Logitech G7 Cordless Laser Mouse $24.99 AR


CAG Veteran
Really sweet deal. Found this at Amazon:


If you try to search for it manually on Amazon it will refer you to the one from TigerDirect for $61.99 which is no good. Simply click on the Used & New and find the one where the seller is Amazon. Their price is $74.99 but has the exclusive $50 rebate and free shipping. Last day to buy it is 3/20 but I highly doubt they'd have any left. Tax in KS, ND, WA.


Edit: Even better, $16.82 after rebate!!! I hope they get more in stock by the 3/20 for all of you guys still planning to get one.

Edit2: Attention!!! The price for this uber mouse has dropped yet again from the $66.82. I just called the Amazon CSR at 7:30 PM PST and he told me the last recorded price (Amazon's Not TigerDirect's) was $61.99 WITH the $50 Rebate so I'm getting $13 from the original $75 I paid for back to my credit card.
Rebate offer: Get $50.00 by mail from Logitech when you purchase the G7 Cordless Laser Mouse and G15 Gaming Keyboard from Amazon.com.
Damn good deal. Runs on practically the same tech as my MX1000, and I just love this mouse.

However, wireless can be annoying sometimes, so I'm gonna get a Razer Copperhead soon, methinks.
Is this a realy good mouse or somthing? I have a wireless set from M$ and i am just wondering if it is worth the upgrade...
Holy damn. I love my MX1000 cordless laser, but I have to bite on this. 25 bucks after MIR is a STEAL.

The fact that this mouse has hot-swappable battery packs is genius. Of course, like the Wavebird and Logitech cordless remotes, you hardly ever have to worry about battery life. Still, a brilliant feature.

THANK YOU OP. This made my day/week!

Edit: DAMMIT. My satellite internet at work went down, and for the 5 minutes it was down, it got sold out through Amazon. I hope it comes back. :(

Does anyone know how good Amazon is about restocking products? I figure I have five days to check....if someone could keep an eye on it (along with myself, of course), I'd appreciate it...
Damn, I really wanted this mouse but once again the Fatwallet effect killed it before I could get in on one...
By the way if anyone prefers a wired mouse the G5 appears (don't hold me to it) to be the same price after rebate. I just happened to click on a picture of it and noticed the same rebate info. The user reviews appear to be a bit less impressive though. FWIW
[quote name='MastaGamer']Damn, I really wanted this mouse but once again the Fatwallet effect killed it before I could get in on one...[/QUOTE]

It showed up on dealnews.com too...

Maybe some of the hoarders will be stupid and will put them on eBay for BIN of 30 bucks, banking on the fact that they'll get a MIR.

That would be a good deal for people like me.
Sweet, just got shipping confirmation on this. Bummer for those of you guys who missed it. Hopefully it comes back into stock soon!
I just got my shipping confirmation too. Now i have the whole G mouse series. My G5 will be my laptop mouse while the G7 stays with the desktop.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I ordered the G5 a little earlier as it is less than 25 AR[/QUOTE]

Yes...$22 and change AR. I ordered this too for my office. Great deals.
I was trying to decide whether to get the G7 or not since I positively HATE my MX1000. I have it at work right now and instead of using it, I'm using my generic dell laser mouse. :whistle2:/

I finally ordered the G7 (earlier when it was still in stock) and a G5 to boot since apparently G5 is the "ultimate" gaming mouse....which is what they said about the MX518 except my left click is sticking.

Oh well, I shall let ya'll know what the verdict is.

Also - theres been some debate on the deal sites as to whether purchasing from TD through Amazon.com would qualify you for the rebate still. I don't personally think so but some people are willing to bank on it sooo...good luck to them! (Their reasoning is that the order confirmation page doesn't actually mention anything about TD)
Whoa... shipped from IL so I'll have mine today... perhaps less than 24 hours from the order being placed. Thanks again OP!

EDIT: Just got it. It's amazing. Kinda wish I had ordered 2 to have one at my desk and one in my laptop bag. ;)
similar story for me. I used super saver and it should be here today.

I think they also may have flagged my name for quick shipping though after I had shipping problems with them during the holiday season
Back in stock? And lower price?

Am I dreaming?


Edit: Order'd! Price after rebate: $17! WOOT!
BACK IN STOCK . . . AND FOR $16!!!

[quote name='racthamp']can the G7 be used with Mac computer?[/QUOTE]

Don't think so, but i ordered one anyway.
hrm, crap... do I order another one to carry around with my laptop? And it doesn't have to postmarked till April 20, equest; I think you'll get it in a month and 5 days. ;)
I just called and got the price adjusted for the order I placed yesterday.
EDIT: Actually, instead of refunding my $8, they sent me a $10 voucher. Sweet :)
[quote name='daroga']I just called and got the price adjusted for the order I placed yesterday.
EDIT: Actually, instead of refunding my $8, they sent me a $10 voucher. Sweet :)[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip...I just got $8 refunded. This is an exceptionally fantastic deal now.
Holy damn I ordered this afternoon and it has already shipped? And this is on free shipping!

Amazon.com owns my balls right now. With vengeance.

I went to eat and think about it and now they're all gone...
I hope it comes back for a third time...
I actually jumped on this surprisingly just in time!

Looks like an awesome mouse, but hopefully the rebate will come reasonably fast.
I can't seem to find the rebate form for either the G7 or the G5 ( I didn't print it yesterday when I ordered both). Can anyone help with a copy or a link to the form? I'll check here or PM me if you prefer. TIA
bread's done