Looking for news on any upcoming ps3 deals


I'm finally going to get a ps3 after a couple years of seeing some great exclusives but I want to get the best deal possible. I know the best deals are likely to happen in a few months but I'd like to get one before classes start again (beginning of september). I only need the 120gb slim and I'd prefer if it was marked down or if a game such as GoW3 or Heavy Rain was included. Anybody know anything like this?

edit: I've been looking on all the major retailers/sites such as amazon, walmart, gs, bestbuy, etc but I know some people here get info early so I'm just seeing if there's any deals I can be expecting or if I should just buy it now at 300 for the 120.
What about the gamestop coupon codes? I have some credit there so if any of the coupon codes at least got me free shipping that'd be decent enough. I just hate having to spend ~400 for the console and 2 newish games. :(
If you sprung for the 250GB, alot of stores had pack in games included(varies by store), if you can still find them at retail. I know it's more than you wanted to spend, but atleast you wouldn't have to make a seperate game purchase, and you probably never have to worry about HD space either.
bread's done