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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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The trophy in the Golf Story CE is pretty cool, but it is literally the only thing in the CE I am interested in getting. Would have been nice if they included a steelbook too, but alas, no.  Assuming the price of the normal edition is $29.99, I'm not sure the trophy is worth spending another $50 on. 

I'll probably stick to the standard edition for Golf Story, but that trophy does look great. (pompadour and everything) I skipped on Furi for the Switch, already had it for the PS4, and just decided not to double-dip. But Golf Story is a personal favorite, and I'll be snagging one of those.
What do you think of Furi? Never played it, gameplay looks like a series of boss fights. Is it worth picking up?

LRG is going to be publishing retro carts after all. Galf, the side game from Golf Story, will be released for the NES. There will be green and white carts available.

Damn, Another World uh? Now that's going way back in time for sure, it was enjoyable title for the time, but I don't think it will appeal to most, but who knows?

I've beat Another World once or twice. Been close several times as well. Not really interested in it but amazing it's another super low print
At least they're smart this time around and limiting the Vita Stock to 1 Per Person
Oh no! What are those two copy collectors (one open, one sealed) going to do!

One per person will probably help a little, but I have a feeling this thing will sell out in under two or three minutes based on the small print run and people trying to pick up the last remaining Vita games.

I don’t think it’s hsrd as much as it is obtuse. If you have a walkthrough you can usually breeze through it.
Yep I downloaded it off for free from PSN+ yesterday night and I'm already at like 50% trophies in less than an hour. The gunplay is pretty bad but at least there are quite a few checkpoints. Maybe more in this HD remake who knows. At first I thought I'd get the disc from LRG but now I'm not so sure. It's a classic game but after playing it for "free" I don't see why I should spring for the disc. Flashback was much better and that's coming on disc too (October 25 2018)

Honestly i'm kind of glad Vita/3DS releases are dying down a bit. Better for me for money/playing reasons. I think I am pretty much done with my Vita releases other than Punchline and that horror game coming out around Halloween. 3DS it's just Luigi's Mansion, Bowser's Inside remake and Yarn Kirby.

In due time i'll eventually be getting a Switch, and in turn Golf Story because it looks cool, so yeah replacing 2 systems with 1 for buying purposes at least. Just random thoughts is all, but i'm ready to move on from both systems.

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It irks me that I get these before Cosmic Star Heroine or Super Hydorah Vita.

I agree. I have been waiting patiently for Cosmic Star Heroine or Super Hydorah for Vita.
These are two games I really would like to play and was happy to get the physical versions.

I know the delay for Cosmic Star was because of the manual but why the delay with Super Hydorah?
I just received my copies of VA-11 HALL-11 and 2064: Read Only Memories for vita over the weekend.

They finally stated why there is a hold up in the Treasure Box (Flinthook and Mercenary Kings Switch CE), Nintendo requested that they add branding to all of CEs.

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They finally stated why there is a hold up in the Treasure Box (Flinthook and Mercenary Kings Switch CE), Nintendo requested that they add branding to all of CEs.
This is kind of odd because every NISA Switch CE I have bought has not had Nintendo branding on the CE box. Unless you count a sticker that states "For hybrid console" on it....

Ugh I really want both another world and golf story. But golf story has some stock in right now so I wanna ship them separately to get it sooner. Now the question is whether to do golf story first to secure the early copy and then go back for another world, or the opposite...
Ugh I really want both another world and golf story. But golf story has some stock in right now so I wanna ship them separately to get it sooner. Now the question is whether to do golf story first to secure the early copy and then go back for another world, or the opposite...
Go for Another World. I'm pretty sure Josh said they have 10,000 copies of Golf Story on hand, so you shouldn't have to worry about missing out if you order on day one.
I think I'm just going to be going for the standard editions of Golf Story and Another World.  The CE's for both just don't seem to be worth the money they are charging.  Of course I have a feeling that a lot of other people feel the same about Another World which may make it really tough to get considering the miniscule print run of it.  I have a feeling the standard Vita version will sell out within two minutes and the standard PS4 may last about 10 to 15 minutes.  The CE's will likely last longer than the standard editions, in my opinion.

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I think I'm just going to be going for the standard editions of Golf Story and Another World. The CE's for both just don't seem to be worth the money they are charging. Of course I have a feeling that a lot of other people feel the same about Another World which may make it really tough to get considering the miniscule print run of it. I have a feeling the standard Vita version will sell out within two minutes and the standard PS4 may last about 10 to 15 minutes. The CE's will likely last longer than the standard editions, in my opinion.
Yeah, I'm going with the standards for both titles as well, as neither CE is of interest. I do expect both of the Vita's Another World offerings to go quick, but which one will go first, no idea? But I can't imaging either lasting long, so I'm gonna have to be quick this week for sure.

So even if I wait for Golf Story CE, the game is not inside the CE box?
Sounds like they will put the game inside the CE box when they assemble the CEs in a few months unless you specify otherwise, in which case they will send the game only out to you first and then the rest of the CE contents in a few months.

From the description it also looks like Fangamer will have 1000 copies of the CE available on their website at some point in the future.

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Go for Another World. I'm pretty sure Josh said they have 10,000 copies of Golf Story on hand, so you shouldn't have to worry about missing out if you order on day one.
It's weird if they have 10,000 copies on hand that they aren't mentioning that on the listing or in the e-mail that went out tonight.

Yeah, just can't bring myself to spending $45 for a clone of NES Golf. Now if they totally reworked Golf Story to work on original NES hardware, I would be ALL OVER THAT.

Just the standard editions of Another World (Vita and PS4) and Golf Story for me.

Was thinking of getting Galf but really didn't want to start going down that road of buying new unlicensed retro games.  Besides, I'll just play Galf in the Golf Story cart if I really want to play it.

Standard Vita Another World sold out in about 4 minutes for those keeping track and maybe wanting to pick one up at 6pm.  This was with a limit of one per person too.

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I came to play today. Got a regular copy of Another World for Vita (and PS4) as well as a golf-ball white copy of Galf. I opted to put my pre-order regular copy of Golf Story on a separate order, which helped me get into the order queue faster. The Another World games went up for sale about 20 seconds ahead of schedule, so I was able to get them in my cart before Galf hit. A challenge, to be sure, but I came correct.

Did LRG ever say if Best Buy actually placed an order for Yooka Laylee?  I've been holding off on it in case the Best Buy plans were confirmed.  I know they disclosed that they were approached by Best Buy, but I never saw if Best Buy moved forward.  

I almost pulled the trigger on Golf Story CE, but $80 Plus $12.50 shipping it just wasn’t worth it IMO. I just wanted to trophy so I just got the regular edition
Managed a golf ball white copy of GALF. Waiting a week or two to buy Golf Story since it’s a preorder. Budget restrictions and all that. Disappointed to see Another World sell out so quick as I wanted to pick that up down the road and hoped it wouldn’t be popular still. 1500 copies is a really small run though.
bread's done