000 to have the molds made, because the company ultimately decided they needed to be manufactured in the U.S., not in China. It was less a question of quality, Fairhurst said, and more about his concerns that China’s lax protection of intellectual property would lead to knockoff Sega Saturn cases being produced behind his back.
The funny thing here is, the patent is up anyway and if someone in china wanted to make some molds and put out cases... they could. Not sure there's that much demand for them though. Like for myself, no third party case was going to replace an original saturn case (I was into Saturn, never had a SegaCD).
Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown will be updated to Ver. 2.01 on 1/28. Hopefully the new patch (or patches) will be on the physical disc.
guy selling gouged American knockoffs wayy better.

I’m not even sure why they didn’t come up with some kind of spiritual successor case, something that could hold the old artwork but is closer to the modern softer plastic we have with DVD/blu ray cases. Is that so revolutionary? I mean, I probably would have thrown down some cash for that.

Instead we get 100% reproductions that cost how much a piece? Wasn’t it close to $10 for each case? I can’t remember now.
Instead we get 100% reproductions that cost how much a piece? Wasn’t it close to $10 for each case? I can’t remember now.

They were going to do 100% and then they thought... "let's change and improve them so they are more durable and charge more!".

A 100% repro.. even with fragile hinges would have been more ideal for a collectors or like you suggested, doing something completely new. Like the bitbox cases for NES/SNES carts and their inserts (but taller to fit the manuals and multi discs for games that had them).
The funny thing here is, the patent is up anyway and if someone in china wanted to make some molds and put out cases... they could. Not sure there's that much demand for them though. Like for myself, no third party case was going to replace an original saturn case (I was into Saturn, never had a SegaCD).

The one time I'll defend Josh... The problem of all things like this is volume and upfront cost.

No one in China was going to cough up cash to make cases for a dead system. But if say some American was going to pay the upfront cost for the molds, then they would absolutely take their money, then likely sell the molds (or make two+, likely charging the American for them!) and let someone else take the risk of cranking some out at a pittance of the price the US vendor charges.

People act like OMG IP LAW?! But it's really just about upfront capital costs. Yes, for high dollar stuff, China will attempt to reverse engineer it, but for cheap stuff, they'll let someone else fund their own knock off market for them.

The answer is partially what Josh did. He could keep manufacturing local OR price in the cost of competing with knock offs through quality control (lol), customer service (lol), and branding when using a Chinese manufacturer.

So ya, he was right to be worried, but didn't really follow through on his part either. If all he wanted was to fix his collection and maybe make a quick buck, he should have gone to China. Otherwise, doing boutique manufacturing in the USA is bonkers expensive and you're not going to recoup costs unless you're lucky.
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The only thing that baffles me is that they're always out of stock. Is there just no demand for these things so he hasn't bothered to make more batches? You would think you would want a steady inventory on hand to recoup the cost of the mold.
The only thing that baffles me is that they're always out of stock. Is there just no demand for these things so he hasn't bothered to make more batches? You would think you would want a steady inventory on hand to recoup the cost of the mold.
Per above, low volume item with high(er) costs makes them likely a low priority for both LRG and the manufacturer.
The only thing that baffles me is that they're always out of stock. Is there just no demand for these things so he hasn't bothered to make more batches? You would think you would want a steady inventory on hand to recoup the cost of the mold.

I was on amazon earlier and they are listed there. Same for the Alaska Chris guy's cases which reviews say they are near perfect now except the lack of the Compact Disc logo on the tray. Both have sets of 10 for $80. Also Aliexpress does have various cases available, but they seem slightly different than these. So someone threw some money into making their own.

IF I really needed these cases, I'd get a box of the second run versions that Chris had made and just use my own trays. BUT, I sold off most of my saturn stuff years ago. I kept a couple jp games and I think Christmas NiGHTS none of which are in long boxes. Really, I prefer the Japanese cases to the American. They take up a lot less space and they aren't so unique that you need to go the extra mile to replace one.
Think it will hit VGP?

Most releases do so very likely. They do have a bit of a premium when they go there and aren't distro releases though. I will get it because even though I have Japanese and Asian English copies of games, I do prefer ESRB every time unless it's massively overpriced.
Welp I'm glad lunar remaster collection isn't through limited run games and I can get my game on time. The downside is I'm sad there won't be a collectors edition.

Is it up for PO somewhere already? Also, there's been instances where LRG did a special edition even for a game that got a retail release, like Tomb Raider I-III Remastered.
I really did wear Lucia's pendant around for a while and it was great quality. The extra in the WD versions were amazing, and most of all the manuals were great. LRG would make awful extras likely and charge an arm and a leg for them.
I really did wear Lucia's pendant around for a while and it was great quality. The extra in the WD versions were amazing, and most of all the manuals were great. LRG would make awful extras likely and charge an arm and a leg for them.
I've heard people mention that pendant was heavy and could be used as a weapon.

Sadly I never owned any of their ce's. I do have the arc the lad collection though.
I really did wear Lucia's pendant around for a while and it was great quality. The extra in the WD versions were amazing, and most of all the manuals were great. LRG would make awful extras likely and charge an arm and a leg for them.

Like... in public?

And I honestly think there'll be a CE still. There's no way Vic allows this without a CE of some kind... I'm pretty sure one of you posted pics of cancelled puppets, those are for sure gonna be in some wacko ass CE.
And I honestly think there'll be a CE still. There's no way Vic allows this without a CE of some kind... I'm pretty sure one of you posted pics of cancelled puppets, those are for sure gonna be in some wacko ass CE.
Vic doesn’t have anything to do with this, but since GungHo has worked with LRG in the past, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some kind of CE with them.
Pretty much what I was about to post after verifying it. Vic has nothing to do with the new versions. That's why they are getting new voice work.
Lol yeah I wore it in public just under my shirt haha. Most people didn't know I was wearing it, and it was pretty heavy haha. Only a few people knew I had it on.
I don't see an issue with that. You enjoyed what you had. That's better, IMO, than everyone who gets this stuff only to keep it pristine on a shelf never to be touched and later thrown out as part of an estate by the next generation.
bread's done