Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


182 (100%)
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Holiday 2022 LRG Releases at Best Buy

Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Not sure if it has been posted here or not, but LRG is doing a (re)release of Metal Storm for the NES according to John Riggs who is at CES

CastlemaniaGames is also (re)releasing Metal Storm as well.

Finally for you retro fans, Retro-Bit is finally going to release those their Saturn controllers. I cant wait for wireless gaming on retro consoles
I keep saying I'm gonna go back to CES, as it's in town every year, and I always forget until I see some gaming news from the show. After E3 started back in 95(which BTW was when I moved here), I kind of stopped bothering, as everything gaming went to E3. In recent times though, more and more gaming stuff has crept back in to the show, so maybe I should try to attend again moving forward.

Not sure if it has been posted here or not, but LRG is doing a (re)release of Metal Storm for the NES according to John Riggs who is at CES

CastlemaniaGames is also (re)releasing Metal Storm as well.

Finally for you retro fans, Retro-Bit is finally going to release those their Saturn controllers. I cant wait for wireless gaming on retro consoles
Awesome fucking news


How long does it usually take to get confirmation that they received my reward tickets? I sent them to LRG more than a month ago. The support ticket I started was answered after a week on Dec 31, saying they are backed up and will answer me as soon as they can.

I just need confirmation they got my damn reward tickets. Is it going to take 5 more weeks for them to apply it too?

How long does it usually take to get confirmation that they received my reward tickets? I sent them to LRG more than a month ago. The support ticket I started was answered after a week on Dec 31, saying they are backed up and will answer me as soon as they can.

I just need confirmation they got my damn reward tickets. Is it going to take 5 more weeks for them to apply it too?
Since support is backed up, you'll probably have to be pretty persistent to get through right now. If you're worried about it, I'd recommend responding to the ticket again or reaching out to their support on Twitter.

266 Race the Sun (PS4) were up near the start of the sale... so I guess they had more than 10% left from that run... it's already down to 30 at 5min in... and now 9 at about 8 min in... edit... sold out at 9min.

1626 Neonwall (PS4) (showing 100% available) were up near the start of the sale... so pretty much the whole run except the portion held for replacements, tradeshows, stores, etc.  It dropped from 1364 after 6 min... to 244 30seconds later which is strange.  I wonder if they forgot to pull some for an evening batch? ... edit down to 210 at 9min.  Edit: 193 at 12min.  It sure looked interesting seeing the stock number drop so quickly... made it look like it was selling FAST.

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How long does it usually take to get confirmation that they received my reward tickets? I sent them to LRG more than a month ago. The support ticket I started was answered after a week on Dec 31, saying they are backed up and will answer me as soon as they can.

I just need confirmation they got my damn reward tickets. Is it going to take 5 more weeks for them to apply it too?
Yeah, this sucks as I'm waiting on a first reply, so very unlikely I get any answers anytime soon. I guess for anyone sending in their tickets, make sure they are tracked, and maybe even signed for, just so you have proof it reach their operation. Even if lost or misplaced at some later date, at least you can show they received them. I'm probably just gonna fill out the form and get that in the mail ASAP with my tickets, so at least this process can begin, as I may not get a chance otherwise by March the way this back up is looking.

Yeah, this sucks as I'm waiting on a first reply, so very unlikely I get any answers anytime soon. I guess for anyone sending in their tickets, make sure they are tracked, and maybe even signed for, just so you have proof it reach their operation. Even if lost or misplaced at some later date, at least you can show they received them. I'm probably just gonna fill out the form and get that in the mail ASAP with my tickets, so at least this process can begin, as I may not get a chance otherwise by March the way this back up is looking.
Suggestion: Before you put everything in the envelope, take a picture of the form and all of the tickets. So if it gets lost you have some proof even though it should be easy to prove based on your massive purchase history that you are eligible for the promotion.

How long does it usually take to get confirmation that they received my reward tickets? I sent them to LRG more than a month ago. The support ticket I started was answered after a week on Dec 31, saying they are backed up and will answer me as soon as they can.

I just need confirmation they got my damn reward tickets. Is it going to take 5 more weeks for them to apply it too?
I sent my tickets in to them with tracking so I knew that they at least received them and I had confirmation.

This was before they announced that they were down a few staff members.
They received the tickets on 12/10 and responded to me on 12/20.

I send my tickets once I heard about the new rewards program because I wanted to make sure I cashed them in right away in case they made some significant changes to the old program. It took a long time for me to get forty tickets and I wasn't letting them go to waste.

Can someone explain to me the new rewards program vs the old tickets program? I noticed it last week when I logged in and to buy Celeste and a popup showed up with rewards points. Whats the diff between this new rewards program and the old tickets program? 

Suggestion: Before you put everything in the envelope, take a picture of the form and all of the tickets. So if it gets lost you have some proof even though it should be easy to prove based on your massive purchase history that you are eligible for the promotion.
Thanks for the heads up, but I was already ahead of you, as I scanned all 40 tickets as well as the form, as I do that for all essential mailings. I was actually coming back here to recommend others do the same, since your tickets have unique numbers and are tied to each persons account. The main reason for this, is I trust the US postal system less than LRG or anyone else for that matter. I guess that comes from my years of dealing with USPS and American businesses in general, as they just aren't what they once where, and covering one's ass should be top priority, always!

Soooooo. LRG. Not real good on responding to customer service inquiries, huh?
They tweeted this morning that they had lost 2 of the 3 customer service reps during December and they have hired two replacements, but they are currently training. As such, I imagine there are going to be very long delays for a while.
Dumshit needs to pay them better, Gaming Collectors being the most needy people in the world were probably overworking these pour souls.
Dumshit needs to pay them better, Gaming Collectors being the most needy people in the world were probably overworking these pour souls.
I don't know, it sounded like they pay a "living wage" plus benefits which is pretty good for customer service. I know one of the two moved out of the country to the UK, so I don't think it was necessarily salary or overwork related.

Yeah, LRG pays just fine, but the fact that it took them so long to offer a proper updated shipping schedule shows how they can be behind in regards to proper operating logistics.

I'm in the heart of busy season so I'm more out of it than usual but are the old rewards tickets expiring or something?
Nothing I've seen or read, and I'm still getting tickets with my orders from awhile back, so I can't see them ending it anytime soon. I'm looking to cash my tickets in as it's near the end of the road for me, and I held out hoping some unique rewards would be offered. Having seen their new system on the site, I now know that ain't happening, so I'm trying to get my free game now rather than later. Since I have never used the service, I asked about replies and such, and that kind of opened up the discussion your now seeing. So just customers giving their thoughts on email issues and how best to get the free game(or the 24.99 credit).

LRG just posted the Iconoclasts CE contents. It will be a pass for me. $20 for a soundtrack and poster doesn't do it for me. Saves me some money by getting the base game.

Either way, it will still sell out in minutes because the game is awesome.
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Okay, so, like, does the manual actually fit the version you buy and go in the case, or is it one of those oversized pack in type deals? If it's the latter, who in the world has ever thought that was a good idea? Haha

Okay, so, like, does the manual actually fit the version you buy and go in the case, or is it one of those oversized pack in type deals? If it's the latter, who in the world has ever thought that was a good idea? Haha
Well, the standard game shows a manual, so I'll assume that fits, as otherwise it's more work for them and cost. They did have one of those oversized awhile back I believe, but it fit the bigger included case, and then the smaller went in the standard version, but who knows? Either way, an easy pass at this point, as I'm just getting standard everything to finish my set at this point.

I'll be getting Celeste when Iconoclasts launches an then I'll be done with them for a while.  I did just get an update that Golf Story and Broken Age so they are finally starting to catch up.

This is funny. Let the raging begin.
I have no words for this at all lmao. It does technically make sense, though, in that LRG items have a very healthy eBay presence, and that is the only way to get one of those CEs now! Haha

This is funny. Let the raging begin.
Let the court record show that srocky26 is purposely provoking and antagonizing the Ebay lunatics and LRG doomsayers that he dislikes immensely. :) :bomb:

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Looks like BestBuy is getting some games before they're on sale now? BB's release date is 2/8 and LRG commented it would be available from their site "at a later date".

Just a reminder that Fangamer will have copies of the Celeste CE up at a later date, so there's still another chance to get one without paying Ebay prices.
Looks like BestBuy is getting some games before they're on sale now? BB's release date is 2/8 and LRG commented it would be available from their site "at a later date".
This is the "unannounced" game mentioned in their original Best Buy email. In typical LRG form, the details about this release were posted by Josh in a reply to a twitter thread about Battle Chef Brigade, and not ever announced via the LimitedRunGames account itself:
This wasn't the unannounced title we mentioned, though. Best Buy will have that one in store before we even sell it, so no chance anyone buys it from us without knowing Best Buy has/had it.

In that same twitter thread, he goes on to clarify:
We wanted to help the developer get this particular game out in some capacity this year because it is an important milestone for the game, but our schedule for our site was backed up until February or March.

EDIT: Changed to quotes with links as my Twitter embeds weren't showing up.
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Just got an email from Limited Run confirming the release of Super Meat Boy.

We're excited to announce that the acclaimed classic, Super Meat Boy, is getting a physical release through us on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita. All three platforms will be available to order from our site at a later date within the next few months (no date is set in stone yet)
Interesting. I see they make mention of a previous publisher for this, this wouldn’t by chance be the lawsuit game that was due for Wii U?
Oh man, I'm most likely in for at least a standard Vita copy of Super Meat Boy even though I played the game through PS+ years ago. That's still my proudest platinum trophy and the game is a must-play.

I'm afraid of what the Collector's Edition will include...if there are Meat Boy and Bandage Girl plushes, I'm not sure I could resist.

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Someone on Twitter zoomed in on the games in the background of the Super Meat Boy post and Axiom Verge for the WiiU is on the right edge of the shelf.  

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Oh man, I'm most likely in for at least a standard Vita copy of Super Meat Boy even though I played the game through PS+ years ago. That's still my proudest platinum trophy and the game is a must-play.

I'm afraid of what the Collector's Edition will include...if there are Meat Boy and Bandage Girl plushes, I'm not sure I could resist.
Been wanting a Vita physical of this game. Really pumped it's going to happen. Anyone who platinums SMB has some pretty good gaming skills.

I noticed Neonwall for PSVR has text that says "This is the fourth title in Limited Run's VR series. The spine tag on this release is labeled LR-VR04."

So Pixel Gear was #1, To the Top was #2, but what was #3? 

race the sun is #3

Race the Sun, our third PlayStation VR release (LR-VR03), on physical disc for the PlayStation 4. Limited to 2,000 copies available worldwide. Region free.

Please be aware that this item was originally released on November 23rd but was not initially part of our PSVR lineup. Sony changed their art guidelines to require the PSVR headset icon on the spine, which put us in the position where, for the sake of consistency, we needed to make it part of the VR lineup. We are selling the leftovers today to allow people who missed it to order it.

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Someone on Twitter zoomed in on the games in the background of the Super Meat Boy post and Axiom Verge for the WiiU is on the right edge of the shelf.
Just curious but what does this mean..? I remember there being talk of a Wii U release of AV but that they couldn't find any retailer to sell it so they were looking for alternatives. But that was more than a year ago, possibly longer.

Just curious but what does this mean..? I remember there being talk of a Wii U release of AV but that they couldn't find any retailer to sell it so they were looking for alternatives. But that was more than a year ago, possibly longer.
There was a big guessing game awhile back, as LRG was supposed to release a Wii U title, and many guessed AV. So this is just confirmation of that I suppose, but they said they will probably lose money on the release. Something happened behind the scenes, and funds got stole, there's a lawsuit, yadda, yadda, and yadda.

I officially have the worst luck when it comes to LRG.

My original shipment of Cosmic Star Heroine for vita got lost during forwarding when I moved. (last time I ever forward my mail through USPS. fuck that shit)

and now my replacement shipment was 'delivered at mailbox' today and theres no package in my mailbox. 

I guess I am just destined to never own this game. So frustrated.

I officially have the worst luck when it comes to LRG.

My original shipment of Cosmic Star Heroine for vita got lost during forwarding when I moved. (last time I ever forward my mail through USPS. fuck that shit)

and now my replacement shipment was 'delivered at mailbox' today and theres no package in my mailbox.

I guess I am just destined to never own this game. So frustrated.
I've had that happen a few times over the years, and your package may still show up within a few days. It may have gone to the wrong route, and instead of marking it as wrong or re-routed, they may put delivered, when it hasn't been. It could have also went to the wrong address, in which case me get corrected. As they may bring it to you, or give it back to USPS and have them do it. I've had more packages like that show up over the years, than I've had actually ones go truly missing.

same thing kind of happen to me I had ordered Cosmic Star Heroine CE for vita they sent the me just the game. I emailed LRG about it they told me they would send a replacement. it took almost 2 month to be sent out because of holiday the day it was delivered I was not home at the time. when I got home the package was missing along with 2 other packages a 2nd package from LRG and one from a kickstarter project. the post office had told me there recorders show that all 3 packages where sent to the right address. LRG told me to file a police report and send them a copy and that they would replace both package from them.

same thing kind of happen to me I had ordered Cosmic Star Heroine CE for vita they sent the me just the game. I emailed LRG about it they told me they would send a replacement. it took almost 2 month to be sent out because of holiday the day it was delivered I was not home at the time. when I got home the package was missing along with 2 other packages a 2nd package from LRG and one from a kickstarter project. the post office had told me there recorders show that all 3 packages where sent to the right address. LRG told me to file a police report and send them a copy and that they would replace both package from them.
LRG: You'll get your shit eventually.

bread's done