Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Welp that's what I got. :(

On the bright side I did get a Soldner Checklist card that I was missing.
Yep, just opened my 2 PS4 blind boxes and got One Way and Thomas. To add salt to that, they didn't ship my order in a box even though I paid the extra and they didn't include my sticker grab bag.[emoji20]
Yep, just opened my 2 PS4 blind boxes and got One Way and Thomas. To add salt to that, they didn't ship my order in a box even though I paid the extra and they didn't include my sticker grab bag.[emoji20]
Just contact them, and it's easily fixable.

While they make mistakes, they'll gladly fix them for you if you just let them know.

Just contact them, and it's easily fixable.

While they make mistakes, they'll gladly fix them for you if you just let them know.
I'm sure they would but at this point, I don't really see a reason to. The box was added assurance that my games would arrive safely but that's a moot point now since the games are already here. And I'm guessing the stickers would likely be the really common ones.
I'm sure they would but at this point, I don't really see a reason to. The box was added assurance that my games would arrive safely but that's a moot point now since the games are already here. And I'm guessing the stickers would likely be the really common ones.
You should at least get your $3.99 refunded for the cost of the box.

I'm sure they would but at this point, I don't really see a reason to. The box was added assurance that my games would arrive safely but that's a moot point now since the games are already here. And I'm guessing the stickers would likely be the really common ones.
You should at least get your $3.99 refunded for the cost of the box.
Yeah, at least get your money back for not getting a box, lol.

And maybe if you can work a way out to just tell them which stickers you want to make up for the mistake. ;D

I'm sure they would but at this point, I don't really see a reason to. The box was added assurance that my games would arrive safely but that's a moot point now since the games are already here. And I'm guessing the stickers would likely be the really common ones.
Don't know what happened there. Our shipping staf has been pretty on point recently. I think they were overwhelmed with the amount of combos. We can get your sticker grab bag sent out and refund your shipping box. Open a support ticket at
Don't know what happened there. Our shipping staf has been pretty on point recently. I think they were overwhelmed with the amount of combos. We can get your sticker grab bag sent out and refund your shipping box. Open a support ticket at
I have no thing to add to this other than that I implemented freshdesk for our CS about 6 months ago, been pretty happy with it so far.

Are you guys still sending out PS4/Vita combo copies of Stealth, Inc? I've had the tracking information since December 6 and this is the longest I've seen with no movement on a package from LRG.

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Hello CAG members, 
I am happy to finally be joining the community, if a bit late. This is my first post and I look forward to taping into your gaming knowledge and game collections of this great hobby. No doubt, I will try to be active as much as I can in the future or when there’s enough time to allow it. At some point I would like to make some contributions of my own by buying or trading from you all. 
Best wishes to all, 
- EG
Nope, we've heard this from multiple people so we really need to investigate.
Mine also says a label was created on the 6th and usps is awaiting it. Wasn't worried at first, since thought it was probably just sitting there in a pile waiting for usps to pick it up :(

I can see a package being lost here or there, but if you bring these in bunches for shipment, it's pretty hard to lose an entire batch of games.

Either someone is incompetent and in the midst of holiday traffic, they misplaced them, or someone is snatching some up for themselves. No update in shipping progress means they haven't been scanned during transport or weren't transported at all.

Honestly, neither would surprise me at this point. Fraud is up like 50% during the holidays.

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I am glad this isn't an isolated issue but on the other hand this is unfortunate. I really hope the postal service didn't fuck something up here, which they are quite good at doing. :/

Are you guys still sending out PS4/Vita combo copies of Stealth, Inc? I've had the tracking information since December 6 and this is the longest I've seen with no movement on a package from LRG.
I'm in the same boat as well. Ordered one copy each of the Vita and PS4 versions. Label printed on 12/6 with a shipping email but no movement on the package since then. I opened a ticket for this on Sunday because two weeks is a long time with no movement and I felt this was something that needs to be tracked.

As someone who ships hundreds of packages a month, I can say 100%, when it comes to USPS, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

I agree, an item not showing tracking for a few weeks is an issue, but I have had it happen, and I have also had items show up without getting scanned after weeks. USPS sucks pretty much year round, but during the holidays, multiply that by 100.

I've had items bounce around the country, items showed delivered, that come back, and everything inbetween. Just when I think I've seen the craziest thing happen, they surprise me again.

So yes, some orders should be looked in to, but at this time of year, it's like GS, and even if you have an issue, it will more than likely correct itself long before anyone working there gets back to anyone with a possible answer or solution.

Got my shipping notice on 12/6 as well. Package showed up Saturday the 17th with no updates along the way. Just offering some hope for those awaiting their Stealth shipments.

Yeah USPS sucks balls. My shipping information for Saturday Morning RPG PS4 says delivery exception and says that it'll update with a new delivery update soon ... Obviously that was a long time ago, but I got it the day it says there was a delivery exception. I never trust their tracking.
Don't know what happened there. Our shipping staf has been pretty on point recently. I think they were overwhelmed with the amount of combos. We can get your sticker grab bag sent out and refund your shipping box. Open a support ticket at
So, when are you going doing a launch for Inside or Bastion?

my poll got locked within 10 minutes. rip

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Got my blind box in today. While I got Soldner, which I needed, I also only received one blind bag when I ordered two. I'm guessing I should create a ticket in the new system yes?

Got my blind box in today. While I got Soldner, which I needed, I also only received one blind bag when I ordered two. I'm guessing I should create a ticket in the new system yes?
Yeah. I had the exact same problem and I opened a ticket support yesterday and I got a response back that I can either get a refund or another blind box. I went ahead and asked for a refund.

Here's the info for backing Vita version of Sharin No Kuni:

  • How can I get the Vita port?
It's very simple: just back the campaign for any tier containing the PC version of the game.
If the stretch goal is met, you will be asked to select between a Steam key or Vita download code for any reward containing the digital version of the game, and you will be asked to select between a DVD-ROM package or Vita card package for any reward containing the physical version of the game.
For example, if you were to pledge at the $99 "Fairy Tale Friends with Benefits" tier, you could select a Vita download code and Vita game card, a Steam key and DVD-ROM package, or some combination of the two (Vita download code and DVD-ROM package, or Steam key and Vita game card).
Furthermore, both physical and digital copies of the Vita port will be available as add-ons on BackerKit if the stretch goal is met.
Please note that the Vita download codes being offered will only be valid in the North America PSN store, and you will therefore need a PSN account in that region to redeem the code. Our apologies for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding.
If the stretch goal is met, for non-backers physical copies with non-exclusive art will be available directly from the publisher, and the game will be purchasable on the North America PSN store.

  • Who is making the Vita port?
As the stretch goal has not yet been met, we do not have any finalized contracts in place.
However, we have both a developer and publisher lined up to handle the port should we meet the stretch goal, and both are very enthusiastic about the game!
Development assistance will be handled by a company here in Japan that is quite experienced with developing for all of Sony's gaming platforms.
Publishing and production of the physical copy will tentatively be handled by Limited Run Games, an experienced publisher with a wide range of successful physical releases under their belt.

  • When will the Vita port be available?
We currently hope to be able to provide the Vita port digitally within 1-2 months of the digital PC release. Physical copies will likely be produced approximately 1 month after that.
  • What if the Vita stretch goal isn't met?
In all but the most extreme of circumstances, *any backer* can cancel their pledge at *any time* before the campaign ends. (The only exception is that during the last 24 hours of the campaign, you cannot cancel or adjust a pledge if doing so would cause the campaign to drop below its goal.)
Therefore, you can feel free and safe to back the campaign for the Vita version now (which will be integral to getting the stretch goal met!), and if you later wish to withdraw your contribution you can do so at any time before the campaign ends.
Please also keep in mind that you are *not charged* until the end of the campaign.
Doug has mentioned that Sony does not like it when there are separate trophies and it could terminate the company LRG is working with.

I think I'm just going to get Sharin no Kuni directly from LRG, and stop doing the outside variants now, as I can imagine that it's going to start getting expensive in the future, as it's clear this is what they are interested in doing now to make it harder for people to have complete collections.

While at one point I certainly wanted to just get all of the Vita releases from LRG, now it doesn't seem like it's practical anymore since I don't really want to jump through any extra hoops to get there.

Either way though, glad the game is actually happening, even though I'll be a sad panda not having all the variants.

Pretty sure it's just Dragon Fantasy: Volumes of Westeria which we already sort of knew.
That would be a definite purchase for me. I love that the brought TBTOI to the USA for the vita. I will always push to buy games I legitimately want to play that LRG publishes. I'm done buying games I think are garbage or better as digital titles.... but great stuff, I'll support no problem. I just hope when the do end up publishing this that it's not limited to 2500 or some other crazy low number.

LRG actually said they were going to announce a new game title today, so he wasn't asking about Sharin no Kuni. ;D
LOL, I wasn't even answering his question... Honestly I didn't even know what you're talking about until I read the post above mine. But yeah, I was referring to the Sharin no Kuni backing...

Doug has mentioned that Sony does not like it when there are separate trophies and it could terminate the company LRG is working with.
Oh damn, I didn't know about this. Wow, it's a big deal now? Well, technically the same game for the same system from the same region shouldn't have separate trophy list... But still, terminating? Damn, that's harsh... LRG's Rainbow Moon is going to be super duper rare, I was going to open it, now I think I'll keep it sealed.

Edit... Also
Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype (Vita) (Keeping it sealed too, actually I pre-ordered another copy from Play-Asia, which has the same trophy set as LRG's copy, so tada, life is good.... But Soldner-X is a hard game, so it's not like I'm gonna get that Plat anyway, well, at least I can try, hahaha).

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Posted this in the Vita thread. Sharin no Kuni not the only Kickstarter that LRG has their fingerprints on.

I'll definitely wait for regular lrg releases. I kinda hate Kickstarter and I can't afford to back all these and get regular drops. Too much money.
I guess it was only natural that LRG would also get on that one too.

Good thing is that now I can just get these games through LRG.

Also, looks like this was the new title announcement from them since they haven't mentioned anything else today.

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Nope, we've heard this from multiple people so we really need to investigate.
Ruh roh.. - Submitted a ticket tonight to document it and add to the 'looking into it tally', since it has been open for a while. I received my PS4 blind boxes from around that time with no problem.

First instance of any delay issues.... I'm still hopeful maybe it will be delivered this week?

bread's done