Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Honestly, I would have paid $65 for an Aqua Kitty CE if the contents are of interest to me. I don't fault LRG for how many of these they offer, or what's included. If I like whats offered I buy it, if I don't, I pass.

Every CE I passed on, has still sold out and made LRG funds to make other titles happen. I honestly don't get the "I don't like this, so it shouldn't be made" mentality. So long as CE are being offered, and there is a market to buy it, more power to all involved.
I'd pay $65 for your Aqua Kitty.

anyone have any experience dealing with a Ryan La Rue from Colton, OR 97017 ????

PM me if you have....

he "buys" LRG stuff on ebay, so you may want to watch out for this guy. 

anyone have any experience dealing with a Ryan La Rue from Colton, OR 97017 ????

PM me if you have....

he "buys" LRG stuff on ebay, so you may want to watch out for this guy.
Uh, not that this is the place for your issues, but it would help to know specifically what the "problem" actually is? Many users here buy LRG stuff on Ebay, I was not aware that is a problem. I've also sold some LRG stuff on Ebay, why would I need to be on the look out for this guy?

Just a heads up... I was messing around with some game protectors from, and realized that the specially designed size for Fire Emblem Fates 3DS works perfectly for the LRG PS4 releases of Double Dragon and River City Melee classic editions. This includes space for the tab they included on the top of the games. Check out the photos for reference:

I'm pretty curious how this Friday is going to go for Oddworld (especially the CE). I think this is probably the most desirable game they've done in a while. But I also know that there are a lot of voices echoing overall disappointment with their CE offerings. Then again, there is that soda can, which basically makes the whole thing worth it. Haha

I'm pretty curious how this Friday is going to go for Oddworld (especially the CE). I think this is probably the most desirable game they've done in a while. But I also know that there are a lot of voices echoing overall disappointment with their CE offerings. Then again, there is that soda can, which basically makes the whole thing worth it. Haha
I think it will go well, as the Oddworld games have a pretty big fan base, and LRG has done well with past titles. I'm personally passing on the CE as there are a few items I would like, but not for the asking price. It's one of the better CE I think LRG has offered, so I'm happy to see it, as many will buy in and enjoy it.

EDIT: BTW, here's the Mega-Bundle for you krazy collector's. LOL

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The Munch's Oddysee cover art is one of the best covers of all-time.  I'm not sure what does it for me exactly.  But it's def an all-time favorite.  I think perhaps it's the juxtaposition of the green mountain dew-type can against the bleak world backdrop with the weird character as its logo.   The art has just always grabbed me for some reason, I don't know.  I had the original Xbox game in college.  We played it while we were getting high and I don't remember any of it tbh. 

I'll be picking this up for sure, maybe one of each of the SE and LE. 

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So I'm guessing the Pax East Variant will be offered at a later date after the show depending on leftover qty's? I'm low on funds this week anyways, so one less game to try and grab is for the best.

Is it going to be a limit of 1 for Oddworld ?
I would guess 1 for the CE, and 2 for the standard release, but this is LRG, so the morning CE may be 2 as well. I don't see any limits in place on their site yet, so who knows?

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The Munch's Oddysee cover art is one of the best covers of all-time. I'm not sure what does it for me exactly. But it's def an all-time favorite. I think perhaps it's the juxtaposition of the green mountain dew-type can against the bleak world backdrop with the weird character as its logo. The art has just always grabbed me for some reason, I don't know. I had the original Xbox game in college. We played it while we were getting high and I don't remember any of it tbh.

I'll be picking this up for sure, maybe one of each of the SE and LE.
The original cover art combined with the green Xbox case is just so damn cool looking. We need green Vita cases.


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I would guess 1 for the CE, and 2 for the standard release, but this is LRG, so the morning CE may be 2 as well. I don't see any limits in place on their site yet, so who knows?
CE is also 2 per person

What's the limit if you want to buy the CE and the standard edition? Can you get 2 of each?

The original cover art combined with the green Xbox case is just so damn cool looking. We need green Vita cases.

Yep. The green can on the newly launched green Xbox cases, along with the "only on Xbox" logo made this game legit. It's one of the few original Xbox games I have left. Even though I don't have a working Xbox anymore.

Man that was such a cool machine when it launched back in 2001. 4-16 person Halo games, with separate screens in separate rooms, over LAN was a revelation. It had several other exclusives too. Young people who grew up with the 360 didn't understand what a big deal the original Xbox was for its time. They took things like multiplayer, friends lists, chat lobbies, and Xbox Live for granted, because that's what they grew up with. In the very late 90s we were used to playing Warcraft II multiplayer on dial-up and Everquest was the first truly authentic and modern PC MMO over the phone line as well. (save it, Ultima fans :p )

The original Xbox became the best party console shortly after the Dreamcast died. Fusion Frenzy was also one of the best party games, following in the footsteps of things like Mario Party, Goldeneye, and Perfect Dark on 64. The original Xbox was fantastic and it only needed a few games and exclusives to make it stand out. The 360 was just a follow-up and nothing special. The late-Gamecube to early-360-PS3 years were the dark ages where consoles really weren't worth playing. Everything after PS2 and Xbox sucked for a long time, outside of PC games.

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Yep. The green can on the newly launched green Xbox cases, along with the "only on Xbox" logo made this game legit. It's one of the few original Xbox games I have left. Even though I don't have a working Xbox anymore.

Man that was such a cool machine when it launched back in 2001. 4-16 person Halo games, with separate screens in separate rooms, over LAN was a revelation. It had several other exclusives too. Young people who grew up with the 360 didn't understand what a big deal the original Xbox was for its time. They took things like multiplayer, friends lists, chat lobbies, and Xbox Live for granted, because that's what they grew up with. In the very late 90s we were used to playing Warcraft II multiplayer on dial-up and Everquest was the first truly authentic and modern PC MMO over the phone line as well. (save it, Ultima fans :p )

The original Xbox became the best party console shortly after the Dreamcast died. Fusion Frenzy was also one of the best party games, following in the footsteps of things like Mario Party, Goldeneye, and Perfect Dark on 64. The original Xbox was fantastic and it only needed a few games and exclusives to make it stand out. The 360 was just a follow-up and nothing special. The late-Gamecube to early-360-PS3 years were the dark ages where consoles really weren't worth playing. Everything after PS2 and Xbox sucked for a long time, outside of PC games.

I agree, with a couple exceptions. I played the shit out of ESIV Oblivion and Bioshock. Those games I have fond memories of. Although Oblivion was the first game of its genre I played so extensively, which is probably why I was so engrossed in it.
4 copies of the game for whomever wants to resell them on ebay! They'll sell out immediately at 1 per person, but you know LRG, they only care about selling everything in 2 minutes so they can put that in their resume, for the next shovelware that they want to sell!
I agree, with a couple exceptions. I played the shit out of ESIV Oblivion and Bioshock. Those games I have fond memories of. Although Oblivion was the first game of its genre I played so extensively, which is probably why I was so engrossed in it.
Same here, but those were PC games. They were developed with PC as the leading platform and had better performance there. That's kind of what I mean by the 360 didn't do anything special. It just became the ecosystem for "CoD" and Madden bros by default. Eventually the 360 had several solid JRPGs, CAVE shooters, and some other unique offerings. As did the PS3. But those console cycles were largely forgettable. Then began the rise of WoW, Valve, and Steam. Soon we were getting things like Farcry, Crysis, and Portal.

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I wonder how many tin foil hats Jeff has.
At least 79, if his username is any indication.

4 copies of the game for whomever wants to resell them on ebay! They'll sell out immediately at 1 per person, but you know LRG, they only care about selling everything in 2 minutes so they can put that in their resume, for the next shovelware that they want to sell!
Go away 'Jeff' or whatever the hell your name is; just because you've had to make multiple accounts after being banned so much doesn't mean people aren't aware of who you are.

In related news, I will be picking up 2 of each Oddworld strictly for the resells and the lulz
I actually have 2 sisters and a cousin in 3 different states. I'm trying to get a Nintendo Switch.

I'll probably get a combined amount of 8 Oddworld CE and 8 regular versions and try to flip them on ebay to fund my new Switch purchase.
I actually have 2 sisters and a cousin in 3 different states. I'm trying to get a Nintendo Switch.

I'll probably get a combined amount of 8 Oddworld CE and 8 regular versions and try to flip them on ebay to fund my new Switch purchase.
Math doesn't quite add you're going to spend $760 plus God knows what shipping costs to buy a $300 Switch??

I went digital with the Oddworld games as they were on sale for cheap (or free on PS+).  I like the series, but I don't quite love it.  Everything else Friday is completely forgettable.  Generic Kemco RPG is an easy pass as tried many of Kemco's other games and considered them all pretty garbage compared to Dragon Quest or FF.  Metronomicon... never heard of it and i don't collect randomly for PS4. it's an easy pass too.   I'm ready to see what is coming for March.   I really wish LRG would get Fez for Vita.  I know it's a long shot but the game was published recently for the iphone so there might be a chance someone would entertain the idea.

Hmmm, maybe I won't buy any other games except the Oddworld one.

Is pretty much the entirety of the LRG catalog worthless now?
What do you consider worthless? I would say most games are worth at least what the retail price was, with a handful being rare, and some others being less rare. So most games are slightly over retail, with some others being worth way more, and a few others being worth less.

So pretty much the LRG catalog is the same as any video game released in the last 30 years. Zero Dawn for the PS4 was one of the biggest games of 2017, and it's worth about half of what it was at launch, but I wouldn't call it worthless just because it's worth less now at retail. Especially if someone played it when it was new, and if they got their value from it.

I personally object to considering "worth" purely on the after-market value of an item. How much I can flip something for is not a measure of it's worth. It's just an appraisal of current demand. As someone who appreciates games for more than just their monetary value, I prefer to critique them on more factors than just that.

That said, pretty much the entirety of LRG's catalog will hold its after-market value much, much better than almost any other mass-market physical video game copy. The average print run for LRG is less than a quarter of what even obscure games enjoy. Most publishers don't even bother showing up if they aren't printing more than 50k copies. One of the largest LRG runs was around 5k.

As such, every single LRG release is going to be infinitely more rare than 98% of other mainstream game titles. It may take time for that after-market value to properly appreciate. (that is always the way with collectibles, and especially video games) But eventually all LRG titles will be worth more than most other games, commanding impressive prices for long-term collectors of the medium.

As a bit of a game snob, I still tend to pick-and-choose with these releases. I have no intention of flipping or reselling, so I only buy the games I want. If I WERE just in this for the re-selling, I would buy as many copies of every LRG release that I could get my hands on. I would probably flip a couple fairly quickly, especially if the demand is there and I could get some fast cash. But I would also mothball a few copies of each release and wait for the value to go up.

Price appreciation on video games is extremely uneven, and unusually slow. As such, they serve as a bad medium for investment. This is why you see so many flippers. Anyone with experience in the game market can tell you that short-term flipping is the only real way to make a sure profit. And even that is extremely spotty, and has to be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Atari games were overproduced, and haven't held up well in terms of game quality, so most of them aren't worth much. A few rare cartridges can command a decent price, but not very many.

NES games are much better known, but also got sizable print runs thanks to the ubiquity of the console at the time. Rarity is only part of the equation for them. There's also the durability to consider. The boxes NES carts came in were paper and flimsy, but the carts themselves are heavy-duty plastic and tend to endure, which helps keep supply up. So at present in-box NES and SNES carts go for far more than bare carts. In-box Genesis games are far less valuable, because they came in plastic cases. It's much more normal for their boxes to last. Thanks to the competition with the Genesis, as well as the larger number of developers, SNES carts often had smaller print runs than NES games. This is why there are a sizable number of rare, high-demand SNES cartridges.

And of course, there is the brand recognition to consider. A rare NES game that hasn't had any sequels in 30 years may go for less than $10, even though it is far more scarce. But a game in a high-profile series with much more availability will command a higher price, simply because the popularity of its brand has been kept fresh. This is why Mario NES carts can often be found for $30+, despite the fact that there are more of them than almost any other NES games.

And all of this is taking into consideration the fact that it takes upwards of 30 years for these games to begin appreciating from their original prices. Some of them still haven't inched back up to their MSRP.

Hyped for Friday's releases. Metronomicon looks right up my alley, and after listening to the soundtrack I will be all over the physical 4 disc soundtrack from LRG. I like old-school RPGs so Revenant Saga, while nothing great, should be fun to play on the Vita. And of course the Munch's Oddysee CE is straight up cool. Going to be a bit rough on the wallet, however it's cool to be getting three games that I will enjoy playing. Been a few lately that I have bought simply in the interest of maintaining a complete Vita collection with no interest in playing.

Hyped for Friday's releases. Metronomicon looks right up my alley, and after listening to the soundtrack I will be all over the physical 4 disc soundtrack from LRG. I like old-school RPGs so Revenant Saga, while nothing great, should be fun to play on the Vita. And of course the Munch's Oddysee CE is straight up cool. Going to be a bit rough on the wallet, however it's cool to be getting three games that I will enjoy playing. Been a few lately that I have bought simply in the interest of maintaining a complete Vita collection with no interest in playing.
I saw that the soundtrack is also included with the game - it says it's digital "on disc", so I'm assuming it's probably a PS4 digital soundtrack that could be exported to USB? I was debating getting the CDs ($15 for 4 CDs sounds pretty good), but not sure if it's necessary if the same content is on the physical disc. I wonder if the digital soundtrack has the same track list as the physical CDs.

Why would you buy a limited physical release of a cheap to purchase digital game for any other reason than you expect it to be valuable? Coaster? Gotta feel it? Don’t trust the digital?! Companies are attempting to create a craze based on limits so you buy... the psychology assumes you want a valuable, limited and rare product. If you can get it for market (retail) second hand then the model is toast.

This bubble is bursting?
Why would you buy a limited physical release of a cheap to purchase digital game for any other reason than you expect it to be valuable? Coaster? Gotta feel it? Don’t trust the digital?! Companies are attempting to create a craze based on limits so you buy... the psychology assumes you want a valuable, limited and rare product. If you can get it for market (retail) second hand then the model is toast.

This bubble is bursting?
For me, I've never bought one of LRG titles for my own use, based on thinking the price was going to go up. I bought each and every title for "physical", and physical alone. I've seen the bubble comments around here many times, as it's been used rather regularly to describe LRG situation from the start.

I don't know how the NS releases will go, as we don't know price or qty's, but as for Vita/PS4, there is no bubble to pop. To have a bubble, things need to keep increasing in cost, qty, or both. And at some point, it's more stuff being made than there's demand for. The early 80's crash is a text book example of that. Atari was making more games, than there where systems to support them, and mostly shit titles at that.

Now if LRG had been increasing prices, maybe there's a problem, but they didn't. If they would have started to make more qty's like so many wanted early on, it would have been an issue by now as well. A bubble can't burst, if it's not growing to capacity. So long as the PS4 user base continues to climb, and LRG keeps the same low qty's, it's impossible to have a bubble burst, as the user base is climbing but the game qty is not. So in the long run, games will only keep value and interest, because the market will have more bodies that want said games over time.

The Vita is ending, and LRG has had many releases now where PS4 has more qty, just due to the markets continued growth. Both still sell out in similar time frames, but this shows that proper adjustments are being made. As for the NS, I can't say what will happen there, but so long as qty's are kept in check, and as long as the user base continues moving up as it is now, I don't see an issue there either. The "N" fan base is rabid, so as long as not to many games aren't being made, and the price is competitive, it's all good.

I would pay for a physical release of a cheap digital game if I really liked it or it was a nice release (like PA stuff). Otherwise I'm good.
Over the years, I've paid double and even triple retail for some digital titles I was happy to have physical. If there's a game I don't want or like, which Gamestop is full of for cheap, I don't buy physical just to have.

Just going with a standard Oddworld today. I've got the other Oddworld releases, so I feel that I need to add this to the collection even though it's my least favourite game in the series. 

After consideration, Revenant Saga isn't animu garu enough (at least the cover isn't, and it's what's on the outside that counts!), so just going with Oddworld today.

Why would you buy a limited physical release of a cheap to purchase digital game for any other reason than you expect it to be valuable? Coaster? Gotta feel it? Don’t trust the digital?! Companies are attempting to create a craze based on limits so you buy... the psychology assumes you want a valuable, limited and rare product. If you can get it for market (retail) second hand then the model is toast.

This bubble is bursting?
The reseller/speculator side of the bubble is bursting. We've already seen this by way of the release sizes actually shrinking in volume over the last year. At the beginning it was tiny prints to test the market and then they doubled and then tripled... now we are back to some of the smallest print runs from the start of the company. Also despite the print runs getting smaller it's taking longer for the less desirable games to sell out. Still, they are at least selling out, so while the bubble is bursting for a big part of the market that LRG was going after... the traditional gamers are still keeping this alive and I see no reason why that bubble will burst beyond LRG publishing games no one wants and those games end up not selling out.

That said, there are going to be some titles that are just going to sell out fast no matter the print size that will end up still being attractive to resellers/speculators. Today that's with Oddworld. Resellers aren't necessarily completely gone. Some certainly gave up, but others are getting more savvy and will still make the higher profile games a pain to get. Good luck to everyone today trying for Oddworld. 5K games total for that one, it may not be too hard, but if the resellers are smart they will be back in full force.

The Munch's Oddysee is a step up in CEs, in my opinion, but I'll be going for the standard edition too.
I agree it's probably the best CE LRG has done to date. If I hadn't already bought a ton of games this month, I would probably get it, but I could use the extra money saved by getting the standard edition. I've also realized that this month I have bought a shit ton of remasters.

I agree it's probably the best CE LRG has done to date. If I hadn't already bought a ton of games this month, I would probably get it, but I could use the extra money saved by getting the standard edition. I've also realized that this month I have bought a shit ton of remasters.
I guess... but, the main draw of the LRG CEs is often the box. It does sound like they take the most pride in the box, which I guess is understandable since I am sure many will never see the contents. I am surprised that I find myself ready to pass on it, though. If there were an art book, I wouldn't think twice. But, the main attraction is a can.

bread's done