Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Limited Run Games Store Front

Limited Run Games at Best Buy

Holiday 2022 LRG Releases at Best Buy

Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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None of the Nintendo sites bothered to clarify with LRG themselves, especially when it is stupidly easy to get hold of Josh on Twitter to ask him questions

None of the Nintendo sites bothered to clarify with LRG themselves, especially when it is stupidly easy to get hold of Josh on Twitter to ask him questions
facts are rarely important and take to much effort for most sites and sjw's, fast and wrong, still means clicks

Looks like Night Trap is the next Vita game...
SOB, I gave up on Night Trap for the Vita, after the NS version came along, so I bought that one instead. I actually contacted the guy that is Screaming Villians after the PS4 version launched and he said he was working on the Vita at the time, but I got the impression it wasn't a high priority, or that it would even happen, due to the small size of the Vita carts(that was his problem at the time, compression issues). I hope this version doesn't end up looking like the Sega CD one? LOL

I guess I could give my NS copy to Jr. for Christmas or something, but he's just starting puberty, so that may not be the best idea. LOL

Sadly, in this day and age, people seem to get upset if the wind changes direction, and then want to blame someone for the fact it happened.

I always said from day one, I was in to LRG for the "physical" and not the "limited". It's great to buy something limited, and then maybe sometime later, have the option to sell said item for a come up so to speak. But I never bought any one game with that in mind, as I just wanted to have a game I own. Something I can loan to a friend, sell, smash(if the game is shit), ect. LOL

Most of the complaints against LRG from the start, was how limited some games where, and that some could not get certain games even if they tried. Now, they are making games open to preorder, which is all the games being offered at BB I believe, so how is this possibly a bad thing? Almost no recent games of the last year have any level of high value on the secondary market, and many variants are even selling at retail, so how or why would LRG selling at BB change anything for anyone at this point?

"Some men you just can't reach" - Warden(Cool Hand Luke)
Wrong. That's from "Civil War" by GnR.

On a side note, I wonder if the Vita NT is going to get the CE like the other version did as well. I really don't have the funds for that at the moment, but it would be cool for those Vita collectors who may want in. And the way LRG keeps offering CE, I really see no good reason for them not to, as flooding the market seems of little concern at this point.

Wrong. That's from "Civil War" by GnR.

LOL, yeah, I should have mentioned that instead, as more people would have gotten the reference. But I always like to slip the movie in when I can, as it's pretty damn "cool" in it's own right, like GnR used to be.
Pitfallharry219 is CORRECT.... see the GnR logo?

(it's on the internet, so it's TRUE!)


Starting 10/1 select states require taxes on all online purchases, regardless if they have a physical precense in your state.
A number of people seem to have missed this over the summer, so I'll drop a link to it here. The short version: the Supreme Court ruled that ALL states have the right to collect sales tax on any online purchases--regardless of a physical presence--with the exception of sales made through very small vendors. States with existing laws governing online sales tax have already begun collecting, and the door is open for all other states to begin collecting as well. Yay.
By Jan. 1, all states in the US should be charging sales tax when you shop anywhere online.   Lots of people started paying sales tax on their online purchases October 1, including myself in Minnesota.  There is no more such thing as buying from Newegg, LRG, or other webstores tax-free anymore.  It sucks; the gravy train is over.  Good for all the brick & mortar businesses though as this will help them immensely. 

That battle has been raging for years sadly. And FYI for years the "consumer" was supposed to pay the taxes to the state if the retailer didn't charge it..

(just did a quick search to find the relevant info.. so this was the first link)

For consumers that order tax-free items online, but live in states that charge a sales tax, they are technically required to report that purchase to their state tax agency and pay the sales tax directly to the agency. When consumers are required to do so, it is often called a "use" tax.

Sad that they've gotten death threats over the BB deal but in this day and age it's easy to say the one thing that triggers someone to lash out with a (typically hollow) threat over the internet. Sadly this was something LRG reported in the past over other issues. To me, it's stupid people would threaten over this... but those of us vets to this thread know the type... it's the complete collector that is only satiatied by their complete collection and exclusive rare gameS.

I've never been that person... though I admit at times it has felt kind of neat to know I'm one of the few that ordered B&C for vita back in the day even though honestly I couldn't give two shits about it as a game. So take that as you will. I won't miss it when I finally sell it off.

I have no issue with the BB deal. My largest beef with LRG was the pandering to resellers/flippers which made it harder for us regular gamers to buy games we wanted. The more copies the merrier. I just wish now they'd put shipping in high gear before the holidays kick in and delay all the late Nov/Dec stuff to sometime in 2019.
I've never been that person... though I admit at times it has felt kind of neat to know I'm one of the few that ordered B&C for vita back in the day even though honestly I couldn't give two shits about it as a game. So take that as you will. I won't miss it when I finally sell it off.
Same here.

Anyone still waiting on their Night Trap CE? I got an email on Oct. 17 that it was processed and now nine days later UPS still hasn’t received it from LRG. And I opened a ticket with LRG to inquire about it yesterday and have yet to get a response. While it’s cool to see the company grow, it’s terrible LRG customer service has gone into the toilet.
My main problem with LRG now is all the games they still have yet to ship to me. I know they tell you when you order that they are in production and won't ship at order time, but I didn't expect months to go by on many of them. As I have said before, their games went from must-haves on most all of them at the beginning to now I only order a fraction of the releases that I really want. Its no longer a "oh, its so rare, I must have it!" mentality. Too many releases with half being mediocre games has really tarnished my perception of LRG games in general.

I find it funny that they are scrambling to fill "80,000+" orders. Hahahaha
If you look at everything they have slated to ship in October on their production updates page I can definitely believe that. They did kind of dig that hole for themselves with the number of releases, though.

So did Best Buy pay the same $29.99 per copy as we all would have if we wanted to preorder multiple copies? They make it sound from their email today that BB simply preordered just like the rest of us during the appropriate window.

Wonder if I wanted to preorder 5000 copies of a game if they'd give me my own exclusive cover.
Food for thought with regards to the Best Buy deal. We don't know the price of games yet. Golf Story could be $50. Even with GCU it could be a worse deal.
Food for thought with regards to the Best Buy deal. We don't know the price of games yet. Golf Story could be $50. Even with GCU it could be a worse deal.
I guess it all depends on if LRG gave BB a deal on the games purchased in bulk. If they gave them a deal, BB can likely sell them at the LRG asking price ($49.99 for Yooka-Laylee, $29.99 for Golf Story) without issue. If BB got no deal, then I can see them charging $5 over, but likely not much more.

I guess it all depends on if LRG gave BB a deal on the games purchased in bulk. If they gave them a deal, BB can likely sell them at the LRG asking price ($49.99 for Yooka-Laylee, $29.99 for Golf Story) without issue. If BB got no deal, then I can see them charging $5 over, but likely not much more.
As with any bulk reseller, of course BB got a deal. There would be NO reason to carry LRG product in-store if LRG was selling for $29.99, BB buys for $29.99, and has to sell at $49.99 to make their profit.

That being said, I highly doubt BB pricing is going to be the same as LRG pricing. They may choose to bump it up by $10-$20 to keep prices in line with other Switch games MSRP.

Just my 2 cents...

So did Best Buy pay the same $29.99 per copy as we all would have if we wanted to preorder multiple copies? They make it sound from their email today that BB simply preordered just like the rest of us during the appropriate window.

Wonder if I wanted to preorder 5000 copies of a game if they'd give me my own exclusive cover.
Can you imagine all the reward tickets Best Buy must be stockpiling? 😂
That battle has been raging for years sadly. And FYI for years the "consumer" was supposed to pay the taxes to the state if the retailer didn't charge it..

(just did a quick search to find the relevant info.. so this was the first link)
I’ve been saying this for years. Every time I see someone post about not having to pay taxes I reply with something like ‘Use Taxes, look them up’ or a longer than needed explanation of use tax. I know for a fact my state has a use tax. They actually added a line to the AZ tax form for use tax claims. I’m guessing when they decide to get really serious about it they will go back through everyone’s tax forms and start auditing. No one nowadays has gone more than a year without buying something online.

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Damn, now that's a manual!

I don't know that the wait was worth it for that, but it's for sure a highlight of this release for me, as it really looks nice.

Doesn't look like the Golf Story early buyers will get their copies in October due to the shipping backlog. I was hoping it would go out immediately, still wondering when they will ship out...

Looks like Night Trap is the next Vita game...
My wallet is crying, this will be the 4th copy of Night Trap from LRG that I will be buying. On the other side of things, yay for Double Switch and I'm loving the cover art for it.

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[quote name="Chrono Gear" post="14071477" timestamp="1540649177"]

I’ve been saying this for years. Every time I see someone post about not having to pay taxes I reply with something like ‘Use Taxes, look them up’ or a longer than needed explanation of use tax. I know for a fact my state has a use tax. They actually added a line to the AZ tax form for use tax claims. I’m guessing when they decide to get really serious about it they will go back through everyone’s tax forms and start auditing. No one nowadays has gone more than a year without buying something online.

Yeah I mean you get taxed on the money you make, then you get taxed again on the interest if you invest the remainder, then taxed again when you spend it. Seems totally fair, I don't know why people seem to have such an aversion to this system. America was founded in a large part because we were unhappy with how little taxes we were paying. IIRC, I think our forefathers burned a large shipment of tea because they figured it was worthless due to the pittance of a tax being imposed on it.
I believe that had to do with tax prices AND lack of representation back in jolly old England. To boil it down just to taxes seriously underplay everything that was going on back then. They didn’t have an aversion to taxes.
Sad that they've gotten death threats over the BB deal but in this day and age it's easy to say the one thing that triggers someone to lash out with a (typically hollow) threat over the internet. Sadly this was something LRG reported in the past over other issues. To me, it's stupid people would threaten over this... but those of us vets to this thread know the type... it's the complete collector that is only satiatied by their complete collection and exclusive rare gameS.

I've never been that person... though I admit at times it has felt kind of neat to know I'm one of the few that ordered B&C for vita back in the day even though honestly I couldn't give two shits about it as a game. So take that as you will. I won't miss it when I finally sell it off.

I have no issue with the BB deal. My largest beef with LRG was the pandering to resellers/flippers which made it harder for us regular gamers to buy games we wanted. The more copies the merrier. I just wish now they'd put shipping in high gear before the holidays kick in and delay all the late Nov/Dec stuff to sometime in 2019.
I'm kind of surprised BBY is even doing this... with them cutting off GCU out of the blue and all, I figured they were all but done with physical games.

Doesn't look like the Golf Story early buyers will get their copies in October due to the shipping backlog. I was hoping it would go out immediately, still wondering when they will ship out...
Good old LRG has gone corporate, F their customer base that built them.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
By Jan. 1, all states in the US should be charging sales tax when you shop anywhere online. Lots of people started paying sales tax on their online purchases October 1, including myself in Minnesota. There is no more such thing as buying from Newegg, LRG, or other webstores tax-free anymore. It sucks; the gravy train is over. Good for all the brick & mortar businesses though as this will help them immensely.
At least we lived in the golden age of tax free online shopping.

We all know that LRG is dishonest, and just not a very reputable operation. Lot's of PR bullshit. We all know the problems. 

However, they are in the business of making as much money as possible and there's nothing wrong with that. If BB sells these at the same price it's good for consumers. Free shipping and GCU. Though mine expires in March.

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bread's done