Looking For Twin Peaks DvDs


CAG Veteran
I have been reading an awful lot on the show Twin Peaks, and decided I want to get it. I can't rent the show from my local Blockbuster, and the best deal I can find is from Best Buy at 60 bucks. I don't really want to pay that much for it. Is there anyone who can show me a better deal for either seasons one and 2 of Twin Peaks or the Twin Peaks: Definitive Gold Box set? I really want to watch this series, and I don't care if it is used or new.
I don't know of any cheap deals but I'll tell you that Twin Peaks is a great show but a lot of season 2 is pretty bad. Even with all the bad subplots the whole series (including the pilot and the movie Fire Walk With Me) is worth seeing. All of season 1 is pretty great and up until you find out who killed Laura in season 2 it's good. After that turning point it gets insane and pretty bad. The lodge backstory and the last two episodes though kind of make up for all the crap you have to endure.

The gold box is worth the money but if you really don't want to spend that much you can get the first season used from ebay or amazon for around $15. Of course if you buy that then you'll probably want to buy the second season which will cost around $30. Then you'll probably want to watch the pilot which will be another $10. So in the end if you want to see the whole series I suggest you pony up the money for the gold box.
All the episodes are on hulu if you don't want to buy the dvds. Otherwise its worth it to buy the gold box since the pilot isn't in the 1st season box set. Any dvd copy of the pilot by itself is a terrible VHS transfer.
Ahh, sesaon two is nowhere near as bad as a lot of people will tell you. I think when compared to season one it's NOWHERE near as good, but it's still better than 90% of the drivel they put on TV nowadays. And the final few episodes do completely make up for anything that was REALLY bad (like the James subplot).
Absolute lowest current price, used or new (in this case, it happens to be new), that I can find ($57 w/free shipping): http://www.dvdpacific.com/item.asp?ID=841924

This show is so worth it. TV had never been, and has never been since, so darkly horrifying and so wildly inventive. Oh, and I agree with RaidenMGS3 100% regarding Season 2...
I can pretty much guarantee that if you get the Gold Box you won't regret it, and I say this without knowing anything about who you are. That's how confident I am.

Aside from the aforementioned issues that the pilot is not included in the season one box set (and the pilot is arguably the single best episode of the entire series, and one of the best things David Lynch has ever directed in any medium), the Gold Box has a lot of special features you won't find elsewhere. I'm particularly fond of the Saturday Night Live sketch they did when Kyle McLachlan hosted between season one and season two, which can be found on disc ten.
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