Looking for some feedback for my site


2 (100%)
I've been running my own business in NE Wisconsin, doing things such as tech support, fixing/building computers, doing financial and personnel consulting, and a myriad of other things.

I also do it for a load cheaper than Geek Squad or FireDog, hence the posting on CAG.

The reason I'm posting here is just to get some feedback from the CAGs, is I just built the website, so I just wanted to get some criticism/praise for it, let me know what you think, as there's a slight chance one of you may be a future customer for me. Here is my card with the link on the bottom.

I may be speaking in generalizations but I think everyone here at CAG is nerdy enough to fix a computer.

Quick nitpick: Fonts too big, drives me nuts.
I know everyone here is nerdy, hence coming here for advice, but I doubt everyone here can sit down and rework a 10 year marketing plan and do needs analyses on the the efficiency of the workforce personnel

As for the font, can you let me know which parts?

I know on my computer and on the couple other I showed it to, it looked fine with it's 14pt font, but one customer I showed it to had their IE zoomed in so it looked huge, may that be your situation as well??

Also, which linkage, I thought I'd gone through every link multiple times to make sure they all went where they were supposed to.

See..... criticism good, better that my CAG peers notice these problems and not customers

Hooray for beta testing!!!!!
I could not access your website as you have it in your business card. 'ALMBS' does not work. I had to do all lower-case 'almbs'. It's case-sensitive.

The text is smaller for these two lines on the consulting services page. Plus you need to capitalize Product:

Utilizing local media sources

product promotions

On the home page, the picture of the glasses does not line up with the blue line running underneath. Makes the page look "off".

BTW I'm using IE7.

I suggest to anyone running a home business to pay a little extra for web hosting. 1and1.com is cheap and I've never had any problems there. I think I pay $50/year for 3 domain names and the smallest amount of space. It just looks more professional to have a domain name, plus easier for the customer to remember (and you don't have to worry about it being case-sensitive).

A little rough around the edges but a good start.
I'm freaked out because you have the same name as me...except for the middle initial.

Anyway, I agree with what moiety said, it's a lil' rough right now, but you could easily improve it over time.
...I can't seem to get to your site.

You need to invest in a domain, which are relatively cheap. And get some dedicated hosting, which can be had for cheap as well.
Thats why I'm here doing beta testing, I got the main ideas down, and then I'm asking certain trusted sources to think as potential customers, and help me smooth it all out. One big help I have is one of the customers who hires me regularly is a retired english teacher, so she ripped my grammar apart well before I even had it posted to the net.

As for web hosting, I may look into that, not an option right now. I'm running way low on funds, need to attract new business to make new funds, hence the site and such.

As for the caps issue, short of making a duplicate site as ALMBS and almbs, is there any easier way to do it?
I would have to agree with the text issue. I don't know why but it seems a little dull and wouldn't hold my attention long if I went to it looking for business. Perhaps look at other websites for inspiration.
Sounds good, I'll look into it. The font itself has to stay, as it matches the font on the title of my card, but I will look into something I can do with the colors or something of that nature.

No one is mentioning the resolution on this images on the page? They look absolutely terrible.

OP, can you find some higher resolution clip art to use? Some of those images are extremely blocky.

Edit: You need to make your font spacing and sizing consistent.
Ok, I'll see what I can do with finding some better clip art, any suggestions on what kind of images to use would be super

I really appreciate all the help I'm getting, it's great that I'm getting all these things worked out before I start handing out the new cards with the url on them.

As I posted before, if anyone can think of any good images, or types of good images to use, it would be fantastic, I'm not a very artistic person by nature, so style and grace and fancy pictures have never been my thing. I'm much more comfortable elbow deep in an open computer, or mulling over 30 pages of financial records :)
One thing i would add to the welcome page is maybe some sort of logo next to the welcome message, or maybe center the welcome in the middle of the white square. I personally don't care for the repeating animation maybe a run once and stop. I would also add text to this page stating click here to enter site.

BTW just out of curiosity why didnt you purchase your own domain for the site, i think that would look very professional for your business
Your welcome page, or "splash page" is kind of a "don't" in web design, especially if you are a business. It's just an extra click that a customer has to make. It might sound trite, but a customer wants to type in your page and see your page, see the information right there, and not have to click again just to enter the site.

Regarding the clipart, I don't know. I feel like they make the page look much less professional. Business pages should have some kind of banner or logo, preferably at the top, and visible on every page. Because you are conveying the services you are offering, text is the important thing here. Visit random corporate websites and see what they have. Minimalism is key. Pictures are more for marketing, like showing off your product.

I was trying to find a site I stumbled on once, a "do's and dont's for web design" type place. I can't find the specific site I was looking for, but if you google that you'll get a bunch of sites that offer simple design tips.
bread's done