Logitech Cordless X-Box Controller - $29.99 + shipping


Shipping and handling is $8, but it's still a good deal.

Cheap ass link

$10 mail-in rebate - added by cheapyd
Edit: Looks like this rebate won't be valid as the website just added the note that it doesn't come with the original box.

This thing's going for around $50 everywhere else.

IGN liked it, although apparently it's not perfect for XBL (there's no headset plug-in on the control itself - it's on the base station):

Just to let you guys know...this is a REALLY good deal on what is normally a $60-$70 controller. I have ordered in the past from this place and it turned out fine.

I sell these controllers in my store and no one has returned them. They seem oddly shaped but you can see the image and judge for yourself.

I added the $10 mail in rebate to the first post and edited the topic title to reflect the addition.
As they say, WICKED AWESOME. Thanks, Cheapy - I didn't know about the rebate.

At prices like that, you can't afford NOT to buy one. Or something.
My bro-in-law has one and loves it. Hasn't noticed any problems with lag, etc. I tried it out (for maybe 10 minutes) and liked it okay, I probably prefer the S controller though (except for the whole S controller has cords thing :lol:) The way my X is set up people don't really walk between me and the console so this isn't a big concern for me. Still at this price I'm tempted.

That price is at the 'too good to be true' threshold, but it's good to know defender has dealt with that site before and it went smoothly.
Does anyone know what the battery life is like on these? I had one for the PS2 and the batterys would drain in like 6 hours.
According to the IGN review, Logitech claims 50 hours with rumble on, near 100 without. IGN said they tested for about 30 hours with rumble on and didn't run the batteries out.

All I know is I'm ordering one...
I think I've been had.

I ordered this yesterday & noticed this on their website today:

"This controller is packaged in special promotional packaging without the retail box."

Was that disclaimer on there yesterday??? Without the UPC code from the box, the $10 rebate is useless.
Maybe there's a UPC on the Owner's Manual? Anyhow, I just ordered 2 of them. Even without the rebate, it's still a good deal. Basically comes out to buy one get one free.

Thanks for posting!! :D
[quote name='jaybird']Was that disclaimer on there yesterday??? Without the UPC code from the box, the $10 rebate is useless.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure I would have noticed it if it was there yesterday.
Thanks for the deal cruster! I just ordered two of these. Luckily for me, a friend of mine got one for Christmas and I think he still has the box, so I may be able to get the $10 rebate on one of them. :)
At the price they are selling it for, don't worry about the rebate. This controller sells between $60-70 and is worth every penny. I've owned two of them for some time now and have never had a problem. They do eat batteries like mad, so be sure to invest in a recharging system. I highly recommend the Ray-O-Vac 15-minute system. Charges Ray-O-Vac IC-3 batteries in 15 minutes or less and other rechargable batteries at their usual SLOW rate. Looks like they are OOS anyway, so great deal for those who were able to partake.

Yeah, they changed the website, which is absolute crap. I got mine yesterday; it is indeed a brown-box refurb, and the serial number has been Sharpied out. Pretty sleazy and I don't think I'd order from them again. That said, they DID ship fast, and it's still a heck of a deal. Tried it out last night and it works like a dream - no noticeable lag.

You will need 4 AA batteries to power the thing, and they're not included.
[quote name='cruster']it is indeed a brown-box refurb, and the serial number has been Sharpied out.[/quote]
What?! Why would they Sharpie-out the serial number? And the site CLEARLY states "Condition: New", are you sure they're refurb? How can one tell?

[quote name='cruster']Pretty sleazy and I don't think I'd order from them again. That said, they DID ship fast, and it's still a heck of a deal.[/quote]
I still haven't received mine, they left CA on Saturday and I should receive them on Friday (according to UPS anyhow).

I'll definitely let you know how my experience turns out.

[quote name='cruster']Tried it out last night and it works like a dream - no noticeable lag.[/quote]
Glad to hear you like 'em regardless.
I ordered from these guys and have not received my controllers yet, but they have been shipped. I would be VERY leery about buying from their site, as I have good reason to believe it's not secure and my credit card number was stolen when I bought from there. I was notified by my c.c. company 2 days after I ordered from there that there was an unauthorized charge from westernunion.com of $929, and I never used that site. Has this happened to anyone else here? In over 7 years of buying over the net this has NEVER happened to me before!
[quote name='rarebucky']I ordered from there that there was an unauthorized charge from westernunion.com of $929, and I never used that site. Has this happened to anyone else here? In over 7 years of buying over the net this has NEVER happened to me before![/quote]

Damn. Makes me think twice about ordering online.
[quote name='Naughty_Insomniac'][quote name='cruster']it is indeed a brown-box refurb, and the serial number has been Sharpied out.[/quote]
What?! Why would they Sharpie-out the serial number? And the site CLEARLY states "Condition: New", are you sure they're refurb? How can one tell?

Admittedly, I am guessing that it is refurb - it's not in the original packaging, but it did come with a sealed up instruction book and warranty info...other refurb electronics I have purchased on-line have come like this. I will say that the Sharpie-the-serial-number thing is a little weird - haven't seen THAT before. I think I'm going to shoot Logitech an email and see if these guys are authorized, just for kicks.

Thanks for the heads up on the weird charges on your account, too. I just checked mine; nothing unusual but it's worth watching. Dodgy bastards.
Ick. Sorry to hear about those credit card troubles.

I'll still buy online, but stick with the major etailers from now on. (liek gamestop and ebgames) Not worth messing with the smaller companies.
I haven't had any troubles - ever - with any retailers in 10+ years of buying and selling on-line...and I know I have been very, very lucky. I can see a lot of reasons to stay away from smaller retailers, although as evidenced all over CAG there are reasons why one wouldn't want to deal with ebgames.com, or bestbuy.com, or, most recently, BUY.COM, who can lick my darkest nether regions.

That said, I did some research on "Surplus Computers" after my last post and found this lovely page at the BBB in Silicon Valley - looks like they're a bunch of right bastards with a lot of complaints. Maybe I'm lucky I got anything at all:


I emailed Logitech - hopefully they'll respond, their customer service is usually pretty good. I just asked them if these guys were authorized resellers (I'm assuming not) and if they were aware that their products were being misrepresented. I'll post back if I get anything.
[quote name='cruster']I haven't had any troubles - ever - with any retailers in 10+ years of buying and selling on-line...and I know I have been very, very lucky. I can see a lot of reasons to stay away from smaller retailers, although as evidenced all over CAG there are reasons why one wouldn't want to deal with ebgames.com, or bestbuy.com, or, most recently, BUY.COM, who can lick my darkest nether regions.[/quote]

I'm fairly new to the boards, so I'm not too familiar with any problems that have arisen from places such as ebgames, bestbuy.com, etc.

What were some of the examples of the poor things they have done? Not that I don't believe it, I just happened to have good dealings with them in the past. I do tend to put my trust into the hands of big etailers like amazon.com, ebay and even ebgames and bestbuy since they are such large companies and use secure servers.

There's a risk with any online purchase, but some places are better than others. Thanks for checking into that company though. Hopefully it will make us think twice about certain places. I know I almost jumped on the deal myself.
[quote name='Requiem'][quote name='cruster']I haven't had any troubles - ever - with any retailers in 10+ years of buying and selling on-line...and I know I have been very, very lucky. I can see a lot of reasons to stay away from smaller retailers, although as evidenced all over CAG there are reasons why one wouldn't want to deal with ebgames.com, or bestbuy.com, or, most recently, BUY.COM, who can lick my darkest nether regions.[/quote]

I'm fairly new to the boards, so I'm not too familiar with any problems that have arisen from places such as ebgames, bestbuy.com, etc.

What were some of the examples of the poor things they have done? Not that I don't believe it, I just happened to have good dealings with them in the past. I do tend to put my trust into the hands of big etailers like amazon.com, ebay and even ebgames and bestbuy since they are such large companies and use secure servers.

There's a risk with any online purchase, but some places are better than others. Thanks for checking into that company though. Hopefully it will make us think twice about certain places. I know I almost jumped on the deal myself.[/quote]

Requiem: I'm pretty sure what cruster was referring to isn't security issues. It's more like BestBuy putting your order on backorder, then cancelling it after being on backorder for weeks. Not to mention Cheapy's current probs with the BestBuy affiliate program.

Or the recent mess with Buy.com, they announced an awesome sale: 50% off any EA game AND free shipping starting at midnight. Well some poor souls stayed up all night waiting (apparently buy.com is on the west coast so east coasters stayed up until at least 3am, many ALL night) for a deal that never happened. (Thanks for the laugh guys! :twisted:)

EBGames ... I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe putting a game on sale, just for it to be sold out 10mins later?

Rest assured, it's not security issues that have been a problem. At least not yet *knocks on wood* :mrgreen:
Just a follow-up - here's a copy of my recent interaction with Logitech. I guess it's buy at your own risk; the short version is they won't repair or replace the controller if anything goes wrong. Surplus Computers, however, is selling the controller as "new" and specifically state that it's with a 90 day warranty...I can't imagine how in the hell they plan to handle that. I'm going to shoot them an email tonight just for kicks and see what they have to say about that. Perhaps I should change my CC number first...
Logitech's reply is at the top and my original email to them follows.

From: Premalatha
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 06:33:25 GMT
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Product Support for: Logitech Cordless Controller for Xbox

Dear Logitech Customer,

Thank you for contacting Logitech's Electronic Customer Support.

We are happy to provide technical support for your refurbished unit, but we
cannot exchange it if it is defective or issue a refund or credit if you
want to return it. This is because we do not provide warranty support for
refurbished units, even those units that are refurbished by Logitech. The
units that Logitech refurbishes are never sold directly to end-users; they
are only sold through liquidation or overstock venues as used product with
no manufacturer's warranty. If you need to exchange or return your device,
please contact your point of purchase.

If you have any additional questions regarding your product, please feel
free to visit our website at www.logitech.com. Thank you for your interest
in Logitech.


Logitech Customer Support

--- Original Message ---
From: [email protected]
Received: 03/10/2004 01:49pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT - 5:00 )
To: [email protected]
Subject: Product Support for: Logitech Cordless Controller for Xbox

Date: 03/10/04 10:39:26

Name: Brendan
Email: [email protected]
Category: Gaming Console
Product: Logitech Cordless Controller for Xbox
Part Number:

Description of Problem: Good morning - I recently purchased what was
purported to be a brand new Logitech Cordless Controller for my X-Box
from a site operating as Surplus Computers, located at
www.softwareandstuff.com (in fact the link to the item is
http://www.softwareandstuff.com/ACC10663.html). I received the
controller last night and it does not appear to be new, as listed on
this web site - it came in a brown box, as though it were a refurb, and
oddly the serial number on the controller was marked out in permanent
pen. The site is selling your product as "new" with a 90 day warranty.
Is this company an authorized retailer of your products (refurb or
new)? I am concerned about my warranty and about product support, and I
thought you should know that at the very least, if they ARE authorized
by you to sell your (great) products, they are certainly misrepresnting
what they are offering (again, in no way could the product I received
be considered new). I would love to hear back from you on this. Thanks
for your consideration.
So it sounds like they are saying that this IS a refurb. I mean, they didn't say that it wasn't. :? In fact, they didn't say ANYTHING about that company, the marked out serial number, the fact that it's advertised as new...

hmmm, are they avoiding something, or did they just not read your email completely? :whistle2:k

What about the others who ordered? Have you guys received yours yet?

EDIT: I just checked the site again. About the box, it says "Please Note: This controller is packaged in special promotional packaging without the retail box." I don't know about you, but in my book "special promotional packaging" =/= "refurbished". This sucks... :evil: Well, not too bad, it's still a great deal... so I'll change it to :twisted:
[quote name='Naughty_Insomniac']
EDIT: I just checked the site again. About the box, it says "Please Note: This controller is packaged in special promotional packaging without the retail box." I don't know about you, but in my book "special promotional packaging" =/= "refurbished". This sucks... :evil: Well, not too bad, it's still a great deal... so I'll change it to :twisted:[/quote]

I think someone else mentioned it earlier in this thread, but the language about "special packaging" etc. was added quite awhile after I posted the deal - it wasn't listed that way when I originally put the deal up and when I made my own purchase. So, yes - evil. Duly.
well I have the version with the cord and it's great, I got it for 20 bucks at best buy. The only minor problem I have had with it is in GTA when shooting out a car window and driving. You need to hold the left stick completely to the Left or right then click down on the stick. Well it's virtually impossible to do both at the same time using this controller. A regular s controller lets you do it just not this one.
I got my controller in today & it was just like cruster's - brown box, bagged, serial marked out. Except I got the extra bonus of several scratches on the controller to lead me to believe these are refurbs.

I didn't know "new" mean refurbished. Also, "Surpless Computers" stands for bastards.

Anyway, since it came with no instructions (imagine that), I was wondering if those who have one knew if you had to turn the thing off somehow. I don't see any switches, but there may be some crazy "hold A+B+Start" to turn it on & off somehow. I just don't want it sitting there eating new 4 AA batteries when not in use.

Also, is there a way to turn vibration off other than through the menu of the game you're playing?

Great controller - I just got through playing Ninja Gaiden with it & I couldn't tell a difference between the wired one. I would've rather given more $ for a new one to a more trustworthy company, though. Surpless Computers gets a big "booooo" from me.
I too got my controllers today, and I think I have you beat jaybird. Not only did I not receive a manual for either controller, but one of them is defective. You can't press left on the d-pad, it just won't press down. I went to Surplus Computers' site and looked at their return policy. What a convoluted mess. This is the part that has me a bit concerned:

"If a product is sent back to us as defective, and was tested by our technicians otherwise, a 20% restocking fee + Shipping charges will be charged to you."

I almost wish now I hadn't dealt with these people. It wasn't worth the trouble. Oh well, live and learn I suppose.
Wow, this really sucks. Sorry about to hear that guys. I'm still waiting for mine. UPS says they've been "out for delivery" since 4am. I just hope UPS gets here soon. :( Will update as soon as I can.
It says on the site to place an order, email your credit card number and information. That sounds very shaddy and not secure at all.
[quote name='Lpefsu']It says on the site to place an order, email your credit card number and information. That sounds very shaddy and not secure at all.[/quote]

That's out of date unless something has changed since I ordered mine - they had a "secure" on-line order form on their site.

As far as instructions for 'em, I'll look at the (tiny) manual tonight, but I don't remember seeing an option for turning the rumble off. I think the unit shuts itself down after a couple minutes of non-activity though.
I got mine a few days ago, and the rubber pad on the top of the left stick had been chewed on by a dog. Logitech doesn't replace single parts (even though it's literally something you can just pull off the stick), so I'm stuck with it. The page definitely listed it as "new" - what bs.

Still, I pulled off the rubber pad, and popped it on the less-used right stick, and the controller at least works properly. For $30, it's ok - not anywhere near as good as a new unit for $30, but yeah, those surplus computers guys are flat out bastards.

I received mine today too. Similar treatment, clearly not a new product, was sealed in a plastic baggie, no manual, and thrown in brown box which was the shipping box.

Mine did include 4 batteries thou! When I pulled it out of the box I noticed the light come on it was already good to go!

The serials have been marked out on mine as well, and there are several scratches on the piece with the cable on it that goes to the Xbox, they might have been from the "special" packaging thou, who knows . :(

Not what I was expecting at all, but for the price that's not a bad deal, they should just be a little more honest about what they are selling.
I live in the neighborhood of these guys and have purchased about a dozen items from them as well as having sold them some older excess stuff I had.

They specialize in buying bulk and surplus from all over. There store is kind of non retail and for real geeks. (stacks of harddrives and cdroms, etc.). But everything I have ever purchased there new and used has worked well. They take the time to clean and test all used stuff. And I have seen it personally on a couple of older CPUs I bought for a multi-processor server I built.

The store has been there for as long as I can remember and I can say that the place is always packed with people buying stuff there.

I give them a positive rating as long as you are aware that you might get overstock stuff.
The page now says that they're out of stock. I was about to order one, but now I suppose I don't have to worry about the quality, eh?
[quote name='hellstomx']I give them a positive rating as long as you are aware that you might get overstock stuff.[/quote]

If they'd actually listed the items they were selling as used, I'd agree. But they clearly list them as "new," which makes them a bunch of lying bastards.

Sorry I didn't respond any sooner, but I've spent the last 3 days sick as a dog. :(

Anyhow, yeah mine are just as bad as the rest. One of them is even completely missing the little rubber grip on the left analog stick. I pulled it off the right one, but now the right one doesn't have a grip. :x (Anyone know where you can get one of these?) They came bagged (in a bag that had a sticker on it that was peeled off), all scratched up, and dusty dirty. The serial number is also blacked out. boooooooo!!!!!! :evil:

But yea for the price it's a great deal. I just wish they would have been more honest about the condition. Nothing like expecting something shiny and new, and getting something dirty and scratched up. :(

They seem to work great, but I'm still trying to figure out what all the lights mean. On the base: it flashes slow because ... it lost the signal? When it flashes fast, it's looking for the signal. And when it's steady, obviously it's connected and working fine. Is this right?

And on the controller itself: a red flashing light means the battery is weak? Yellow light means it's turned on, but not connected? Light turns green when it connects ... but it doesn't light up when you push buttons. Am I right on this? IIRC, the WaveBird lights up whenever a button is pressed...

Also, do you have to push the "connect" button on the base every time you turn it on? I think it should search automatically for a controller. Oh yeah, and the vibration seems to be veryfaint, do yours vibrate any stronger?

No instruction manual sucks!!! :evil:
bread's done