Looking for a great computer deal

Dude, build your own. You can make a quite nice gaming rig for under $500 if you know what you are doing. I'm sure there are tons of people here who can give good advice, and who have experience in that area. I happen to be one of them....

Building a PC is not hard at all. There are tons of walkthroughs available on the Internet. For the parts, two great sites are newegg.com and pricewatch.com. Newegg is an actual retailer, while Pricewatch is a site that tells you where you can get the best prices across the Internet the parts you are looking for. I also like streetprices.com, but you will need the actual model number of what you are looking for to get anywhere on that site. HOpe this helps!
I work at Staples, the Vaio VCG-RB40 just went on clearance from $800 to $450, it's decent and has a PCI Express mobo. This is the most detailed specs I could find on it: http://auctions.overstock.com/sm-so...ktop-pc--pg-PRODDET_pi-19995029_ti-82087.html

As you can see (on eBay as well) it auctions higher used/refurbed than its current Staples price new.

For about $200 more you could get a second stick of 512MB RAM and a PCIE GeForce 6800 GS... for $650 you'd have an awesome machine.

If you have Staples near you and you're interested let me know, I'll get the SKU for you. With that you can call a store and they can search your entire district's inventory.
Thanks for all replies!

>What are the best "build it yourself" websites?

BTW, Koggit, will check out that Sony computer later today.

Again, thanks.

Could you provide that SKU, and let me know which store you work at. I wasn't able to find it at any of the stores near me.
It's 607770, and I work at store 1339, Seattle. We sold our last boxed one today, so I bought the demo. Floor models are an additional 10% off, so it was just $405.

Two things that suprised me a bit, the PSU is only 300w and the RAM is actually two sticks of (Samsung) 256, not a single stick of 512. Still a great deal if you can find one, about half the stores in my district still have 'em.
on slickdeals.net there is a Dell dimension e510 for $551, its a dual core pentium, and comes with a 19" LCD
Yea, I forgot to talk about that. If you already have a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc., then building is probably the way to go. However, if you have nothing at all, then going with a Dell might be better. You simply can't beat their package prices, especially if you aren't looking for a workhorse gaming PC. They often run a deal that has a low-level PC, flat screen monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and a printer for around $299. Can't beat it.
bread's done