looking for a 5750 ati card


I'm looking for an xfx ati 5750 card to match up with my other card so I can try out the crossfire. Does anyone know of a site that would still have it other than ebay?
crossfire chart

According to the chart, you can also use a 5770 card with the 5750 for crossfire. This will give you more options. I have also read several times that having the same manufacturer for both cards isn't necessary.
I don't follow pricing, etc. but is it possible that you may come out ahead performance and value wise to just get a more modern GPU rather than hunt down a boutique older GPU to match your own in crossfire?
Maybe. I was really just wanting to try it out if I could get a card for around 40 bucks. If I have to pay much more than that I might as well just buy two new cards and run SLI or Crossfire. I would assume that if my power supply is rated for Crossfire then it can do SLI as well right?
Might be able to get the 5750 for 50. I'm not even sure if I want to bother with it or not now. How much of an improvement would I get from running them in crossfire?
I think it depends on the game. Some work very well in SLI, others actually can run worse than just a single card. Also I've heard that SLI can introduce new problems like micro stuttering.
I will have to do some research on the downsides to SLI/Crossfire then. I might just save up and buy a new card at some point. The 5750 still seems to be working fine even though it is a low end card from a few years ago.
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