Looking for cheap Cowboy Bebop sessions dvds

Amazon used to have a bundle with all 6 DVDs in it for something like $98......You can keep an eye on it, however, it has been listed as out of stock for about 2 months now
if you don't mind cheaper quality stuff.. check out discountanimedvd.com
they have cheap stuff from hong kong... They also carry US releases.
My local Target carries some of the session dvds I can't remember if there 15 or 20 bucks a piece. Anyway I suggest trying your local target
http://www.animeniacs.com has a great selection of anime at a fraction of a cost. How? Imported Hong Kong versions. But if you do go there, only get those anime with the FX label since they're a higher quality than the ones labeled ANIME or MAC (and that's the name of the company, not a apple mac dvd :p ) I personally got the whole Trigun series (all 26 episodes) for $22. Compare that with Best Buy selling each DVD containing 4-5 episodes for $20 each. And the best part? It's legitimate. No shady underdealings. But don't take my word for it. Check out their FAQ.
I just checked the discountanimedvd.com website and they're offering the Trigun Box Set for $32.99 which is basically $33 w/o shipping. I paid $22 plus $3 s/h for a total of $25 w/ shipping. The numbers speak for themselves...
[quote name='jaykrue']http://www.animeniacs.com has a great selection of anime at a fraction of a cost. How? Imported Hong Kong versions. But if you do go there, only get those anime with the FX label since they're a higher quality than the ones labeled ANIME or MAC (and that's the name of the company, not a apple mac dvd :p ) I personally got the whole Trigun series (all 26 episodes) for $22. Compare that with Best Buy selling each DVD containing 4-5 episodes for $20 each. And the best part? It's legitimate. No shady underdealings. But don't take my word for it. Check out their FAQ.[/quote]

I can also vouch for this site. And yes, I only buy the Fx titles. The prices dropped recently, too, so you can get some sweet deals on a lot of anime. Of course, that's if you don't mind the Region 0's (HK). If you really want the Region 1 DVD's (which for a kickass series like Cowboy Bebop, I have), try BB, Target, and discountanimedvd.com like others have pointed out. I know my BB has them for $19.99 each. I haven't seen them cheaper in B&M stores.

Side note: Suncoast has an excellent anime selection, but at rip-off prices. They harass you to buy, as well. Avoid it.
um, mac or any other HK "distributor" is no more legitimate than the street and subway merchants of new york city. region free, or chinese subtitles is a dead give away that you have purchased a bootleg - as are 99% of the too good to be true prices
and usually you are getting a far inferior product that has mangled dialogue in it
it is no different than buying someone's "backup" off ebay

for legitimate lower priced anime, dvdpricesearch.com is a great engine
for cb in particulat, the amazon deal was a great score, sometimes sales pop up, i got all 6 for $60 at dvdempire a while back
at the moment deepdiscountdvd.com is the best deal at $17.99
[quote name='jaykrue']http://www.animeniacs.com has a great selection of anime at a fraction of a cost. How? Imported Hong Kong versions. But if you do go there, only get those anime with the FX label since they're a higher quality than the ones labeled ANIME or MAC (and that's the name of the company, not a apple mac dvd :p ) I personally got the whole Trigun series (all 26 episodes) for $22. Compare that with Best Buy selling each DVD containing 4-5 episodes for $20 each. And the best part? It's legitimate. No shady underdealings. But don't take my word for it. Check out their FAQ.[/quote]
Does this site sell official boxsets? Are they reliable?

Also, any praise for dvdempire?
Kazaganthi: yeah they sell official boxsets as well but they're basically the same price (maybe more)as Best Buy or Circuit City. As for reliability, when I ordered my Trigun box set, I got it 3 days later (FedEx ground)...if you're referring to the quality, stick to releases made by the FX group. They usually have the highest quality.

vherub: while I won't deny that the quality is not always the best as compared to 'official' US releases, the legitimacy thing is another. I'll let an excerpt from their FAQ explain:


Are you guys legit? (Yes, we've really gotten this one)

As of Nov 2001, we were selling items on eBay and the website soon followed. Fast-forward to about March 2003 and we filed all the copyrights / trademarks / legal mumbojumbo and anyone seeking information on us can contact the Colorado Business agencies (whatever they are) and ask for ANIMEniacs, LLC and get any information you wish on us.. LLC's are public entities. Bye now!

18.) My R2s look better...

Well.. yeah.. and you paid 60$ for 2 eps.. for that price you got two entire shows off me... umm... a math lesson might be coming up for those that still don't get where I am going with this little equation.

19.) Why isn't this as good as my american set?

Because while I'd LOVE to humor you all and just nod when you cry that you paid GOOD MONEY for the Bebop Perfect TV (FX) and that it had some small video quality loss and how you got cheated.. I'd like to point out at that point that.. 1) I paid 180$ and tax so that I could get it one disc at a time as it was released domestic over the last 2 years.. I get NO collector's box.. NO goodies.. and Bandai gets to call me man-whore in their little emails. 2) You paid 35$.. and got the whole thing.. at once.. completely done.. all it's glory.. You spent on an entire DUBBED release what I drop on the occaisonal impulse anime purchase at Media Play.. back to that math lesson


While his sarcasm is scathing, he does have a point. Being the poor college student craving my daily dose of anime, the toonami channel just ain't cuttin' it. You can stick to your $19.99 per DVD while I grab whole series for the same price.
I am a cowboy bebop fan, I have a large screen to watch my movies on, I can tell the difference between the 6 disc and 3 disc version. With the movie release in theaters and CN showing the vids, i think this will most likly get rereleased. On a side note the creator also said he would make a sequel if the movie grossed 1 mil, which it did :)
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