Looking for a good deal on Cocaine Energy Drink

Eh, I've done a lot of looking for the same deal, and the best I've found is either buying large amounts in the store (at 2.09 a can x 24 = 50.16 + $3 tax = 53.16), or getting it shipped for $53 from their site. They accept Paypal so if you were to come across some sort of deal or promotion for that, although I haven't found one (aside from doing stuff on Cashlagoon for Paypal $), then the cost gets a little less harsh.

In any case, good luck with your search.
local gas station here has it 2 for 3 dollars... its a marathon local owned so i doubt anyone else would have such luck....
This drink is terrible. Bleh. Get a good energy drink and buy BAWLs or Red Bull or something that tastes remotely good. I wish I could show the video of when the guy who developed Cocaine was on Daily Show. Too bad they're all gone from Youtube now.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']This drink is terrible. Bleh. Get a good energy drink and buy BAWLs or Red Bull or something that tastes remotely good. I wish I could show the video of when the guy who developed Cocaine was on Daily Show. Too bad they're all gone from Youtube now.[/quote]

While the taste might not be as palatable as some others (although personally I prefer the taste of Cocaine to those others, it's different... and the peppery-burn is great), the caffeine content makes it well worth it - 280 mg compared to a Red Bull's wimpy 80mg.

Heh... referring to that clip,

Jason Jones: "What do you say to critics who claim that by calling the drink 'Cocaine' you're just trying to exploit inner city youths?"

James Kirby: "That's ridiculous. If I wanted to appeal to the inner city I would have called the drink 'Crack'."
I've never tried this drink, but I've tried a lot of energy drinks, and if anyone here has never tried the No Fear energy drink, don't. It tastes like wet balls and feet.
[quote name='BoSoxFan900']I've never tried this drink, but I've tried a lot of energy drinks, and if anyone here has never tried the No Fear energy drink, don't. It tastes like wet balls and feet.[/quote]

Wet sweaty or just water wet? :lol:

Do you guys who drink this stuff drink it because it does give you a boost of energy or just because you like the taste?
If I want an energy drink, I'll drink coffee... but I have a friend who really loves this stuff, hence my post.

School has turned me into a caffeine and nicotine addict. -_-
[quote name='help1']So, when you guys die...[/quote]
Add my name to the list of people who are going to die via heart exploding.
[quote name='kingsoby1']A side note... when I look at the main forum, the shortcut for this thread says "Looking for a good deal on Cocaine..."


you beat me to it...
I've tried many of these energy drinks (working 3rd shift, ya gotta have something :beer:) but I haven't tried Cocaine yet. Guess I'll go out and pick up a can and see for myself.

Since I am a retail manager, I do alot of ordering thru wholesale vendors. I can imagine myself calling a wholesaler looking for a case of this drink.

ME: Hi, yeah, I wanna buy a case of cocaine.
WHOLESALER: Um, we don't sell it by the case. We sell it by the gram.
ME: .........

My fav is Rockstar, BTW. I love those big honkin 24 oz tallboy cans. Although I do also like Monster Assault (the one in the camo can). And DO listen to BoSoxFan900, as he knows what he's talking about. Fear "No Fear". And avoid any of those energy drinks billed as "healthy". They also taste "healthy" and as we all know, "healthy" tastes alot like shit.
I made this awesome drink the other day and thought I'd share:

1/2 can Full Throttle
1/2 bottle grain belt premium beer (im sure any decent tasting light colored beer would work)
1 shot of licorice flavored liquer (jag or phillips black 100 work fine)
tyrone biggums informs us that red bull IS cocaine in a can!


humana humana humana!
My friend loves the Cocaine drink. I won't try it, I've seen the daily show episdoe, and I'm not down for the whole throat burning. Only engery drink I like from the few I've tried is Monster in the red can.
Full throttle is my personal favorite but Cocaine is also very good. I have never seen cocaine on sale around here though so your best bet is just buying it off the website.
I don't drink these kinda things often but i've used those little "5 hour energy" drinks a few times and they seemed to actually work. I always hear them being advertised at night on Fox Sports Radio while i'm at work. From the looks of the website the rush comes from b vitamins, enzimes, ammino acids and maybe a lil mind over matter? They were $5 for 2 at Walgreens or something near that.

I would like to try Cocaine but i've yet to see it around here besides the kind being slung.
bread's done