Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Holiday 2022 LRG Releases at Best Buy

Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Too many games for sure. Forgotten Anne looks aight, but it's just too expensive IMHO and was bundled on PC before.

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Anybody here read or heard if JJ Macfield will come out at BestBuy? I wanted to get a copy but my budgets' stretched thin. I like Swery but 40 bucks for a 5-7 hour game is a stretch for me.
Sounds like a good opportunity to buy it digital instead?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to answer your question, but I was holding out for the same thing and didn't find anything.

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Just looked at the Star Wars CEs on Ebay.  Wow.  That's the one that even sold out relatively quickly.  Many auctions are going for well under what anyone would have paid direct from LRG.   One ended at $32.99 with free shipping.

Anybody here read or heard if JJ Macfield will come out at BestBuy? I wanted to get a copy but my budgets' stretched thin. I like Swery but 40 bucks for a 5-7 hour game is a stretch for me.
The description of the Switch version says it will be carried at BB with the usual warning (may get a small amount of copies, etc).

Look at how dead this thread is today. I think 1-2 years ago, "Forgotten Anne" would have been a major release and that CE would have been an instant sell-out. I am even considering the CE (it has an artbook and soundtrack, but, unfortunately, it has other crap that must be used to justify the price, but doesn't), forgot about it, saw it was 10:39AM and briefly thought "Crap! Now I'm going to have to try again at 6PM!"

Then I remembered it was 2020.
I ordered the Forgotten Anne Switch CE. It was a little too expensive for my taste but ended up biting the bullet since it has several things I like in a CE.

What's with these Kemco RPGs selling out so quickly now, even at bloated prices? People realize they are generally bad, right?

I ordered the Forgotten Anne Switch CE. It was a little too expensive for my taste but ended up biting the bullet since it has several things I like in a CE.
Yeah, the price is brutal. It's $50 over the standard which is, in typical fashion, $28 over the current digital price. LRG managed to restrain themselves from throwing in a folded poster or enamel pin, but there are still headscratchers like postcards, playing cards, and a quill and ink set. - stuff I would expect to see as giveaways at a trade show. Do people really use this stuff? I saw a twitter comment where someone really likes the quill and ink set.

Anybody here read or heard if JJ Macfield will come out at BestBuy? I wanted to get a copy but my budgets' stretched thin. I like Swery but 40 bucks for a 5-7 hour game is a stretch for me.
sorry I didn't know you were asking about the missing yes the switch version is going to be sold at best buy if you want to know if a LRG is going to be sold at best buy all you have to do is look at the games details it tells you there

Is it me or has there been a whole lot of nothing lately? I'm glad in a way sad in another.
They had a total of five weeks without sales in 2019, they've already almost matched that in 2020.

I think selling fewer, better titles is going to be beneficial for them (and us as consumers). The "limited physical" market is very saturated right now and sales have been waning. They went crazy last year between their releases, the distribution line, and random partnerships (remember Tetris Effect?) and took a lot of PR hits from stuff like Celeste, the shipping backlog, support backlog, Jak 4 cases, Game Tengoku/Power Rangers replacements, etc. Outside of Vita and Kemco releases, nothing limited really flies off the virtual shelves anymore and I think (/hope?) they've realized they need to be less sporadic.

This also gives them time to make up their support and shipping backlogs. Wins all-around from my perspective.

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This also gives them time to make up their support and shipping backlogs.
Don't they already do that?


Don't they already do that?

Probably something going over my head here, but I meant it's easier to do that when there aren't floods of new games being sold every month to contribute to that backlog.

What happened to the Jak case? I never got the email
First they said that people who bought copies elsewhere (i.e. eBay) would be eligible. Then they said only purchases via their site would be eligible. Then they said if you bought 3/4 via their site and the other elsewhere you were eligible.

Emails already went out to those that were eligible, but there was a lot of chaos because people who were supposed to be eligible didn't get the email, LRG changed the criteria, etc. At this point you need to reach out to support if you think you're eligible, but support's also super backed up.

When are those Jak 4 cases supposed to come out?

I have jak x as the only one I'm missing, but it's tied to blasphemous so I have to wait for it to ship

Probably something going over my head here, but I meant it's easier to do that when there aren't floods of new games being sold every month to contribute to that backlog.
Square was making a joke implying that the backlog shipping log is already "made up" or fiction with a tongue in cheek comment is all, I got you Square.

First they said that people who bought copies elsewhere (i.e. eBay) would be eligible. Then they said only purchases via their site would be eligible. Then they said if you bought 3/4 via their site and the other elsewhere you were eligible.

Emails already went out to those that were eligible, but there was a lot of chaos because people who were supposed to be eligible didn't get the email, LRG changed the criteria, etc. At this point you need to reach out to support if you think you're eligible, but support's also super backed up.
The last email I had from them, they said they would be reaching out once they figured out the details. No mention of proactively contacting their support regarding it.
Square you should change the title of the thread to "Limited Run Games Thread - You'll get your fuck eventually"

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Limited Run Club O' Fun News ... I can only imagine Doug came up with that name and Josh was like, "whatever, just make it happen".
Maybe there will be some decent info in there like the next 3 months of releases on a release calendar.

Every month will just say "Correction for last issue: All items listed for shipment have been delayed until next month." but since you receive the magazine with your order, the magazine will be outdated by 6 months.
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First time they've had a valid excuse, and all it took was a global disease epidemic.

Honestly, the most LRG thing that could've ever happened to LRG.

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Heads up on the delayed games, it's not the games just the CE's because even though they said they weren't having their CE contents manufactured in china, which is why games cost more than when Play-Asia makes them, they are having their CE contents manufactured in china.  The actual standard edition games are not delayed.

So, yeah, they just outed themselves.

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just got an email from LRG

We would like to inform you that the production of Blasphemous, VA-11 HALL-A, and 2064: Read Only Memories Collector's Editions are being delayed due to the Coronavirus outbreak in China.We are waiting for art books to be shipped. Due to workplace closures we don't have an updated ETA at this time, but will email again when we have one.Thank you in advance for your patience and sympathy!

Wow... I saw the photo and immediately assumed a PS4 port, so I was super excited. I'm definitely not a fan of re-released games, like they did with the Star Wars carts, Metal Storm, etc. They are just glorified repros imo... Hard pass for me.
Well, Disc rot is a thing... I had a game or 2 become useless already (and disney DVDs) due to disc rot. So a new, official pressing of an older title isn't the wort idea. Also... my Sega CD library is thin. Wonder when Limited Run will just sell the cases as I could use a few dozen.

They've mentioned sourcing things in China before (like Steelbooks), so not much of an outing really.
Never caught that before. Here's what doug said in this thread:

Our CE components are made in the USA. It is much cheaper to have everything produced in China and why Play-Asia is cheaper.

We use a major local printing company and everything is made here.
Granted that was 2018... but they were proud they were manufacturing in the usa and not china and let that be a negative for buying from Play-Asia. In the end, they are no better. I never caught the post or quote or whatever where they came out and said they changed their minds and are pushing content to china. So it was news to me.

Pros and Cons for this Monkey Island release


1.) It's the Sega CD version, which is easily one of the lesser versions of the game, requires dated hardware, enforces load times, and has one of the less desirable control interfaces. (adventure games are supposed to be played with a mouse, not a controller)

2.) The Sega CD is notoriously pirate-friendly. So anyone with an internet connection, a blank CD, and any type of disc burner can get this running on their stock Sega CD in short order.

3.) The Sega CD has also been extensively emulated, so anyone who has that previously mentioned internet connection and just about any computer-relate device can play the game without bothering with a Sega CD, most likely at better resolution and possibly with a mouse.

4.) The Secret of Monkey Island is widely available for the PC, on numerous different digital platforms, as well as on physical CD. Thanks to the great SCUMMVM, it is also easy to play it on modern hardware. There is even a re-make version available. All of these versions also allow for the use of a mouse.


1.) Physical copies of this game have been off the market forever (on any platform) and it's the SECRET OF MONKEY ISLAND!!!

So yeah, this one is pretty much just for fans. I'm a pretty rabid fan of The Secret of Monkey Island. I'll probably be in for this one. It's among my favorite games of all time. (right up there with King's Quest VI) But I imagine that most casual gamers aren't going to have any interest in something this obscure. Monkey Island and point-and-click adventure fans will be interested, and there are a fair number of those.

In my list, there are no pros for this specific release.  I love point and click games including the LucasArts classics, but I have no use for one of the worst ports of this specific game as I'd never play (no plans to ever buy a sega cd) let alone display it (the long box is UGLY).  The CE is overpriced for mostly paper products.

For those that want this... cool, glad you are happy with the release.  If I were to replay it I'd probably just use scummvm and probably just do it on the SNES classic or PC.

bread's done