Looking for Wireless Headphones to use with TV


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So I'm trying to figure out what my options are for wireless headphones that I can use with my TV so that I can use them while watching TVs/movies or playing games. I have been looking into Turtle Beach but it looks like they are all associated with a specific device and I don't really want to spend that much and then have to get one for all of my systems.

I don't have a stereo system setup with my TV because I tried a couple and always had issues with them, gave up and then never tried again. But, I would like to have a surround sound type experience and be able to hear all the little details that I typically miss. For example, I was playing a demo of a game today after I watched some gameplay online and the sound that I experience when I watch the video with my headphones compared to what I hear on my TV is completely different.

Basically, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to sound related things and I know next to nothing about it, so I'm not even sure if something like this is available, but I find it hard to believe it doesn't... I just figure I don't know about it. So, if you have any suggestions I would really appreciate it. I would prefer not to spend a lot of money on it, but I also want something that is good quality, I'm definitely not an audiophile but I do appreciate a decent sound experience.

[quote name='j-cart']If you got a PS3, get the Sony PS3 Wireless Headset.


I've used it many times and it is solid (only on the BT connection).[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I do have a PS3, but also a 360, Wii, etc. so I was hoping to find something that isn't tied so much to the system but could work with any of them. That was why I was thinking maybe a headset that is for the TV and not just a console?
It mostly just depends on what your TV has for outputs. I have everything (BD/360) going directly into the TV via HDMI, then it goes out from the TV via Toslink optical audio cable to the stereo receiver.

When I bought my X41's, all I had to do was add an extra optical cable so it went TV -> X41 -> Receiver. When I use my X41's, I don't even turn on the reciever since that's the back end of the audio centipede.

If your TV has an optical out, you can play pretty much anything that goes to your TV audio through a headset that uses optical in (like the X41).
Thanks... most of that doesn't make much since to me because I literally have next to no experience with audio, but I'm going to look into it tomorrow. I'm contemplating a dedicated gaming room at the moment, which would change all my setups, as it is right now each system is on a different TV.

I'm pretty sure that my main TV has an optical out because I think I was going to use that with my surround sound, but the thing is that I'm planning to use my older TV if i do a gaming room because it fits the room a little better and I'm not sure if it is has an optical out... I suppose I could put the larger TV in the room, but it may be too big... lots of things to figure out :D

Thanks again!
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