looking for a P90X deal.

It's actually the same price from Beach Body Fitness (P90X) or amazon. I'd personally buy from amazon because of their customer service and easy return policy.
$140 IS NOT overpriced for this.
You get the 12 Workout DVD's.
Meal Plan.
Worksheets for track your progress(WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT).

Go to ESPN.com. They have promos for it since almost all the crew is doing it. Fat Golic has lost ALOT of weight and isnt Fat anymore.

On the Mike and Mike in the morning page there is a promo for P90X. Just click on the P90X logo.

Trust me. This is well worth the $140.

I was at 255 on NEW YEARS day.

196. Almost have a 6 pack abs. 4 pack is there.
There isnt a day that goes by where I dont get a compliment on how good I look and the amount of weight I lost.

Trust me. It is 100% worth it. You arent eating RABBIT FOOD only. You are Eating a good amount of HEALTHY food that ALL tastes good. You HAVE to eat so you dont CRASH.


Ive also read that sometimes the DVD's skip and having Amazon replace them was difficult. Id just go through Beachbody.

If anyone has any questions about ANYTHING with P90X then by all means as. I will answer them. Just send me a message or as here.
The work out is hard as hell but if you can keep up with it I can see it working. If you want the correct way to do it though they tell you to stay on this strict diet plan they came up with and to take vitamins they sell. Also to buy a pullup bar and such (like the one that goes in your doorway). I have a friend who bought all the stuff and I read through it all last year, I would have tried it if I had the time and such since if I remember correctly they want you to do it the same time each day everyday.
[quote name='strikeratt']The work out is hard as hell but if you can keep up with it I can see it working. If you want the correct way to do it though they tell you to stay on this strict diet plan they came up with and to take vitamins they sell. Also to buy a pullup bar and such (like the one that goes in your doorway). I have a friend who bought all the stuff and I read through it all last year, I would have tried it if I had the time and such since if I remember correctly they want you to do it the same time each day everyday.[/QUOTE]

You DO NOT have to take their Overprices Vitamins, Recovery Drink, or Protein Bars. I get my Protein Bars at Sams Club, along with Muscle Milk. And I take One-A-Day Vitamins.

And it isnt a DIET plan. Its an EATING NORMAL plan. When you see the recipes and make the food it is fucking good stuff.

You DO NOT need a pull up Bar.
You can Get a Door Attachment for Resistance Bands. They Show you how to do Pull Ups with it. ALL WEIGHT exercises has 1 person USING bands. You can get 3 Bands and a Door Attachment at Target for $20.
I use all 3 bands at the same time to build more muscle now instead of lean. And it works.

You dont have to do it the same time each day.
Time Wise. Its 1 hour. Thats nothing. 1 hour working out or 1 hour playing games, watching TV, or sitting here on message boards. 1 hour is plenty of time.
[quote name='mcdaking84']do you have to do the diet to see results?

I dont need to lose weight, (165 5'10) but I want a 6 pack[/QUOTE]

The diet isn't to loose weight per say, though it does help in that department. In order to gain muscle you need certain vitamins and minerals, the diet has you eating a certain amount of protiens, fats, and such to fuel your body and muscles. I believe the diet goes on a sliding scale that is based on your height and weight since each person would need something different. I also believe it goes though to figure out your body type since each type needs a different approach to get similar results. If you don't follow the diet plan you probably wouldn't get as good of results but still results

The program uses muscle confusion which tricks the muscles into gaining mass faster basically. It's a good technique but a rough course that's for damn sure.

[quote name='G3 Steve-O']You DO NOT have to take their Overprices Vitamins, Recovery Drink, or Protein Bars. I get my Protein Bars at Sams Club, along with Muscle Milk. And I take One-A-Day Vitamins.

And it isnt a DIET plan. Its an EATING NORMAL plan. When you see the recipes and make the food it is fucking good stuff.

You DO NOT need a pull up Bar.
You can Get a Door Attachment for Resistance Bands. They Show you how to do Pull Ups with it. ALL WEIGHT exercises has 1 person USING bands. You can get 3 Bands and a Door Attachment at Target for $20.
I use all 3 bands at the same time to build more muscle now instead of lean. And it works.

You dont have to do it the same time each day.
Time Wise. Its 1 hour. Thats nothing. 1 hour working out or 1 hour playing games, watching TV, or sitting here on message boards. 1 hour is plenty of time.[/QUOTE]

You don't have to buy their stuff it is overpriced. Muscle Milk, protien bars and such are expensive though, especially after 90 days. If you have the expendable cash though it's very worth the results.

That would be a Diet plan ... and yes it is very good stuff.

Also bands or bar it doesn't matter, you can get an Iron Gym pull up bar that goes in the door way for 30$ anyways.

Aye but you can't work out at 8PM at night then 8AM in the morning, most people don't have enough time to recover from that, though very possible to do so.

Aye 1 hour isn't much, I go to the gym 4 days a week at 1 1/2 - 2 hours at a time. Yet the workout isn't as intense and continuous as this one. For a lot of people a one hour workout of this every day might be to much and they can't commit to for other reasons. Just warning people that even the product says you should probably be some what in shape in order to do this.
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The EATING NORMAL plan is to FUEL your body for the rigourous training its going to go through. Its the RIGHT FUEL your body needs so it wont crash. But it also help build LEAN Muscle. It helps burn calories and fat.

Think of it like this.
You're Car need Gas and Oil (YES OTHER THINGS) on a normal basis to run properly. Would you put Water and Piss in there instead. No because it wouldnt work properly.

Same thing here. You have to eat the RIGHT/NORMAL stuff to work and function properly.
Eating McDonalds, Ice Cream, and KFC isnt going to work.

By the way. If you do P90X. ELIMINATE ALL CRAP. Salt, Mayo, FAST FOOD, the BAD STUFF.
If you are going OUT TO EAT. Check on the EAT THIS NOT THAT website FIRST. You'll be surprised at what stuff is really BAD at the restaurants that you may think is HEALTHY. Quite Surprising.
Pro-Tip: You don't need P90X to get big/stronger/have a 6-pack, there are plenty of beginner workout programs out there for starters that will just as well if not better than P90X.
[quote name='G3 Steve-O']The EATING NORMAL plan is to FUEL your body for the rigourous training its going to go through. Its the RIGHT FUEL your body needs so it wont crash. But it also help build LEAN Muscle. It helps burn calories and fat.

Think of it like this.
You're Car need Gas and Oil (YES OTHER THINGS) on a normal basis to run properly. Would you put Water and Piss in there instead. No because it wouldnt work properly.

Same thing here. You have to eat the RIGHT/NORMAL stuff to work and function properly.
Eating McDonalds, Ice Cream, and KFC isnt going to work.

By the way. If you do P90X. ELIMINATE ALL CRAP. Salt, Mayo, FAST FOOD, the BAD STUFF.
If you are going OUT TO EAT. Check on the EAT THIS NOT THAT website FIRST. You'll be surprised at what stuff is really BAD at the restaurants that you may think is HEALTHY. Quite Surprising.[/QUOTE]

Aye totally agree with that one. All exercises deff. need a proper diet
[quote name='G3 Steve-O']$140 IS NOT overpriced for this.[/QUOTE]

As someone who lost 90 pounds last summer, if you're paying anything for a diet or workout plan, you're paying too much.

[quote name='G3 Steve-O']By the way. If you do P90X. ELIMINATE ALL CRAP. Salt, Mayo, FAST FOOD, the BAD STUFF. If you are going OUT TO EAT. Check on the EAT THIS NOT THAT website FIRST. You'll be surprised at what stuff is really BAD at the restaurants that you may think is HEALTHY. Quite Surprising.[/QUOTE]

You also may be surprised to find out none of that matters. This, in my opinion, is why so many people fail when they try to diet. They get caught up in carbs and proteins and eat this and don't eat that, and they get discouraged because that doesn't work. A diet is calorie control. Nothing more, nothing less. Obviously, we're all smart enough to know what are good food choices and what aren't, but there's no reason to completely eliminate anything you like. You can have the healthiest diet in the world, but if your calories are wrong it still won't work, and that's when you have to force it off with things like P90X.
[quote name='Survivalism']As someone who lost 90 pounds last summer, if you're paying anything for a diet or workout plan, you're paying too much.[/QUOTE]

Thats great man.
Good for you.
not everything works for everyone.
I did not pay the $140+ for this.

I did a meal plan and exercise on my own. I kept hitting a plateau.
This was the ONLY thing that has worked. So WHY stop. There is NO GIMMICKY stuff either.

But if what you did worked for you. Thats great. Congrats.

But if paying for the Plan helped someone to LOSE ALOT of weight and get in GREAT SHAPE when other things didnt work then its NOT PAYING too much. Its worth it if that is what works.

Would you rather PAY for a tutor to help you and show you the way to get a better grade in school. Or would you NOT and keep getting C's and D's.
You can still eat sorta shitty and see results in muscle growth and fat loss but not recommended, just saying though. And of course it'd take longer. I work out with weights and might occasionally do some cardio but trying to find a faster way to cut down the 10 or 20lbs of body fat I have left to have that super ripped and tight body. If I manage to get a hold of this I'll be doing photos every 30 days and eventually post them.
[quote name='Survivalism']As someone who lost 90 pounds last summer, if you're paying anything for a diet or workout plan, you're paying too much.

You also may be surprised to find out none of that matters. This, in my opinion, is why so many people fail when they try to diet. They get caught up in carbs and proteins and eat this and don't eat that, and they get discouraged because that doesn't work. A diet is calorie control. Nothing more, nothing less. Obviously, we're all smart enough to know what are good food choices and what aren't, but there's no reason to completely eliminate anything you like. You can have the healthiest diet in the world, but if your calories are wrong it still won't work, and that's when you have to force it off with things like P90X.[/QUOTE]

So with your logic then you can eat 3 MCdonalds meals per day. As long as your calorie count is good.

Some of the BAD things taste good. But Damn man. You always feel like crap after eating them.

You dont know the WHOLE P90X thing either man. It shows you the proper stuff for calorie intake. P90X isnt FORCING it off.

Like I said. Some stuff works for certain people and some stuff doesnt.
What worked for you is great. Congrats.

P90X is working for me day in and day out and I havent felt this great since my Basketball days. So why would I stop.
I can vouche for P90X as well, the 24th of this month I finish day 90 :) lost 5% body fat, gained 15lbs of muscle. I did order a shirt frm beach body :) I'll be starting another 90 days july 1st with the P90X+ classes worked in.
140 bucks seems like a lot, but if you go through p90x.com you have it broken down into 3 payments. I didnt go with the meal plan though since i already eat healthy and use supplements (met-rx, myoplex, muscle milk ect ect) I'm always leary of anything on craigs' list. best bet is just bite the bullet and go through either beachbody.com or p90x.com
You can get it on bittorent. Or you can get it from Craigslist for cheap. Its a good workout as long as your consistent. Of course if you consistently hit the gym you could get the same results. No knock on P90X but there's nothing like free weights and some light cardio.
[quote name='G3 Steve-O']Thats great man.
Good for you.
not everything works for everyone.
I did not pay the $140+ for this.

I did a meal plan and exercise on my own. I kept hitting a plateau.
This was the ONLY thing that has worked. So WHY stop. There is NO GIMMICKY stuff either.

But if what you did worked for you. Thats great. Congrats.

But if paying for the Plan helped someone to LOSE ALOT of weight and get in GREAT SHAPE when other things didnt work then its NOT PAYING too much. Its worth it if that is what works.

Would you rather PAY for a tutor to help you and show you the way to get a better grade in school. Or would you NOT and keep getting C's and D's.[/QUOTE]

But it does, because we're all the same species, we all function the same way.

I'm not saying it's not worth paying for, I'm saying it's not necessary. We're all CAGs here, I'm sure we can appreciate that. I paid for DVDs and equipment, too; if it helps you stay on track or stay motivated, then it's absolutely worth it. I just think it's a really, really easy way to over-complicate the process and become discouraged and give up.

The tutor analogy implies that it's impossible to do by yourself, and that is fundamentally false.
[quote name='Survivalism']I just think it's a really, really easy way to over-complicate the process and become discouraged and give up.

The tutor analogy implies that it's impossible to do by yourself, and that is fundamentally false.[/QUOTE]


Im not saying IMPOSSIBLE with the Tutor analogy. But if what you are doing isnt working then why not try something else that will SHOW you a better way.
[quote name='Survivalism']But it does, because we're all the same species, we all function the same way.

Then why is it my sister that hasnt exercised a DAY IN HER LIFE eat FAST FOOD ALL THE TIME and never gain an ounce. She is 5 ft 7 and 115 lbs. She doesnt gain. Period. Growing up she'd make breakfast the was so unhealthy it was prolly a good 4000 calories. No lie. Id smell like Grease and Salt the whole day if I didnt shower after she made it.

If we are ALL the same then why does Aleve work for my headaches but my wife it does nothing.
Some foods give me the craps some people it wont.

We all FUNCTION similar. Yet with DIFFERENCES.
thanks for all the info guys... i've been doing the PIT dvd... john hackleman (liddell's trainer) it's a good dvd for those of you that like doing 150 push ups a day... and about 100 sprawls... its made me more fit and a lot stronger but im not "seeing" the results i want...
[quote name='G3 Steve-O']You DO NOT need a pull up Bar.
You can Get a Door Attachment for Resistance Bands. They Show you how to do Pull Ups with it. ALL WEIGHT exercises has 1 person USING bands. You can get 3 Bands and a Door Attachment at Target for $20.
I use all 3 bands at the same time to build more muscle now instead of lean. [/QUOTE]

Thanks I was wondering about this part. I was thinking about doing this too but went onto "insanity" instead. I'm doing round 2 and was thinking of doing a p90x + insanity combo next.
[quote name='Psykodelik']Thanks I was wondering about this part. I was thinking about doing this too but went onto "insanity" instead. I'm doing round 2 and was thinking of doing a p90x + insanity combo next.[/QUOTE]

Ive hears mixed things on the insanity.

On my second round of P90x now and Im doing the doubles. Which means on weight days you do a Cardio in the am and then the weights at night and then Abs.

Or Ill just do all of it in the morning if Im awake enough. I prefer doing it all at once.

Gotta go and do some Plyo X.

I was in pretty good shape before I started doing this, and my roommates saw me doing it in the garage and joined in. We almost finished a whole cycle, but I've been doing it on and off for around two years. I was in the Marine Corps for over 5 years, and outside of some MCMAP training I got to do, this is the best workout program ever. I like the fact that you lift weights, but don't necessarily need anything besides a resistance band to do the workouts. The whole point of my story is that it got my more inactive roommate to work out, and that is great in itself. Now I have recently moved out, but his brothers come over and do the workout with him in the garage. Anyways, CL is definitely your best bet $60. There are a lot of bootlegs, and the way you can tell is if the workouts are on DVDs and the poster says that the books and charts come as PDFs on a CD. You are supposed to get physical paper copies of the literature. Or, torrent it and stream it off your PS3 (or XB360). Amazon has quality bands under $10, and Bed Bath Beyond has this http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=16159433 for $30 with a %20 off coupon in the paper every week or so. I've had it for 2 years or so, sturdy, doesn't need screws, I think it holds up to 250lbs. Try Walmart or Play It Again Sports for cheap weights.
You have to be in incredibly good shape to do P90X...it's a really intensive workout but if you stick with it it's a great program
Back to the point of finding a good price on it... Beware the "new, sealed" copies that you find cheap. If it does not have the meal plan and etc. with it than it is a bootleg.
[quote name='Martinmz']its 60 on the p90xs.com[/QUOTE]

and yet on the offical website and beachbody's website its still full price. looks like they just ripped off the main page of p90x and added some cheesey music. i'd be leary of it. even running a search comes back with nothing on that website
[quote name='G3 Steve-O']Thats great man.
Good for you.
not everything works for everyone.
I did not pay the $140+ for this.

I did a meal plan and exercise on my own. I kept hitting a plateau.
This was the ONLY thing that has worked. So WHY stop. There is NO GIMMICKY stuff either.

But if what you did worked for you. Thats great. Congrats.

But if paying for the Plan helped someone to LOSE ALOT of weight and get in GREAT SHAPE when other things didnt work then its NOT PAYING too much. Its worth it if that is what works.

Would you rather PAY for a tutor to help you and show you the way to get a better grade in school. Or would you NOT and keep getting C's and D's.[/QUOTE]

P90X is definitely worth the money, but I found I didn't have the room for it in my small apartment.
[quote name='paddlefoot']P90X is definitely worth the money, but I found I didn't have the room for it in my small apartment.[/QUOTE]

The room for what. The box you get is the size of a piece of paper and is about 3 inches thick.

How SMALL is your APT. man.
you can do this in a 10 ft area.
[quote name='G3 Steve-O']Ive hears mixed things on the insanity.

On my second round of P90x now and Im doing the doubles. Which means on weight days you do a Cardio in the am and then the weights at night and then Abs.

Or Ill just do all of it in the morning if Im awake enough. I prefer doing it all at once.

Gotta go and do some Plyo X.


Yeah I know what you mean. When I started..I was WAAAY out of shape. I thought I couldn't do it but stuck through and finished. One of my friends who's big (as in muscular) can't do it.

I hear there are 3 different schedules for p90x. Is it like beginner, intermediate and advanced schedules? Or just different types to work on specific areas?
[quote name='Psykodelik']Yeah I know what you mean. When I started..I was WAAAY out of shape. I thought I couldn't do it but stuck through and finished. One of my friends who's big (as in muscular) can't do it.

I hear there are 3 different schedules for p90x. Is it like beginner, intermediate and advanced schedules? Or just different types to work on specific areas?[/QUOTE]

I suppose you can put it like that. There's a "Lean," "Classic," and "Doubles" regimen. The first schedules you to do the core workout more often, the muscle-building workouts less often, and no plyometrics. The second is what I'd call the intermediate workout where there's a good balance between cardio and muscle-building (one workout per day). And the third schedules you for some days that have a morning workout of cardio, and evening workout of muscle-building. For the most part, there isn't really a difference in the types of exercises you do per regimen; It's the frequency of certain exercises that changes.

I think that's right anyways.
P90x is worth the money. If you can dedicate yourself, you will achieve great results. I think Amazon has a great price on it since you are guaranteed its Original and not a bootleg, plus no tax + free shipping. I am finishing up week 7 and I've lost 2 inches and 20 lbs, not to mention the extra energy I have everyday..I work night shift and I don't drink coffee..I don't need anything to keep me awake except probably water unlike everyone else on my shift.

And I advise also against their supplements coz their EXPENSIVE and there are better stuff out there, I use Syntha-6 Protien shakes, R4 recovery drink and Cliff protien bars..I also advise you to take vitamins.. Alive (Nature's Way) is the best IMO.

As for Insanity..I advise against it unless you have done at least 1 round of P90X..Insanity is HARDER than P90x.

Also for dieting: Stick with the diet plan but give yourself 1 day (usually for me its Day 7 which is Sunday) a break..I eat burger and fries or whatever I want..believe me it helps.
You can get it on eBay, just be certain its the real thing by looking at the feedback. Also, I got it and only got so far. If someone is out of shape at the start, I don't think its for those folks, you have to be in pretty good shape at the outset, if not, then just do the P90 and not the P90x as a start.
I have the bands so could I just get the door attachment with out getting more bands? Got mine at Walmart but didn't see any thing for the door.
[quote name='yohsh']You can get it on bittorent. Or you can get it from Craigslist for cheap. Its a good workout as long as your consistent. Of course if you consistently hit the gym you could get the same results. No knock on P90X but there's nothing like free weights and some light cardio.[/QUOTE]

That's how I got it, and I'm sooo glad I didn't actually pay for it. I burned off the dvd's, printed off the materials, and used it all of Once. Would have been a complete waste of money if I had paid the $144+. I see it all the time on QVC when I'm flipping channels, and man they do push all the extra crap they sell along with it.

Plus they don't tell you you need high ceilings to do some of the exercises, (low ceilings here, 7.5ft or so from floor to ceiling, and I'm 6'2) and you're stuck. Also with all the jumping around you need sturdy floors and loads of room. Plus with the low ceilings the pull-up bars do not work here either. So there's a few things I couldn't even attempt on the dvd's. What I did attempt left me pretty much bedbound for two days. Muscles were so pulled I could barely sit up. After that I tossed it out.
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[quote name='praxus07']
Originally Posted by yohsh
You can get it on bittorent. Or you can get it from Craigslist for cheap. Its a good workout as long as your consistent. Of course if you consistently hit the gym you could get the same results. No knock on P90X but there's nothing like free weights and some light cardio.

That's how I got it, and I'm sooo glad I didn't actually pay for it. I burned off the dvd's, printed off the materials, and used it all of Once. Would have been a complete waste of money if I had paid the $144+. I see it all the time on QVC when I'm flipping channels, and man they do push all the extra crap they sell along with it.

Plus they don't tell you you need high ceilings to do some of the exercises, (low ceilings here, 7.5ft or so from floor to ceiling, and I'm 6'2) and you're stuck. Also with all the jumping around you need sturdy floors and loads of room. Plus with the low ceilings the pull-up bars do not work here either. So there's a few things I couldn't even attempt on the dvd's. What I did attempt left me pretty much bedbound for two days. Muscles were so pulled I could barely sit up. After that I tossed it out.[/QUOTE]

You could goto the gym and achieve the same results YEAH if you have the time...driving to and from the gym waiting for people for equipment, been there done that, I prefer P90X.

Low cielings..theres only Plyo that requires you to jump and when u do the X jump on Kenpo...Improvise.

Pull up bar dont work? Go buy some Heavy bands and do them instead of pull-ups...If youre just gonna make excuses for things that can be fixed then P90X is not for you, its for people who can commit and have great self control.
[quote name='praxus07']That's how I got it, and I'm sooo glad I didn't actually pay for it. I burned off the dvd's, printed off the materials, and used it all of Once. Would have been a complete waste of money if I had paid the $144+. I see it all the time on QVC when I'm flipping channels, and man they do push all the extra crap they sell along with it.

Plus they don't tell you you need high ceilings to do some of the exercises, (low ceilings here, 7.5ft or so from floor to ceiling, and I'm 6'2) and you're stuck. Also with all the jumping around you need sturdy floors and loads of room. Plus with the low ceilings the pull-up bars do not work here either. So there's a few things I couldn't even attempt on the dvd's. What I did attempt left me pretty much bedbound for two days. Muscles were so pulled I could barely sit up. After that I tossed it out.[/QUOTE]

Thats crazy.
Not to be mean but you must have bean REALLY out of shape to be bedbound for 2 days.
[quote name='sendme']I have the bands so could I just get the door attachment with out getting more bands? Got mine at Walmart but didn't see any thing for the door.[/QUOTE]

After doing some research on the door attachments. You can make them yourself (google/youtube) or if you want, Target has heavy and medium bands for $11-10 w/door anchors.
[quote name='FlipSide']You could goto the gym and achieve the same results YEAH if you have the time...driving to and from the gym waiting for people for equipment, been there done that, I prefer P90X.

Low cielings..theres only Plyo that requires you to jump and when u do the X jump on Kenpo...Improvise.

Pull up bar dont work? Go buy some Heavy bands and do them instead of pull-ups...If youre just gonna make excuses for things that can be fixed then P90X is not for you, its for people who can commit and have great self control.[/QUOTE]

Who said anything about going to a gym? I can't afford that, wish I could though.

It wasn't just the jumping, it was the stretching, arm raising. With low ceilings there were a lot of the positions/exercises I simply couldn't do here. Plus my house is at least 80 years old. When you walk heavy or run on the old wooden floors here pictures on the wall shake, jumping around is completely out of the question. Back in the 30's when people built houses they didn't have p90x in mind. And no idea how I'd even begin to set up heavy bands to actually do what a pullup bar does. P90x just isn't made for use in some homes.

It's not just an excuse for things that can be fixed. How do you suggest I fix the ceiling height and floor stability to do what they do on the video? When you're jumping and can hit your head on the ceiling there's not much you can do about it. Same goes for when your arms hit the ceiling when trying to exercise.

Just saying, p90x sucked for me. You may think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, I just think it's overhyped and a waste of money.
[quote name='G3 Steve-O']Thats crazy.
Not to be mean but you must have bean REALLY out of shape to be bedbound for 2 days.

Well, lets see, the last time I did any type of exercise other than walking or mountain biking was in 1991 :bouncy:, when I took my last high school gym class. So yeah, kinda used muscles I hadn't used in 19 years. And if something hurts me that much I'd be crazy to do it again once i healed up.
[quote name='mcdaking84']I want to do this but i cant justify spending 140 for a couple of dvds. why the hell is this so overpriced?[/QUOTE]
well worth the money if you can hang with it long enough. its one tough muthafuckin workout!!
Good Luck. It is one tough workout! A friend did it and went from flab to muscle by the 3 months. He still ate like a pig (fast food, etc), but he was unemployed and hit it twice a day.

I hear you feel like crap your first month (soreness/aches..this could be from his eating habits), but after that it gets better.
You should check on craigslist in your local area. I regularly see p-90x's for around 60 bucks here in Seattle. I guess alot of people try these once and get frustrated, but I liked it. I may do it regularly but i picked up a few exercises here and there. for 60 bucks, it's just as good as hiring a trainer anyway to learn so it's not to bad if you come across.
bread's done