Looking for GameBridge 1410


CAG Veteran
1 (100%)
I heard this is a very good, cheap video game recorder and went online searching for it. The thing is, I can't find the thing anywhere! I heard it from someone who found them all over the place (about 3 weeks ago) and when I looked for it at a time a week after he received his EVERYONE was out of stock. I was shocked how something that was so common, became completely sold out over a week!
A.) What gives?
and B.) Where can I get one?

I am willing to buy one for a reasonable price (under 50), if anyone knows a site with one in stock or cares to sell theirs (or any extras, as I have noticed some people have bought many in my search for it).
There's a couple up on eBay around $40. I'm shocked at the prices for this. It is definitely a nice piece of gear but I figured when they were selling for $10 they weren't long for the world.
I really wish I would have bought more of these when woot had them cheap. I'm going to have to get rid of mine before the demand, and price, drops.
No, it's not on ebay. Also, the EasyCap does not work the same way as the GameBridge 1410. There is preview lag through the monitor, and I plan to use my PC monitor as a means of playing on the Wii, since it is very situationally difficult to do otherwise at the moment.
Its not really all that good a tool; the lag that Peter's describing is indeed there and can be cripling when trying to play.

If you MUST get the GameBridge 1410 (I'd recommend the BlackMagic Intensity Pro if you had the cash and hardware to match it) then go out and get what's called a "video distribution amplifier." A VDA, which is what places like Best Buy and Circuit City use to display signals on multiple televisions at the same time, is TREMENDOUSLY helpful. You can check out my own game recordings to get an idea of the quality you will be recording with the GameBridge (I'm using a Dazzle Pro instead) at my GameTrailers account:


Be sure to post what you create here or atleast message me on GT; I always like seeing other people's creations!
I plan on recording youtube quality videos. I am doing this so I can record matches for Super Smash Brother Brawl (my favorite game. It's the only game I will ever truly play competitively) on youtube graphics. The black intensity pro would be worthless, since I doubt any site would allow such quality (it's damn expensive to boot). I feel I'd have better luck having someone willing to sell theirs, or a copy they have, see this post. Just PM me if your out there ;).
devil responded first, so I am going to try to get it from him. I am suprised at the quick responses and people who are selling what I want. I'm starting to like this site.
bread's done