Looking for the FF XI Buddy Pass,...anyone got? :)


10 (100%)
Hey :)

I recently had a buddy tell me about this game and how it was fun, yatta yatta.

I wanted to give it a try, but he has already used/given his buddy pass away to another friend a while ago.

I checked the website, apparently the game comes with a buddy pass... and some purchased items also bring a buddy pass.

I was wondering if anyone had one that they wernt planning to use/give to a friend, from either buying the game, or another item with it included, that i could have :)

Want to try it out without paying 20$ for the box, since I may not like it. *(i hear it has a rough grind, but he says its totally worth it regardless....)*.

Thanks in advance, just PM me with any questions or pass you might have :)
back ordered =/ i guess i could run through a few GS's on my way to work, but meh, they are so clueless half the time.

if no one has a buddy code though, its a good route to take, better then wasting 20 for something i may not enjoy, thanks :)
I threw away my discs figuring I wouldn't be playing this game again, but then got the sudden urge to return. Luckily, the GS near me had a bunch of $2 discs at the counter.

Having over 64 days of playtime (yes, that's 1536 hours) logged on this game I can tell you it's way past its prime. Granted, there's still the potential to find some good groups out there, but pretty much everyone who's played the game and stayed with it has already leveled all of the jobs they want. They have made the game a bit more solo friendly by adding new items, but you're really gonna have to group if you want to make any real progress leveling, unless you're a beastmaster that is.

I think as far as MMORPGs go, this is middle of the road. It is Final Fantasy, sorta, but World of Warcraft fixes a lot of the problems this one runs into (Have 21 days logged on that). However, if your buddy is already on this one, it's a least worth a look since World of Warcraft is a bit too solo-friendly for an MMORPG.
Thanks for that input Nikadimas. I currently play WoW, and I do enjoy it greatly... but he was so gun ho on trying/playing FF XI, that I felt I should give it the benefit of the doubt.

Although, what you are describing, sounds like a pain in my ass. =/ group content is awesome.... when you have a group to do it with.

And group content means i cant log in for 10 minutes and get shit done, i'd need like 3 hours minimum.

I think you've persuaded me to ignore my buddy, lol. thanks again for the input :) If someone offers up a code, i'll give it a try, but after your input, i will probably not go out and buy it without trying it first.

If he didnt live so damn far away, i'd just go over and play his account for a bit. hmmm.......
bread's done