Looking to buy a console...

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Hi, i am looking to buy a console, i owned a xbox360 when it was first released, i recently had a ps3 untill it fried. Dont know which one to go with now, and i dont own games for the ps3 so that doesnt help. Any ideas, thanks
Nothing you've posted really helps. All you'll get is subjective opinions from people, is that what you want? Unless you can elaborate on what you want/like, I can't see this being all that helpful.

For instance, I prefer the PS3 because in my opinion it has better exclusives and it doubles as a Blu-ray player. That however is my opinion of it, and could differ 100% from yours and everyone else's here
I just figued id try to get someones opinion on what they thought was the better buy, i never really got to much play out of my xbox when i had it and never had it hooked up online. So i dont know how that is. Just being CHEAP i guess and wanna make sure im making the right purchase
Your question will come with lots of other questions. For instance, are there any particular genres of games you like? Are you planning to do other things aside from play games on it? Do you want to play online? Do you have friends you want to play online with and what consoles do they own?

That last question turns out to be the most important as it doesn't make much sense to get a PS3 if they're all rolling with the Xbox 360 and vice versa. If you plan on going offline only with this thing then I feel that either system will do the job well and, depending on what you're into, the exclusives on both disc and digitally are good enough that you'll be happy with either choice.
Simple truth?

It doesn't really matter.

The main differences are: the controller, how online works, a limited number of exclusives per console, and that the PS3 plays blu-ray.

If you care about blu-ray, your decision may be a little easier. It obviously affects movies, but also when games go multi-disc on the 360 because they don't fit on a normal DVD - whereas they'll fit on a single blu-ray. If you don't care about that, then it's a toss-up based on other factors.

Personally, I prefer the 360. It tends to be the lead console platform more often than not, especially for games that have life on the PC-side, so cross-platform games - that is, the majority of games made - run better on the 360. Also prefer the controller, even though I was a PS1 and PS2 owner.

Truly, though, neither one is a bad choice. Just find out about some games you want to play, buy those games and whatever system they're on.
If you are wanting to keep it cheap, I'd go with the PS3. Sure it's $50 more than the basic 360, but you also get 160gb drive vs the 4gb of the plain 360. The blu-ray drive is worth its weight in gold. Plus the online play is free.
Look at the exclusives. If you like the Xbox exclusives more then get the Xbox. If you like the PS3 exclusives more then get the PS3.

As ssjmichael said, everything you are going to hear from someone else is subjective. Get whatever you want and don't let others influence your opinion.
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