Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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LRG is on Amazon now!

LRG Trading Thread - Miss a release? Trade with someone who might need a release you have.

Limited Run Games Store Front

Limited Run Games at Best Buy

Holiday 2022 LRG Releases at Best Buy

Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I honestly thought gamestop was the worst company in existence but limited games might just have them beat. Still no reply about my missing item that I paid for, and 3 month wait for items that were already in warehouse ready to be shipped.
Lesson learned?

Don't buy anything you can't be extraordinarily patient to receive.

And as for GS... I think they've actually improved a lot the last year or so. Games that would have previously been bought new online and shown up opened (possibly clearly used) have actually been showing up sealed and new. Well, at least the few orders I have made. BestBuy is still my number 1 overall due to variety and not having to deal with third party seller shenanigans on Amazon... with Walmart (in store) a close second since everything I buy in gaming gets discounted day 1 there though their variety pales to BB.

kinda weird that the ps5 and switch versions of demon turf cost the same. usually in other retailers there is a price difference

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I honestly thought gamestop was the worst company in existence but limited games might just have them beat. Still no reply about my missing item that I paid for, and 3 month wait for items that were already in warehouse ready to be shipped.
it’s been known for years LRG is a scam company. Been there since day one with Breach and Clear on vita, their first game. They were good at some point, even pre Covid though something happened and they were just taking peoples money. Perhaps a money laundering front?

Scam company is being melodramatic. The reality is this is a company founded by two coder goobers as a way to print their own mediocre games, that blew up into something they can't handle because they don't have any ability to run a business. It's the game publishing version of winning the lottery and how often do lottery winners end up broke because they can't manage their money? The difference is they have idiots like us who keep giving them money.

The irony here is their own games would be lost in the shuffle of hot garbage that makes up 95% of the nonsense they've published. Would anyone have heard or cared about Breach and Clear and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal if they weren't the first 2 LRG games?

Speaking of shitty gerbage, LRG is in desperate need of a Konami title... Wow.
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The reality is this is a company founded by two coder goobers as a way to print their own mediocre games, that blew up into something they can't handle because they don't have any ability to run a business.
One of them (Josh) was a game coder on the side of his job as a teacher. The other (Douglas) was just a friend that had (I believe) zero background in gaming and worked odd jobs.

Everything else solidly hit the nail on the head.

BUT, I will say, for the vast majority of purchases... "you will eventually get your shit !" ... which if you really want something they sell it meets the absolute bare minimum of expectations. Keyword "eventually".

The amount of LRG bashing is insane and I think it's unjustified. Thanks to them, the Vita lived a much longer life than Sony cared to give it. Also, there are tons of quality releases on the Switch. When it comes to these FOMO video game publishers, LRG provides the most quality games without a doubt.

As others have said, the biggest complaint is shipping speed and really this came about when they changed their business model to open preorders (which I think is largely preferred to their old model where you better buy the game in less than a minute or it sells out). If you don't have patience and you don't want to wait a year to get your game(s), then don't buy them. It's as simple as that. All of these games can be bought digitally so if you want to play the game ASAP and you loathe LRG for whatever reason, then just buy it digitally and don't buy the physical game. At the end of the day, almost all of us are buying here to preserve the physical form.

However, myself (and most likely a large amount of other gamers) will continue buying their games because we can endure the wait and probably already have a pretty insane backlog to get through anyways. I come to this thread from time to time to get updates on their releases and it baffles me how every page is littered with posts whining about shipping speeds and saying how awful the company is. Their slow shipping speed isn't anything new and it's not going to change anytime soon. So either buy the game knowing you will have to wait a long time or don't buy the game - it's as simple as that. But stop comparing them to trash companies like Gamestop (a company where you have to take a gamble buying online if you're actually getting a complete copy of the game or a new copy of the game).

The amount of LRG bashing is insane and I think it's unjustified. Thanks to them, the Vita lived a much longer life than Sony cared to give it. Also, there are tons of quality releases on the Switch. When it comes to these FOMO video game publishers, LRG provides the most quality games without a doubt.

As others have said, the biggest complaint is shipping speed and really this came about when they changed their business model to open preorders (which I think is largely preferred to their old model where you better buy the game in less than a minute or it sells out). If you don't have patience and you don't want to wait a year to get your game(s), then don't buy them. It's as simple as that. All of these games can be bought digitally so if you want to play the game ASAP and you loathe LRG for whatever reason, then just buy it digitally and don't buy the physical game. At the end of the day, almost all of us are buying here to preserve the physical form.

However, myself (and most likely a large amount of other gamers) will continue buying their games because we can endure the wait and probably already have a pretty insane backlog to get through anyways. I come to this thread from time to time to get updates on their releases and it baffles me how every page is littered with posts whining about shipping speeds and saying how awful the company is. Their slow shipping speed isn't anything new and it's not going to change anytime soon. So either buy the game knowing you will have to wait a long time or don't buy the game - it's as simple as that. But stop comparing them to trash companies like Gamestop (a company where you have to take a gamble buying online if you're actually getting a complete copy of the game or a new copy of the game).
The vitriol largely stems from the dissonance in people's thoughts of their products and their company. Generally, people like their products - physical versions of games are popular, especially in the audience here (whether because they're shelf decoration, better preserved, or what-have-you). They do occasionally flub a CE but their standard editions are fine far more often than not. At the same time, generally people do not like the company - long lead times aside, they have been becoming more and more anti-consumer over the years (discontinuing waitlists, discontinuing the rewards program, sweeping product issues under the rug, etc.).

It's the equivalent of wanting a Kit-Kat but not wanting to support Nestle. I 100% agree with you that if people dislike LRG's practices they should vote with their wallets or buy digital. However, FOMO is very powerful, and the fact that they're the only way to get physical copies of these games more often than not puts people in a bind and further frustrates them.

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It's the equivalent of wanting a Kit-Kat but not wanting to support Nestle. I 100% agree with you that if people dislike LRG's practices they should vote with their wallets or buy digital. However, FOMO is very powerful, and the fact that they're the only way to get physical copies of these games more often than not puts people in a bind and further frustrates them.
FOMO can eventually burn out. A prime example is what happened with beanie babies. People were insane trying to get them before they were ‘retired.’ Ty had a website just to fuel this because they listed what was going to retire. Pretty much people got sick of being manipulated.

I mean I semi get the wait times, but leaving out a paid item then not replying is scummy no matter what company you are. I’ll give them another week to reply, if they don’t I’m definitely opening a dispute.
........All of these games can be bought digitally so if you want to play the game ASAP and you loathe LRG for whatever reason, then just buy it digitally and don't buy the physical game......
To some extent, they bring it on themselves with tone deaf posts like this:

So either buy the game knowing you will have to wait a long time or don't buy the game - it's as simple as that.
You nailed it. LRG has crap shipping. We ALL know they have crap shipping. I still bought Star Wars the Old Republic. Why? For my shelf. Anyone that buys an LRG to actually play it is delusional.

However, FOMO is very powerful, and the fact that they're the only way to get physical copies of these games more often than not puts people in a bind and further frustrates them.
Excuse the double post brothers. I liked your original comment and I agree with your sentiment but if as a grown adult you can't resist buying a full priced game you need therapeutic help. I'm serious. I collect designer clothes/shoes and eventually I had to stop. FOMO is a disease created by companies. There is ALWAYS something soon.

Excuse the double post brothers. I liked your original comment and I agree with your sentiment but if as a grown adult you can't resist buying a full priced game you need therapeutic help. I'm serious. I collect designer clothes/shoes and eventually I had to stop. FOMO is a disease created by companies. There is ALWAYS something soon.
I absolutely agree. It's not that different from what gacha games do (just with physical goods instead of digital ones and a much better chance of actually getting it). "X is only available for one month, SPEND NOW OR MISS OUT!"

There was a time when I was placing LRG orders every 2-3 weeks, and the first time I skipped a game I actually wanted it was a painful week. It's become easier since then, but I can certainly empathize with those stuck in the "trap". I saw a guy on Reddit a week or two ago mention that they were waiting on 75 games from LRG and I couldn't help but feel bad for him, but I also have to imagine there are people even deeper into it than that.

To some extent, they bring it on themselves with tone deaf posts like this:
These are some more of my favorites:

The lack of self-awareness is certainly comical at times.

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I saw a guy on Reddit a week or two ago mention that they were waiting on 75 games from LRG and I couldn't help but feel bad for him, but I also have to imagine there are people even deeper into it than that.
WOW! This reminds me of Supreme (clothing) or Jordans (shoes). Some guys literally buy it ALL.

On a better note it seems that some eBay prices of stuff have dipped.

Edit: I haven't followed these jokesters on social media. This is why Michael Jordan doesn't discuss shoes on Twitter.

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I mostly go digital on the games LRG sells these days... but on rare occasions they get something I want. If I feel I can endure the wait, I'll order it as they've been decent with single game standard edition games (no worries of damage or being held up by items in the collectors editions not getting manufactured fast enough). I'm that weirdo that orders physical games to play. I think every switch game I have that LRG published is opened.

I come to this thread from time to time to get updates on their releases and it baffles me how every page is littered with posts whining about shipping speeds and saying how awful the company is.
Well the updates have been pretty much killed by LRG with their site redesign.... so you can stop checking in. If it's just the twitter posts that get reposted... you can just go straight to the source and not miss anything and be among only those that love each and every game they publish. Most of the complaining is from actual customers who are failing to get their issues resolved.

I would consider your post actual whining litter. It's kind of disturbing how down your nose you look at people who have issues with their orders. Reminds me of Josh.

I mean I semi get the wait times, but leaving out a paid item then not replying is scummy no matter what company you are. I’ll give them another week to reply, if they don’t I’m definitely opening a dispute.
If you have any social media... put them on blast there. Especially twitter. You ordered something, they screwed up by excluding it from your shipment.

I mostly go digital on the games LRG sells these days... but on rare occasions they get something I want. If I feel I can endure the wait, I'll order it as they've been decent with single game standard edition games (no worries of damage or being held up by items in the collectors editions not getting manufactured fast enough). I'm that weirdo that orders physical games to play. I think every switch game I have that LRG published is opened.
I'm like you. I buy games to play. All my LRG games are open, too.

I still don't (and never will) buy digital games. I'm fine waiting and don't play games online so FOMO only matters when it's a game I want to play, and LRG (or other publisher or import) is the only way to get it physically.

No physical release for me just means I don't buy or play it. It actually helps make decisions far easier for me. My game purchases have slowed, which just reflects the growing tendency for digital-only releases and the fact that so many games today are less and less interesting for me.
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The amount of LRG bashing is insane and I think it's unjustified.
It is completely justified because they take your money up front. Everything they release is paid for on their end. There is no risk for them and we're repaid by everything we are talking about in this thread. Special Reserve does and they hold to their dates. Super Rare doesn't sell until they have them on hand. LRG has no excuse.

Even better, the Scott Pilgrim LEs (20,000 of them!) are now in so the chances that and blind boxes are all shipped out by the summer is pretty much nonexistent.

It's the equivalent of wanting a Kit-Kat but not wanting to support Nestle. I 100% agree with you that if people dislike LRG's practices they should vote with their wallets or buy digital. However, FOMO is very powerful, and the fact that they're the only way to get physical copies of these games more often than not puts people in a bind and further frustrates them.
You, uh, know Hershey makes Kit-Kats, right? This kind of makes your analogy better somehow if not intentional.

I'm like you. I buy games to play. All my LRG games are open, too.

I still don't (and never will) buy digital games. I'm fine waiting and don't play games online so FOMO only matters when it's a game I want to play, and LRG (or other publisher or import) is the only way to get it physically.

No physical release for me just means I don't buy or play it. It actually helps make decisions far easier for me. My game purchases have slowed, which just reflects the growing tendency for digital-only releases and the fact that so many games today are less and less interesting for me.
This is me. The only limited games I still have sealed are Super Rare releases because their packaging is a pain in the ass and I wait until I pop the game in.

And there's a reason why you, like me, are being less interested in a lot of games - because they are crap! Look at the latest slew of releases detailed in this thread. Shitty gerbage. Not one worth paying the physical upcharge.

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You, uh, know Hershey makes Kit-Kats, right? This kind of makes your analogy better somehow if not intentional.
Nestle owns the Kit-Kat brand worldwide, but due to some licensing shenanigans Hershey's makes them in America. I meant it as a subtle jab at how many layers of abstraction/complication there are in video game publishing and production, was wondering if anyone would pick up on it.

Nestle owns the Kit-Kat brand worldwide, but due to some licensing shenanigans Hershey's makes them in America. I meant it as a subtle jab at how many layers of abstraction/complication there are in video game publishing and production, was wondering if anyone would pick up on it.
The only correct reply should have started with "Give me a break!"

I wonder how much LRG saves on interest by making people pay up front vs taking out a bank loan...

I can understand some preorders where it's "we need to see how many we sell so we can tell the manufacturer how much to make." But with the blind boxes you literally have the product on hand and are just twiddling your thumbs for three months now while taking the money up front. It's not like Amazon or target where you pay once the item ships.
I really like what Limited Run is doing with actually limited titles... like Astro Aqua Kitty today.

Since there is a set limited quantity, great job still selling it as a "pre-order" that might ship in 5 months if the stars align and you sacrifice 3 goats under a blood moon. It would make no sense at all to offer it for sale once the product has been received.

Fortunately I've been brainwashed to think paying 6 to 12 months before my order ships is totally normal, so I don't see the problem with pre-ordering something with a set quantity.

* Furiously checks 2 outstanding orders from 9 months ago... * Nope, they haven't been birthed yet. Could someone refill my mug of cognitive dissonance? It is extra delicious while I'm slicing up all these goats :whistle2:(

The customer service is trash. That's my issue.

I could solve every customer with issue in two days if I was hired because it's common sense stuff.

Also the website redesign is horrible
Plus I still believe the prices are high. Prices drop for games, and we as CAGs usually buy them when cheaper. I only get stuff I think will be timeless now or is in my very niche visual novel genre. So far that's just the Kunio-kun collection, and maybe I'll get Ender Lillies, but I'd probably just prefer that one on the higher end of a bundle, or an OK amount off. I'll wait and likely forget. It's not too important.

I wonder how much LRG saves on interest by making people pay up front vs taking out a bank loan...

I can understand some preorders where it's "we need to see how many we sell so we can tell the manufacturer how much to make." But with the blind boxes you literally have the product on hand and are just twiddling your thumbs for three months now while taking the money up front. It's not like Amazon or target where you pay once the item ships.
This is the real talking point... what are they actually doing with the money they get in advance? I don't know much about manufacturing but I highly doubt any manufacturer can simply ask for the money up front before the service is rendered.

Plus there's only so much time in life to even play games... for myself I've come to terms that it's just best to get the most enjoyable (to me) games and ignore most everything else.
Time was a problem for me years ago and it never helps that, when I do have time to game, I often find myself firing up a classic instead of a something new (feeling like this summer, I might give FF8 and 9 another go). And as much as I love physical releases, I've got such a massive catalog of games that I'm out of space. It also doesn't help that I keep buying these HUGE collectors editions, like the HFW Regalla Edition.

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This is the real talking point... what are they actually doing with the money they get in advance?
Paying bills -- LRG is not run well. One bad smear campaign from a content creator and they're done. They stay afloat because they bleed nerds pre-order by pre-order.

I honestly don't think Limited Run's finances are as dire as people here are claiming. There's no way their business model is fulfill old orders with money from new orders because we spent all the old money foolishly. A middle schooler could set up a better business model than that. And there'd be a wave of paypal chargebacks if they ever did actually go under, putting them even more into the red. I'm assuming they're taking all that preorder money, which has got to be in the millions, banking it, earning interest, and only paying out manufactors and shipping costs once absolutely necessary.

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Paying bills -- LRG is not run well. One bad smear campaign from a content creator and they're done. They stay afloat because they bleed nerds pre-order by pre-order.
This years annual New Years sale was telling because they ‘found’ all these games while moving warehouses, A well run company does not have that much lost in the warehouse. You expect some, but you do a physical inventory every so often for accounting.

Opening a physical store in this climate where most places are looking to reduce their physical presence is madness. I don’t know how they could’ve run the numbers and thought it will be profitable. It feels like it is to stroke Josh’s ego and give him a really big ‘man cave.’

I think just like a gatcha game they rely on a few customers to keep them going. Some of those are the people who need to keep a complete LRG set. But others I think are resellers, I see all these listings on eBay for their games and while the price is more than LRG sold it for after selling fees there isn’t much profit. Especially when you take in account that you had to pay upfront for the games and then continue to hold onto games until sold. Not having access to your money has a cost and I think these resellers don’t understand that fact. Especially with inflation seeming to be high lately.

LRG seems to rely on buyers that are bad at math. They all hope the next game will be another Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse. But it won’t be with open preorders. This house of cards will fall. I just don’t know when.

There's no way their business model is fulfill old orders with money from new orders because we spent all the old money foolishly. A middle schooler could set up a better business model than that.
Companies fail all the time from mismanagement. Hearing this company was founded by 2 non businessman makes that a much easier pill to swallow. That person asked a genuinely good question: what do you do with my pre-order money HALF/A FULL year ahead of ship date?

This years annual New Years sale was telling because they ‘found’ all these games while moving warehouses, A well run company does not have that much lost in the warehouse. You expect some, but you do a physical inventory every so often for accounting.

Opening a physical store in this climate where most places are looking to reduce their physical presence is madness. I don’t know how they could’ve run the numbers and thought it will be profitable. It feels like it is to stroke Josh’s ego and give him a really big ‘man cave.’

I think just like a gatcha game they rely on a few customers to keep them going. Some of those are the people who need to keep a complete LRG set. But others I think are resellers, I see all these listings on eBay for their games and while the price is more than LRG sold it for after selling fees there isn’t much profit. Especially when you take in account that you had to pay upfront for the games and then continue to hold onto games until sold. Not having access to your money has a cost and I think these resellers don’t understand that fact. Especially with inflation seeming to be high lately.

LRG seems to rely on buyers that are bad at math. They all hope the next game will be another Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse. But it won’t be with open preorders. This house of cards will fall. I just don’t know when.
Don't get me started on the physical store..... LRG only retains value if the games are actually...RARE or LIMITED! I guarantee that store will have their "limited stock" bought up day 1 and then cashed out on Ebay. This kills the brand as a whole as resell values tank and perception of value diminishes. Once these games stop being collectibles, you've just overpaid for a non updated indie game.

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I wonder if LRG purposely delays things to prevent Paypal disputes/CC chargebacks, as you only have so long to do each. Especially with all the complaints I hear about their customer service (being SOL if an item arrives damaged). It sucks people that wait 6+ months after an estimated ship date really have no other option but to just wait.

Honestly I think they're just digging their own graves. I know this most likely my last order with them, and I'm sure others feel the same way. Honestly just the QUALITY of games the last 1-2 years I feel has really dropped off. I think they're running out of titles. We went from well liked games such as Celeste, papers please, etc. to extremely niche retro games no one asked for and forced money grab sequels.
Don't get me started on the physical store.....
I think the whole idea behind the store is to take out a business loan... use that to fund purchasing other people's collections in bulk... keep the bits they want and have an easy path sell the rest. Adding overhead to their own games by maintaining a store is lunacy. So it's gotta be about the retro stuff and the merch (which is more complex to ship but can be cheap to manufacture).

Companies fail all the time from mismanagement. Hearing this company was founded by 2 non businessman makes that a much easier pill to swallow. That person asked a genuinely good question: what do you do with my pre-order money HALF/A FULL year ahead of ship date?
I don't know. The business seems pretty idiot proof to me. Aside from paying developers/manufacturing/shipping costs, what are their other known operating costs?

- Rent and utilities for a building

- Salary for a few full time employees

- Web hosting

- Advertising and travel costs to conventions and such

There's no way they're spending more than they're generating unless they're siphoning money out of the business or making poor investments in start up ventures or initiatives, neither of which there is any evidence for (okay, maybe the physical store is a bad idea, but if it is they'll close it---it shouldn't tank the entire business).

Even if they only net $5 per game sold when all is said and done... let's say they release 2 versions of 2 titles a week on average and sell 2000 copies of each. That's 40K per week they're generating profit. More than enough to pay their basic operating costs.

I think it's much more simple and likely they're holding money and collecting interest on it as an additional revenue stream. Banks will give a better interest rate than you or I would get when you come to them regularly with millions of dollars.

If the evidence for LRG all being a "house of cards" is that they take forever to ship stuff these days, I think that's just a byproduct of the pre-order model mostly. It takes more than month or two to get a game made from scratch.

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I don't know. The business seems pretty idiot proof to me. Aside from paying developers/manufacturing/shipping costs, what are their other known operating costs?

- Rent and utilities for a building

- Salary for a few full time employees

- Web hosting

- Advertising and travel costs to conventions and such

There's no way they're spending more than they're generating unless they're siphoning money out of the business or making poor investments in start up ventures or initiatives, neither of which there is any evidence for (okay, maybe the physical store is a bad idea, but if it is they'll close it---it shouldn't tank the entire business).

Even if they only net $5 per game sold when all is said and done... let's say they release 2 versions of 2 titles a week on average and sell 2000 copies of each. That's 40K per week they're generating profit. More than enough to pay their basic operating costs.

I think it's much more simple and likely they're holding money and collecting interest on it as an additional revenue stream. Banks will give a better interest rate than you or I would get when you come to them regularly with millions of dollars.

If the evidence for LRG all being a "house of cards" is that they take forever to ship stuff these days, I think that's just a byproduct of the pre-order model mostly. It takes more than month or two to get a game made from scratch.
You forgot taxes. Businesses have to pay them.

We also don’t know how much inventory they are holding. There is costs to hold it.

They may have a horrible ROI for all we know,

I think the whole idea behind the store is to take out a business loan... use that to fund purchasing other people's collections in bulk... keep the bits they want and have an easy path sell the rest. Adding overhead to their own games by maintaining a store is lunacy. So it's gotta be about the retro stuff and the merch (which is more complex to ship but can be cheap to manufacture).

Where are they operating out of? NC? SC? I wonder how they even got a damn business loan! Especially with Gamestop down the street barely open.

Any way to check if they got one of those small business Covid loans from the government?
They did, for nearly $400k, and it was forgiven:

As far as the business math, I'll always defer to this post, it goes into more detail but cashflow is the metric I'd be worried about due to the lag between order placement and order fulfillment:

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They did, for nearly $400k, and it was forgiven:

As far as the business math, I'll always defer to this post, it goes into more detail but cashflow is the metric I'd be worried about due to the lag between order placement and order fulfillment:
I'm an auditor in public accounting and that's honestly not all that surprising, it's pretty in-line with what other businesses their size got. Now, whether it's fair or not is another question because plenty of small, mom & pop businesses got screwed because of the banks handling the loans (because when it came down to it, they prioritized the bigger clients vs the single store places).

With all that said, they fixed my Shantae Half-Genie Hero and Risky's Revenge trading card orders, which I gotta say, I'm pretty surprised at.

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Don't get me started on the physical store..... LRG only retains value if the games are actually...RARE or LIMITED! I guarantee that store will have their "limited stock" bought up day 1 and then cashed out on Ebay. This kills the brand as a whole as resell values tank and perception of value diminishes. Once these games stop being collectibles, you've just overpaid for a non updated indie game.
I’ve noticed a lot more of LRG games on eBay are going below or at retail…. So I’m guessing as LRG drives their reputation into the ground, and resellers get burned trying to flip games, their sales will continue to decline.

I also agree it’s a “house of cards” that’s gonna collapse so I’m trying to ween myself off of buying so much from them. Not going to buy collectors editions anymore because I don’t want them holding my money (and any other games I foolishly order with that collectors edition) for a year plus!
Woot woot ! Who got the release ? Is it a retail release ? Thank God LRG didn’t get it :)
Yep, retail. It's up on Amazon already.

I'm an auditor in public accounting and that's honestly not all that surprising, it's pretty in-line with what other businesses their size got. Now, whether it's fair or not is another question because plenty of small, mom & pop businesses got screwed because of the banks handling the loans (because when it came down to it, they prioritized the bigger clients vs the single store places).
Yep, agreed. Companies like Shake Shack trying to take those loans is a bigger issue, IMO, and there are no shortage of other reasons to criticize LRG these days.

They did, for nearly $400k, and it was forgiven:

As far as the business math, I'll always defer to this post, it goes into more detail but cashflow is the metric I'd be worried about due to the lag between order placement and order fulfillment:
All so dumbshit could buy more anime statues, I call bs on 38 employees too.
bread's done