Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I think the reason they did 2 of the regular per customer was because of the cover variants. Between that and the CE (and the bundles) it seems to have spread it a little thinner this morning than expected.
I can understand 1 of either OR 1 CE and 1 reg, but 1 CE and 2 reg is just handing scalpers free money from LRG'S own fan base.
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No point in them spending energy trying to get "Chris". He obviously has multiple accounts and if they manage to catch one he will just make more.
Yeah, given how much time it takes for LRG to do all the stuff it takes to bring out new games, do promotion, run the business, etc I don't think they need to spend time trying to figure out the whole Chris thing. It's not like the guy is buying large quantities and messing the marketplace up. Heck, he's not even making much profit on a lot of the stuff he lists after fees are taken into consideration. Seems to me like he's such a small fish that it's not worth even worrying about him.

I for one can't knock Chris' hussle.  People buy his stuff, so nobody can hate on the dude for being smart about making money.

Just my 2 cents.

I'll try for the later batch for Wonder Boy standard...messed up my time (haven't bought from LRG in a while) so missed when it went up. If I miss it...oh well that's what we have PSN/Steam sales for.
Don't forget that you can get Wonder Boy from PA for $24.99 plus shipping, and it has English subs. I'm considering that if I don't get the evening standard version.

Also I think it was a bad idea to bundle LB with Wonder Boy, since very few people would have wanted both games. LB isn't even an official numbered LRG release, and the game disc is worthless to collectors.
It wasn't easy for me to wake up this morning, I didn't sleep well for some reason. (probably something I ate) But I managed to drag myself out of bed, and put in an order for Wonder Boy: Standard Edition. While I would have liked the CE, I have some upcoming expenses and need to cut back on how much I spend. I could just not buy video games entirely, but I would rather compromise and get the less expensive option instead. I just went with my normal procedure, which involves logging in a few minutes ahead of time, and using the standard credit-card input without saving my credit information. And I was able to get a copy.

Anyone going for 100% PS4 will still grab it however begrudgingly.

 Same situation as that dumb Tomb Raider game that is a sealed official retail release despite clearly labeled on the insert that there is only a download code and no disc.  Normally you'd skip the CE with no disc as it's not a game just a merchandise bundle at that point, and buy the normal for completeness sake but it's the only "version" there was.  Hate that shit.

It's arguable if Tomb Raider even counts as being necessary for a full set. But since you could grab it for $5-10 whatever.

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Don't forget that you can get Wonder Boy from PA for $24.99 plus shipping, and it has English subs. I'm considering that if I don't get the evening standard version.

Also I think it was a bad idea to bundle LB with Wonder Boy, since very few people would have wanted both games. LB isn't even an official numbered LRG release, and the game disc is worthless to collectors.
Just make sure if you go this route to use one of the rolling $3 off codes.

I didnt get stuck waiting though. It let me check out and at the very end told me it was sold out. Why did it take me out of the queue and allow me to begin the checkout process if it is still everyone for themselves? Again, what is the purpose of a line before that moment?

I know wtf a line is.
Congratulations, you know what a line is. Unfortunately for you, that's not what I asked.

You should probably brush up on your reading comprehension, it's fundamental.

Regarding the bundles, I also agree with most in here that the allocation of the WB CE with LB CE, was too much (maybe half of what was allotted to the CE bundle). Since Josh mentioned that LB wasn't going to be a part of the official LRG lineup, more should've been made available to purchase standalone.

I also know about the mondo life, LRG is a cakewalk in comparison. However even mondo isn't the worse of what I've experienced. There are far worst that I regularly partake in, and 90% of people can't get anything lol
I for one can't knock Chris' hussle. People buy his stuff, so nobody can hate on the dude for being smart about making money.

Just my 2 cents.
I think we need to move on... based on the number of copies he lists, it's clear he's likely using a 2nd name/address/payment method that is a family or friends. If that's the case, then he'd likely be impossible to catch unless LRG starts serializing their games.

I'm already feeling buyers remorse.

I basically paid $75 for Wonder Boy. Hopefully I can unload LawBreakers to recoup some of the cost.

stupid me :dunce:

don't :applause: use :applause: paypal :applause: to :applause: get :applause: limited :applause: release :applause: items :applause: that :applause: require :applause: fast :applause: checkout
I've used PayPal every time and haven’t had a problem. You just need to sign into your PayPal account in another tab 5 minutes before the games go up, then no need to sign into PayPal while checking out.
Anyone going for 100% PS4 will still grab it however begrudgingly.

Same situation as that dumb Tomb Raider game that is a sealed official retail release despite clearly labeled on the insert that there is only a download code and no disc. Normally you'd skip the CE with no disc as it's not a game just a merchandise bundle at that point, and buy the normal for completeness sake but it's the only "version" there was. Hate that shit.

It's arguable if Tomb Raider even counts as being necessary for a full set. But since you could grab it for $5-10 whatever.
which tomb raider did that? gross

I've used PayPal every time and haven’t had a problem. You just need to sign into your PayPal account in another tab 5 minutes before the games go up, then no need to sign into PayPal while checking out.
Exactly. I do this every time (sign in to PayPal and LRG in separate tabs) about 10 minutes before the games go live, and have never had a problem checking out. I waited "in line" for about 10 seconds this morning, but I got my Wonderboy CE. Happy birthday to me!

which tomb raider did that? gross
The only thing I can think of that he could possibly be talking about is Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. In the U.S., they released a CE with a download voucher (like they are doing with Sonic Mania).

I just ordered it from the U.K., though - elsewhere, the same C.E. was released with a physical disc.

I for one can't knock Chris' hussle. People buy his stuff, so nobody can hate on the dude for being smart about making money.

Just my 2 cents.
I'm not a fan of resellers but this guy does have a lot of nice stuff for sale and I wouldn't have ever seen his listings if not for people crying about him every release. It's obvious that this guy does this for a living as can been seen from his eBay listings. Majority of his listings are items that were limited. It would probably be hard to find him as it looks like he's been doing this for a long time and knows how to hide in the shadows.
I'm not a fan of resellers but this guy does have a lot of nice stuff for sale and I wouldn't have ever seen his listings if not for people crying about him every release. It's obvious that this guy does this for a living as can been seen from his eBay listings. Majority of his listings are items that were limited. It would probably be hard to find him as it looks like he's been doing this for a long time and knows how to hide in the shadows.
This is what I tried to tell others here always "ratting" this guy out, it's just free advertising for him, and makes future inventory even more possible. But each and every week someone feels the need to post his listings, and give him even more hits and views for his products.

The people that post on here about "Chris" are about twenty times more annoying he is. 

It's funny when all of your deleted ignored posts are mentioning him though.  You see them in the quotes.  Never made a poor decision by blocking people that whine about him.  Useless twats. 

which tomb raider did that? gross
I want to say Temple of Osiris or something like that. That's how quickly I forgot about it.

There was a SE store "Collector Edition" for it that was just a physical merchandise bundle to go with the digital only game but there was never a physical game release for it at all in the US, just a official Sony produced sealed case with NA/ESRB insert with no disc inside. I ended up grabbing it for like $9 or something but still can't decide if it counts for 100% library purposes lol.

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I'm not a fan of resellers but this guy does have a lot of nice stuff for sale and I wouldn't have ever seen his listings if not for people crying about him every release. It's obvious that this guy does this for a living as can been seen from his eBay listings. Majority of his listings are items that were limited. It would probably be hard to find him as it looks like he's been doing this for a long time and knows how to hide in the shadows.
LRG went so far as to buy games from him and still couldn't establish who he is

LRG went so far as to buy games from him and still couldn't establish who he is
At this point it would be amusing to go after him just because hes hiding so well in a "challenge accepted" sorta way. eg: serializing games. Throw the number inside and don't say anything about it so it can't be defaced or anything.

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then Salt & Sanctuary will be released
I'd imagine they'd do a pretty decent sized run of S&S... or at least, I hope they do. That's arguably the biggest release LRG will have by far.

I've got mostly the same list as everyone but I also have no clue what's coming and when.

Felt slightly guilty "cheating" on LRG with the Asian version of Wonder Boy, but after seeing the bloodbath I'm thankful my specific cover art preference allowed me to skip today.  Good luck to everyone still hungry in the PM round!

then Salt & Sanctuary will be released
I'd imagine they'd do a pretty decent sized run of S&S... or at least, I hope they do. That's arguably the biggest release LRG will have by far.

I've got mostly the same list as everyone but I also have no clue what's coming and when.
CSH.... I'd bet CSH will be worse than S&S.

Anything retro-ish (Wonder Boy, Night Trap) or JRPG or JRPG like (CSH, Y's, etc) are always going to be disasters as these are always the ones that are simultaneously

a) well known

b) rarest

c) end up being the most expensive in the long run
d) are good games people actually want

Collectors and re-sellers alike know that the most expensive and most desirable games on all past systems are typically the JRPGs (Lunar, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, Lufia, Secret of Mana, etc) and these are also the ones made in niche numbers since the mass market is into shooters and sports games, so these releases light up on everyone's radar like mad.

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still suffering from jet lagg, so I overslept by 30 minutes. Got pissed and went back to sleep. Hopefully I an make it in time for the Afternoon one now

I've used them for literally every release since SMRPG and have never had a problem. Feel like it would be more of a hassle to input CC info.
PayPal will never block payment either. Your order will always go through and if the bank's fraud detection trips from PayPal 1-2 days later you can work that out offline with PayPal and your bank and not have to worry about missing a 30 second purchase window from your card being locked out.

I primarily use PayPal for all real time limited purchases for this reason alone.

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At this point it would be amusing to go after him just because hes hiding so well in a "challenge accepted" sorta way. eg: serializing games. Throw the number inside and don't say anything about it so it can't be defaced or anything.
the Night Trap LE is numbered according to the site

I got Wonderboy CE ordered within 20-25 seconds of going live. I always use my desktop PC directly connected to my cable modem. No problems. Oh yeah, don't use paypal.
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It's funny that people are saying don't use paypal; in my experience, it's actually the better route. If you log in like 5 minutes before in another tab, then you're set. There's no chance of any stupid CC issues, billing address issues, etc. It just goes right through.

I'm ready to watch the 6:00 madness ensue


Normally I do the second batch, but decided to go for the first batch based on everyone's expectations for it to sell out quickly.  I'm glad I did. I had wanted 1 WB CE, and 1 standard LB.  I also noticed the add to cart button taking about 10-15 seconds extra to go up :( I figured that was an eternity for the CE and grabbed the standard instead.  I ended up seeing the you are in line message for the first time, so it is prolly good I did. Not sure if I would have bought the CE bundle if I had seen it.  Only reason I ended up grabbing LB at all was a mix of LRG removing the lrg number and the extra digi copy - that I can force on a friend to play with me.

I'm not sure if I will try for the CE tonight.  I've never actually heard of the game before lol, but I saw so much praise and hype for it. Plus the box was pretty neat looking.  So I figured I'd grab it.  So no real loss for me, the standard will be fine.  I feel bad for everyone that missed it tho :(

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It's funny that people are saying don't use paypal; in my experience, it's actually the better route. If you log in like 5 minutes before in another tab, then you're set. There's no chance of any stupid CC issues, billing address issues, etc. It just goes right through.
I've exclusively used PP for all my LRG orders with the exception of 1 time when I used Amazon Payments since PayPal was having issues.

I missed the morning one while I was entering in my cc info, hopefully I can grab Wonderboy at 6. Why can't you save credit card information? This is a simple feature that almost every website/company offers. 

I missed the morning one while I was entering in my cc info, hopefully I can grab Wonderboy at 6. Why can't you save credit card information? This is a simple feature that almost every website/company offers.
I don't think Shopify allows this. It opens up a lot of other issues they're probably trying to avoid.

You can type your information in advance into a text document and just copy paste when going through checkout. Everyone else is in the same situation, so it's not really a disadvantage (unless maybe you're stuck checking out on a phone or something). I do this for orders I'm worried about and it works well for me. (I have two-factor authentication on my PayPal, so waiting for that text code sometimes feels like it would take too long)

I don't think Shopify allows this. It opens up a lot of other issues they're probably trying to avoid.

You can type your information in advance into a text document and just copy paste when going through checkout. Everyone else is in the same situation, so it's not really a disadvantage (unless maybe you're stuck checking out on a phone or something). I do this for orders I'm worried about and it works well for me. (I have two-factor authentication on my PayPal, so waiting for that text code sometimes feels like it would take too long)
Thanks that is a great idea.

Here we are 25min before the afternoon drop and I'm still not sure what I'm going to buy yet.  All I want is the Sega variant of the Wonder Boy cover art.  So I guess I'll have to order 1 standard copy and 1 CE to make sure I get it. 

How rare do you think the Night trap collector edition going to be?
Hard to say, but it's going to be hard to get...everyone loves a novelty, especially a limited one.

I want the SMS variant of Wonder Boy too, but can't really afford 2 copies so I hope the lottery chooses that one for me though I will likely play it eventually. Only one I vow never to open is Breach & Clear, since I know that one is rare, and I really don't want to play it haha.

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bread's done