Looking for some new quality headphones...


16 (100%)
I'd like to get some new headphones.

At the moment I have these


and have had them for a while.

Wireless headphones are nice, but I don't leave my room much, so I don't think the added cost and loss of quality (or not? don't know much about wireless vs not) is worth it

If they're not wireless, my price ranger is $50 or less. Noise canceling sounds nice, especially if the headphones can detach and I can use them as noise cancelers, sounds like a cool side feature (ex. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826106949).

They have to be around ear, although I don't know much about the ones that are just sitting on the ears, I assume they aren't very good noise cancellers eh?

If there's matching quality in a headset that'd be great too, need a good headset. I'd really prefer a headset. Naturally if the quality takes a big dip I'll take the headphones instead, but I do need a headset, so why not get an all in one.

Thanks a lot.

P.S. if there is a better place to post this, like some audio board, let me know.
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