Looking for advice on a customer claiming not receiving a package...

IMO, delivery confirmation is mainly for the seller to protect himself against fraudulent non-receipt claims. Like someone said earlier, if the package is stolen after it has been delivered and you have a DC saying you sent and it was delivered, Paypal will probably rule in the seller's favor. To cover lost/stolen packages, buyers have to get insurance. Along with protection against bogus claims, DC can help you and USPS determine where your package went if your buyer never got it.

Credit card chargebacks are a risk in ANY CC transaction... which is why some people don't take CC payments. Paypal also has seller protection (in theory) that covers fraudulent credit card chargebacks.

So DC is definitely worth the .50 cents.
[quote name='DangerDave']Haggar and Wubb, you're right if the situation is that he didn't actually buy delivery confirmation. My argument is that if he purchased delivery confirmation, it would say that on his receipt. He could tell paypal the situation and send them a copy of the receipt showing that he paid for it, even though he doesn't have a number. Paypal would understand that the fault lies with the worker that forgot the dc sticker on the box.[/quote]

Paypal wouldn't want a receipt. They'd ask for a tracking number. If there was one on the receipt, fine. That would work.

But that's a moot point because the OP didn't get any form of tracking, and that's not what I & other people have been talking about.
[quote name='nradsoit3'] Big deal- even if it was stolen off the porch an adamant buyer can still get his money back ==> The buyer can still override paypal's policy and do a chargeback if they paid via credit card. [/quote]

Not true, as we have successfully reversed 2 different chargebacks once we faxed tracking information to the credit card company that showed that a package was successfully delivered to the buyer's address.
Thanks all for the replies. I'm not necessarily worried about doing a refund, I was more looking for any not-so-widely-known methods of tracking down a package w/o DC. The buyer's being very cooperative on this, though I am getting conflicting times on how long to wait before filling out a lost package form (14 to 30 days) and all in all it's not that expensive of a package ($18 for Alundra 2 and Strat. Guide) to replace. Either way, I'm to blame for this mishap so live and learn I guess, or at least live and remember to kick your own arse for being in a hurry that one day and not taking the time to follow through like every other time... :D
You should not have told them you didn't order insurance. they are scamming you. i find it too much of a coincidence.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy'](And if the USPS worker forgot the label, he would be able to look it up and see it was never scanned and raise hell with USPS.)[/quote]

Interestingly if you buy DC and the USPS fails to scan it you are still SOL with PayPal. As a DC # which does NOT show 'This package was delivered on XXX date' obviously doesn't prove delivery.

I've had that happen a few times (with printed postage labels - hasn't happened to my knowledge any time I've done retail DC), but luckily all of those buyers were honest. And yeah that is a royal pain, I mean you're paying a little extra for that DC service and I expect it to be scanned.
[quote name='jetblac']Send the guy a envelope with a tracking number... Then give that to paypal when they ask for it[/quote]

That way you'll never have to worry about paypal, since prison inmates don't have internet access in their jail cell.

You'd have to do that before they file their claim to keep the shipping/delivery dates squared away.
Just a bump for a note on a happy ending.

Evidently the package was dropped off at the buyer's apartment office and has been sitting there for some unknown amout of time. He got a call on Tuesday from them saying a package has been sitting around for him and to come pick it up or lose it. So, yay!. Lessons have been learned and happy endings have been had... ^_^
Glad it worked out. Kind of lame of the buyer to not check with his apartment office on his own. You'd think he'd like maybe actually do a little hunting for the lost package on his end :lol:
bread's done