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Super Meat Boy



Rogue Legacy

Those are my tentative guesses. All likely candidates, and I believe that none of them have ever had physical copies on the PS4 or Vita
I'm going to pick Guacamelee, as that would be my personal pick off that list. Honestly, those are all great possibilities, and I'd be happy with any of them.

My only clue is it has 1 million plus owners on Steam. It's also for PS4/Vita and did really well there too.

It's not a boat though!

Phantom Breaker is honestly something I'd love to see and still actively researching...
Imma still keep asking for it.

Honestly hate that Japan did a fking code in a box release
Found Doug's dream list

Cosmic Star Heroine
Broken Age
Axiom Verge
Frozen Synapse Prime
Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Race the Sun
Pier Solar
Don't Starve
Hotline Miami 2?
Rogue Legacy
Mercenary Kings
Dragon Fantasy Book II
Dragon Fantasy Book I
Hand of Fate
Titan Souls
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture
Costume Quest 2
Hatoful Boyfriend

Hyper Light Drifter
Magicka 2
The Escapists
Not A Hero
Energy Hook
Banner Saga?
Salt and Sanctuary
Night in the Woods
Samurai Gunn
Enter the Gungeon
SteamWorld Heist
Invisible Inc.
Super Time Force Ultra
I Am Bread

Recently got an email from LRG where they stated their version of Strafe will go on sale June 12 at 12pm EST.  Limited to 1000 copies.

Recently got an email from LRG where they stated their version of Strafe will go on sale June 12 at 12pm EST. Limited to 1000 copies.
That stinks.. was hoping it was just a normal Friday release so I could save on shipping. So much for that... :whistle2:/

I think/hope it's Super Meat Boy. I always wanted to own a physical PS Vita cartridge for it. I imported the PS4 physical from EU ($20 shipped off eBay bout a year ago iirc) & also own it on XBL (which is the original version with the superior soundtrack).

That could be it with Doug's million steam owners hint.

Hotline Miami 2
Mercenary Kings

Those would be awesome too. I'd buy about 85% of the games from Doug's dream list if they ever got physical releases.

Teslagrad got a physical release for PS Vita in EU. Axiom Verge is getting a physical release by another company. Hyper Light Drifter seems unlikely with iAm8Bit's PS4 physical.
I'm sure this title isn't the one that is being hinted at, but has anyone ever mentioned or asked for A Boy And His Blob?

That's a rather cool game, and I would love to get it physical at some point in the future. Josh/Doug, has there been any interest in that title from you guys, and any chance for it happening?

Majesco owns the rights to it, or at least, used to. I think Josh and Doug has talked about doing that as well as Costume Quest 2.

I am really hoping that it is Towerfall. It would be awesome to have a physical copy of that game. It is one of my all-time favorite local four-player games.
I am really hoping that it is Towerfall. It would be awesome to have a physical copy of that game. It is one of my all-time favorite local four-player games.
I am really hoping that it is Towerfall. It would be awesome to have a physical copy of that game. It is one of my all-time favorite local four-player games.
I played Towerfall once when it was first released(or was due to be), at a Gamestop Expo years ago and absolutely loved it. Sadly, with no online, my chances of playing it as it was intended goes out the window.

I understand why it doesn't have it, or at least why they say it doesn't, but for a game that I thought was great, it also renders it a non buy for me, so I guess it is what it is. If LRG did ever offer it, it may be my first skipped Vita title, as I just don't see ever using it.

EDIT: Oh, I did just read it has a single player game, so I may get it for that, but not being able to play multiplayer is passing by the true meat & potatoes of the game.

I'm sure this title isn't the one that is being hinted at, but has anyone ever mentioned or asked for A Boy And His Blob?

That's a rather cool game, and I would love to get it physical at some point in the future. Josh/Doug, has there been any interest in that title from you guys, and any chance for it happening?
Yes and we might be able to do it in the future. The rights are with Majesco. One of the big reasons we wanted to do Mutant Mudds was to create a relationship with Nighthawk. Nighthawk is made up of a lot of ex-Majesco execs and founders. Fingers crossed as I've asked one of them to try and figure out who I can talk to regarding Majesco stuff.
Yes and we might be able to do it in the future. The rights are with Majesco. One of the big reasons we wanted to do Mutant Mudds was to create a relationship with Nighthawk. Nighthawk is made up of a lot of ex-Majesco execs and founders. Fingers crossed as I've asked one of them to try and figure out who I can talk to regarding Majesco stuff.
There's some REALLY good Majesco games out there, would love to see this happen. If you haven't checked out The Wild West on DS, you need to!

Yes and we might be able to do it in the future. The rights are with Majesco. One of the big reasons we wanted to do Mutant Mudds was to create a relationship with Nighthawk. Nighthawk is made up of a lot of ex-Majesco execs and founders. Fingers crossed as I've asked one of them to try and figure out who I can talk to regarding Majesco stuff.
Sweet, getting some Majesco stuff would be awesome, so no complaints on that info from me, thanks.

I'm a tiny bit disappointed in the back covers for Risk of Rain. Everything is small and dark. Screenshots are tiny (can't discern any details). Some text (review blurbs) is so small that you almost need a magnifying glass (I wear progressive lenses and can't read it). The front cover is fine, but again very dark. The game itself is fairly vibrant in terms of color (yes with some darker backgrounds), these things don't do it justice. I'm not unhappy with LRG and I am satisfied with my purchases (PS4 and Vita). I do really appreciate that LRG is getting these games released physically. And I understand that developers usually create this cover artwork (front, spine, and back). I've seen plenty of other physical Vita and PS4 releases (not LRG) with similar back cover design issues, but I've also seen others that really look great and easy to read. Some screenshots from games just naturally look better than others, I understand. But 3 tiny screenshots just don't fit well on the Vita back cover, in particular (and they don't look much better on the PS4 version).

TLDR: Risk of Rain cover artwork: too much/very small text (including the review blurbs), screenshots too small/lacking in detail, everything too dark. In terms of layout, graphics, colors, and design, it isn't one of the better titles (LRG or otherwise) out there.
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The covers are designed by the developers - it's my policy to not fight them on the designs so long as the overall design works. It's their baby being preserved so it should be preserved the way they want. Sometimes the results are much better than others.

I've only ever told one developer that we couldn't do their cover art because it was so miserably bad it would have hurt our reputation. We ended up dropping that game completely so it's not something I can dive into details on. It would have ranked highly on worst cover art of all time lists.
The covers are designed by the developers - it's my policy to not fight them on the designs so long as the overall design works. It's their baby being preserved so it should be preserved the way they want. Sometimes the results are much better than others.

I've only ever told one developer that we couldn't do their cover art because it was so miserably bad it would have hurt our reputation. We ended up dropping that game completely so it's not something I can dive into details on. It would have ranked highly on worst cover art of all time lists.
How would the game have ranked among LRG releases so far? Would the release have been good enough where bad art could have been overlooked to get a great game? Or would it have been a medium release, brought down further by the bad art choice? Just curious.

The covers are designed by the developers - it's my policy to not fight them on the designs so long as the overall design works. It's their baby being preserved so it should be preserved the way they want. Sometimes the results are much better than others.

I've only ever told one developer that we couldn't do their cover art because it was so miserably bad it would have hurt our reputation. We ended up dropping that game completely so it's not something I can dive into details on. It would have ranked highly on worst cover art of all time lists.
We could have used another Mega Man 1 cover art...

I was thinking the same thing, as that covers a classic from the 8-bit gen for sure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.
The game ended up being poorly received and it had a lot of controversy around it anyway. It would have been an overall bad release. The art wasn't endearingly bad - it was just plain old bad.
The game ended up being poorly received and it had a lot of controversy around it anyway. It would have been an overall bad release. The art wasn't endearingly bad - it was just plain old bad.
Well that's good, glad we didn't miss out on a potential good release, strictly due to "poor" art.

It's funny, but having grew up with the 2600 box art, where Atari paid real artist to supply game covers(many of which made awesome posters), going to what was offered after that was a HUGE step down. Some of the NES era art, looked better suited for some of the 2600 games, and some of the high quality art of the 2600, would have been better for NES games.

Sadly, no one wanted to spend that kind of money for cover art like Atari did so it died out(although there are some great exceptions), but the cover art then sure made up for the lesser graphics of the time.

The game ended up being poorly received and it had a lot of controversy around it anyway. It would have been an overall bad release. The art wasn't endearingly bad - it was just plain old bad.
I guess in that case you could judge a book (game) by its cover.


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It's laughable just like the game. Shit.
LOL, FMV games are for sure a love or hate kind of gaming experience. I'm actually a fan of the genre, but when it comes to Night Trap, and so many other similar would be games of the time(not considered true games by many), image quality can be rather bad, and in those situations, I'm not a fan either. The SEGA/MEGA CD video quality was beyond abysmal to say the least.

I'm glad to see a game like this finally get cleaned up visuals to show what it should have been like to begin with, but that won't change the basic gameplay, and yeah, most people think they are shit, and in a lot of ways they can be. I won't be getting this LRG release, as I'm not collecting PS4 games, but I would buy it for the VIta if it was offered, no question about it.

Josh or Doug,

Any chance of you guys signing on any PSVR games? There's some great PSVR stuff that is digital only and it's a shame that many of these may never see a physical release. We finally got Job Simulator and are getting Psychonauts Rhombus of Ruin, but I think it would be worth the effort to try to get some of the other well received games like Thumper, Arizona Sunshine, Super Hypercube, The Brookhaven Experiment, or Race The Sun. 

[attachment=26752:image2.JPG] I know it's not limited run games, I know this. However I figure people still have interest in this release, as it's started to arrive to people....

Josh or Doug,

Any chance of you guys signing on any PSVR games? There's some great PSVR stuff that is digital only and it's a shame that many of these may never see a physical release. We finally got Job Simulator and are getting Psychonauts Rhombus of Ruin, but I think it would be worth the effort to try to get some of the other well received games like Thumper, Arizona Sunshine, Super Hypercube, The Brookhaven Experiment, or Race The Sun.
We have some good VR-optional stuff signed and one VR exclusive. No idea on timelines for them.
bread's done