Looking for Deals on these PC games...


8 (100%)
I got some extra cash headin my way, I'm looking to increase my PC library.

I'd prefer these games be new...however, used is okay too.

I'm hoping to get:

Starcraft:Battle Chest
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Battlefield 2 (and special forces)
NFS: Most Wanted
Company of Heroes (and Opposing Front)

I know...quite the list...but if anybody has these games and wants to get rid of them, or know where i can find a good deal, Please lemme know.

(I have paypal)
Okay, thanks for those of you that noted my post here and contacted me. Here's the new list...I've got CoH, BF2 and SF, R6V2, and Starcraft battle chest all for about $60 total. Now all that's left is:

NFS:Most Wanted
CoH:Opposing Fronts
Assassin's Creed

Also, I'm looking for an unused (for online play) Company of Heroes for cheap as a gift for my brother...I got one copy for $12 (via this thread)...I would love to do that again! It's important that the game key isn't in use for online play. I'm not sure if you can sign up with relic after someone's already created an account on it.

And for the longshot...anyone with a copy of COD4 they wanna get rid of, i'm looking for that too as a gift. Thanks much, fellow CAGers.

For Sale:

I still have Battlefield 2142 and GRAW 2 for sale. $15 a piece.
bread's done