Looking for a new HDTV: Update got 70" XBR2!!


My one year old 60" Sony SXRD started to display a discoloration is one corner (common problem with this model KDS-R60XBR1). Repair guy came out to install a new optical board or something and it was worse. They took the TV into the shop after that and await more new parts. Now, several weeks later, they called and told me the new parts didn't fix it so I get a new TV. The new TV has to be similar to the old but that model is no longer made. I am considering the Sony KDS60A2020 (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...CategoryId=pcmcat95100050041&id=1168044603703) or Mitsubishi WD-65732 [http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7963796&type=product&id=1158323378315. Comments or other suggestions?

Edited to fix the Mitsubishi TV link.
Define similar... similar in terms of price or what? If that's the case, the Sony 60" you posted is a good option, though personally I'd try and get a smaller XBR2 if you can.
Has to be similar in terms of technology. The XBR1 is no longer made. The XBR2 is newer technology. The KDS60A2020 is nearly the same as the XBR1 except that it accepts a true 1080p signal were the XBR1 would upscale everything to 1080p but would not actually take any signal higher than 1080i. I don't really want to go smaller than 60". I was EXTREMELY happy with the picture quality of the XBR1. The only XBR2 I would consider is the R70XBR2 but I would have to pay to upgrade and I don't want to pay that much.
You might also want to take a look at the new Samsung LED DLP's - no bulb to change. I believe they're about as much as the XXA2020's.
I wish they put it next to something to show comparison. The white background makes it look like it could be 15-1000 inches.

Although... mentally adding 20" to my TV both delights and frightens me.
Played some Ridge Racer 7 and Resistance, had to take a break to wipe the drool away. I thought my old TV was big, this thing is a monster. My Brother-in-law is over now, he wants to play Guitar Hero 2 and some friends that live a few doors down are going to stop over again a little later and bring some beer. My son really likes the box, he and my wife made a fort in the backyard out of it.
I like the fact that the speakers can be removed. With the speakers removed it is only about 1" wider than my 60" was. Another nice thing, it came with an extra bulb. Will have to put that someplace safe for future use.
Back to the fun!
I applaud your zeal, I bought a 65" set in 2001, back when the sales person looked me in the eye and asked me "Are you sure they even MAKE one that big? Uh, do we CARRY it?".

The truly fucked up part? That set is now my spare gaming only set :D

Front Projection makes that 65" seem like "meh..yeah its small I guess".....enjoy your 70" set, its a truly top of the line monster!
Here is a quick pic of the TV with my 5 year old (he is about 44" tall) and the stand is about 23". The TV is not in its final spot and I don't have everything set up the way I want it yet, I am still rewiring everything.

That's... wow... Could be one of the more ridiculous things I've seen around here. But in matters like this, I honestly can't criticize. Like John Waters once said, life is nothing if you're not obsessed!
[quote name='Scobie']That's... wow... Could be one of the more ridiculous things I've seen around here. But in matters like this, I honestly can't criticize. Like John Waters once said, life is nothing if you're not obsessed![/QUOTE]

I can see how it could be considered ridiculous, the thing is huge. It actually is too big for the room it is currently in. However, we plan on moving to a larger place in less than a year. Also, my wife and I both really enjoy watching movies at home I don't mind spending the money to have great equipment. It is truly my one great vice and fortunately my wife is willing to indulge me. I have considered front projection but so far I have not found a projector that produces such bright, vibrant pictures as the Sony SXRD TVs without a totally dark room. When we move a room that can be used with a front projector is high on my list of things I want.
[quote name='Kayden']I think I just came a little...[/QUOTE]

LOL! Thats funny, I said something similar to my wife after I played Ridge Racer 7 last night.
bread's done