Looking for talented writers for game reviews and news.


4 (100%)
VGD is now having reviews, editorials, and game industry news at the site.

Pay is little to none. This is just a side project for now to help build some good content at the site. I have partnered with a site to get some content up but we could use more staff. Occasionally I will give out stuff to writers to show appreciation.

Anyone interested can post here any questions or PM me. I prefer you just post here though so that I dont have to answer all the same questions.
I'll gladly write for you defender. I'd work for store credit if you'd like, because i'd just end up spending the money on games anyway. If you'd like a sample of my work, I can do a test review or some such. Just give me some guidelines and a thumbs up!
If you need some help, I'd love to do it just to help you out. You're probably familar with my posting from the site, but if you want samples, I guess something could be arranged (a full time job kind prohibits immediate response).

You can see some of my creative juices get flowing right here... eww, that sounds kinda gross, doesn't it? Though it is rather germane to the recent business decision you had to make :)

OOOOOOooo, me too. I've written some reviews for video games, music, and other stuff as well on epinions.com if you want a preview. Just let me know! I'm listed as an epinions member under the same lyrikal_bj handle.
I could do some reviewing, as I have absolutely nothing to do until the end of next month. Pay or no pay, I couldn't care less.
I'll toss in my excellent writings skills. Okay, that's an overstatement, but I have written some reviews on livejournal and various consumer sites and I am willing to help if you want.
Hey Defender,

I'm actually a newspaper writer and have a weekly entertainment column devoted to movie, music and mostly game reviews. I also do lots of game previews. If you want I can send you some sample articles from the past four years. Just email me at [email protected] and let me know.
You know, defender is probably going to have to do some serious seperating of the wheat from the chaff on this one.

I would guess (judging by previous experience with similar threads all over the internet) that this thread will get tons of responces from people thinking "Oh, it would be so cool to write reviews for a webpage". Depending on the level of professionalism that defender wants, he may have to cull some of the people from consideration.

Hopefully, if this happens, everyone can realize that it's nothing against them, it's just they don't reach the standard which defender sets for himself and his business. The last thing we need is for this to erupt into a flame war because someone things they are a great writer (with little or no proof), or looking for a place to showcase what they believe to be thier "1337 skillz", and then have defender tell them thier help is not required, or that they don't met the stardard which he expects.
I am a managing editor for a weekly newspaper in the Tampa Bay area and would welcome the opportunity to write a few video game reviews. What do you have in mind in terms of pay? I would do it for store credit. E-mail me at [email protected] to discuss. I can forward you my portfolio as well.
Hi Defender,

I'm currently an editor and online author at http://www.poormojo.org, have a degree in creative writing, and work as an editor of law books.

Let me know what qualifications you're looking for, and what kind of reviews/features you're interested in, and I'll whip up a sample for you.

I dunno what you're thinking, JSweeney. I've got my hurt pride all lined up with crosshairs zeroed in on Defender's pointy head if he considers *my* entry anything less than Pulitzer material.
I'd be willing to write some editorials for you - FREE of charge.

I have some informal reviews on the review board, but you probably know that already.
I'd be extremely happy if I could write reviews for you; I need something to do with my free time. I've written many reviews for various websites and such, and I think they are pretty good. Tell me the qualifications, and I think I can stand up to the challenge. I'd do it for 1 penny of store credit per review.
I'm also a journalist by trade for the military I edit the base newspaper. I've never written any type of game review but I have been gaming for 16 years and have had subscriptions to game magazines for eons. Email me at [email protected] if you need any more info.
I'm good at writing reviews, I don't have a personally biased opinions against games so I would be willing to write reviews for you absolutely free if you like. PM or IM me if you want my help.

I'd be happy to lend my talents to your site. I spend every day reading up on the latest news and rumors, and with a degree in English, I've got the skills to be a good writer.

I'd be more then happy to provide a sample review within certain qualifications that you set.
I'd be more than willing to write reviews for you for whatever you offer...be it something or nothing, I like writing. Any help I can offer I'd be willing to give. Just PM me or tell me what I can do to help.
Helping out you or your store would be great
Boy, this thread hasn't had much activity lately. I wonder why everyone lost interest in it so quickly?
Defender probably still needs some good writers to help him out.
[quote name='JSweeney']Boy, this thread hasn't had much activity lately. I wonder why everyone lost interest in it so quickly?
Defender probably still needs some good writers to help him out.[/quote]

It would help if he followed up. If he is not showing any interest what do you expect everyone else to do?
Sorry but if you look at VGD I am doing a BUNCH of things there. I just straightened out some bugs with the forums and the points system and lottery too...If you look now there are about 200 articles/reviews at the site..the link is on the bottom left hand box called "articles"

Anyways...in a day or two I will post more info here as well as start some PMs.

I think I am willing to take on a certain amount of writers..most of you infact. I just have to setup a detail or two.
lol...so sorry guys.

As you can see over at VGD I have my hands full and I even spent about 6 hours helping CheapyD with some server stuff.

So how do we begin. I guess I have to take a head count and start to coordinate this.


I will PM all that I think are eligible to be a writer and ask that you join the VGD forums and PM me there. Then I can make your VGD account for writing. You will also have moderator status in the VGD forums. You will have to go into the staff forums there which are hidden unless you are staff and then post inside a thread thats setup to coordinate the writing so people dont write the same review.

Its all setup pretty much.

I will start the PMs tomorrow since it is rather late already.
okay i and im sure scrubking too) understand that you are busy, with pretty much running two sites and a b&m store, so its understandable that this minor thing got delayed. sorry if i sounded pushy earlier[/sucking up]
I am more pessimistic than Ambrose Bierce and Emily Dickinson combined.

If a game sucks I show no mercy. I have 5 games NOT on my shite list in the last 3 years.
(to those interested, the games are Fatal Frame 2, Far Cry, Hitman 2, Advance GT2, and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
Wise fwom youw Gwave!
(Who ever knew that Zeus had a speech impediment?)

The thread came back... again!
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']it was gone for 16 days (16 days? thats almost 2 weeks!) with no news. im impatient.[/quote]

Maybe I should have checked the date of the first post before PMing defender... :oops:

Oh well. He's got another volunteer now. Still...how did I miss this one in the first place?
He said he was PMing people who he was interested in.

[quote name='defender']I will PM all that I think are eligible to be a writer and ask that you join the VGD forums and PM me there.[/quote]
Yep. I'm going to guess that that is probably very low on the stack of things Defender has to do, so I wouldn't be sitting there on my PM screen waiting with bated breath.
[quote name='FaintDeftone']I write reviews for GameFaqs.com a lot. I love to write reviews for games. Hell I would even do it for free. I only own an Xbox so I write Xbox reviews only. Here are some of my examples.

Baldur's Gate 2: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/review/R68874.html

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/review/R71314.html

Mafia: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/review/R70422.html

Shenmue 2: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/review/R43203.html[/quote]

Not to be offensive, but your writing has very little flow and reads very choppily.
Just incase it is not too late to add my name to the list of writers, I would gladly write as much as it takes and do it for no pay. Hopefully you are still looking for people.
OK...everyone I feel is appropriate has been PMed. Please follow the instructions in the PM. If you did NOT get a PM but are still interested please PM me and ask why I did not ask you.
bread's done