Looking for Marvel Ultimate Aliance Gold for 360


Looking for Marvel Ultimate Aliance Gold for 360 for a good price.

I have a copy of the regular edition of MUA but even though the disc is in perfect condition and has never been played since I bought it in 2006, It sometimes randomly locks up at loading Screens. So I want to get another copy

I have found the game for $29.99 new and $26.99 used but I just dont feel right paying that much for a game that I already have a copy of that is defective.

Does anyone know of any clearance prices for the game?

EDIT: I really want the gold edition because I already bought the game once so I might as well get the DLC characters with it if I have to buy it again.
[quote name='darkclawsofchaos']Check this out, may not be of much help, but this looks like the best deal so far.



Oh, yeah and if you choose COD2 and/or COD3, they come with bonus dvds, I know since I wanted the gold edition of Ultimate Alliance since I already got the xbox version[/quote]

Unfortunetly I already have CoD2 , 3, and 4 But thanks for the info :)
I am in similar situation expect i am looking for the PH version (the one that comes with the bonus disc)
bread's done